I plan to secure the images to the wall in a collection with small pins (similar to ones that world be used in a science lab) in order to reiterate the documentary style of my images. I will hang them with the sea scape in the middle to create a balance between the three images. The information plaque will be to the left of the images.
Its important in a visual art context to consider how you install a art work as the install will effect the viewers experience of the artwork. 
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Artwork Information Plaque
Lauren Brittain (born 1999) Auckland, New Zealand Sample One, Sample Two, Sample Three. New Zealand. 2020 Inkjet Print Courtesy of the artist Lauren Brittain is a passionate ocean activist. Using a staged documentary style photographic practice, Brittain is able to question the consumerist practices of contemporary culture. With 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic adrift in our oceans, its about time we seriously took action on plastic consumption.
This plaque will be displayed next to the work when I present it. Information plaques provide essential contextual information regarding the art work upon exhibition. They are important in a visual art context as the allow the viewer to understand the context of the artwork. As well as the mediums process and name of the work. 
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Image Names/ Captions
Lauren Brittain, Sample One, Photographic Print Semi gloss, 210x297mm, Auckland New Zealand, 8/10/2020. 
Lauren Brittain, Sample Two, Photographic Print Semi gloss, 210x297mm, Auckland New Zealand, 8/10/2020.  
Lauren Brittain, Sample Three, Photographic Print Semi gloss,210x297mm, Auckland New Zealand, 8/10/2020. 
I choose to name my images as names are a way of proving contextual information to a viewer in a visual art context. This is important as it may alter the way a viewer sees the work. The above names for my images were chosen to reflect a scientific documentation of plastic pollution. Id like viewers to think about this idea in relation to the work, so I chose to name the images accordingly.  
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Finished Printed Images !! I went with a semi gloss finish in an a4 size. I think they look great!
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Edited Tiff Files
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NB: These are in JPEG format due to tumblr restrictions
I edited these images to lighten the exposure and make the image brighter after think about the critique session I had with Cornelius. This brought out the whites and make the highlights pop. This gave the images a better sense of depth. 
Using photoshop I added a 5mm white margin as I like the way this looked when I was doing my research on printing processes. I also added a 3mm bleed to the image to allow for the printing ink to bleed slightly. As well as crop marks to remind me where to cut. 
My post production manipulation was minimal and was used to make the image look closer to what my eye saw. This was because I wanted a documentary style look to my images. The reason I wanted a documentary style look was to reflect the idea of a scientist documenting plastic pollution and the effect it has on oceans (As many are doing currently). 
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Critique- Cornelius
•Images are under exposed- a well exposed image is important for a great print.
•Images may look exposed on a camera screen by may look different when printed or viewed on different screens. This may be the reason for a low exposure.
•Use a lower ISO when shooting- my images have a lot of noise and there for we can't sharpen the images and they may appear soft.
•Think about tone when shooting- what tone is something to your eye vrs the camera.
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Chosen Raw Files
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I choose these three files as they provide variation in their composition. This will make for more interesting relationships between the two art works which is important in a visual art context.
I manipulated the plastic fish by drawing crosses on its eyes to resemble death, creating a sign in the work.
Focus and depth of field allowed me to manipulate the Image in order to make the fish seem larger. This makes the fish the focus of the image.
Exposure parameters enabled me to create an image which was bright and light referencing a documentary style Visual art image like that of Chris Jordans.
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Printing Research
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Photography Now Exhibition
Looking at various surfaces e.g. semi gloss, matte, various papers, 
Presentations method’s e.g. framed, canvas, paper hanging etc.- These decisions are important in a visual art context as the presentation of the art work becomes part of the artwork its self, further expressing the ideas. 
Works all had an information plaque next to them, giving the viewer a small amount of contextual understanding to the viewer. This improves the viewers experience. 
How are works ordered and placed next to one another? What effect does this have on the works and the relationships between them. 
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Photoshoot Plan
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I plan to do this photoshoot at the beach down the road from me. I will use a plastic sushi soy sauce bottle and paint black X’s on the eyes the eyes to resemble a dead fish. 
I wanted to address plastic pollution and the effect it has of marine life. The ingestion of plastic pollution cause a slow painful death as plastic fills the stomach. 
I plan to use a hash lighting to reflect a documentary style of photography seen in the likes of Chris Jordan’s work. 
Manipulate the image through changing the prop (drawing the X’s on), Staging (setting up the shot) Angles (to make the fish look larger ) Focus ( to sharpen or blur specific details) 
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I felt that the combination of the photoshop skin effect and the nature background was representing  the colonial idea of a 'noble savage' (exotic, consumable, other, mysterious, sexualised) rather than a strong feminine figure.
