thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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I’m so sorry I haven’t been around guys lifes been pretty crazy lately, I genuinely miss being on here and hope everyone’s doin okay!!
Wanted to make a post for the babies’ birthday at least so I’ll try to do that later. Otherwise!! Happy birthday to the plant bois!!
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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Your friendly neighborhood humanoid star
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
Modern AU where Wolfwood is the type of streamer who will bring everything to an ass grinding hault when the other person with him makes the smallest sound. Like him explaining something and you hear the smallest gulp from Vash just off camera and Ww just "EXCUSE ME! Oh I'm sorry, was I interrupting your beverage? Show the audience, tell us about it" and Vash is laughing and leaning away.
When Nai is in the same room it's the two of them just antagonizing eachother.
Ww: I'll finish this level, just need complete concentration
Nai :*coughs loudly in the background*
Ww: right after this ad break while I strangle the man behind me
And it's just an idle screen with the muffled sound of them fighting in the background
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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Vash mangafit dump, I cant even draw bro normally anymore 😭
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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that one scene but make it vw
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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After July
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
" Yeah! The skin can come clean off. Tear right off like you got bit by a wild animal! We don't want that to happen. "
Clearly Vash doesn't have the same sort of vision in his head, instead one where he's screaming bloody murder at Shrike having the smallest of wounds torn into his finger and profusely gushing out while he's struggling to bandage it in a panic - all while Rosa would be chewing his ear off for hurting her adopted son. It's a story that quickly plays out in his head while he outwardly shakes it to clear it.
And smiles his big and doofus grin right back at the other.
" And that won't happen so long as I'm here! " Sorry Shrike - the dream scenario will be absolutely and completely avoided, so long as Vash can help it at least.
He doesn't even know just what he is doing to the poor man as he continues smiling with his hands right on his hips - looking like something out of a cartoon with how big his smile is, as he watches Shrike anxiously ready and hold the thing once more..- only before hiding it right back into its holster. His eyes close into a wider smile as the guy almost rams into him - an action he doesn't allow by just anyone, yet, he was relaxed.. For one of the first times in a long time he didn't feel a need to be on the defense.
Comfortable. Things were a bit too secure, a bit too warm. A bit too cozy.. And everything was telling him, screaming for him to not allow himself to feel that way. Nature itself had it out for Vash the Stampede and life wasn't kind when he sat for too long. He especially shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the moments like this, in the chance something was stalking right on the outskirts just past watching eyes. But maybe he could force himself to for just a bit; to enjoy being forced to normalcy. After all, it seemed as if Shrike wanted advice on loading the thing too, and he wasn't going to take a fake declination or some raised hands as an answer, now would he?
" Mmm? Well loading should be one of the easier parts of holding a gun but - why not! "
His smile radiates even brighter as carefully he retrieves the weapon once more from the novice, nimbly sliding open the loading gate once more before standing close - his much longer torso and longer body alone allowing the coated man to practically lean over Shrike as he slowly puts each and every bullet into each slot, only stopping once it was filled. Vash still smiles, resembling a cat more than anything as he closes the loading gate. " It's simple! Can take a second, but hopefully you won't have to use that many - they can be pretty expensive after all. "
Even with the thing loaded, he handles it with the confidence, almost a juggle, the casual energy of a man who has held many a weapon in his life; an energy that could be unintentionally frightening to the right, and the wrong people. His smile is just as prominent as ever.
" Now. Let's see you shoot it! "
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“Rip the skin off?” Shrike echoes, eyeing the cylinder of the revolver curiously. The image immediately springs to the forefront of his mind; the pop of gunpowder and the flare of fire at the muzzle. It wouldn’t hurt at first. The skin would tingle and burn, like touching a hot stove, and then the blood would flow, trickling down the bend of his finger and staining the grip, raining down upon the parched sand underneath. Vash would probably worry and find some roundabout way to make the whole thing his fault, fussing over him like a bird with a broken wing. What would his blood look like, slipping between Vash’s thin fingers?
The vision evaporates at the electric touch of skin against skin, Vash carefully adjusting his fingers into place. Shrike smothers the shudder that shoots up his spine, but he’s sure the other can feel it anyway. He does his best to pay attention to the new positions his hands have been maneuvered into, acquainting himself with the feel of the weapon. "Okay, I think I've got it now ..."
