thehiveislive-blog · 7 years
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So this is part two of my rp character introduction posts. This one is for Cazna (also known as boffle) who is the twin sister of Drada and a dragon agent. 
Name: Cazna Sheild-Sworn                                                                               Age: Twenty Seven                                                                                         Height: Five feet seven inches                                                                           Species: Awakened Human (Bee)                                                                       Gender: Female                                                                                               Birthday: 28th of October                                                                                   Residence: A studio apartment within the grounds of her university in Seoul.   Marital Status: Casual Dating                                                                             Sexuality: Bisexual                                        
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Good                                                                       Favorite Drink: Elder-flower Flavored Carbonated Water                             Favorite Food: Spinach and Rocket Salad                                                       Favorite Hobby: Playing  Go (the ancient Chinese board game)                     Favorite Snack: Lemon Slices                                                                         Favorite Colour: Blue                                                                                         Favorite Flower: None (Maybe bluebells but she wouldn’t admit it)          
Pets: She owns a pet tortoise called Myrtle. When she’s sent on assignment her university lecturer looks after him.  
P.S. Uh so if you would like to see more Cazna or if you want to roleplay with her let me know and I’ll set some proper stuff up for her. Drada tends to be the most popular so I’ve been neglecting this little antelope.                            
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thehiveislive-blog · 7 years
Just wondering...
Ooc postin’ here to ask- is anybody going to be playing the relaunch for Secret World? Maybe want to set up some roleplay in game or out of game?
I didn’t get to play too much but I really enjoyed the game setting, I just failed at finding other roleplayers to meet up with. (This is largely because I am shy about approaching people, even when invited to do so.)
I’m also kind of curious about roleplay in the online Final Fantasy game, thought he roleplay servers seem perpetually locked so- I dunno how that would work out <_< 
Anyways- feel free to talk to me about roleplay! In Wildstar, warcraft, etc etc. 
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
So. .. I hardly use tumblr any more, but I hear that this is where the Secret World community happens, and that’s definitely something I want in on.
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
Preferred name: Necro
Character nickname: Sarcovore
Dimension: Arcadia
URL: necrobiologist.tumblr.com
Timezone: Central Time
Preferred meetup times: Early/late evening, but let's talk first!
Requested tags: Illuminati, OOC, Arcadia, Multifandom
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
NM Raids Announcement
Sooo here’s the rub. once my summer break starts around the end of May, I’d really like to start running a static Tumblbee NM raid group! Get those shiny QL11s, ‘m I right?
Buuut here’s the thing… NM Raids are some of the most demanding PvE content in the game right now. So, contrary to my usual methods, I’m gonna need to set some ground rules about applicants.
The Purpose: Sweet, sweet loot and something new to do! Also, once the initial group starts gearing up, we’ll be able to take even MORE Tumblbees through the NM Raids! Exciting!
The Requirements
Minimum Gear Level: All talismans and weapons for your role to 10.9.5. All AEGIS to 2.9. All AEGIS capactiros to QL7 (thank you @x-i-e ) Yes, I know, Heals and Tanks have more wiggle room here but I’mma make it as fair as I can across the board. Everyone just needs to be fully kitted, okay? Baseline.
Parse Test (DPS): Sorry folks, but even fully kitted I am going to take you through a quick NM Pol before I say yes or no in order to parse you. :/ I know, i don’t like it either, but it is what it is.
Skill and Temperament: Look, the thing is that the sign ups will not be first come, first serve. Doing content like this, at least until the group has started to be mostly QL11s, is going to be some work. It’s tough work, and it can be disheartening to not down! So you need to be both 1) good at what you do and 2) capable of spending the entire night without winning with a smile. or at least, not lashing out at fellow players, rage quitting, or letting too much negative vibes enter your behavior.
Bee Mom, May is like 6 months away why are you talking about this now?
Because the grind to 2.9 AEGIS is a long and treacherous road, friends. To 2.0 is relatively quick with some savvy, from 2.0 to 2.4 isn’t too long, but 2.9? That takes approximately 5ever. I’m not even sure I’m going to be able to make it! But worry not, I know several others who will be geared and ready to lead if school makes this impossible for me. :D So it’s happening, no matter what!
Now I just need nine qualified, foolish brave souls!
Stay posted for more information and sign ups! Please like, reblog, or comment to indicate even a tentative interest. You don’t have to be geared right now. Just interested.
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
I found a TSW fashion blog.
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
Any Templar rp guilds in the Secret World?
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
There, she’s official now.
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
So I had an idea, and I don’t know how much will come of it...
…But it’s worth a try. Do any Pop Culture Pagans/Witches/Magicians play The Secret World? Have you ever thought about TSW pop culture paganism/magick? 
I’ve actually been using the Siren Song [link] from the Dawning of an Endless Night quest as meditative music for a while now.
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
for any the secret world people still out there: i’ve started updating my TSW RP twitter again: https://twitter.com/odysseia451
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
TSW jewelry raffle is now a giveaway
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Details Below
Keep reading
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
A listing of my characters in the games I play.
Only characters at max level have their levels listed. These are MMOs right now, games like Skyrim and Dragon Age may get added at a later date.
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
Arlen A. Askew
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Character Nickname: Depends on who you ask! He's usually just Arlen for most people.
Player Name: Arlen "Kitten-Party" Askew
Faction: Templars
Biography: Arlen was born into a Templar family and now serves the organization as an advocate for other field agents. Read the whole story here!
URL: Something Askew
Personal blog URL:  The Disco Kitchen
Dimension: Cerberus, Warg (Testlive)
Time zone: EST (United States/UTC -5:00) - Arlen can be hard to catch, but he is usually on in the morning.
URL of external profile: In addition to his TSW-RP profile, Arlen also has a Twitter.
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thehiveislive-blog · 8 years
Group party photo comp.
Okay dudes and dudettes. Time for teamwork: due June 6. Get in a team and do a dungeon in wings, horns, halos or just red and/or white. Take a photo. Reply to this tweet. Win prizes. Feel free to enter mulitiple times. Have fun.
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