nodawnesperia · 5 hours
Character Profile: Gavus
Together with Lorsan's backstory, Gavus won the poll so we'll talk about him a little bit! He isn't your entirely typical Celestial but that much is to be expected. Not many specific TWs in here.
Name: Gavus
Age at the time of the Barred Gate breaking: ???
Current age: ???
Affiliation: Celestials (?)
Appearance: With Celestials being forced into hiding, wearing white and gold doesn't quite cut it anymore. Instead, dark colors, hoods, and covered-up bodies are what it's all about. Gavus, too, subscribes to these necessary changes to his attire. Other than that, much is still the same. Though the Scales of Benevolence aren't quite as powerful as they once were with no mortal faith powering them anymore, they can still help a little bit if he's in a pinch and Gavus' hair is kept as orderly as possible. His eyes lost some of their warmth though.
Personality: Gavus is much less idealistic than he once was. Though he wouldn't purposely hurt an innocent to achieve his goals, he is aware that the situation is dire and drastic measures need to be taken in order for Esperia to have any chance of overturning the invasion. Though he may not agree with all the steps taken by his fellow Celestials to fight, he can understand why most of them were necessary. The incident at the Monastery is an exception and he never forgave the higher-ranking Celestials for the massacre.
Backstory: "You're here again, pigeonhead? Don't you know it isn't safe for you?" The Hypogean sighed with his hands on his hips as he stood on the porch of the house. It was summer again and the fruit trees in what was once the town's orchard were heavy with ripening fruit. Gavus didn't respond, only looking around to see if he could spot the children. "Okay, fine, don't talk to me." Once again, the Hypogean spoke, this time throwing his hands up in the air. He plopped into a chair and motioned to another one on the other side of the porch. "The brats are away on training but should be back in a while. Take a seat or something, you look like you've been through the wringer." After a moment of hesitation, Gavus caved. As he sat in the chair, stubbornly refusing the Hypogean's offers of drinks and snacks and meeting his conversation attempts with silence, he had to admit, at least quietly, to himself, that maybe this one wasn't as bad as the others. Even during their first meeting, he merely warned him to be quiet and let him go before that commander – Conrad if he remembered correctly – found him. Of course, he remained stalking them for days up until the Divine Weapons were revealed to be two human children. That honestly confused him. Luckily, Conrad wasn't up for the task of caring for two infants and dumped them on this one. And this one was quick to call in that favor Gavus now apparently owed him to employ his help. The children – Liberta and Lucilla as they decided to name them – were a surprise to Gavus in more ways than one. Their difference in personalities despite being twins, their strong connection and love for each other, their obvious attachment to the Hypogean... "Do you ever think of running away, Eugene?" He asked suddenly, interrupting the Hypogean mid-sentence. Seeing the quizzical look on his face, he sighed. "I know you don't want them to live like this either. They are turning fifteen this year. I cannot be the only one who doesn't want their life to only be comprised of hunting down Celestials and battling to the death, even if they come out on top." The Hypogean was silent but in his face, Gavus could see he wasn't wrong. Neither of them had wanted this for the twins, not when they were found, and not for a single day in the years since. They were children, not weapons, powerful as they may be. "Sure wish it was that easy." The other man stretched his arms, folding them behind his head but only moments later, he suddenly shot up from his seat, alert and frowning. He growled under his breath. "Pigeonhead, get inside." But before Gavus could follow the command, a huge shadow passed over the small house. An enormous dragon landed in the clearing and two figures jumped off. They were not Lucilla and Liberta. One of them, Gavus saw in person in the past. The other, he could only assume was the legendary Oathbreaker. "You weren't wrong for once." The Oathbreaker muttered, and Conrad scoffed, pointing his massive axe at Gavus, then at Eugene. "Let's see what Annih thinks of you playing house with a Celestial, shall we?"
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nodawnesperia · 1 day
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Lorsan's arm is an old injury that happened when he was still a child. When Lorsan was nine or ten years old, there was an assassination attempt carried out on Kane by some of the Thorned Vengeance assassins (including Eironn). Lorsan happened to be in the line of fire that day and ended up getting shot with a poisoned dart. The poison was particularly vile, combining natural toxins and curse magic, leading to Lorsan spending several weeks in a coma while Kane had the Hypogean mages try to treat him. They managed to save him from dying and eventually slowed down the spread of the poison. However, it is still slowly affecting him and might end up killing him one day unless he finds a way to cure it completely. At present, Lorsan learned some suppression techniques to keep it at bay.
To Lorsan, it was then that he decided to fully throw his lot in with the Hypogeans. If he was older, he may have understood that Kane used him as a shield back then but because he was so young, he trusts Kane's account of how things happened and believes he was targetted for being close to the Hypogean. For what it's worth, Kane did have some care for Lorsan, which is why he didn't let him die, but it was care more in the way of recognizing his gifts and how useful he may once be rather than genuine affection.
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nodawnesperia · 1 day
Backstory updated!
Character Profile: Lorsan
Disclaimer: This is an au character profile, not a canon profile for either of the games (AFK Arena or AFK Journey) and is based on the character from AFK Arena, not AFK Journey.
Name: Lorsan
Age at the time of the Barred Gate breaking: 4
Current age: 19
Affiliation: Hypogean forces, under Kane's command
Appearance: Lorsan's hair is kept shorter than his in-game appearance and usually pulled back out of his face entirely. He wears dark leather armor and high-collar undershirts, usually sleeveless or at least with the right sleeve cut completely. Starting at his right shoulder, a dark web of veins is visible through his skin crawling down his arm to around his elbow and up his neck to the lower regions of his face.
Personality: While not as twisted or sadistic as his Hypogean allies, Lorsan is far from the soft-hearted naive child he once was. He recognizes the world is a harsh and cruel place and believes that only by having the strength to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals can a person attain happiness. His people-pleasing tendencies are focused solely on Kane. He heard his sister was a part of the Thorned Vengeance and he hopes to find her soon, at least before she gets herself in too much trouble with her choice of company.
Backstory: Ranhorn was a beautiful city, Lorsan thought. Sure, it was the Lightbearers who built it, and that did take some from its charm, but it was at a good location and the views were incredible. As he leaned against the castle tower's roof, the young mage couldn't help but start whistling. Among the Sinbearers, most were human. As far as he knew, Lorsan was the only Wilder. But he was also the only one actively serving under Commander Kane. For years now, the Wind Whisperer has been doing his best to be useful to the Hypogean who had given him a new home. And while some may argue that the Hypogeans were the ones who destroyed his original home in the first place, he didn't really see it that way. Sure, he was taken from his family because of the Hypogean threat, but it was the Oak Sages who had taken him. Kane took him out of isolation and gave him a new purpose. As the bunny boy stretched his one good arm and folded it behind his head, he chuckled slightly to himself. The air was crisp and clear, the elemental guardian must've been in a good mood today. But given who he was, Lorsan could read a lot more from the wind. He knew Kane was in the courtyard training with his sword, that newly spawned troops were getting organized into ranks in the square, and that a caravan was coming into the city from the Dark Forest. A prisoner caravan. Those always made him just a bit nervous and he felt the usually dull ache in his arm spike up. It would be fine, he reminded himself, nothing had happened in years. But it wasn't long before his relaxed mood was gone and he heaved a sigh as he got up again. He picked up his staff, gathering the wind at its crystal tip as he hopped from roof to roof, slowly getting down to street level. His feet just touched the ground when the castle's front door swung open, Kane walking through with an attendant at his heels. The commander paused to acknowledge Lorsan's presence and the Wind Whisperer bowed his head in respect. He heard the Hypogean scoff but he knew better than anyone that if Kane was annoyed with him, even he wouldn't be able to track him down and see him. He tagged along. "Do you know how many?" Kane asked casually once they were alone. He didn't need to specify what he was asking about, Lorsan understood perfectly. "Only two. It seems they put up quite the struggle though. One is still unconscious." Both were Wilders, one a wolf and one a fox, though he knew Kane cared little about such details. The Hypogean pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why are they sending them here in the first place? This is a base, not a prison camp. My mages have better things to do than casting truth spells on some rebels." Lorsan was disappointed too, though not for the same reason. But he knew how to improve both his and Kane's mood. "I know this one certainly does. Like waiting on you in your chambers." He was the only one allowed to talk to Kane so casually and it was only thanks to the years-long bond they shared – a bond forged when his own kind almost killed him in an attempt to assassinate the commander. He caught the glint in Kane's eyes in response to his words and laughed. "And maybe that will get me a few moments to talk to these prisoners one on one?" The Hypogean rolled his dazzling eyes but nodded. "If you think you'll be able to learn anything useful, I'll leave you to it. But I don't think they're who you're looking for." Lorsan's interest was piqued. He didn't even need to ask for clarification. It was given readily. "I received word that a bunny girl assassin has been spotted north of the Bastion. These whelps were captured near the border of the forest." The words echoed in Lorsan's head. His smile stretched wider into a grin that he knew even some Hypogeans found chilling. North of the Bastion of the Elements, then? His sister really was troublesome, running all over like this... He would have to pay more attention to that area from now on. Just to make sure she didn't get herself in too much trouble.
