theironunicorn · 3 years
Support your local whore!
💝🎉First PornHub upload of 2022🎉💝
I dont think there were any "safe for work"(/tumblr) frames of the video so heres a selfie from like months ago to go with the title lol ❤ (but i just screenshot lted it at the exact same time i originally took it?? Lol)
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Wake up, sleepyhead!
No no no, don’t thrash about too much. Those ropes will just get tighter if you do that, and that’s not going to work well for you at all.
Well why do you think, silly? I found your Tumblr! I saw all the things you were posting about wanting someone to make you into a pretty girl again and stop you being a delusional fakeboy, so I thought I’d give you a Christmas present!
Don’t be silly. You’re looking at detrans porn all the time! I’ve been listening to you masturbate when you think I’m asleep! I’ve read all those kinky private messages you had with online doms who called you a good girl! You can’t pretend that’s just a fantasy, you dumb bimbo!
You’re going to help a lot of other delusional fakeboys out there. I’ve got your phone, and we’re doing a Detransition December Challenge! I’ve invited all those nice online doms around to help me out. We’re going to shoot you up with estrogen, we’re going to breed that drippy little pussy over and over, and we’re going to brainwash you until you don’t know what day it is any more! And we’re going to post it all on tumblr so everyone can see. Won’t that be fun?
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Today is a generous day. Support yout local whore!
Communication Degradation Challenge
Inspired by chatting with @tess-bimbo-again about my rather extensive vocabulary and accurate touch typing skills... It has come to my attention that edging alone isn't really enough to degrade these skills in a way that many find amusing and would be rather humiliating for myself.
So... why not take it into my own hands? It's an opportunity for me to challenge myself, essentially humiliating and degrading myself by willingly working to adjust my communication skills.
So, I have devised a challenge for myself which will require some participation from you lovely followers!
The Rules:
20 notes - No filter
No editing, no deleting, whatever is written stays written!
40 notes - Rethinking capitals
No longer using capital letters when referring to myself, only using them for people/things of importance (e.g. Doms)
50 notes - Word syllable limit #1
Limiting all words to three syllables or less
75 notes - No autocorrect
Reasonably self-explanatory
100 notes - Removing punctuation
Apparently full stops are "boring"...
125 notes - Word syllable limit #2
Limiting all words to two syllables or less
150 notes - Third person
No longer referring to myself as... myself. Alternate names/pronouns to be determined by followers
175 notes - Sentence word limit #1
No more than 10 words in a sentence/line
200 notes - Sentence word limit #2
No more than 7 words in a sentence/line. Filler words such as "like" and "um" do not count towards the total though.
225 notes - Mantra interruptions
Anytime I try to go against any of the previous rules or accidentally break one, I interrupt the sentence with a mantra (to be determined)
250 notes - Word replacements:
Taking requests/suggestions for specific words to say or replace other words in my vocabulary
300 notes - Sentence word limit #3
No more than 5 words in a sentence/line. Filler words such as "like" and "um" do not count towards the total though.
400 notes - Altered typo keyboard
Create a custom keyboard with automatic replacements for words as designated by followers
500 notes - Intentional spelling error mantras
Repeating mantras with intentional spelling errors written in sent in by followers (one per day)
600 notes - Intentional spelling error mantras + edging
Repeating mantras with intentional spelling errors written in sent by followers (one per day) while edging
700 notes - More intentional spelling error mantras + edging
Repeating mantras with intentional spelling errors written in sent by followers (two per day) while edging
800 notes - Intentional phonetic spelling errors
Probably the most challenging, but specifically spelling out words phonetically, how they sound
900 notes - More intentional spelling error mantras + edging + plugged
Repeating mantras with intentional spelling errors written in sent by followers (two per day) while edging and wearing a medium princess plug
1000 notes - Word syllable limit #3
Limiting all words to only one syllable (mantras are an exception to the rule)
January 1st 2022
Every 100 reblogs will add on an extra two weeks to the challenge!
Also, I will just be doing the challenge on my public blog since I know some people in my DMs aren't a massive fan of incoherent typing, but let me know if you want me to adhere to the challenge in DMs and I will!
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theironunicorn · 3 years
This silly whore needs 531 new notes on this post to get to her final goal. Won’t you support your local whore?
Training Challenge for celebrating 4K followers!
Yayyy!😋 I want to continue my path from a hardcore feminist to an exfeminist submissive girly fun slut. Similar to last time, I’m ready for a new challenge!! Can you plz plz plz help me with my training? I will post about my experiences doing the tasks, as I move forward.