And then Vash’s cool hands fall away from his – if it weren’t for the gun he is holding, Shrike isn’t sure if he’d be able to stop himself for reaching out to stop him from pulling away completely – and he’s left in sole control of the revolver. Shrike swallows; Vash’s hands on his own, steadying him, had relaxed him, made the thought of holding a firearm capable of serious injury or worse less intimidating. But if Vash is letting go now, he must be doing okay.
“Better. A lot better.” Shrike answers, fingers twitching slightly before he forces them to stay still. “I don’t feel like I’m gonna shoot myself in the foot, now.” Of course, he’s just gone and jinxed himself now.
He lowers the gun from the horizon and tucks it back into its holster, freeing up his hands to take the bullets he brought with him. When he turns around and finds himself with his nose nearly touching Vash’s chest, he stumbles sheepishly backwards. He nearly drops the bullets too, but luckily manages to catch them without faceplanting into the sand.
“I – I know how to load it, Rosa showed me already.” Still, he holds out the bullets to Vash, suddenly unsure if he can trust himself with them – even though there’s no longer an (unloaded) gun in his hand. “Though … if you could show me that, too?” he asks in a softer voice, ducking his head.
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
" I can't say I'm that surprised. I tend to attract the worst, huh? "
Vash muses it to himself as his eyes have long since fallen to the ground, simply parroting off of the thoughts of the other. Truly he couldn't imagine - the types of troubles the ex-assassin alone found himself in by keeping anyone sniffing out Wolfwood and his own scent from following close behind. It was surely a hefty chore; one that Vash admired and was more than thankful for.. Yet, couldn't help but feel every inch of clenched guilt tear at him at just the thought.
" Thank you. Again. "
Yet. When was it never like this?
His seafoaming eyes drag against the floor as if afraid to meet Livio's, especially at the blatantly-true revelation of how disastrous of a trio they surely would be. They would be worse than a gang of bounty hunters - somehow even worse than they already were, traveling as just a duo. If it was the three of them, their entire companionship would feel as if the world itself was out to get their hides; not one person would dare to accept help from three grim reapers.
And it truly never would matter what any of them wanted. Yet.
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" I.. I can't lie to him, Livio. I'm sorry. "
He can't even reach for the rosary as it is offered, his hues climbing finally to the other male as the sweetness of a thriving rose is replaced with the heartbreak of a wilting one. Vash hangs his gaze on the crucifix necklace before his brows scrunch and a sadness paints the blue in his eyes.
" He deserves a peace of mind. More than anything. But I can't let him believe you are dead, and I can't lie to him. I've seen how he cares about you, and it would devastate him if he believed you were completely gone. He probably would see right through me, even if I did lie. I can't hurt him like that. He's been hurt enough by me, and by what has happened to you. But. I can give it to him. I can do that. "
There is a pause, a long breath before he more gently speaks from the near-bite his tone had become. There was just hurt in his eyes, a genuine pain seeing two brothers be torn apart again in such an agonistic way. It felt familiar - but in the wrong way. A way he himself never once was able to experience.
" I don't mean to disrespect you. Or what you want. But I can't lie to him any more, Livio. I know you understand that. "
"You're lucky i'm good at my job." Livio snorted ever so slightly as he fixed his blazer jacket neatly over his chest. ''It's been a pain to keep them off your scent. You have a knack at attracting some of the worst men this side of the planet." The young agent shook his head. It wasn't just his brother this kid kept on their toes.
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And of course he'd disagree. He wasn't even shocked. ''You know him well I see...he must really like you. That or you already know the depths of his heart. Not many men can say that." The assassin crossed his arms.
"Still it's not about what we want. Him or I...its about the safety of you and yours and those simply in your vicinity. Be it if you like it or not, trouble follows you...and now me. If I so happen to be convince by my brother to join your merry crew, we three will surely be an omen to any poor town we wonder in. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. As much as I love my brother and wish too see him again I can't afford to put more people in danger."
"I'm content watching you all from the shadows where I can atleast cause little to no harm. But...if you must ease his mind....here." After a long moment of debate, Livio tugged on his zipper turtle neck, pulling it down just enough to show off his neck and pale collar bone. Barley visible was a black and silver beaded chain with a lone metallic silver cross that hung on the loop. It was a simple rosary. After a moment he took it off an held it out for Vash, offering it out as tribute.
