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Jackson tries to think of something to say, but he just comes up with nothing. He looks at Danny and Jesse, then to Meg.
"You know what, screw this. I need a minute, maybe more." Jackson then leaves the room, wanting to just get away from them and clear all the thoughts crowding his mind.
It’s a long story.  Just…come over and give me a hug.  You, too, Lyds.  I’ll explain everything, but it’s not safe here for us, and probably not you guys, either at this point.
-Jackson is flashing his epic bitch face, but Lydia silences whatever protests he’s planning to make with a look, and what follows is the most awkward four way hug in the history of mankind.  Yeah, Danny is totally looking forward to this conversation.
The next instant their back in Meg and Jesse’s house, and Lydia and Meg are both arching an eyebrow, sizing each other up-
Lydia, Meg.  Meg, Lydia.  Everyone else has met I think.  So.  -he looks over at Jesse for some clue of how he wants to proceed-
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Jackson paces around his room, checking every so often for a car to come into his driveway.
-Jackson, relax. Danny said he was fine, and he's coming over. Going around in circles is just making me dizzy watching you.-
Jackson turns to Lydia, but before he replies, Danny and Jesse appears. In his room. Out of thin air.
Jackson stares at them blankly. -What the hell is going on?-
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Jackson curses as he runs out his door, trying to catch up to Derek’s car with no avail. -Fuck fuck fuck- Jackson mutters as he angrily paces back an forth. A face suddenly popped up in his mind.
Jackson is sure that he has something to do with it. He has to. Jackson goes back into his house, tells Lydia what happened, and grabs his phone.
-Hello? Mrs. Mahealani? This is Jackson. Do you by any chance have Jesse’s number?-
-When Derek sees Danny’s car pull up outside Jackson’s house, he’s not surprised. In fact, he was counting on it. So when Danny hops out of the driver’s seat, Derek intercepts, wrapping his arm around Danny’s back in what looks outwardly like a friendly side embrace. If he wasn’t squeezing hard…
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[text]I'm guessing you're with Lydia since you're not answering. Look, we need to talk. If Derek shows up, just don't, okay. Call me as soon as you can. I'll come over. Trust me, okay?
Jackson grins as he kisses Lydia one last time before falling to his side of the bed. -I can see why staying in bed all day isn't such a bad idea.- Jackson turns to Lydia and brushes a stray hair from her face. -You know I...- His phone beeps.Jackson frowns as he gets up to check his phone, the expression on his face growing darker as he reads the text Danny sent him. Lydia grips his shoulder and gives him a questioning look.Jackson grips his phone tightly.-I'm going to kill Derek.-
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We need another camping trip soon. It's been too long.
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Found this in my room. Good memories with my best friend.
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Taken after my first day of lacrosse practice.
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-Jackson waves him off with a scowl.- Yeah, yeah, I got that after she went all she-demon on me about you guys. -Jackson coughs uncomfortably.-
Anyways, Lydia's been waiting for you to tell her about your trip. Apparently she wants ALL the details.-Jackson ends with a sour look.- Try not to keep her waiting, otherwise she'll keep bugging me about it.
-Jackson rolls his eyes while covering up his embarrassment. It wasn’t the first time that he’s received comments about his looks, or more particularly, his...
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-Jackson snorts- As if I would do anything like that to Lydia. With everything that's happened, that's the last thing I would do.-Jackson made sure to let Lydia know what he was doing, despite her saying multiple times that it was a stupid idea.-
Anyways, I was there to get some more information on Jesse, since he's your butt buddy and all.-Jackson gives Danny an unapologetic look.-
-Jackson rolls his eyes while covering up his embarrassment. It wasn’t the first time that he’s received comments about his looks, or more particularly, his lips, but it was the first time that he’s been that slow onto catching on to the fact.-
I know you’re always...
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-Jackson rolls his eyes while covering up his embarrassment. It wasn't the first time that he's received comments about his looks, or more particularly, his lips, but it was the first time that he's been that slow onto catching on to the fact.- I know you're always crying yourself to sleep because you can't get some of this -Jackson mockingly blows him a kiss and then grins at Danny's expression.- But yeah... -He debated on not telling Danny what happened last night, but he knew Danny would probably find out sooner or later, and sooner was probably better than later- So I stopped by your work last night, met your boss, and had a drink with her. She's pretty hot.
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It's nice to see you finally trying to look out for me, but I've been doing just fine without your help.
-Jackson pushes through Derek to head to his car. He turns back to throw Derek a smirk- I'm sure if you start kicking out all the underage kids, you guys will be out of business soon enough. -He gets into his  car and drives off, while muttering out loud to himself- What the fuck is DSL?