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I was intending to use this photograph as a background to the drawing of the figure. 
I am really happy with the amount of detail captured in this image
It could be a bit lighter in exposure
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Unfortunately I wasn't able to use a model due to the lock down restrictions and time restraints so I though I would draw the figure on Adobe Sketchbook to replace the model. 
I don’t think this works well to represent a female gaze as the texture of the skin has a photoshopped look to it. This in my opinion is not true to a female gaze, as representation of women in media can create unrealistic expectations/ beauty standards. (Doesn't represent my idea well) 
I think this style of image would better suit a fashion magazine context rather than a visual art context. 
I’m finding this to time consuming on top of other work to continue with this technique.  
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Class Notes
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Planning a Shoot with a model either in front of greenery or in the ocean
Feminist gaze- strong poses and expressions, ensure the model dose not look as through they are there to be consumed (contrasting to typical sensual poses of females)
Long dress/ loose hair to create a soft traditionally feminine look. Juxtaposing the strong expression 
Referencing Clichés (women in natural/ soft settings draped in luxurious fabrics) but reinventing them to create a image that more aligns with a feminist gaze
Lighting soft and romantic- referencing/inspired by renaissance paintings of females e.g. John Waterhouse (ideally a cloudy day use a reflector?)
manipulate angles to make model look powerful e.g. slight upwards tilt 
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Building up a collection of floral images and experimenting with various angles
These images are under exposed. I’m looking for a light bright image as this is the way females have traditionally been seen. 
Looking for a softer more feminine light; direct sunlight is to harsh
Flowers: Symbol of femininity, soft, natural, delicate, blooming, beautiful
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Artist Research: Petra Collins
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Petra Collins is a model and photographer working in the fashion industry. Her work is well known for its use of the feminist gaze and her strong views of the portrayal of females in contemporary culture. Collins images are beautiful to look at. They are dream like images often teenage girls shot in dazzling color schemes. While I agree with many in saying that Collins images are not particularity problematic for females, I do struggle to see how they really benefit females either. Because of this I question how feminist these images really are. Maybe I am wrong in critiquing an artist for this, for why should feminism be put on a spectrum? I just cant help but thinking that these women don’t appear to be the subject for any other reason than to be looked at as the subject of the photo. Is that not contradictory to the idea of the female gaze. While photographing teenage girls Collins seems to leave out all the tricky tough moments instead focusing on creating staged images of girls ‘bored in their bedrooms’. 
Collins, Petra. Petra Collins: Coming of Age. New York, NY: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc, 2017.    
“Petra Collins and Marilyn Minter Talk Feminism and Horror Flicks - Artsy.” Accessed September 3, 2020. https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-petra-collins-marilyn-minter-talk-feminism-horror-flicks.    
“Soft Power.” Accessed September 3, 2020. https://www.theindy.org/1442.   
“The Female Gaze of Petra Collins | The New Yorker.” Accessed September 3, 2020. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/persons-of-interest/the-female-gaze-of-petra-collins.    
Aperture Foundation NY. “The Honesty of Petra Collins,” January 19, 2018. https://aperture.org/blog/petra-collins/.    
Yotka, Steff. “‘I’m Not an Airbrushed, Perfect Thing’: Petra Collins Riffs on Feminism and Nudity Today.” Vogue. Accessed September 3, 2020. https://www.vogue.com/article/petra-collins-feminism-nudity-interview.  
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I found this essay really interesting. It defined the complex idea of the female gaze and where the idea came from as well as speaking to its use in contemporary photography. A few key points I took away from this essay were 
Work made from the view of a female gaze aims to spark conversation about the representation of women in contemporary culture. The female gaze is not so a define set of rules to follow while making art thus defining some work as right and other as wrong, but rather to simply challenge, talk about and question the way we portray females. 
Art made via a female gaze does not objectify women or suppress them to sexual objects. It is ok to speak about sexuality however the visual portrayal of this should be carefully considered so as to empower the female subject. Often as women we think that we must put other people before our self's, the female gaze teaches us that it is ok to put our selves first and know our limits. 
The female gaze does not objectify or put men down. The aim is not to create a power battle but to think about portraying women in a way that acknowledges the full feminine experience rather than shaping it as something it is not.  
When the female experience is portrayed in culture as something it is not, the something it is not becomes normalized. What happens then is that women compare their own experience to those portrayed/ created in culture and feel as if they are not normal/enough. 
 Abbozzo, Margherita. “Male and Female Gaze in Photography,” n.d., 28. 
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