"We members of the Eye all have one. Consider them like a soldier does their dog tags. Each one is different to it's holder. This one is mine, he'll know it well. Simply tell him you found it in the desert and that he should hold onto it as a keepsake. Normally when we pass these go to the next of kin anyways. I pray it will bring him peace. And though I cannot be there for him physically. So long as he has this we will never be apart again."
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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The only thing I remember from the 1998 #Trigun is Vash saying Love and Peace. I recently watched the new #TrigunStampede and rewatched the old anime, and let me tell you, the Love and Peace is a LIE. There is only pain and despair.
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point?
Questions for the mun. A series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s)
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I actually loved writing from when I was a kid ( my middle school days were full of cliche deviantart and flipnote and skype rping lord ) but a big changing point for me was when I was about fifteen or so I actually tried writing Maes Hughes on Shamchat just to mess with people, and I had a good number of people tell me I was pretty decent at it. I guess that would be my key motivator since, well, without it I wouldn't be anywhere that I am now. His blog was actually my very first attempt at 'officially' writing full-on literature responses and trying to understand a character fundamentally and it really was an incredible experience. The FMA community is a strange community and sadly after a good six(?)or so years on the blog I had to step away because of a lot of drama and toxicity, but I'm trying to write him again as well as Vash now.
I genuinely love getting to know characters in this depth and you find that you really will write characters drastically different from other muns, even when it is the same 'character' there are mannerisms and aspects that only you and your muse create together or produce and it's really incredible. No one will ever write your muse the way you will - and honestly, if you and your muse click real well you won't have to work too hard to get them to write for you most of the time. That's the sort of relationship I had with Maes' character, and honestly he will always be my first and probably most favorite muse I ever write with for that sole reason. He just feels like another arm to me sometimes.
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I'm definitely rusty since it's been so long, and I genuinely apologize for how scarcely I am on here at times, but I'm starting to genuinely also connect tightly with Vash as a character and it's probably because in some aspects he and Maes are similar too. And I genuinely love writing Vash and working with his character because he's one I've loved since I first watched 98 a good ten or so years ago. He was a character my sibling could easily say I had an eagerness to write at one point or another and now I finally am 'officially' I guess! Pretty neat and again I really enjoy working with him.
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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El woowoo
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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I can't leave this on picmix... Shout out to the person who made this ur amazing
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYBODY ! let’s take this as a reminder that no matter what you identify as, no matter if you’re out of the closet or not, no matter if you’re still questioning, all of you are incredibly loved and i am so damn proud of you.
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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a manga panel redraw
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
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I felt like I needed a reaction image to some of the wv fanart on my twitter tl. feel free to use 'em
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thehumcntyphccn · 1 year
Questions for the mun. A series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s)
When did you first start writing?
In what language did you start writing?
If your mother tongue is not the language you write now, what caused you to switch languages?
What was the first muse that you’ve written?
Do you still write your first muse?
What is the muse that you write for the longest?
In what style did you start to write (First person, third person, *-style or novel-style?)
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point?
Do you regret starting writing?
Is there anything you would have changed when you started writing now that you have more experience?
Do you tell your friends / family that you write?
How do you describe writing / rp to others?
On what platform did you start to write?
Canon Muses.
What is your favorite canon muse?
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
How far do go with divergencies when it comes to your canon muse?
Who was your first OC?
Do you still write your first OC?
Who is your favorite OC?
How would you describe your favorite OC?
Do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
How do you create an OC? What are your steps for developing an OC?
FC or story first when you develop an OC?
In what fandom did you start?
What is your favorite fandom in which you write?
Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
Have you ever developed an OC for a certain fandom?
What are you looking for in a ship?
Do you tend to focus on shipping or do you not care at all?
Have you ever developed a ship based on writing with a certain other character / mun?
Have you ever started to ship a rare-pair?
What are rare-pairs that you’re passionate about?
Do you plot a ship or see where it goes?
What are your favorite ships on here (feel free to tag?)
Do you ship someone’s muses on your dash?
What are the trends when it comes to writing that you adore?
What are trends when it comes to writing that you dislike?
What trend would you wish to see on here?
What was your first blog / URL?
Do you still have your first blog / URL?
What’s something you find weird on here?
What’s something you wish to improve?
What are your biggest (personal) Tumblr crushes?
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
What are things that you don’t wish to see on here?
What are things you wish people would tag so you can block it?
What new addition would make your Tumblr experience so much better?
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