thekinarchives · 1 year
most of my memories come from daydreaming actually. i don’t get "kin dreams" while sleeping, though. i sometimes get them when looking at fan art / headcanon posts / fanfics but for the most part they just naturally come to me. if it’s source material i usually remember it after consuming - 🧸
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thekinarchives · 1 year
It is good to hear from you again, Archivist. I hope things slow down for you soon. Answering the prompt- ah, well, kin memories no longer happen for me these days, as far as I can tell. However, the majority of the ones I had in the past were emotional, usually occurring during a kin shift. I would feel a sudden surge of emotion, be it anger, sadness, etc. -🖋️
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thekinarchives · 1 year
for me memories come a lot from like inherently knowing things or daydreaming and stuff. i don’t have actual dreams frequently and i don’t engage with a lot of fandom but usually just like thinking and trying to fill in gaps in memory or gaps in canon knowledge or feeling if canon knowledge applies or doesn’t feel right and why, and especially thinking about relationships and stuff seems to give me a lot more insight on things. all of my biggest kins with lots of memories i’ve spent a Lot of time thinking about so it’s like the more i think on it the more i’ll be able to recall - 🩸
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thekinarchives · 1 year
my friend started calling my werewolf kinshifts "going feral" and it just makes me very happy actually but I have no one to tell about it so I put it here
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thekinarchives · 1 year
I'll begin, then! Early on in my kinning journey, I was scrolling through tumblr and found art of Hilda and Hilbert from Pokemon BW. The drawing of Hilbert called to me, and I ended up kinning him because of it. Another time fanart had made me question a kintype was fanart of Wolf 359 of Cutter. I hadn't listened to the podcast yet, but the fanart of Cutter himself unnerved me deeply, in a way that I wondered if I knew him in a previous life. I've still yet to figure that one out! -🖋️
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thekinarchives · 1 year
IVE DEFINITELY SEEN FANART THAT MADE ME GET INTO SOURCES BC I GOT REALLY STRONG KIN VIBES FROM IT. or fanart / content that sparks something in your mind and it’s like Oh Yeah this sounds a little bit Too Correct Wait am i kinning? a beautiful phenomenon indeed - 🩸
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thekinarchives · 1 year
Good day, and apologies for the lack of posting. We've been busy as well as going through some things in our personal life. For today's question, we have,
How do you usually get your kin memories?
- Mod 👁 / The Archivist
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thekinarchives · 1 year
Here's a prompt idea!: Have you ever seen a piece of fanart (or other fanworks) that ended up having you question a kintype? -🖋️
We can post this since we've been a bit busy to be posting prompts so thank you!
- Mod 👁 / The Archivist
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thekinarchives · 1 year
oooo, this question is so fun + i think abt this a lot bc i find it kinda interesting ! some i can think of off the top of my head, for who i thought i'd kin, would probs be finn (adventure time), daisy (great gatsby), rachel (angels of death), pareo (bandori, in ras specifically bc i have more bandori kins), and leo (enstars), all for varying reasons but overall bc i thought they "fit the vibe" in their own ways.
but i actually ended up kinning princess bubblegum, gatsby, zack, chu2, and ritsu (and aira, but comparing to ritsu bc knights)! zack and gatsby were the ones that caught me the most off guard def just bc i was not expecting that at all. the other 3-4, i started understanding why gradually, like w ritsu, i probs never considered him bc he just never stood out to me as much as other characters, but the more i got to know him better, the stronger that oh feeling got - 🦋
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thekinarchives · 1 year
In terms of something that could be a kintype but isn't, for me it would be gabriel from the mandela catalogue as I was really close to considering myself him to be my kintype (or just alternates in that matter) and it would be my only fictionkin buuut
as it has turned out it wasn't exactly that, I mistook my concept hearttype of dread/fear all around as something from tmc bc, as it later turned out, I was similarly drawn/connected to any thing/creature from media deeply interconnected with fear.
