theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Hi everyone! I am SO excited that Florence and the Machine released How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful today, and even more so when I heard what her new symbol (two triangles, one with a line through it) might mean. According to a Florence and the Machine fan club, it may represent the Spring Equinox. This sent shivers down my spine, because in September last year (which is Spring Equinox time in Australia), I celebrated my birthday by throwing a Spring Equinox party!!! If Florence has been inspired by the same magical celebration then I am so freaking happy and excited for what is to come. For my party, we offered up wine and poetry to Dionysus, tied fabric strips with wishes onto a tree and danced in the moonlight! Two of my friends and I even posed like the Three Graces in Botticelli's Primavera. That's me in the photo, and behind are some of the decorations that I used to create a magical and spring-like atmosphere. I might post a couple of other photos later on. :) I can't wait to see what's next. -Yvette x
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Florence + the Machine have changed their profile photos to this The symbol means “Spring Equinox”, and this year it falls on the 20th March. Could this be when the album is released? It seems too much of a coincidence to not mean something…
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
Ridiculously excited to see what direction Florence's new music will go in!
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Happy Halloween! 
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
Hi guys! I still exist. I am soooo close to finishing my Masters, and then (fingers crossed) I'll be able to dedicate more time to this blog.  Who else is RIDICULOUSLY excited for new fatm music?
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- Yvette :) x
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
Happy B-day, Flossie!
Happy Birthday to the beautiful Florence, lifter of spirits, giver of life. I am so ridiculously excited for your new music. Never stop being the perfect woodland fairy you are! 
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Frida Kahlo. 
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Anonymous, Coiffure à l'Indépendance ou le Triomphe de la Liberté, c. 1778, Musée franco-américain du château de Blérancourt
Florence instagrammed a picture of this amazing print here. It is an 18th Century fashion plate of a fanciful woman wearing a miniature ship in her 'powdered and pomaded hair'! This blog explains that, far from being just a novelty, these hairpieces 'celebrated specific naval victories and advertised their wearers' patriotism and political acumen.' How awesome! I'd love to see Florence wearing one of these.
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Glamour of the Gods: Hollywood Portraits, Robert Dance This is a catalogue for an exhibition of the same name that was held at London's National Portrait Gallery from July - October in 2011. I spotted the book on Florence's desk in this instagram picture, so I'm guessing she went to the exhibition! Here's a summary of the exhibition from the NPG website: 'Glamour of the Gods is a celebration of Hollywood portraiture from the industry's 'Golden Age', the period from 1920 to 1960. From Greta Garbo and Clark Gable to Audrey Hepburn, James Dean and Marilyn Monroe, it is these portraits that transformed actors and actresses into international style icons. In many cases these are the career-defining images of Hollywood's greatest names and help to illustrate their enduring appeal.  Featuring over 70 photographs, most of which are exquisite vintage prints displayed for the first time, the exhibition is drawn from the extraordinary archive of the John Kobal Foundation and demonstrate photography's decisive role in creating and marketing the stars central to the Hollywood mystique.'
There's no doubt in my mind that Flo is inspired and influenced by old Hollywood Glamour - her grace, poise and fashion sense so frequently echo that era!
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
Florence and the Machine - Stay With Me (Sam Smith cover) [live @ Orange Warsaw Festival 06.14.2014] xx
I just had to reblog this because it is ridiculously beautiful and shows Florence's love for Sam Smith's music. RIDICULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL. 
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Procession of the Magi (detail of the Pageboy), Benozzo Gozzoli, 1459-1461.  Hooray! Here is the second lovely detail from the procession frescoes, which Florence has a postcard of on her mantlepiece (sitting in the corner of the mirror). I'd really love to go and see the frescoes in Florence (and with Florence!) now.
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Procession of the Three Kings (detail of the Young King), Benozzo Gozzoli,  1459-1461. So, here is the first detail from the procession frescoes that Florence has! How lovely is the young prince? Can you see him peaking out from behind another card on Flo's desk below? 
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Procession of the Magi (fresco series), by Benozzo Gozzoli, 1459-1461. Hi all! I was just looking through some art images and came across TWO faces I recognised! Florence has two prints that show details of figures from an incredible cycle of frescoes, painted over three walls in the Magi Chapel, Florence, Italy, completed in 1461. You can see the entire series here.  The subject of the frescoes is the Journey of the Magi to Bethlehem, but the Medici family also had political motives in mind which are another layer represented in the work.  I'll post the details next! 
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Hi everyone! I wasn't successful in finding the exact prints behind Florence in this photo, but I found something which appears to be quite similar - particularly to the one on the far right! This plate is part of a series of hand-coloured plates showing Dutch daily life. Perhaps Florence's series show something similar? 
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theimagesinherhead · 10 years
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Hi guys! Sorry about the loooooong absence!  These US Vogue shots are just too beautiful to pass up! This is Flo's room and the photo gives us a good glimpse at the artworks above her bed. I'll try and suss them out, though I'm not sure how much luck I'll have. But bask in this gorgeous picture in the mean time! 
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theimagesinherhead · 11 years
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John William Waterhouse, A Mermaid, 1900 Florence has mentioned countless times her love of the sea and of mermaids. In this interview she says that her childhood fantasies of Atlantis and mermaids are present in her music - the idea that the water is where everyone must be.   PS: Sorry I haven't updated in ages! 
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