From 1 to 100 notes:
1 like = 1 edge, with ahegao face, with degrading/slutty/submissive/exfeminist stuff written as marker tattoos on my body, while saying I’m those things. I’ll accept suggestions in asks.
1 reblog = same with 5 edges
100 notes: #corrupting myself: I edge everyday for 2 weeks, doing edges accumulated in the previous notes.
200 notes: #dumbification: I will start training myself to stop correcting mistypes when chatting (disabling autocorrect) to show myself and others how dumb I really am. It will show especially while chatting, and in some of my posts.
300 notes: #girly slut: I will start painting my nails (i never do) and in pink / red / glitter colors. I will receive suggestions in asks, and if they are contradicting, do a poll.
400 notes: #more good girls: I’ll really invest effort in helping one of the questioning feminists that contact me into becoming a happy subby slut. If I have consent, I will show anonymized snapshots of chats. To clarify, I try to help everyone, so feel free to contact me!
500 notes: #girly slut: I’ll wear my leather submissive choker everyday for a week, to get used to it more and more. I’ll edge while wearing it, every time, at least one of them edging in public.
600 notes: #corrupting myself: Bye nick! I’ll change my nickname and avatar from “mirror-mirror-on-the-wall2” to a proper slutty one, receiving suggestions in asks
700 notes: #training my gf: For a month, I’ll invest time in learning more hypno to trance my feminist girlfriend more and more into the bimbo kink (I already started slowly, with her consent!). I will also record her audio mantras for her to use, since I hope hearing my voice will help. I will share how it goes.
800 notes: #corrupting myself: I’ll do a mini-contest asking people to help me expand my slutty horizons, yay! That is, I’ll edge to 5 things from what you people send me, no matter how degrading/depraved, and I’ll write a post on the experience.
900 notes: #girly slut: Shopping spree! I’ll buy at least 5 pink/slutty/sexy clothes for my wardrobe, and I will start wearing them all in the following week. And I’ll buy 2 slutty things as presents for my gf. I’ll accept suggestions on what to buy. I’ll also donate at least 3 boring clothes away, to gradually renew my wardrobe.
1000 notes: #more good girls: I tell a feminist friend irl how my views about feminism are changing, trying to convince her patriarchy is hot. I will explain in a post how that goes.
1100 notes: #corrupting myself: I record a self degrading audio while edging, convincing myself how much I love these bimbo/exfeminist changes, and listen to it 10 times in the following days (once in public). I’ll post the transcript of the audio.
1200 notes: #dumbification: I will start training myself to the 3-syllable rule. That is, using words not longer than three syllables. So I’ll search for shorter words, or seek simpler topics to talk about! You’ll see the effect while chatting and gradually in my posts.
1300 notes: #corrupting myself: Bimbo name! I will receive suggestions and open a poll to choose an appropriate name for me. Once chosen, I’ll commit to using it more and more both online and irl.
1400 notes: #training my gf: for one month, I will actively encourage my gf to fuck guys and be slutty with them (we have an open relationship and we are both bi), so we can both be more useful sluts.
1600 notes: #corrupting myself: For 48h, I will open my dms and try to be as subby and slutty as I can with everyone here and irl. Mansplaining? I listen. Asks? I obey (with some basic limits, like no nudes). Hypno? I listen/follow. During this period, I’ll touch myself a lot to associate it with pleasure. If I have consent, I’ll share anonymized snapshots of chats.
1800 notes: #corrupting myself: for one month, I will masturbate every single day, and exclusively with the kinks of bimbo/pro-patriarchy/submission
2000 notes: #training my gf: Oh fuck. I will show my feminist girlfriend my secret Tumblr account (this account!) and write a post with what happens.
For each new 250 notes after 2000: I repeat the “1600” task, adding +24h every time. That is, at 2250, 72h; at 2500, 96h, and so on…
For each new 500 notes after 2000: also, I do more shopping (like the “900” task), adding 2 sexy clothes for me + 1 for my gf + donating away a boring one. That is, at 2500, at 3000, at 3500, etc.
Deadline: end of 2021! I hope to start the new year having moved forward with my training sooo much! Thanks so much everyone for helping me ❤️
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Support your local whore!
Ok i know there have been a few times i said id post thijgs if i hit a certain amount of notes or follows and then just. didjt follow through :( but im seeing im close to 1000 followerrs and woah!! Thats crazy !! Thank u guys🥺
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This time im 100% serious, like ill go get them ready now,
if i hit 1000 followers ill post a couple pre transition pics 😋 (only ones where im of age, of course)
Im rly nervous abt it but i think ill be okay hehe
I dont think i have any nudes but some ppl told me theyd be fine with just seeing my cute girly self before i started ruining her so🥺💝
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Support your local whore!