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nodawnesperia · 3 days
What to do next?
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nodawnesperia · 3 days
Character Profile: Eironn
Onward we go with the Wilder twinks. I'm switching up the personality and backstory parts and I'll try to write an actual backstory instead of just summarizing my ideas. TW for mention/discussion of sexual assault and torture, implied including before Eironn came of age, mind-altering magic, child soldiers/assassins
Name: Eironn
Age at the time of the Barred Gate breaking: 10
Current age: 25
Affiliation: Wilders, member of The Thorned Vengeance
Appearance: Eironn's once beautiful long hair has been cut short and slicked back. In fact, Eironn puts great effort into keeping it from touching the rest of his body as much as possible. He wears darker green hues of clothes to better fit his more stealthy approach to fighting, and a black undersuit covers most of his body up to his face. Having never obtained elemental swords, he is instead skilled with a variety of bladed weapons, crossbows, and light hammers. But he finishes most kills with a black blade with Hypogean runes on it. His antlers have also undergone a change – or rather, Eironn himself put them through one. He keeps them chiseled down to stumps to allow him freer movement.
Personality: Eironn has always been kind of cold and pragmatic and just a bit closed off but these days, he keeps everyone at arm's length, literally. He is quiet and reserved, only talking a bit more when scolding his mission partner if they make a mistake. Some say he's too haunted by the ghosts of his past and the horrors he witnessed to want to get attached anymore. He often does missions with Lyca or Eorin who seem to be the only two he somewhat lets in, but even they can't often get a good read on him. However, his steadfast presence and ability to always keep a cool head make him invaluable to the Thorned Vengeance.
Backstory: As Eironn cut down the last of the small scouting group of Hypogeans, he glanced back at his partner. Lyca was already making her way through the woods, her steps muffled by the thick moss underfoot. She looked concerned as she watched his blade drink up the blood spilling from the corpses but knew better than to say anything. It was too bad their other mission partner couldn't read the room. "What's that blade..?" The young scout asked, earning a scowl from both of her seniors. They all went silent for a quick moment, listening for movement in the forest around them. Once they were sure they were safe, the girl asked again, this time in a whisper. "Master Eironn... where did you get that?" But Eironn only scoffed, making his way around her and slinking into the shadows. Lyca watched after him with solemn worry in her eyes for a moment before turning to the young scout. "There are things in this forest," she spoke, weighing every word on her tongue before letting it out into the crisp early morning air, "that you don't ask about. Eironn's blade is one of them." The scout nodded in understanding before making her way after Eironn. Lyca couldn't help but sigh. From time to time, she would have nightmares. Nightmares where that blade ensnared Eironn and turned him against them. Nightmares where it was her blood being sucked into those glowing runes. She shook her head. Nothing like that was going to happen. She remembered the day they found Eironn. After he, Kaz, and Ira were sent on a mission together and disappeared, everyone assumed they were dead. It wasn't until years later, when Lyca's squad intercepted a Hypogean caravan transporting prisoners, that they found out otherwise. She could still picture that day clearly. Eironn's trembling, battered body, his matted dirty hair, how he clung to that dagger with hatred in his eyes. He was the only one in the wagon, not even tied up or restrained, just lying on the floor and covered by a heavy blanket. It was worse when they removed it. He had bruises all over, his wrists rubbed raw from shackles or maybe ropes, his body thin like he hadn't eaten in ages, blood caking on his chest and further down. The moment someone touched him, he writhed and cried. It didn't matter how light the touch was or how gentle they tried to be. Every contact sent him into a violent fit. Lyca could clearly see a seal over his stomach and another one on his throat. She made the call to leave him in the wagon and transport it over to the edge of the forest. There, they called the oak sage Arden to help them. Lyca didn't know what exactly Arden did with Eironn. The next time she saw him, he was covered head to toe in a skin-tight black undersuit that only further emphasized his malnourished figure. They didn't exactly have food to spare at the camp but Lyca did what she could to share her meals with him. She noticed how he jerked away from anyone who would try to touch him. She caught him drinking a strange concoction a few times. She saw him staring at the dagger for hours as if trying to make peace with what happened. She only asked about Kaz and Ira once. And when he looked away instead of answering her, she took that to mean they were dead. If they were lucky, they likely would be. - Lyca shook her head to clear her mind of the unpleasant memories. She hurried after her two partners. The daybreak was upon them and they had to be far away before the next group of Hypogeans came to check out what happened to their first squad. Messages traveled uncannily fast to the Hypogean camp as if carried by the wind. But as Lyca caught up with Eironn, she caught a small nod of his head in her direction. It was his way of saying thank you for stepping in earlier. She nodded back. They disappeared into the forest, quiet, careful, untraceable. That was the only way to survive anymore.
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nodawnesperia · 7 days
Blog update
Just realized asks and submissions have been off this whole time, sorry about that! Feel free to send them all in now if you have any!
And for the actual blog update, I have not abandoned this AU. In the last three or so months, I've been very sick and it's not getting better so I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back to full-length posts.
That said, PLEASE ask questions! I can probably do short answers to asks about the AU way easier than writing entire posts and it would allow the blog to not lay dead while I struggle to recover.
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
Okay, took a break after all those posts but I'm back so let's see who y'all wanna see next after Lorsan (also if anyone wants to do some art of this AU, you're more than welcome)!
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
Character Profile: Lorsan
Disclaimer: This is an au character profile, not a canon profile for either of the games (AFK Arena or AFK Journey) and is based on the character from AFK Arena, not AFK Journey.
Name: Lorsan
Age at the time of the Barred Gate breaking: 4
Current age: 19
Affiliation: Hypogean forces, under Kane's command
Appearance: Lorsan's hair is kept shorter than his in-game appearance and usually pulled back out of his face entirely. He wears dark leather armor and high-collar undershirts, usually sleeveless or at least with the right sleeve cut completely. Starting at his right shoulder, a dark web of veins is visible through his skin crawling down his arm to around his elbow and up his neck to the lower regions of his face.
Personality: While not as twisted or sadistic as his Hypogean allies, Lorsan is far from the soft-hearted naive child he once was. He recognizes the world is a harsh and cruel place and believes that only by having the strength to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals can a person attain happiness. His people-pleasing tendencies are focused solely on Kane. He heard his sister was a part of the Thorned Vengeance and he hopes to find her soon, at least before she gets herself in too much trouble with her choice of company.
