theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
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great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone...
With the most boring man possible and absolutely no beer at all because we need to stay sober to drive! What fun it shall be.
We must warn you that it will not be the nicest part of the city and we will not be able to accompany you for very long as we will have business to attend to there.  
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
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great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone replied to your post:Always a good...
I have a pocket dimension I can put my stuff in when I go places actually.
Uh... Thats... good, we suppose. In fact, were not even going to ask. Just as long as you pitch in for gas money, were fine taking anybody along for the ride.
Since the cat has betrayed us and we no longer have anything to take care of, we may just be making more trips down there soon enough.
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
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great0ldone replied to your post:Always a good time when your cat likes your best...
You should take me with you
We wouldve been glad to help have we not been in your apartment before and seen the amount of stuff you have. Trust us, the car does not have that big of a trunk.
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
Always a good time when your cat likes your best friends girlfriend more than you. We asked them to watch Davos for just a couple of weeks and now its like he wont even recognize us!
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
I am struck occasionally, usually while snuggling the cat, with our faith in domestication. The cat is a small, ferocious predator, twelve pounds of…well, flab and fur, frankly, in Athena’s case, but what muscle there is is strong all out of proportion to her size. I have watched three 150+ primates try and fail to subdue a ten pound cat, and consider it not at all unusual. The cat is as flexible as a snake and as strong as an ox. She has quite dainty looking teeth and claws, but there’s nothing dainty about their ability to flay flesh from bone. If the cat and I were in a duel to the death, I would almost certainly win. I am 15+ times larger than she is, after all, and while my teeth and claws are pathetic, I have prehensile hands capable of doing terrible things. But if I had to go in naked, as the cat does, (and assuming the cat was aware that she was going to have to kill me, and not taking a nap in the corner) I can pretty much guarantee it would be a Pyhrric victory. I’d look like I’d gone ten rounds with a wolverine. I would need stitches. A lot of stitches. Possibly a glass eye. And antibiotics by the truckload. It’d be a mess, and there would even be a chance of an upset if the cat managed to go face-hugger on me. And yet, despite the knowledge of the shocking amount of damage my small predator could inflict, it never occurs to me to worry. I pick the cat up and she tucks her head under my chin and purrs, canine teeth centimeters from my jugular, and despite the fact that I am carrying a ruthless carnivore in a position where she could, with great ease, remove me from the gene pool, I am thoroughly content with the world. Even knowing full well that cats are not even a truly domesticated animal, that Athena’s kin might best be described as “consistently tamed,” my greatest concern is that my black tank top is now coated in white cat hairs. We have such faith in the process of domestication, despite the sheer unnaturalness of what’s happening. Small predators do not curl up on the chests of large primates and purr in the wild. And yet, every now and again, generally when my small predator is purring on the chest of this particular primate, I think How strange, how strange… that we’re doing this, and even stranger, that we both take it completely for granted, and find nothing unusual in such a completely unlikely alliance.
Ursula Vernon (via aliothturtle)
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
You could say that. Death does seem to follow us wherever we go, though that may be a fault within ourselves and our attitude. We have not bothered to keep track of the number of times we have come within its range, but its safe to say its been over 50.
We highly doubt anyone would be interested in hearing about a subject so bleak and at times rather gruesome. We do not wish to spoil anybodys appetite or to insult someones spiritual beliefs.
You’re remarkably flippant about dying. All part of the daily grind for you then? A little blase? I’m sure people are fascinated to hear about it.
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
We do not enjoy it. First snow is fun, but thats where our enjoyment of it ends. Surprisingly we have never been in such a situation that would factor in cold as a danger. All the water we have drowned in has always been warm, haha. Simple pleasures, eh?
Weve been told we are very warm to the touch, though, so maybe we do not. Then again, we can only speak of our own experiences, each one is unique and so we cannot say if what we consider truly cold has the same definition to what others describe as such.
We would not be so sure about that just yet. This may be growing a little off-topic, but have you seen this article describing astronauts finding sea plankton on the exterior of  the International Space Station? Science Fiction has offered many theories and possibilities on this theme a well.
  You certainly have a lot of thoughts about fire. What about cold? Have you ever been really, truly cold? Can you be? Fire can’t burn in a vacuum. Well, not much at all can happen in a vacuum, at least where most living beings such as yourself are concerned. 
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
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paranoiawearingthin replied to your post:…They are not “Meows”…
luv those meows
Shut up.
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
...They are not "Meows"...
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
Tigers, or other feline predators for that matter, are not domestic pets. They are not naturally cuddly or sweet and they should definitely not be living in those kinds of conditions. It is severely damaging to their psyche and continual growth. A tiger like that could never enter the wild or communicate with other members of its species, it would be an outcast.
That is an animal doomed to live out the rest of its days in misery and confinement. 
Not to mention the fact that it is still a volatile, unpredictable predator and could attack at any given moment for reasons you may never fully understand or think would be enough reason for such heavy assaults. They do not realize their own strength most of the time.
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
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great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone...
I’m going for it.
You are most certainly not, in fact, going for it.
We do not particularly care what twisted being of ultimate power you may be, civilized people do not break into buildings and steal endangered, unpredictable and extremely delicate animals for  their own amusement. Now, if you were to protest the cruel treatment of caging animals and profiting off their misery it would be another thing entirely.
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
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great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone...
I can handle a tiger, tiger. Trust me.
...O.K., youre starting to kind of scare us, you  sound like you actually mean to do this. Do not steal an actual living tiger from the zoo. Please dont do that.
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
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great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone replied to your post:We feel like we...
I’ll steal a tiger if you hide me from the police.
We think it more likely that we would end up having to hide you from the tiger, haha.
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
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great0ldone replied to your post:We feel like we havent talked about tigers on here...
Wanna steal a tiger from the zoo.
There is nothing more in the world we would like to do than to save these beautiful and noble creatures from their captivity and from their captors! It's so sad really, dont you think?
Forgive us, before we start to ramble. If you wish, we could link you to some very informative articles on this theme, plus some general info and what you can do to help!
Have you heard of the treatment of white tigers? It's truly disgusting what we humans are capable of! 
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
We feel like we havent talked about tigers on here  in a while. but you guys, we love tigers so much!!!
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
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great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone...
Oh, so I’m your dear friend when I got booze and tuna, now, am I?
We have always thought highly of you, the free drinks and food have absolutely nothing to do with it! We promise.
If anything, they only enchant and strengthen our already existent bond.
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theinfernalwalkhome · 10 years
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great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone replied to your post:great0ldone...
I stitched it up I’ll be fine. Dang you mooch hard tiger but I think I got it covered lmao.
Why, you wound us, dear friend! We are but looking out for you. A well fed cat would be much less likely to strike than a hungry one.
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