Training Challenge for celebrating 4K followers!
Yayyy!😋 I want to continue my path from a hardcore feminist to an exfeminist submissive girly fun slut. Similar to last time, I’m ready for a new challenge!! Can you plz plz plz help me with my training? I will post about my experiences doing the tasks, as I move forward.
From 1 to 100 notes:
1 like = 1 edge, with ahegao face, with degrading/slutty/submissive/exfeminist stuff written as marker tattoos on my body, while saying I’m those things. I’ll accept suggestions in asks.
1 reblog = same with 5 edges
100 notes: #corrupting myself: I edge everyday for 2 weeks, doing edges accumulated in the previous notes.
200 notes: #dumbification: I will start training myself to stop correcting mistypes when chatting (disabling autocorrect) to show myself and others how dumb I really am. It will show especially while chatting, and in some of my posts.
300 notes: #girly slut: I will start painting my nails (i never do) and in pink / red / glitter colors. I will receive suggestions in asks, and if they are contradicting, do a poll.
400 notes: #more good girls: I’ll really invest effort in helping one of the questioning feminists that contact me into becoming a happy subby slut. If I have consent, I will show anonymized snapshots of chats. To clarify, I try to help everyone, so feel free to contact me!
500 notes: #girly slut: I’ll wear my leather submissive choker everyday for a week, to get used to it more and more. I’ll edge while wearing it, every time, at least one of them edging in public.
600 notes: #corrupting myself: Bye nick! I’ll change my nickname and avatar from “mirror-mirror-on-the-wall2” to a proper slutty one, receiving suggestions in asks
700 notes: #training my gf: For a month, I’ll invest time in learning more hypno to trance my feminist girlfriend more and more into the bimbo kink (I already started slowly, with her consent!). I will also record her audio mantras for her to use, since I hope hearing my voice will help. I will share how it goes.
800 notes: #corrupting myself: I’ll do a mini-contest asking people to help me expand my slutty horizons, yay! That is, I’ll edge to 5 things from what you people send me, no matter how degrading/depraved, and I’ll write a post on the experience.
900 notes: #girly slut: Shopping spree! I’ll buy at least 5 pink/slutty/sexy clothes for my wardrobe, and I will start wearing them all in the following week. And I’ll buy 2 slutty things as presents for my gf. I’ll accept suggestions on what to buy. I’ll also donate at least 3 boring clothes away, to gradually renew my wardrobe.
1000 notes: #more good girls: I tell a feminist friend irl how my views about feminism are changing, trying to convince her patriarchy is hot. I will explain in a post how that goes.
1100 notes: #corrupting myself: I record a self degrading audio while edging, convincing myself how much I love these bimbo/exfeminist changes, and listen to it 10 times in the following days (once in public). I’ll post the transcript of the audio.
1200 notes: #dumbification: I will start training myself to the 3-syllable rule. That is, using words not longer than three syllables. So I’ll search for shorter words, or seek simpler topics to talk about! You’ll see the effect while chatting and gradually in my posts.
1300 notes: #corrupting myself: Bimbo name! I will receive suggestions and open a poll to choose an appropriate name for me. Once chosen, I’ll commit to using it more and more both online and irl.
1400 notes: #training my gf: for one month, I will actively encourage my gf to fuck guys and be slutty with them (we have an open relationship and we are both bi), so we can both be more useful sluts.
1600 notes: #corrupting myself: For 48h, I will open my dms and try to be as subby and slutty as I can with everyone here and irl. Mansplaining? I listen. Asks? I obey (with some basic limits, like no nudes). Hypno? I listen/follow. During this period, I’ll touch myself a lot to associate it with pleasure. If I have consent, I’ll share anonymized snapshots of chats.
1800 notes: #corrupting myself: for one month, I will masturbate every single day, and exclusively with the kinks of bimbo/pro-patriarchy/submission
2000 notes: #training my gf: Oh fuck. I will show my feminist girlfriend my secret Tumblr account (this account!) and write a post with what happens.
For each new 250 notes after 2000: I repeat the “1600” task, adding +24h every time. That is, at 2250, 72h; at 2500, 96h, and so on…
For each new 500 notes after 2000: also, I do more shopping (like the “900” task), adding 2 sexy clothes for me + 1 for my gf + donating away a boring one. That is, at 2500, at 3000, at 3500, etc.