Backstory: Ranhorn was a beautiful city, Lorsan thought. Sure, it was the Lightbearers who built it, and that did take some from its charm, but it was at a good location and the views were incredible. As he leaned against the castle tower's roof, the young mage couldn't help but start whistling. Among the Sinbearers, most were human. As far as he knew, Lorsan was the only Wilder. But he was also the only one actively serving under Commander Kane. For years now, the Wind Whisperer has been doing his best to be useful to the Hypogean who had given him a new home. And while some may argue that the Hypogeans were the ones who destroyed his original home in the first place, he didn't really see it that way. Sure, he was taken from his family because of the Hypogean threat, but it was the Oak Sages who had taken him. Kane took him out of isolation and gave him a new purpose. As the bunny boy stretched his one good arm and folded it behind his head, he chuckled slightly to himself. The air was crisp and clear, the elemental guardian must've been in a good mood today. But given who he was, Lorsan could read a lot more from the wind. He knew Kane was in the courtyard training with his sword, that newly spawned troops were getting organized into ranks in the square, and that a caravan was coming into the city from the Dark Forest. A prisoner caravan. Those always made him just a bit nervous and he felt the usually dull ache in his arm spike up. It would be fine, he reminded himself, nothing had happened in years. But it wasn't long before his relaxed mood was gone and he heaved a sigh as he got up again. He picked up his staff, gathering the wind at its crystal tip as he hopped from roof to roof, slowly getting down to street level. His feet just touched the ground when the castle's front door swung open, Kane walking through with an attendant at his heels. The commander paused to acknowledge Lorsan's presence and the Wind Whisperer bowed his head in respect. He heard the Hypogean scoff but he knew better than anyone that if Kane was annoyed with him, even he wouldn't be able to track him down and see him. He tagged along. "Do you know how many?" Kane asked casually once they were alone. He didn't need to specify what he was asking about, Lorsan understood perfectly. "Only two. It seems they put up quite the struggle though. One is still unconscious." Both were Wilders, one a wolf and one a fox, though he knew Kane cared little about such details. The Hypogean pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why are they sending them here in the first place? This is a base, not a prison camp. My mages have better things to do than casting truth spells on some rebels." Lorsan was disappointed too, though not for the same reason. But he knew how to improve both his and Kane's mood. "I know this one certainly does. Like waiting on you in your chambers." He was the only one allowed to talk to Kane so casually and it was only thanks to the years-long bond they shared – a bond forged when his own kind almost killed him in an attempt to assassinate the commander. He caught the glint in Kane's eyes in response to his words and laughed. "And maybe that will get me a few moments to talk to these prisoners one on one?" The Hypogean rolled his dazzling eyes but nodded. "If you think you'll be able to learn anything useful, I'll leave you to it. But I don't think they're who you're looking for." Lorsan's interest was piqued. He didn't even need to ask for clarification. It was given readily. "I received word that a bunny girl assassin has been spotted north of the Bastion. These whelps were captured near the border of the forest." The words echoed in Lorsan's head. His smile stretched wider into a grin that he knew even some Hypogeans found chilling. North of the Bastion of the Elements, then? His sister really was troublesome, running all over like this... He would have to pay more attention to that area from now on. Just to make sure she didn't get herself in too much trouble.
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
Where did you people come from o.o
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Okay okay! I'll work on Lorsan's character profile later today, look forward to it!
Okay, I would like to start with some character profiles tomorrow. Sadly, I'm no artist so no art but I'll do my best to describe how characters' looks would've changed.
BUT I need help picking who to talk about first. Here are some options I'm leaning toward so please let me know which one you'd prefer me to start with.
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
Okay, I would like to start with some character profiles tomorrow. Sadly, I'm no artist so no art but I'll do my best to describe how characters' looks would've changed.
BUT I need help picking who to talk about first. Here are some options I'm leaning toward so please let me know which one you'd prefer me to start with.
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
Oh sweet merciful Dura, don't go to Journey for story or world-building, even their own community managers say it has nothing to do with Arena's world or story 💀
Current Situation Report (map status)
The map has undergone some changes but since I am not great at art, let's take a look at the map piece by piece and go over how things changed from canon.
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Previously: The capital city of the Lightbearer Empire and its surroundings, the heart of the Empire and conglomerate of the Lightbearer nobility. Currently: The base of operations for the current progress of the invasion, includes the domains of Mortas, Leofric, and Olgath.
Bastion of the Elements
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Previously: The place where all the elements converge and are balanced, built on top of the Solaran Furnace, it hosts a temple for the Wilder sages. Currently: In ruins, the balance overturned and Solaran furnace shattered, includes the domains of Maetria and Kane.
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Previously: The sacred tree of the Wilders, its root system spreads through the entirety of the Dark Forest, it's said it also helps provide the magical barrier around the Forest that protects the Wilders. Currently: Yggdrasil has been burnt down, its roots corrupted and turned into a spy network spanning the entirety of the Forest, the magical barrier has transformed from a protective feature to a cage, includes the domains of Framton and Lavatune.
Tomb of the Ancients
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Previously: A sacred burial ground of the Wilders and the final place of many spiritual journeys, a sacred land untouched by evil. Currently: A mysterious tomb of an imprisoned goddess, surrounded by misty wastelands, includes domains of Vyloris and Mask Currator.
Desert Sanctuary
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Previously: An oasis given to the Maulers by the goddess Dura as their refuge in the desert, Temple of Seers and the center of the Maulers' religious activities Currently: A refuge for those displaced by the war and a hospital for those still willing to fight, with the Celestials on the decline, the temple has been converted into a training and recovery ground.
The Scorched City
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Previously: A rough region in the former Bellvale after it was leveled, and a base for bandits and Quicksand Claws trying to ambush traveling caravans, and occasionally a battlefront for the Lightbearer-Mauler conflict. Currently: The front of the war, ravaged by the conflict between the Hypogeans and the Maulers, a land soaked in blood.
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Previously: The former dwarven capital, abandoned after Alna ushered in the first winter and made it uninhabitable, under Lightbearer control. Currently: The mountain passes have grown even colder and more inhospitable than in the past, most living beings are unable to even pass through, under Graveborn control.
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Previously: Once a prosperous kingdom founded by the Lenu people, fallen and revived with its last king, Thoran, it is a land of darkness and suffering where the undead work tirelessly on studies of necromancy. Currently: A bustling hub of commerce between the Hypogeans and Graveborn where one can buy whatever they might want from texts to people, under Graveborn control.
The Abandoned Port
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Previously: The base of operations for the Graveborn navy, once a beautiful port city, it was overrun by the Graveborn when Thoran returned to rule. Currently: The joint base of operations for both the Graveborn and the Hypogean navies and the planning center of the Isle of the Banished invasion, the residence of Mezoth and Lucretia.
Isle of the Banished
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Previously: The last bastion of hope for the undead hoping to just quietly disappear from the world, escaped prisoners of war, and those who see their undeath as a curse. Currently: While the unique natural conditions as well as tireless defenders work to protect the Isle's peace, the relentless attacks by the Hypogean-Graveborn alliance left the island scarred and slowly weakening. It hasn't fallen yet but it is only a matter of time.
Mire Town
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Previously: After the brutal Fight of the Black Woods, the landscape turned into a putrid marsh, toxic to all living beings and dissolving even the undead. Currently: After the Barred Gate broke, Mire Town was one of the first locations taken over by the Hypogeans and quickly filled with torture and prison camps, holding those the Hypogeans hated the most, domain of Conrad and Morass Diabolus.
