thehottiesknoweren · 9 months
Tw: sexual assault, drug use, and violence
It was safe to say Levi regretted a lot of things in his life, not protecting you was one of them.
Everyone told him it was wrong to blame himself, “how could you know what he was doing to her” people would say trying to comfort him but that never worked.
He still beat himself up over it. Telling himself he should’ve seen the signs he remembered when you would come out of that man’s room and be so pale. How your legs were always bruised. How you didn’t want to eat and mom would cry from the amount of weight you lost. She was sick herself but the fact her little girl wasn’t eating made her feel as though she was failing you somehow.
Everybody thought the way you acted was because of mom’s sickness. Even though you were young you had always been able to understand things so they all just ran with that.
It wasn’t until Levi walked in on that man on top of you that they realized it wasn’t the case. The way his world crumbled. The way he saw the man who was supposed to love them, care for them, the man who created them hurting his little sister.
He blacked out and when he came back to his senses the man was gone and you were sitting in a corner scared for your life while mother tried to get some information on what happened but you weren’t speaking.
It took Levi getting in front of your face demanding you tell her that made you finally speak.
You broke down and confessed that it had been going on for awhile and he threatened to hurt you all if you told.
Mom went completely pale and Levi looked furious asking, “where is he” before he even thought about comforting his baby sister. It’s not like he didn’t want to, he just wanted the bastard that hurt her to be dealt with before anything.
“He ran out Levi” your mother said,
Levi still wasn’t satisfied with that but he vowed that he’d handle him if he ever saw him again since that’s all 10 year old him could do.
After that day not much changed other than that man’s presence was gone, the marks he left on you were still evident though. You had nightmares every night and could barely sleep because of him.
You didn’t really socialize with your family, You still didn’t eat much and you only spoke when spoken to and even then everything you said was brief.
Your mothers health improved a lot but her emotions on everything were the same. Anytime she thought about it she would immediately get sick to her stomach or feel light headed. She also blamed herself, even though she could barely leave her room at the time.
She thought it was her sickness that caused all of this. She would think things like, “if my medicines and hospital equipment didn’t fill up the room he would’ve had no reason to go into another room in the first place.” Or, “if I wasn’t sick I could’ve been there for him physically and he would’ve never hurt her” and so much more. Levi tried to tell her that he was just a sick man and would’ve done it anyway but she didn’t change her mind.
When you entered high school Levi was a sophomore and he was very worried. Even though he had only been in high school a year he had seen how easy it was for people to get negatively influenced and he didn’t want that to be you especially when it came to drugs. He knew how bad you were doing mentally and he knew how many people used drugs as a way to escape that reality he hoped so desperately he could prevent that, he started by trying to build a relationship with you again but that didn’t work so he just tried to keep a close eye on you.
But when he hit his junior year and videos of his sister doing drugs and gaining the nickname ‘school slut’ were going around he knew that keeping his eye on you didn’t work.
He tried to talk to you about this behavior but he couldn’t get through to you. It actually made you avoid him even more than you normally would.
So he took a different approach. He would wait till you left to go in your room and throw away all the drugs and clean it up a bit.
That only made you angry and caused you to just invite your flings over so you didn’t have to leave your room and hide your drugs.
Your mom was happy you were bringing friends over even though something in her heart told her bringing a new “friend” over everyday and never seeing them again wasn’t right but after all you’ve been through she would hate to upset you by falsely accusing you of something so degrading so she minded her business.
That is until Levi felt like he had no other choice of helping you then to go to your mom. He told her everything and boy did she give you a mouthful.
She said a lot that’s for sure but the tip of the iceberg for you was her telling you that you couldn’t keep disrespecting your body and doing things because of ‘the incident’.
Levi knew that was a bit too far.
You lost your shit. Telling them both how you truly felt. How you felt that no one helped you through it and how no one ever made you feel like it wasn’t your fault. You felt as though everyone blamed you for the reason the family broke up and why no one was happy.
Of course you didn’t know it was because every single one of you had blamed yourselfs but since no one ever bothered to bring it up in front of you in fear you would be extremely uncomfortable. How could you?
Your mom sat down and put her head down on the table knowing she had messed up big time.
You ran up to your room and began to sob.
Levi ran after you seeing you sit on your bed and he went to hug you. He wasn’t very affectionate but after hearing what you said he knew you needed this. “It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault” he repeated hearing your sobs but it didn’t help. “I’m sorry if I made you feel that way n/n. I love you” Levi kissed your forehead.
Your sobs had stopped listening to him speak, “you didn’t deserve that. You were a kid, nothing that happened was your fault n/n. Mom didn’t mean to hurt you, she loves you too. We just want better for you” Levi pulled away to see you just staring at him with a numb facial expression.
He gave you another kiss on the forehead, “I’m on your side I’ve always been” he said and walked away to check on your mom.