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thekinarchives · 1 year
for me? people expect me to kin... basically any genshin impact character, actually. mostly characters like albedo and alhaitham tho becos #autism. however the only character i presently kin from genshin(because the numerous "irls" don't count) is aether, and even then that's kind of a tenative kin since differentiating between kins and "irls" is. somewhat difficult i'll say that much!
there's also my pkmn kins... most people expect me to kin like. bede or maybe even penny but no. no it's just klara. the one from the swsh dlc. yeah that one. i share my pkmn irls with people and then the minute i say i also kin they're just like "is it penny?" its literally so funny watching them just go like "oh." when i tell them no, i do not in fact kin penny. she is very relatable tho autism queen
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thekinarchives · 1 year
who did i think i'd kin/should i have kinned but didn't? RITSU SAKUMA from enstars. like WOW. there are very few people who are like as heavily baited for me as ritsu, like he's the king of brother problems, abandonment issues galore, is vampire and cat themed, is bossy and needy and mean and cute all at the same time, chronically lonely and tired, like literally you could say the same things about me. but there is just no me in him i really do not kin him in the slightest. instead of me kinning him he shot to like the top of my cc list ever he is like one of my favorite characters in all of everything ever. he's just like me but that just means that i get to understand him better than anyone else!! and i kin so many people who are involved with him, particularly izumi and koga who are two of his best friends in source. but yeah i felt like i Should kin him just bc he's so much like me but i just do not and cannot because he's so special to me . he's my boytoy and my girlfriend and my freakthing and my babygirl ritsu dakishime nuigurumi. peace and love on planet venus god bless - 🩸
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thekinarchives · 1 year
Outting myself supremely with this one, but my most recent kinfirm was Oriko Mikuni from Oriko Magica. We love problematic queens!!!!!! I didn’t even consider it not only bc I didn’t know much abt oriko magica or any pmmm spin-off, but bc I never even indulged before (my gf knew abt it for a long time so they showed me) but we watched Oriko’s magica record dialogue and got what I like to call “the stomach feelings”. Where it’s like this overwhelming drop in your stomach with a million butterflies and you can’t stop thinking abt the character you just saw and there’s something about it SOMETHING pulling you there and it’s like UH OH. OKAY. & then last night I read down her wiki page and the oriko magica story (bc I don’t have the manga in person) & UH OH AGAIN
I don’t even know how to explain it but it’s a lot of wanting to do something for the greater good and earnestly caring about others especially those closest to you but ultimately messing everything up for yourself and them bc you don’t realize you’re becoming something you outwardly wanted to avoid becoming. It’s wanting to save and help everyone but doing it in the WORST way possible and I’m like. AUGH. Anyway — 🪄
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thekinarchives · 1 year
OH WHAT A FUN QUESTION! The first two I think of most probably would assume I kin based on my kinlist + general vibe are Lapis Lazuli (su) and Starlight Glimmer (mlp) but I ended up being Jasper, and Trixie Lulamoon + Sunset Shimmer, Starlight and Lapis are huge comfort characters for me instead, and have been since I got into the sources many moons ago. I relate to them a lot still, especially in their traumas, but that's why my attachment to them is so strong. I see myself in them so much it's comforting and they helped through a lot of emotional issues, but, for one reason or another they're not me. As a sweet addition, I met my girlfriend when Lapis and Starlight were some of her biggest! and I think that's cute of us ♡
people probably expected me to be Claudine (revstar) and Apple White (eah) but nope! I'm actually Darling Charming and Maya Tendou. and both make sense when you think about it in context to me but it's still kinda silly. Idk if this is exactly what you wanted because all 4 instances for me are ccs instead of just random characters i didn't kin but i hope it was fun insight nonetheless! 🌺
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thekinarchives · 1 year
Good day, followers. Today, we ask, What character/thing did you feel like you'd kin due to it being so similar to you, but you don't? Who did you kin instead, if anyone?
Also, do know general kinfessions / talk are always open as well as divination.
- Mod 👁 / The Archivist
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thekinarchives · 1 year
On second thought- I'm entirely unsure if I am Qifrey or Coco from WHA. There's something about both of them that draws me to them. Perhaps I am both, it wouldn't be the first time I've kinned multiple characters from one source! -🖋️
We definitely can understand this. Good luck with the discovery.
- Mod 👁 / The Archivist
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thekinarchives · 1 year
I think I just had my first kinfirm in, what, almost two years? I didn't think it was possible to have that again (I had stopped taking kinning as seriously as I used to, as it was unhealthy how far I took it). The character is Qifrey from Witch Hat Atelier. I'm studying to become a teacher, and Qifrey himself is a professor of four young witches. I want to be kind like him, and I understand his hidden resentment he cannot let go of related to his past. He's a fascinating character. Also, he gives me gender envy, haha! -🖋️ anon (who was also the Cyborg Noodle anon)
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