The Ancient Ruins
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Previously: Once a glorious temple to the gods, it fell into disrepair after the first Hypogean war and Dura's death despite having been said to be Dura's birthplace Currently: The temple was repurposed by the Hypogean supporters and Sin-bearers to perform grand terrible rituals to bolster the forces of the Hypogeans as well as study the arcane arts for their own purposes, in the private, most sacred rooms of the temple, the god of death himself resides.
The Old Mine
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Previously: Mines filled with magical ore, often frequented by dwarves as well as Lightbearer slavers with their Wilder slaves in search of rare and magical metals. Currently: The magical ore has been mostly mined out but the mines remain in use, as the last destination for prisoners of war deemed unbreakable by conventional methods, in the mines, Graveborn and Hypogean jailors subject the prisoners to relentless physical and psychological torture, working them to the bone, domain of Kalthin.
Hoarfrost Ridge
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Previously: Before the rise of Altor from the sea, it was known as "The Edge of the World" both due to being the southernmost edge of Hathor and for how many ships found their gruesome end in the icy western winds of the area. Currently: The already inhospitable icy land proved perfect for many of the Hypogeans who sought to remove themselves from the war, it became an area of tense peace – or rather cold indifference, the domain of Respen.
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Previously: A mysterious land of permanent frost, it hides a doorway protected by an ancient megalith and powerful enchantments that repel those who attempt to breach it. Currently: After the Hypogeans found the megalith and toppled it, the enchantment wore off quickly, once the seal was broken, there was little of interest left for the rampaging Hypogean army, Abandonment eventually became an end-of-the-line area for worshippers who had lost their purpose and were no longer of use, domain of Khazard.
The White Woods
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Previously: The crystals mined in these mountains offer unparalleled hardness. sturdiness, and beauty, coupled with its strategic location, it is an important stronghold to keep for anyone interested in gaining the upper hand in ongoing conflicts. Currently: After the Burning Woods incident, Kane's first focus became claiming the mountain pass and after a swift assault, he managed to secure it for the Hypogeans, earning them an easy advantage in the ensuing war, the domain of Mehira.
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Previously: An autonomous island off the coast of Hathor, open to all outsiders regardless of their faith or loyalty, including practices frowned upon on the mainland. Currently: Having taken advantage of the natives' kind nature, the Hypogean invasion was quick and devastating, catching the city by surprise and subjugating the countryside within weeks, the domain of Lavatune.
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Previously: An area said to determine the loyalty and devotion of Dura's chosen, never breached fully by a mortal, carrying silent bones of heroes of days past in its bowels. Currently: After the Celestials lost their divinity, their seals placed upon the Monastery weakened significantly. Unable to withstand the influx of refugees, the celestial guardians began slaughtering the innocents indiscriminately. In the chaos of resentment and pain, the place was tainted, becoming a breeding ground for the Hypogeans until its eventual fall. The domain of Lucretia.
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Previously: The glorious castle of the gods, a safe sanctum far removed from mortal strife, beautiful and pure, housing the gods' workshops, training grounds, and the center of their social lives. Currently: After the fall of the Monastery, the Sanctum closed its gates, and most of the gods withdrew to the deepest reaches of the fortress, a large part of the beautiful Sanctum now lies in ruins, leaving the gods trapped or scattered across Esperia.
Barred Gate
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Previously: Dura placed a mighty seal on the Barred Gate to keep the Hypogeans at bay but due to the Celestials slacking on their duties as well as the Hypogeans outside of the Gate working to weaken Dura's seal, it slowly grew faint over time. Currently: The Gate broke open, spilling Hypogeans back into Esperia, its strange rift in time and space leading some to believe its power can yet be used to save the day and turn the tides of war, the domain of Zolrath.
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Previously: After rising from the sea, the mysterious continent was colonized by the dwarves, its savage brutal natives trying and failing to stop the encroach of civilizations, its northern regions hiding many a tribal secret and eldritch horrors beyond the mortals' wildest dreams. Currently: Reclaiming his lands, Uemiss started rebuilding his kingdom, slowly but surely wearing down the curse placed on his people and ushering in a new era of prosperity, built on the blood and bones of those who would oppose them.
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
Current Status Report (faction status part 2)
The second part, this should be the final of the worldbuilding posts at least for now. After this, I'd like to start getting into specific characters/events. Not sure who I'll start with so if you have a preference, do let me know (same for specific events). Reminder that the Graveborn faction is mostly the same but I will point out the few things that changed. The Hypogeans will be more about their general structure as a faction since the canon provides little to no info on it put concisely. The Celestials though? That's where things will get a little more curious.
This one is short, much shorter than the previous posts. Have fun!
The School of the Dead: The Metamorphs
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Previously: The School of the Dead is split between two factions: The Spiritualists and the Metamorphs. While the Spiritualists practice necromancy through magic only, the Metamorphs utilize alchemy and experiment with various other substances in order to further the limits of necromancy. Currently: With the Hypogean backing and support, the Metamorphs of the School of the Dead came up with a new way of reanimating bodies – using Hypogean magic. The resulting creations are tireless, hardworking, intelligent, and brutal warriors.
The Boneyard: The Whispering Doom
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Previously: A massive tower looming over the Boneyard, it is filled with sinister spirits known as the Harvesters who collect the lost souls of Esperia, purifying them and stuffing them in new bodies, creating legions of submissive Graveborn soldiers. Currently: With Annih back in the picture, lost souls are no longer present in Esperia. However, for the sake of the alliance, fragile as it may be, Annih allows Niru as the head of the Whispering Doom to choose a limited number of souls for the Graveborn armies.
Creatures of chaos and destruction exist all over the universe, spawned by the leaking powers of the elder god Lutos. Most of them are disorganized and chaotic, barely capable of any rational thought. In Esperia, however, many influences affected their creation to the point where many are born sentient and even intelligent. There is a wide variety of them now, the only thing tying them all together being their natural draw to destruction.
However, united under the leadership of Annih and Uemiss, the Hypogeans are a formidable force. Annih appointed two high commanders of the Hypogean armies, Kane and Conrad, to lead the lesser Hypogeans and make up for their lack of intelligence. Kane is a strategic attacker while Conrad takes care of the Hypogeans' steadfast defense. By promising domains, power, and their pickings of prisoners and captives, Annih managed to sway the will of most other powerful Hypogeans as well, using their vast array of powers and skills to form a strike force the likes of which have never been seen in Esperia.
When Dura created the Barred Gate, she made the remaining gods swear a divine oath to protect it and guard it from ever breaking again. However, when Uemiss began trying to reclaim his power over Altor, many Celestials abandoned their posts to go and combat the galactic threat. When the Gate shattered, so too did the gods' divinity. And as more and more of Esperia fell to the Hypogeans and the mortal faith weakened, even the remaining demigod powers quickly weakened.
At present, the Celestials are either scattered around Esperia or hiding within the deepest parts of the Celestial Sanctum, unable to shed their physical bodies or put up much of a fight. Some died, others got captured. Most of them remain free but it is only freedom in the name. The worse the situation gets, the more desperate the Celestials grow, employing means they once deemed beneath them to secure even the smallest of victories. Mortal faith no longer sustains them so they, in turn, no longer care about the mortal lives. If a hundred mortals die to kill ten Hypogeans, the Celestials only see the dead Hypogeans. Those who are unwilling to submit to such cruel methods are abandoned, left without a faction, allies, or place to belong.
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
Yo why are people learning the lore here instead of my main where I've been posting about it literally for years without the crazy dark au stuff
Current Situation Report (map status)
The map has undergone some changes but since I am not great at art, let's take a look at the map piece by piece and go over how things changed from canon.
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Previously: The capital city of the Lightbearer Empire and its surroundings, the heart of the Empire and conglomerate of the Lightbearer nobility. Currently: The base of operations for the current progress of the invasion, includes the domains of Mortas, Leofric, and Olgath.