After that night everything got weird. You didn’t speak at all and returned to all your old habits, sleeping around, going to parties and doing drugs.
Levi and your mom asked you how you felt about therapy but that only made you not come back home for almost a month making both Levi and your mom so stressed.
Levi thought you were a lost cause.
That is until him,
He had you caring about your school grades, eating food, looking happier and he made you look like you were glowing.
Levi wanted to know who this man was but didn’t want to intrude on you. He heard you talking to him on the phone and couldn’t help but hear how happy you were to discuss a school project with him and how you guys were guaranteed an A.
He chuckled at how nerdy you were being and went back to doing his own homework.
A few hours later while he was laying in my bed he heard a knock on his door. He assumed it was his mom and said to come in but what he didn’t expect was a crying y/n to come sit on his bed. “What’s the matter?” He immediately got concerned, making her laugh.
“Nothing” you smiled, “I came in here to say I’m sorry but also thank you.” Out of nowhere you hugged him, “I know I haven’t been easiest to deal with but I really appreciated that you looked after me during everything. It means so much”. You and mom must have been going through it” you whipped your face, “but I promise I’m alright now” with that you left the room leaving Levi shocked.
You headed to your moms room to issue an apology making her also shocked but the fact you willingly hugged her was enough to send her crying and telling you how much she loved you and never meant to hurt you.
The next day you helped your mom set up for dinner and Levi was confused on why you sat down 4 plates.
While you and your mom were in the kitchen finishing up dinner the doorbell rang, “Levi get the door” you said and he did.
Standing at the door was a tall brown haired man with green eyes who looked like he didn’t know what a trim was with flowers in his hand, “Hi my name's Eren” he said nervously. You came to the door to greet him
“Hi Ren!” You invited him in, taking the flowers while Levi still just looked at him. Even when he sat down his Eyes never left Eren, “The food is almost done!”
Eren and Levi were stuck looking at each other while you went back to the kitchen, “who are you” Levi said coldly
“Im-“ Eren was cut off as you and your mom made plates and sat down.
“He’s my boyfriend Levi and don’t be so rude to him” you said confidently making Levi gulp.
He was starting to recognize Erens voice. He was the guy you we’re always laughing on the phone with.
Levi still kept a basic face expression and ate his food. He heard Eren, you and mom talking but didn’t try to intervene.
“So Eren tell me about yourself” your mom said,
“Well I’m from Shiganshina, I moved here about 3 months ago,-“ you cut him off because he was struggling to find something to say about himself,
“Oh he wants to be a social worker!” You look at him with so much admiration. That was probably one of your favorite facts about him, you loved that he cared.
“Oh is that so” Levi said while eating his food. You were surprised he finally talked but what was more surprising is that he actually seemed interested,
“Yeah! Uh when my mom died my dad had left us for his hometown and my big brother wasn’t stable enough to care for me on his own. I had to be in the system until I was 16 until he was stable enough for me.”
“I’m so sorry” your mom said with a frown tugging at her lips. Levi kept the same facial expression and although to an outsider it looked as though he didn’t care you knew him better than that and hoped Eren didn’t read too much into it.
“No don't be, I found love for many things there! I met my best friend who also introduced me to y/n” he held your hand under the table,
Your mom couldn’t help but smile and Levi just sipped his drink,
Eren continued talking about himself and everyone listened to him, he talked about a lot of things he had to deal with and how far he’s come which inspired you a lot to heal as well, it didn’t take long for Levi to realize this either but in a way it made him happy. You didn’t get better for a guy, you saw go through trauma and heal and you decided to do the same and everything about that made him happy,
When everyone was done eating Levi got up and cleaned and Eren got up and helped him, Eren scrapped the dishes and put up the leftovers and Levi washed them,
“Brat” Levi called out to Eren
“Yes!” Eren said happily because he was finally engaging in a conversation with him,
“You better have good intentions with her, and when I’m not around promise me she’ll be taken care of” he said not turning around to look at Eren until the last part of his sentence making sure he knew he was serious,
Levi may have been small but his aura alone let people know he wasn’t to be messed with even Eren could feel that, “she’s my girl too now, I’ll never let anything happen to her” Eren was confident in his response but the way Levi remained looking at him like he was ready to feed him to stray dogs made him not so sure, it took him 10 seconds to think about it, “I promise I’ll never let anything happen to her, if I do you can dispose of me how you’d like”
“Good” Levi turned back to washing his last dish
“When you’re done intaragating him join us on the couch to watch a movie” your mom called out from the living room
“And bring me a snack” you yelled right after her,
Eren got you and your mom snacks and Levi brought drinks to you guys,
You all ended the night laughing at some dumb movie and Eren stayed the night on the couch because your mom didn’t want him driving so late,
You tried to sneak on the couch with him but while he was asleep he rolled on you and basically crushed your ribs forcing you to get up and go to your bed but not before throwing a pillow at his face and fleeing the scene of course,
Bonus story
“This better not get my suit dirty” Eren said talking to Levi
“Stop complaining” he scoffed,
“I’m not trying to but at the end of the day your sister is related to you so if I get the suit dirty I also get a one way ticket to hell”
“She’s not that bad” Levi took a few seconds to process, “is she?”