-Hmm…well that’s a tidbit of conflict she hadn’t known about.  She immediately starts planning how it can be exploited if need be, while rolling her eyes at Derek and stepping back-
How many times I gotta tell you, Grumpy, pedophilia’s not really my thing.  I don’t have the patience for the training required. -she shoos them both with a hand-  Go on, take your fifteen minute break so you can protect the children.  Oh, and dsl?  Don’t forget what I told you.
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-Jackson's hackles immediately rise. The last person he wanted to see was Derek, and he definitely didn't want to talk to the asshole. Jackson knew he smelt werewolf, but with so many people around the scent was muddled. If only he had been more alert...whatever. He wasn't, and now he has to deal with it.-
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And what makes you think I want to talk to you?
-He’d smelled Jackson the second he’d walked in the door and wondered why the hell he was here without his usual entourage. Jackson had made a beeline straight for Meg, not acknowledging him in any way. Which honestly didn’t make him suspicious because for all they joined forces against the hunters that came to town, none of Scott’s pack of misfits ever talked to him unless they had to. Thankfully that was pretty rare these days so the only one he ever really saw anymore was Stiles when they were in the sheriff’s department at the same time.
Still, he kept an eye on Meg and Jackson because, well, he didn’t like Meg. And sure enough, she kept touching him and giving him oily smiles and of course Jackson couldn’t just leave. Cursing his life, he loses his ability to leave it when they’re nearly sucking face at the other end of the bar.
He stops behind Meg’s shoulder.-
Jackson. A word.
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-Jackson makes sure not to move or flinch, keeping eye contact with her. If she wants to play that game, he's ready to play as well. Just because "half-n-half" was apparently in love with Danny that didn't mean...wait...-
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-He jerks back and gives her a questioning look-
What do you mean "half-n-half"?
  -Jackson tries to think of something…anything to say to get himself back on track and not feeling so unsettled-
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-Jackson takes one look at the very amused expression she has and just gives up.
Fuck it.
Jackson takes the whiskey and downs it in one shot. He looks back at her with with a serious expression.-
Look, your boy Jesse is interested in Danny. I know Danny is a “strong independent man”, or whatever it is he like to tell me, but I need to make sure that your boy isn’t going to fuck him over. So how about you tell me more about Prince Charming because as it is, I don’t like him and won’t like him until I know what he’s about.
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-Jackson tries to think of something...anything to say to get himself back on track and not feeling so unsettled-
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-Jackson takes one look at the very amused expression she has and just gives up.
Fuck it.
Jackson takes the whiskey and downs it in one shot. He looks back at her with with a serious expression.-
Look, your boy Jesse is interested in Danny. I know Danny is a "strong independent man", or whatever it is he like to tell me, but I need to make sure that your boy isn't going to fuck him over. So how about you tell me more about Prince Charming because as it is, I don't like him and won't like him until I know what he's about.
-Jackson can’t help but grin when reading Danny’s reply back. As much as he doesn’t like Jesse, Danny seemed to be happy…for now. Jackson wanted to make sure Jesse wasn’t going to screw Danny over like the past asswipes that Danny dealt with.
Getting into his baby, he debates sending a text to Danny about visiting The Sevens again, but decides against it. The last thing he wants is interference from Danny or Jesse. He starts up his car and begins heading over to The Sevens.-
All right Prince Charming, let’s see what dirt I can get on you.
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Uhhh, it's Jackson.
-DSL? Jackson didn't know what she was getting at by calling him that, or what it meant really, but he made note to ask Lydia or Danny later about it.
What Jackson did know was that Jesse and her were close, or at least close enough to get some good intel. He leans in and gives a smile, the one that he uses just for special occasions, like the time he had to charm his way out of a speeding ticket.-
How about a whiskey, straight up? Make it two if you want to join me.
-Jackson can’t help but grin when reading Danny’s reply back. As much as he doesn’t like Jesse, Danny seemed to be happy…for now. Jackson wanted to make sure Jesse wasn’t going to screw Danny over like the past asswipes that Danny dealt with.
Getting into his baby, he debates sending a text to Danny about visiting The Sevens again, but decides against it. The last thing he wants is interference from Danny or Jesse. He starts up his car and begins heading over to The Sevens.-
All right Prince Charming, let’s see what dirt I can get on you.
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-Jackson can't help but grin when reading Danny's reply back. As much as he doesn't like Jesse, Danny seemed to be happy...for now. Jackson wanted to make sure Jesse wasn't going to screw Danny over like the past asswipes that Danny dealt with.
Getting into his baby, he debates sending a text to Danny about visiting The Sevens again, but decides against it. The last thing he wants is interference from Danny or Jesse. He starts up his car and begins heading over to The Sevens.-
All right Prince Charming, let's see what dirt I can get on you.
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Found this in my room. Good memories with my best friend.
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Kind of harsh, no? He was the one to turn you.
He also left me high and dry when I was rejecting the bite, and who can also forget that he was all but ready to kill me near the end?Yeah, I should be running to him with open arms.
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