Bastion of the Elements
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Previously: The place where all the elements converge and are balanced, built on top of the Solaran Furnace, it hosts a temple for the Wilder sages. Currently: In ruins, the balance overturned and Solaran furnace shattered, includes the domains of Maetria and Kane.
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Previously: The sacred tree of the Wilders, its root system spreads through the entirety of the Dark Forest, it's said it also helps provide the magical barrier around the Forest that protects the Wilders. Currently: Yggdrasil has been burnt down, its roots corrupted and turned into a spy network spanning the entirety of the Forest, the magical barrier has transformed from a protective feature to a cage, includes the domains of Framton and Lavatune.
Tomb of the Ancients
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Previously: A sacred burial ground of the Wilders and the final place of many spiritual journeys, a sacred land untouched by evil. Currently: A mysterious tomb of an imprisoned goddess, surrounded by misty wastelands, includes domains of Vyloris and Mask Currator.
Desert Sanctuary
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Previously: An oasis given to the Maulers by the goddess Dura as their refuge in the desert, Temple of Seers and the center of the Maulers' religious activities Currently: A refuge for those displaced by the war and a hospital for those still willing to fight, with the Celestials on the decline, the temple has been converted into a training and recovery ground.
The Scorched City
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Previously: A rough region in the former Bellvale after it was leveled, and a base for bandits and Quicksand Claws trying to ambush traveling caravans, and occasionally a battlefront for the Lightbearer-Mauler conflict. Currently: The front of the war, ravaged by the conflict between the Hypogeans and the Maulers, a land soaked in blood.
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Previously: The former dwarven capital, abandoned after Alna ushered in the first winter and made it uninhabitable, under Lightbearer control. Currently: The mountain passes have grown even colder and more inhospitable than in the past, most living beings are unable to even pass through, under Graveborn control.
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Previously: Once a prosperous kingdom founded by the Lenu people, fallen and revived with its last king, Thoran, it is a land of darkness and suffering where the undead work tirelessly on studies of necromancy. Currently: A bustling hub of commerce between the Hypogeans and Graveborn where one can buy whatever they might want from texts to people, under Graveborn control.
The Abandoned Port
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Previously: The base of operations for the Graveborn navy, once a beautiful port city, it was overrun by the Graveborn when Thoran returned to rule. Currently: The joint base of operations for both the Graveborn and the Hypogean navies and the planning center of the Isle of the Banished invasion, the residence of Mezoth and Lucretia.
Isle of the Banished
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Previously: The last bastion of hope for the undead hoping to just quietly disappear from the world, escaped prisoners of war, and those who see their undeath as a curse. Currently: While the unique natural conditions as well as tireless defenders work to protect the Isle's peace, the relentless attacks by the Hypogean-Graveborn alliance left the island scarred and slowly weakening. It hasn't fallen yet but it is only a matter of time.
Mire Town
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Previously: After the brutal Fight of the Black Woods, the landscape turned into a putrid marsh, toxic to all living beings and dissolving even the undead. Currently: After the Barred Gate broke, Mire Town was one of the first locations taken over by the Hypogeans and quickly filled with torture and prison camps, holding those the Hypogeans hated the most, domain of Conrad and Morass Diabolus.
The Ancient Ruins
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Previously: Once a glorious temple to the gods, it fell into disrepair after the first Hypogean war and Dura's death despite having been said to be Dura's birthplace Currently: The temple was repurposed by the Hypogean supporters and Sin-bearers to perform grand terrible rituals to bolster the forces of the Hypogeans as well as study the arcane arts for their own purposes, in the private, most sacred rooms of the temple, the god of death himself resides.
The Old Mine
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Previously: Mines filled with magical ore, often frequented by dwarves as well as Lightbearer slavers with their Wilder slaves in search of rare and magical metals. Currently: The magical ore has been mostly mined out but the mines remain in use, as the last destination for prisoners of war deemed unbreakable by conventional methods, in the mines, Graveborn and Hypogean jailors subject the prisoners to relentless physical and psychological torture, working them to the bone, domain of Kalthin.
Hoarfrost Ridge
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Previously: Before the rise of Altor from the sea, it was known as "The Edge of the World" both due to being the southernmost edge of Hathor and for how many ships found their gruesome end in the icy western winds of the area. Currently: The already inhospitable icy land proved perfect for many of the Hypogeans who sought to remove themselves from the war, it became an area of tense peace – or rather cold indifference, the domain of Respen.
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Previously: A mysterious land of permanent frost, it hides a doorway protected by an ancient megalith and powerful enchantments that repel those who attempt to breach it. Currently: After the Hypogeans found the megalith and toppled it, the enchantment wore off quickly, once the seal was broken, there was little of interest left for the rampaging Hypogean army, Abandonment eventually became an end-of-the-line area for worshippers who had lost their purpose and were no longer of use, domain of Khazard.
The White Woods
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Previously: The crystals mined in these mountains offer unparalleled hardness. sturdiness, and beauty, coupled with its strategic location, it is an important stronghold to keep for anyone interested in gaining the upper hand in ongoing conflicts. Currently: After the Burning Woods incident, Kane's first focus became claiming the mountain pass and after a swift assault, he managed to secure it for the Hypogeans, earning them an easy advantage in the ensuing war, the domain of Mehira.
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Previously: An autonomous island off the coast of Hathor, open to all outsiders regardless of their faith or loyalty, including practices frowned upon on the mainland. Currently: Having taken advantage of the natives' kind nature, the Hypogean invasion was quick and devastating, catching the city by surprise and subjugating the countryside within weeks, the domain of Lavatune.
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Previously: An area said to determine the loyalty and devotion of Dura's chosen, never breached fully by a mortal, carrying silent bones of heroes of days past in its bowels. Currently: After the Celestials lost their divinity, their seals placed upon the Monastery weakened significantly. Unable to withstand the influx of refugees, the celestial guardians began slaughtering the innocents indiscriminately. In the chaos of resentment and pain, the place was tainted, becoming a breeding ground for the Hypogeans until its eventual fall. The domain of Lucretia.
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Previously: The glorious castle of the gods, a safe sanctum far removed from mortal strife, beautiful and pure, housing the gods' workshops, training grounds, and the center of their social lives. Currently: After the fall of the Monastery, the Sanctum closed its gates, and most of the gods withdrew to the deepest reaches of the fortress, a large part of the beautiful Sanctum now lies in ruins, leaving the gods trapped or scattered across Esperia.
Barred Gate
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Previously: Dura placed a mighty seal on the Barred Gate to keep the Hypogeans at bay but due to the Celestials slacking on their duties as well as the Hypogeans outside of the Gate working to weaken Dura's seal, it slowly grew faint over time. Currently: The Gate broke open, spilling Hypogeans back into Esperia, its strange rift in time and space leading some to believe its power can yet be used to save the day and turn the tides of war, the domain of Zolrath.
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Previously: After rising from the sea, the mysterious continent was colonized by the dwarves, its savage brutal natives trying and failing to stop the encroach of civilizations, its northern regions hiding many a tribal secret and eldritch horrors beyond the mortals' wildest dreams. Currently: Reclaiming his lands, Uemiss started rebuilding his kingdom, slowly but surely wearing down the curse placed on his people and ushering in a new era of prosperity, built on the blood and bones of those who would oppose them.
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
Current Status Report (faction status part 1)
This is probably a set of the last of the worldbuilding posts for now and after this, I might start getting into characters and/or plotlines, but I wanted to record general faction and organization/community lore here. I will try to compare canon and au since y'all seem to enjoy the canon info as well but it might get too long.