“She’s Levi Ackerman but 10x worse” Eren looked at Levi and smiled sarcastically
Suddenly the car stopped, “Let’s go” Levi said getting out and Eren followed right behind him,
Levi opened the trunk and the man that was tied up was trying to scream but his mouth was tapped. Eren ripped the tape off him and he began to try to plead,
“Please, who are you?”
“Please let me go”
“I haven’t done anything wrong”
Levi laughed and Eren stood there not giving a single fuck what he had to say.
Eren suddenly pulled him out the car and let his body slam on the ground “I hope this doesn’t take long, she’s waiting on me” he said closing the trunk,
Eren and Levi dealt with the man and headed to their event, “you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that, thank you” Levi said as they pulled up to the party,
“Anything for my girl” They got out of the car and the first person to come up to Eren was obviously y/n and he knew exactly what she was going to say,
“Why the fuck is your damn suit dirty?”
A/N: I left the scene blank because it’s up to y’all to decide what happens to that man ◡̈
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thehottiesknoweren · 9 months
Keep that toxic ass love
“If that’s the way you love then i don’t want any of that shit”
Choso x reader
Tw: toxic relationship, breaking in and entering, smut (poorly written sorry), choso breaking shit/destroying stuff and overall needing therapy, mentions of pregnancy ( barely even there dw)
It was a regular Saturday for you.
And fighting with choso.
You sighed as he kept blowing up your phone, he was cursing your out one minute and professing his love the next and honestly it was exhausting,
Last night you went to a party with your friend and posted you having fun on your story, drinking, smoking and just being a vibe.
You and Choso hadn’t been speaking to each other for at least a week, you guys were on a break, Or more like he was on a break and you were just done with his ass completely.
After viewing your story he spammed your phone with a bunch of nonsense which you didn’t reply to and simply just blocked him.
That was a mistake.
Ten minutes later he was at your house slashing your tires, and then he quickly drove away when he was done.
He then messaged you from a different number rambling again which you also blocked but that didn’t stop him.
He just kept getting new numbers and you decided to feed into him a little because why wouldn’t you if he wasn’t going to leave you alone?
Choso: people who love each other don’t go out with other people while they’re just taking a break from the one they love.
Y/n: you used the wrong “they’re” it’s *their* 💀
Y/n: someone who loved you wouldn’t care about that yet I do doesn’t that tell you something goofy?
After sending that message you blocked his number again and put down your phone but who would’ve guessed this man got a new damn number.
“Text now need to take away his damn subscription or some shit damn” you yelled to yourself.
Choso: you don’t love me yet that’s all you could say when you were creaming on my dick huh? Lying ass bitch.
Y/n: never creamed on your dick. The orgasms you gave me were so weak they wouldn’t have been enough to cover the tip. All that dick yet you don’t know how to use that shit…. And how you love me but ima bitch? I see why your mother didn’t want your bipolar ass. Leave me alone don’t you got better things to do?
Y/n: And another thing, yes I don’t love you. That left last month when you thought it was okay to buss out my windows and made me cut up my thighs piece of shit. I wish you were swallowed.
Choso: I paid for the window and kissed every scar I left on your body. I didn’t mean for it to go that far, I just blacked out,
Choso: I know I’m acting crazy but I need you baby, I need my baby give me another chance I’ll get help I’ll make it right,
Y/n: Every time I do you hurt me. Do you know how much shit you’ve done to me? Choso I’ll probably never be with another man and I know that makes you happy but it shouldn’t, you’ve hurt me so bad, physically, emotionally and verbally I can’t even want a relationship. Just stop coming around I don’t need you.
He stopped texting you after this and you went to go lay down in your bedroom, sobbing in the process.
You knew deep down you loved him and wanted to be with him, he’s all you knew.
He’s the first person to explore your body and teach you what feeling good in bed meant, he was the first person to take you on dates, shopping sprees and wouldn’t let you lift a finger when you didn’t feel good, he always took care of you, did you lie earlier to hurt his ego? Yes but you had to.
Because he was also the person who slut shamed you, insulted you, broke into your house, broke everything you owned, just a few weeks ago he cut up most of your clothes that he didn’t like and burnt them, he also never knew when he was wrong and would blow the smallest thing out of proportion when you proved him wrong saying you were ungrateful.
And do you know how he solved all of this?
