theircrazyfandoms · 2 months
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bruce wayne becoming nightwing reminds me of those mums that are like 'im sooo skinny, i can fit into my preteen daughter's clothes!!!' but like. with vigilante personas
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theircrazyfandoms · 2 months
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don't destroy his self-esteem 🐦😆
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theircrazyfandoms · 3 months
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
"What if he's written mine, on my upper thigh, only in my mind"
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
"To the one who says I'm the one of his American dreams, and no matter what i would have done it wouldn't have mattered anyway, ain't no way I'm going to screw up now that I know what's at stake, here, at the park where we use to sit on children's swings, wearing, imaginary rings...but it's gonna be alright, I did my time"
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
"My friends tried it, I wouldn't hear it. Watch me daily disappearing, for just one glimpse of his smile, swirled you into all of my poems, now we're at the startling line, I did my time"
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
"Like who uses typewriters anyway"
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
"You shit talked me under the table, talking rings, talking cradles, I wish I could unrecall how we almost had it all"
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
"I don't even want you back, I just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal"
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
"Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead, did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed, were you writing a book, were you a sleeper cell spy, in fifty years will all this be declassified, and you"ll confess all what you did, and i'll say good riddance, cause it wasn't sexy, it wasn't forbidden, I would have died for your sins, instead I just died inside, and you deserve prison but you won't get time"
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
"Screaming but daddy I love him, I'm having his baby, no I'm not but you should see your faces. I'm telling him to floor it through the fences no I'm not coming to my senses. I know it's crazy but he's the one I want" 😂😭
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
"I love you it's ruining my life"
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
"You don't get to tell me about sad"
"If you wanted me dead you should have just said"
"Is it a wonder I broke, let's hear one more joke...And then we can all just laugh until I cry"
"I was tame, I was gentle until the circus life made me mean"
"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me"
"Put narcotics into all of my songs and that's why your still singing along"
"You caged me and then you called me crazy, I am what i am, cause you chained me"
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theircrazyfandoms · 5 months
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A kiss, M’lord?
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theircrazyfandoms · 8 months
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Theseus #4 (Into the Labyrinth) Illustration by me.
*NOTE:* rotate image to see different perspectives
No sooner had Theseus settled into his princely position, than King Minos of Crete, calls upon Athens for its bloody yearly debt. King Minos son had previously died in the Athenian games, and as an act of revenge, he threatened to invade Athens unless the kingdom sent seven male and seven female youths to Crete to sacrifice for his half-man, half-bull creature within his labyrinth; the Minotaur. Theseus volunteers as one of the youths, determined to stop the beast. King Aegeus tells Theseus if he survives, to switch the ship’s black sail to white upon his return, so his father will know he lives.
Arriving in Crete, King Minos’ daughter, Ariadne, falls for Theseus, and vows to help him if he will marry and bring her to Athens after defeating the beast. Theseus agrees, and Ariadne consults Daedalus, the ingenious inventor of the maze, as to its secrets. She gives Theseus the secrets, and most importantly, a ball of thread, so that he may retrace his steps. That night, Ariadne sneaks Theseus to the entrance, and he enters the dank corridors...
Ariadne is one example of smitten women assisting male Greek heroes on their quests with invaluable clues and tools. The Argonauts, arriving at Colchis to acquire the Golden fleece, were assisted by the princess Medea, who uses magic and ingenuity to help Jason succeed in his labors.
Can you think of other examples?
There are many interpretations for the symbolism of Labyrinths in myths. On the surface they show a character on a journey to discover their purpose or destiny through finding the correct path to reach their goal. They’re also symbolic of the stage of the hero’s journey Jospeh Campbell calls the “belly of the whale,” where the hero commits to their metamorphosis, and thus re-emerges from the ordeal, reborn anew. The Labyrinth center could represent a unification with the hero’s inner self, a higher power, or the ultimate challenge, and the tunnel could represent a birth canal.
What other symbolism might a labyrinth hold in art and literature?
Thanks for looking! to see more of my greek myth illustrations, click my LINTREE: https://linktr.ee/tylermileslockett
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theircrazyfandoms · 10 months
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[Winx] come get your glitter girlies ✨
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theircrazyfandoms · 10 months
This whole time I thought the actor who plays Olivia Crain in the Haunting of Hill House and is in the new series The Fall of the House of Usher is the same person who was in The Mummy (1999). I swear they look the same to me.
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