The Lightbearer Temple: The Divine Congregation
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Previously: The routine religious affairs are handled by the Divine Congregation. It consists of the Holy Father and Three Cardinals at the top, Lightbearer Priests, Knights of Grace, Ministers of Light, and others. Alongside their religious duties, they also aid the royal family and many of the nobles of the Empire in political and court matters. Currently: The Divine Congregation no longer exists, crushed underfoot by the Hypogean army. Most of the church had either deserted or were captured and imprisoned but some managed to escape and leave with the refugees to help treat them at the Temple of Seers.
The Lightbearer Temple: The Heresy Inquisition
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Previously: The most secretive part of the Lightbearer Temple, comprised of the Blademaster Nuns and Protectors of Souls, their one and only job is to hunt down and eliminate evil. Some of them claim to be hearing the voices of the gods while others merely follow the most extreme parts of the doctrine. They answer only to the Holy Father himself and are granted power over the life and death of all followers of the Light. Currently: With the Holy Father dead, the Heresy Inquisition lost a lot of its power and my members were sold out by those in the temple afraid of their influence. The remaining members now use their expertise in stealth and secret contacts and bases to evade capture and quietly attack lone Hypogeans and their supporters.
Imperial Army: The Guardians of the Dawn
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Previously: The elite army forces, often referred to as the Empire's Spearhead. It is traditionally led by a senior general from the Rayne family and was founded by the first Lightbearer king, Ancelot. Currently: With the Rayne family out of the picture and Estrilda too young to take over the position, the Guardians of Dawn were forced to enter the battle far from their peak condition. The soldiers fought valiantly but a combination of internal betrayals, power struggles, and a scattered chain of command led to their eventual crushing defeat.
Imperial Army: The Imperial Garrison
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Previously: The shield of the Empire, the border guard, the Imperial Garrison is filled with soldiers willing to defend their homeland with their lives. Despite the conflict with the Maulers rising, the Imperial Garrison boasts an impressive record of not giving a single inch. Currently: The Imperial Garrison struggled against the invasion for a long time before King Samuel changed their orders, realizing trying to hold the joint Hypogean and Graveborn forces was impossible in the long run. The Imperial Garrison's new assignment became helping the people of the Empire escape the horrors of war.
Imperial Army: The Royal Garrison
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Previously: Protecting not only the royal family but also the royal capital, the Royal Garrison is the Empire's last line of defense and the king's inner circle of highly-trained troops. Currently: With the people of the capital handed into the care of the Imperial Garrison, the Royal Garrison focused solely on protecting the royal family, getting all of them safely into the Temple of Seers. However, as many people keep growing increasingly upset with the current leadership of the remnants of the Empire, even the loyalty of the Royal Garrison is beginning to falter.
Imperial Army: The Royal Artillery
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Previously: The rare few dwarves who prefer to work with precision and range formed the Royal Artillery of the Imperial Army. They work as snipers at extremely long range, often striking down enemies before they even know they are under attack. Currently: Having faced the Hypogean army, the Royal Artillery scored many victories but ultimately was defeated once the Hypogean commander Kane entered the fray. Most of the dwarves were captured and sent to work creating machinery for the advancing army.
Order of the Sun: The Astral Academy
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Previously: The magic school established by the Order of the Sun has become the premier arcane institution in the Empire. It was created in cooperation with the Wilders, bringing their knowledge of natural magic together with the Lightbearers' tradition of arcane rituals. Currently: After compromising the Society of the Crow, the takeover of the Astral Academy happened seamlessly, plunging the once prestigious institution into little more than a cult center.
The Bounty Guild: The Renegade Brotherhood
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Previously: Separate from the mercenaries of the Bounty Guild, the Brotherhood members specialize in hunting the creatures of the night, fighting alone or in small groups. They often get in conflict with the Heresy Inquisition due to the overlap in their work assignments. Currently: Not much has changed for the members of the Brotherhood. While public bounties are virtually non-existent, the Guild functions in secrecy, working as an underground organization that strikes from the shadows. But there are also those who carry out hits for the Hypogeans, not caring which side they fight for so long as they get paid.
The Tulip Poetry Circle
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Previously: A social group of bards, poets, musicians, and other word-smithing artists based in Kuilin City, they often host public events that strive to inspire creativity in others. It is led by the king's brother, Prince Lester, together with one of the merchant nobles, Earl Leofric. Currently: A major split happened in the Circle after Prince Lester joined the Hypogean side. While some believe it was one for the safety of his city and continue to support him, others denounce him for being a traitorous coward, the Tulip Poetry Circle didn't survive the schism and no longer exists.
Rustport: The Whispers
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Previously: One of the largest gangs in Rustport founded by the dynamic duo of orphaned girls once living in the streets and controlled by the only surviving member. They have a finger in every pie in the city, dealing in everything from information to slave trade Currently: With the Hypogean-Graveborn alliance sweeping through the Lightbearer Empire, an unexpected face appeared in Rustport. Nara, one of the founders of the Whispers who disappeared decades ago, has come back as a Graveborn, reclaiming her spot in the Whispers and helping them rise to the top, controlling the city of Rustport with an iron fist.
The Mistletoe Council: The Wilder Council
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Previously: Comprised of the Oak Sages, the Mistletoe Council presides over matters of the Wilders, using their knowledge of the forest and its traditions to guide the development of the entire faction. They work closely with the Wind Whisperers, gathering intelligence on the current happenings in all of Esperia. Currently: With the Dark Forest overrun and the Wilders chased out or captured, the Wilder Council is no more. The slow reaction of the Oak Sages is mostly blamed for the lack of effective defense mounted to at least slow down the invaders and most of the Wilders who managed to avoid capture thus far no longer trust the former sages.
The Mistletoe Council: The Whisperers of the Wind
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Previously: As the intelligence organization of the Wilders, the Whisperers of the Wind are positioned around all corners of Esperia, passing messages to keep the Wilder Council updated on what is happening. Some of them are also trained to use their skills in combat, instructing small squads of scouts to avoid enemies. Currently: Thanks to their advanced skills of perception, most of the Whisperers of the Wind managed to escape the Hypogeans' clutches and continue to evade them while providing information to their Wilder allies still putting up a fight. Because of this, most of them have large bounties on their heads and even those who aren't sought by name can bring in a good coin to whoever captures them.
The Twilight Scouts and the Thorned Vengeance
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Previously: The Dusk Patrollers is a centralized military force consisting of the Forest Hunters and the Twilight Scouts. Of the two groups, the former is the main standing army while the latter is the elite assassin and scouting forces. The Thorned Vengeance is a vigilante organization living on the edges of Wilder society that attacks all those who step foot in the forest without having been born there. They are widely regarded as extremists but many of them have deep-rooted personal reasons for their convictions. Currently: The Dusk Patrollers have never been founded. Instead, the small military group the Wilders kept after the first Hypogean war became known as the Twilight Scouts. However, scouts and assassins alone were not able to protect the Dark Forest and with the failing trust in the Oak Sages, even their fellow Wilders began turning on them. The Thorned Vengeance, on the other hand, gained massive support from the Wilders afraid or struck by the calamity of the Barred Gate breaking. After the fall of Yggdrasil, Thorned Vengeance became the de-facto ruling body of the Wilders, urging every free Wilder to learn how to wield a weapon or use magic.
The Elemental Temples
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Previously: Each of the five elemental temples at the Bastion of the Elements houses a number of sages dedicated to studying and harnessing the power of the particular element and is under the protection of one of Esperia's elemental guardians. Currently: With the Bastion in disrepair and the Solaran Furnace laid bare, the sages all fled, died, or converted under the guidance of the elemental guardians. With many of the elemental guardians becoming corrupted, the question of whether elemental magic is safe to use is currently a hot topic of debate among those who still retain their freedom.