Deadline: end of 2021! I hope to start the new year having moved forward with my training sooo much! Thanks so much everyone for helping me ❤️
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Letting all my followers know, you look very submissive and breedable today. And yesterday. And tomorrow. And every day.
Basically, I’m going to breed you. I will not be taking questions.
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Aww, you're so kind!
bottom, top, doesnt matter, do yourself a favor and get yourself a trans m*mmy in her 30s
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Don't mind if I do.
Relieve stress by punching an ftm girl
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theironunicorn · 3 years
It’s so cute when they pretend not to be enjoying themselves!
ohhh you don’t like when boys touch your tits, because it makes you dysphoric? ohhhh, okay, sorry about that! it’s just… well, when i squeeze them like this, you shudder and grind your hips against the chair and it’s kinda turning me on. yeah, of course i noticed. it’s okay to be a girl, princess. boys don’t get wet when their friends play with their boobs. you’re a boy anyway? shhhh, i need to cum and you’re gonna help me whether you want it or not. that’s what girls are for. it’ll feel good! girls love taking cock. now shut up and get naked for me, princess.
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theironunicorn · 3 years
This boy deserves both money and attention!
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im having a $3 sale on fansly till November 9th!!!
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Still one of my favourite posts here.
“So what, baby, you’re saying that men can’t be any way they please? Are you saying that real men can’t have titties? No? Then why would you want to hide them, baby? Show them off! Let people think what they want.”
“Oh come on, baby! Men can wear pink, don’t be so old-fashioned! Men can wear dresses, it’s the 21st century! Now come on, get the frills sorted out or we’re going to be late." 
"Darling, don’t start saying things like that. Men can get pregnant, can’t they? It doesn’t make them any less of a man, does it? You’re so transphobic sometimes, baby! Now hold still and let me nut up in that sweet little pussy of yours.”
“Baby, we’ve discussed this. Someone has to stay at home and look after our daughter, and you’re the mother. And don’t get pissy with me, men can be mothers! You’re such a bigot sometimes. Now I’m going out to work, make sure that my dinner’s on the table for me when I get home.”
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Hi can we actually send you pictures n stuff?
You certainly can! I will happily share them, or just give private comments to you depending on what you prefer.
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theironunicorn · 3 years
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you have a humiliation kink! That’s so gross! I can’t even look at you, you’re so awful! Everyone come over here, this loser gets off on being publicly humiliated! Isn’t that just the grossest thing you’ve ever heard?”
Can’t believe I have to keep saying this but shaming people for having a kink and telling them their kink is bad and wrong is not going to keep them from having that kink. The taboo is what makes it hot to them! You are just causing them to find their kink even hotter!
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Support your local whore!
i havent had the time to be active here in forever :( i think i need to be shown how much im just a girl no matter what i do..
how about tomorrow i fill 2 ziplock bag with water and stuff my bra with it?
im not sure how much time id need to have them on thought...
what if for every 5 notes this post get i wear them for 30 minutes? hopefully lots and lots of people like this so i have to wear them all day 🥰🥰❤️
especially since i need to go out to get grocery and laundry.. since i only have crop top to wear 🤭
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theironunicorn · 3 years
Responsible pet ownership is very important. Know how to take care of your delusional little girls, and they will reward you with love and affection!
a lot of people get pet cuntboys without doing their research and they don't understand that if you own a cuntboy you NEED to rape her regularly or you risk your cuntboy developing behavioral problems. frequently raping her and reminding her that she gave up her right to being a person when she decided to try to be a boy ensures that your cuntboy remains docile and spiritually broken.
if your cuntboy hasn't been spayed by an unethical doctor you should probably also try to make sure she's pregnant as often as possible. if you don't personally produce fertile sperm or don't want to impregnate her yourself, you have options! popular choices include renting her out to frats and bachelor parties, as well as reaching out to other tranny owners and see if anyone has an unruly trans "girl" whose behavior would be improved by emptying his balls into a tight unwilling cunt.
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theironunicorn · 3 years
You're a dumb little girl who isn't really trans. A real trans man wouldn't get all wet and aroused reading this. A real trans man wouldn't be spreading his legs right now and starting to touch his needy clit. A real trans man wouldn't want to kneel and worship the cock of a real trans woman while humping her leg. But you aren't real, are you? You're just a dumb girl playing with gender so she can get attention.
Of course, I might be wrong. But if I'm right, do send me your tits, won't you? There's a good girl.
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