theknightfamily · 2 years
how fucking dare they
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theknightfamily · 2 years
Knights are just inherently, immensely sexy… it’s all about the devotion, the ideals, the cool weapons and armor AND the muscles to wield them…
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theknightfamily · 3 years
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[NEWS 📰] Jaime and Brienne make #9 for Best Chemistry in Buzzfeed’s 25 TV Couples Who Had Out Of This World Chemistry And 25 Who Totally Felt Flat List. They're the only couple from Game of Thrones featured on this 2022 List!
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theknightfamily · 3 years
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theknightfamily · 3 years
So my friend wrote this synopsis for a writing class. Let me know what you guys think about it! Would this interest you enough to pick up the book and read it?
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theknightfamily · 3 years
“There are no characters like Sansa in fantasy”. Sansa is a princess in the tower character. Is she the first ever character in fantasy to embody that trope? Sansa is the favored older sister who disdains her younger sister. Did she invent that trope? Sansa enjoys poetry, songs, romances between knights and ladies. Is she the first ever lady in a historical fantasy novel to enjoy those things? Sansa wants to grow up and become a princess and host feasts and tourneys and be a wife to a king. Is she the first woman in fantasy to desire those things? Sansa is beautiful and betrothal to her is something various houses desire to gain control over her family’s land. Is she the first female character in a historical fantasy novel to be positioned as such?
Sansa is conventionally feminine and pretty, known for her courtesy, is ladylike, is white and able-bodied, is a "good victim", is polite, kind and romantic, is reactive rather than proactive, an observant more than a participant, a follower rather than a leader, whose concerns don’t stray from the status quo. Are we saying no such characters exist in other fantasy novels?
She's the only character that used to exist in fantasy. Sansa truly ain't nothing unique, special or extraordinary.
You know there are many ways to subvert the trope of the 'princess in the tower' and the idea of the feminine trophy for the hero.
One is to make the female heroine the exact opposite of this trope, giving her male coded activities (implying these are better) and make her fight on her own. Most don't go through with that though and make this bad ass girl attractive and usually give her a prince at the end.
Another is to show how the Princess in the tower is not really something that should be coveted. The Princess might still be beautiful but she's also unkind, jealous, haughty and all together not someone you want around.
And then there is Sansa. Yes, she's a princess in the tower, she has all the characteristics : ladylike, beautiful, kind.
And then she gains agency, ever so subtle and slow that many people don't even realize that. She slowly becomes a player without changing her core, without becoming male coded, without losing her kindness. The Princess comes into her own without changing into someone else.
And suddenly the Princess is a Queen in her own right.
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This is peek subversion of a trope and when did your fav ever?
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theknightfamily · 3 years
You know, I liked Sansa all through the show and specially in seasons 6, 7 and 8.
I liked how after everything she went through in KL she reached Winterfell with a smidgeon of hope remaining in her about the people in the North.
I loved her small acts of defiance against Ramsay and Myranda. Her resilience. The way she calls him bastard because she knows it’s the one thing that gets to him is *chef kiss*
I liked that she confronted Theon and that she was able to show her rage and her despair for once in the whole show. ( and she’s so mad about Theon killing her brothers you can’t tell me she’s anything but a Stark, your f-Ed up fandom!)
I liked how she threw herself off the tower( it was a tower, right?) not to kill herself like she had stated one e before in KL but to survive. And I like that she needed Theon’s help because she’s human and I would need to hold someone else’s hand if I had to jump too. Most us us would.
I liked how she didn’t complain of the cold when she was on the run with Theon and how her first conversation with Brienne is about Arya and she is obviously proud of her sister for surviving.
I liked her reunion with John, and her resolve to get Winterfell and the north back.
I loved that she confronted littlefinger, I loved that she was able to put her pride/hurt aside for the bigger picture, I loved that she kept telling him he wasn’t wanted and I loved that she and Arya played and executed him. ( and I would have loved to see more of how they did that, but D&D seriously can’t seem to be able to write 2 women in a scene without them being in conflict, so maybe I’m glad?)
I like her understated relationship with Royce. ( filled with implications of how she behaved in the Vale, I have to believe, to inspire such loyalty).
I like all of her reasoning when she was confronted/plotting with Arya. I mean what she tell her about how useless it would be to threaten to kill everyone! *chef kiss* x2.
I like how she’s worried about long term survival for the north, how she wouldn’t just buy into the Dany is a good Queen, how she listened to Brienne about Jaime and how she played dumb and was cool-ish with him staying in Winterfell.
I like her reunion with Tyrion, how she obviously doesn’t hate him but she’s going to speak her mind and she won’t say sorry for escaping a hellish situation. And how she defends him first to Jon in S7 and then to Dany is S8 because that shows she’s fair.
I also love snarky Sansa, btw. And I hate how this fandom seems to accept snark from every other character but her.
So overall yeah.
I love Sansa.
And I’m tired of not only having to defend her from the fandom at large, but also having to defend her from people who can only accept book Sansa as the the one true Sansa who deserves love.
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theknightfamily · 3 years
Oh my God Britney's termination hearing is today. 🤞🏻😬
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theknightfamily · 3 years
Okay but he is looking MIGHTY fine, I’ll forgive him the cheesy commercial.
I would like to thank Loreal Men for everything they’ve given us
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theknightfamily · 3 years
MY BEST FRIEND IS GETTING MARRIAGED! It’s the bachelorette weekend and less than 2 months before she ties the knot!💍
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theknightfamily · 3 years
I will never, ever, ever be over this look
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theknightfamily · 3 years
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The Night they Became One by trose84
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theknightfamily · 3 years
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theknightfamily · 3 years
Got hacked apparently. It was on my main blog mostly I think but sorry if you got anything weird. Definitely not me.
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theknightfamily · 3 years
it's been two years since Jaime/Brienne, THE ship to end them all, the ship that will own me til the end of time, was given everything... then had it taken away 2 weeks later. I miss them I miss them I miss them they deserved so much better I'll always be angry
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theknightfamily · 3 years
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theknightfamily · 3 years
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