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Previously: Dreamwood is the magical divide between the real world and the realm of dreams. Whenever night falls over the Dark Forest, the magic of Dreamwood awakens, bringing forth fantastical and magical creatures and allowing mortals to step foot into the dream world. Currently: After Ezizh took over the dream realm, Dreamwood became a place infinitely more sinister and foreboding. Those who cross the boundary between worlds at night will no longer find themselves surrounded by fairies and magical whimsy but rather plunged into the depths of nightmares that will drive them mad.
Chieftain's Peak
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Previously: The Grand Chieftain of the Maulers resides atop the craggy mountain known as the Chieftain's Peak. Ascending the mountain is notoriously difficult and only those in the best physical condition are able to climb it without help. The Grand Chieftain is joined by the Blood Guard at the top, overseeing clan disputes and other matters that require careful and wise guidance. Currently: With the mountain peaks being both too obvious a target and too removed from the real battle, the Chieftain's banner now flies side by side with that of the Mauler Bloodclaw on the front lines as well as back at the Temple of Seers. The Blood Guard took up arms to defend the Mauler Enclave while the Grand Chieftain stayed at the temple, devising strategies.
Paragon's Peak
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Previously: Home of the Mauler Bloodclaw, the Paragon's Peak boasts fame and respect equal to that of Chieftain's Peak. The Bloodclaw is the mightiest warrior of the Maulers, and someone who personifies the Mauler will to the extreme. Currently: With the constant ongoing battle, Paragon's Peak remains empty, awaiting the return of its master. Brutus the Bloodclaw is on the front lines, leading his people into battle after battle, often with little to no rest in between. Having split the responsibility of leading charge with the Blood Guard, he focuses on repelling the Hypogeans while the Blood Guard fights off the Graveborn.
Temple of the Seers
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Previously: Said to be built during the Age of Arcana, the Temple of Seers is a magnificent structure by Dura's Gift regarded by the Maulers as sacred. The numerous engravings on the walls gave birth to the Maulers' special kind of magic, commonly referred to as Voodoo, which draws power from nature and the divine itself and which many scholars consider the purest form of magic currently existing in Esperia. The temple has an elite squad of warriors loyal only to the temple itself and a number of clerics and priests studying ancient magic and serving as religious leaders during numerous annual festivals. Currently: With the war raging on, the Temple of Seers became a safe haven for refugees from all over Esperia. Temple warriors became the last line of defense working side by side with Lightbearers and Wilders to protect those who cannot protect themselves. The priests and clerics became healers and peacemakers. The Grand Chieftain also resides at the temple, penning strategies and meditating in hopes of attaining a divine vision.
The Hooves of Fury
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Previously: Thanks to their extraordinary speed and endurance, the centaurs became the Mauler cavalry. Their heavy regiment is known as the Hooves of Fury, generally regarded as the single most powerful cavalry in all of Esperia. Currently: The Hooves of Fury remain mostly undefeated even in the current conflict and are one of the main reasons why the Mauler Enclave hasn't fallen yet. Aside from heavy cavalry duty, the younger centaurs serve as scouts and messengers, delivering orders and instructions swiftly between the warring Maulers and the Temple of Seers or from one regimen to another.
The Exiles
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Previously: Exiled for various reasons, those residing in the most inhospitable part of the desert generally do not cooperate with each other and only seek to make their own miserable lives better. Some of them take up work for the Lightbearer Empire to cause trouble to their fellow Maulers while others become bandits roaming the land and ambushing caravans. Currently: With the brunt of the fight happening in the Land of Exiles, simply existing without taking a side is no longer possible. And while an offer was extended to those who fought for their old clans to be allowed back into the Mauler society, many decided to side with the Hypogeans, severing all ties they once had with the rest of their people.
The Queens' League
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Previously: Despite their differences, the Sphinx and the Arachin clans formed an alliance, helping each other with their respective issues. The sphinx are cunning experts at arcane magic while the arachin set simple but deadly traps, poisoning their prey with neurotoxins. Being the only two matriarchal clans in the Mauler society is about the only thing they have in common. Currently: While tensions within the alliance rise, both sides realize the importance of keeping the status quo for the sake of their own stability. Due to this, they pretend to be unaware of each other's activities outside of their agreement. The Sphinx provide their assistance from the shadows to the Graveborn while the Arachin supply the Mauler forces with deadly poison to coat their weapons and armor.
Part 2 is coming (hopefully) tomorrow and will focus on the remaining three factions: Graveborn, Celestials, and Hypogeans. It will be far less detailed as most things will remain the same for the Hypogean-Graveborn alliance. As for the Celestials... things will be interesting.
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
Current Situation Report (map status)
The map has undergone some changes but since I am not great at art, let's take a look at the map piece by piece and go over how things changed from canon.
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Previously: The capital city of the Lightbearer Empire and its surroundings, the heart of the Empire and conglomerate of the Lightbearer nobility. Currently: The base of operations for the current progress of the invasion, includes the domains of Mortas, Leofric, and Olgath.
Bastion of the Elements
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Previously: The place where all the elements converge and are balanced, built on top of the Solaran Furnace, it hosts a temple for the Wilder sages. Currently: In ruins, the balance overturned and Solaran furnace shattered, includes the domains of Maetria and Kane.
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Previously: The sacred tree of the Wilders, its root system spreads through the entirety of the Dark Forest, it's said it also helps provide the magical barrier around the Forest that protects the Wilders. Currently: Yggdrasil has been burnt down, its roots corrupted and turned into a spy network spanning the entirety of the Forest, the magical barrier has transformed from a protective feature to a cage, includes the domains of Framton and Lavatune.
Tomb of the Ancients
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Previously: A sacred burial ground of the Wilders and the final place of many spiritual journeys, a sacred land untouched by evil. Currently: A mysterious tomb of an imprisoned goddess, surrounded by misty wastelands, includes domains of Vyloris and Mask Currator.
Desert Sanctuary
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Previously: An oasis given to the Maulers by the goddess Dura as their refuge in the desert, Temple of Seers and the center of the Maulers' religious activities Currently: A refuge for those displaced by the war and a hospital for those still willing to fight, with the Celestials on the decline, the temple has been converted into a training and recovery ground.
The Scorched City
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Previously: A rough region in the former Bellvale after it was leveled, and a base for bandits and Quicksand Claws trying to ambush traveling caravans, and occasionally a battlefront for the Lightbearer-Mauler conflict. Currently: The front of the war, ravaged by the conflict between the Hypogeans and the Maulers, a land soaked in blood.
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Previously: The former dwarven capital, abandoned after Alna ushered in the first winter and made it uninhabitable, under Lightbearer control. Currently: The mountain passes have grown even colder and more inhospitable than in the past, most living beings are unable to even pass through, under Graveborn control.
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Previously: Once a prosperous kingdom founded by the Lenu people, fallen and revived with its last king, Thoran, it is a land of darkness and suffering where the undead work tirelessly on studies of necromancy. Currently: A bustling hub of commerce between the Hypogeans and Graveborn where one can buy whatever they might want from texts to people, under Graveborn control.
The Abandoned Port
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Previously: The base of operations for the Graveborn navy, once a beautiful port city, it was overrun by the Graveborn when Thoran returned to rule. Currently: The joint base of operations for both the Graveborn and the Hypogean navies and the planning center of the Isle of the Banished invasion, the residence of Mezoth and Lucretia.
Isle of the Banished
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Previously: The last bastion of hope for the undead hoping to just quietly disappear from the world, escaped prisoners of war, and those who see their undeath as a curse. Currently: While the unique natural conditions as well as tireless defenders work to protect the Isle's peace, the relentless attacks by the Hypogean-Graveborn alliance left the island scarred and slowly weakening. It hasn't fallen yet but it is only a matter of time.