Sex and shopping spree’s
but to be honest you were pretty sure the sex was for him. He would destroy your health in every possible way and then he would only opt to take you shopping and then after that he would get you into the bedroom and fuck you until you were crying his name and spewing affirmations of love.
And you couldn’t take that anymore. Everyone told you that you deserved more than a man who only offered you sex and money, and although you didn’t really believe them and wanted to be with Choso you noticed that being around him only hurt you
As you were deep in thought you weren’t aware that your breathing was heavy and you were sobbing, you were having a panic attack.
The bed sunk down and a pair of hands wrapped around your stomach, you knew exactly who it was
“it’s okay” he whispered in your ear trying to calm you down.
“Choso I can’t do this with you anymore” you said. Your breathing got a little calmer, “I-I’ve been going to therapy and-“
He cut you off, “you know how I feel about that shit, why would you go?” he was getting mad so you got up out of the bed,
“That’s why. Look at the way you act” you said, also getting a bit mad and confused because he just said he would go to be with you but at last it was probably another meaningless lie spewing from his lips.
“I’m sorry that I act that way but it’s because I love you, I get mad because I love you and don’t want to lose you, it’s like when I see you doing things I don’t like I get angry and black out because I’m scared of losing you but I’m not realizing the things I do are causing me to lose you” he got up and tried to hold your waist but you pulled away.
“If that’s the way you love then i don’t want any of that shit” you looked him dead in the face letting him know you meant what you said, “if your love is you hurting me any time we argue then keep it choso” you broke eye contact because you could feel yourself starting to cry.
You felt him wrap his arms around you but you didn’t stop him, he begin to place kisses on your forehead while holding you in his arms, “I’m sorry baby, please don’t cry my love” you could hear him sniffing and looked into his eyes to see tears there too,
Suddenly he picked you up and laid you on the bed quickly getting on top of you and laying down. He kissed your chin and kept saying how sorry he was while keeping his arms wrapped around your body.
You didn’t respond but you didn’t stop him and after a while you two just laid there in silence, not a word from either of you until he decided to speak again, “I’d do anything for moments like this, moments I get to hold you” he started kissing your neck,
“Choso we can’t keep doing this, if you say you’re gonna change than do it. I can’t wait for you much longer”
He stopped kissing your neck and looked at you with a smile, he knew you were giving him a second chance, “I will baby I promise.” He kissed you passionately amd you couldn’t help but be happy,
His kiss begin to go lower and he slowly made his way back to your neck, he took his time sucking on every area his lips touched,
And his lips kept getting lower and lower until he made it to the end of the bed, he was quick to take off the skimpy satin nightgown you had on, underneath it was just you in panties no bra,
He quickly stood up and started to take off his belt and as soon as he was done he wasted no time taking off your panties and spreading your pretty legs,
He dragged one of his fingers through your folds picking up some of your juices and making you moan and arch your back in the process he put his finger in his mouth. “Just how I like it. Good girl” he said positioning his head in between your legs.
He quickly put his tongue to work and showed your touch deprived pussy just what it missed.
You never touched yourself when you and Choso were arguing, because you knew he would be right back. You felt as though only letting him touch you made you crave him more and although you would never admit it to him you never saw yourself giving up on him and not touching yourself was basically a guarantee that you wouldn’t lose fillings.
Choso on the other hand would touch himself to the thought of you everyday or sometimes just the control he had on you, he would think about how he was the only person to ever have you and only person you ever allowed to touch you. Shit like that turned him on.
Your legs started to shake intensely as he ate you out and just as you were about to cum he stopped,
He got off his knees and stood right in front of you, he put his body in between your legs and aligned his cock with your entrance, “you ready?” He looked at you but you only gave him a moan in response.
As he entered you, he could here the wet sound pussy made and that was music to his ears only making him speed up his pace to hear it more
“Fuck” he said under his breath,
You were a moaning mess for this man
He felt himself get closer to his orgasm so he came closer to your face and placed kisses all over it, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he continued to thrust inside you,
Soon you could feel him leaking inside you making you arch your back, you knew he was trying to hold his orgasm so that you could cum with him because his thrust were sloppy but firm enough so that you could feel good.
As soon as he felt your nails dig into his back he knew you were cumming.
As you painted his cock he painted your insides, “I love you” he kisses you one more time before exiting your pussy,
You could feel him getting off the bed and then you saw him entering the bathroom, you heard running water and was about to doze off but Choso came and picked you up bridal style.
He made sure you peed and cleaned you both up, “you made a mess in the bed now I have to change the sheets” he chuckled while you sat in your vanity chair wrapped in a towel, you watched him change the sheets and take the other ones to the washing machine. You couldn’t help but smile at him, he was so cute.
He came back into the room this time he didn’t have that same cute look though, he seemed mad and as he looked directly at me I couldn’t help but wonder why,
“What the fuck is this?” He held up something pink and white and as I looked closely I saw it was a test.
The test.
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