Mire Town
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Previously: After the brutal Fight of the Black Woods, the landscape turned into a putrid marsh, toxic to all living beings and dissolving even the undead. Currently: After the Barred Gate broke, Mire Town was one of the first locations taken over by the Hypogeans and quickly filled with torture and prison camps, holding those the Hypogeans hated the most, domain of Conrad and Morass Diabolus.
The Ancient Ruins
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Previously: Once a glorious temple to the gods, it fell into disrepair after the first Hypogean war and Dura's death despite having been said to be Dura's birthplace Currently: The temple was repurposed by the Hypogean supporters and Sin-bearers to perform grand terrible rituals to bolster the forces of the Hypogeans as well as study the arcane arts for their own purposes, in the private, most sacred rooms of the temple, the god of death himself resides.
The Old Mine
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Previously: Mines filled with magical ore, often frequented by dwarves as well as Lightbearer slavers with their Wilder slaves in search of rare and magical metals. Currently: The magical ore has been mostly mined out but the mines remain in use, as the last destination for prisoners of war deemed unbreakable by conventional methods, in the mines, Graveborn and Hypogean jailors subject the prisoners to relentless physical and psychological torture, working them to the bone, domain of Kalthin.
Hoarfrost Ridge
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Previously: Before the rise of Altor from the sea, it was known as "The Edge of the World" both due to being the southernmost edge of Hathor and for how many ships found their gruesome end in the icy western winds of the area. Currently: The already inhospitable icy land proved perfect for many of the Hypogeans who sought to remove themselves from the war, it became an area of tense peace – or rather cold indifference, the domain of Respen.
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Previously: A mysterious land of permanent frost, it hides a doorway protected by an ancient megalith and powerful enchantments that repel those who attempt to breach it. Currently: After the Hypogeans found the megalith and toppled it, the enchantment wore off quickly, once the seal was broken, there was little of interest left for the rampaging Hypogean army, Abandonment eventually became an end-of-the-line area for worshippers who had lost their purpose and were no longer of use, domain of Khazard.
The White Woods
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Previously: The crystals mined in these mountains offer unparalleled hardness. sturdiness, and beauty, coupled with its strategic location, it is an important stronghold to keep for anyone interested in gaining the upper hand in ongoing conflicts. Currently: After the Burning Woods incident, Kane's first focus became claiming the mountain pass and after a swift assault, he managed to secure it for the Hypogeans, earning them an easy advantage in the ensuing war, the domain of Mehira.
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Previously: An autonomous island off the coast of Hathor, open to all outsiders regardless of their faith or loyalty, including practices frowned upon on the mainland. Currently: Having taken advantage of the natives' kind nature, the Hypogean invasion was quick and devastating, catching the city by surprise and subjugating the countryside within weeks, the domain of Lavatune.
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Previously: An area said to determine the loyalty and devotion of Dura's chosen, never breached fully by a mortal, carrying silent bones of heroes of days past in its bowels. Currently: After the Celestials lost their divinity, their seals placed upon the Monastery weakened significantly. Unable to withstand the influx of refugees, the celestial guardians began slaughtering the innocents indiscriminately. In the chaos of resentment and pain, the place was tainted, becoming a breeding ground for the Hypogeans until its eventual fall. The domain of Lucretia.
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Previously: The glorious castle of the gods, a safe sanctum far removed from mortal strife, beautiful and pure, housing the gods' workshops, training grounds, and the center of their social lives. Currently: After the fall of the Monastery, the Sanctum closed its gates, and most of the gods withdrew to the deepest reaches of the fortress, a large part of the beautiful Sanctum now lies in ruins, leaving the gods trapped or scattered across Esperia.
Barred Gate
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Previously: Dura placed a mighty seal on the Barred Gate to keep the Hypogeans at bay but due to the Celestials slacking on their duties as well as the Hypogeans outside of the Gate working to weaken Dura's seal, it slowly grew faint over time. Currently: The Gate broke open, spilling Hypogeans back into Esperia, its strange rift in time and space leading some to believe its power can yet be used to save the day and turn the tides of war, the domain of Zolrath.
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Previously: After rising from the sea, the mysterious continent was colonized by the dwarves, its savage brutal natives trying and failing to stop the encroach of civilizations, its northern regions hiding many a tribal secret and eldritch horrors beyond the mortals' wildest dreams. Currently: Reclaiming his lands, Uemiss started rebuilding his kingdom, slowly but surely wearing down the curse placed on his people and ushering in a new era of prosperity, built on the blood and bones of those who would oppose them.
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
General Timeline
This timeline will include both canon and AU events as well as the important dates for some of the characters I would like to tackle early on. Also, I will not be using Draconis in this AU because their lore is full of retcons and changes that don't work in general Esperia and would absolutely not work in this AU.
2400 BCE – 726 BCE: The golden age of mortals: Age of Arcana
727 BCE: Cradle of Truth is created, divine weapons are lost
726 BCE – 578 BCE: Mortal Alchemy births the first Ya
492 BCE: Temple of Seers established
406 BCE: Exodus of the Wilders
401 BCE – 396 BCE: Dwarves separate from humans and leave for the mountains
385 BCE: Mauler Tribe foundation
242 BCE: Bellvale disaster, death of Quaedam
230 BCE: Kane is born out of a massive forest fire caused by the Cinder War
10 BCE: Dragons become "extinct" and Kane strikes a deal with his companion
1 BCE: Tasi is born
1 CE: Lightbearer Temple established
33 CE: Hypogeans arise
50 CE: Kane slays a human king and becomes a Hypogean
73 CE: First winter in Esperia, Dwarf kingdom destroyed
74 CE: Barred Gate created
183 CE: Order of the Sun established
262 CE: Quaedam returns
349 CE: Whisperers of the Wind established
423 CE: Renegade Brotherhood established
446 CE: Heresy Inquisition established
495 CE: Eldritch Council established
960 CE: Thoran becomes king of Bantus
998 CE: Thoran is murdered
1003 CE: Black Prison and Court of Terror established
1102 CE – 1106 CE: War of Black Woods
1530 CE: Altor rises from the sea
1546 CE: The society of the Crow established
1560 CE: Ezizh is created in the dream realm
1566 CE – 1582 CE: Rise of Sankast, fall of Rustport
1590 CE: Respen is born
1613 CE: Thorned Vengeance established
1616 CE: Khazard is corrupted
1636 CE: Coup at Chieftain's Peak, Quicksand Claws established
1656 CE: Grand Chieftain assassinated
1684 CE: Violet Orphanage coverup
1685 CE: Anasta's betrayal, Skriath becomes Grand Chieftain, Brutus becomes the Bloodclaw
1685 CE: The Barred Gate breaks
1685 CE: Kalthin is born
1686 CE: The Burning Woods incident
1686 CE: Graveborn and Hypogean alliance established
1687 CE: Rayne family conspiracy, Baden dies
1690 CE: The Lightbearer Empire falls
1690 CE: Tasi gains a physical form
1691 CE: Uemiss reclaims Altor
1692 CE: Dark Forest takeover
1701 CE: Current year
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nodawnesperia · 4 months
No More Dawn
This blog features an AU (alternate universe) for Lilith Games' AFK Arena where the Barred Gate broke open approximately 15 years before it did in canon. Because of this, many of the characters who would once hold back the invasion were not yet ready to help and the Hypogeans ended up taking over most of Esperia and ushering in an era of suffering and despair.
This blog is strictly 18+ so if you are younger, please stay away as there will be discussions of NSFW themes, violence, torture, and more. Please note that many of these will be extremely problematic given the nature of the AU.
I will slowly be getting through rewriting character and world lore but if you want me to tackle anything or anyone specific, feel free to send in an ask. I will probably start with an overview of the current situation of Esperia at large + how each faction is doing.
Timeline Map Updates Faction Status (LB, W, M) Faction Status (GB, H, C)
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