theknightwholived · 10 years
Leon gave the horse another reassuring pat before removing his cape. He didn't want his chain mail irritating her... allergy? He moved to put the cape around her. "To protect against the metal, or a chill for that matter. I'll have to lift you onto the horse, alright?"
"Don't touch me!"
"Easy. I’m not going to hurt you." He put his hands out to the side, in full view and away from any weapon.
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theknightwholived · 10 years
Leon gritted his teeth at the mention of torture, though it was hardly surprising. "As I already told you, I came alone. If you're going to torture me, then get on with it." He looked to the side, resolving to say nothing more.
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+7 have arrived is Essetir
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theknightwholived · 10 years
"No, that's it for now." He took the coffee and pulled out his wallet. "How much?"
  "Alright." Jade said and poured the coffee, putting in some sugar and then handing the mug to him. "Anything else?" she asked, rocking on her heels. In a few minutes she would be off work, and she wanted to be sure she was done with everything before then.
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theknightwholived · 10 years
ladyrosilyn said: Ever After is awesome
[Yes, yes it is.]
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theknightwholived · 10 years
Leon frowned at the roughly drawn map he was holding. This alley was supposed to lead to a tavern where the knights were meeting, but that didn't seem to be the case. He looked up, startled, when a someone bumped in to him. "Oh, it... it's fine. Are you alright, miss?" He glanced behind her, wondering why she'd been in such a hurry.
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theknightwholived found the Court of Miracles
The small group of strolling players quickly got dissipated through dusty alleyways. The gypsy girl ran as fast as her bare feet could lead her, but by the echoes drumming along the stony walls, Esmerálda suspected she ran not fast enough. She heard the sound of music and laughter being left behind in the main square and in a lapse of fearless curiosity, she looked away from the alley to peer over her shoulder. The gypsy abruptly bumped into someone, nearly causing her to lose her balance. “I beg your pardon, monsieur.”
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theknightwholived · 10 years
[I seem to have gained some new followers while I was gone. Hello.]
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[I think I'll work on drafts while watching Ever After.]
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theknightwholived · 10 years
[Hi, all. Just checking in, and noting how much I have in my drafts. *sigh*]
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theknightwholived · 10 years
[I got a few of my shorter replies done, at least.]
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theknightwholived · 10 years
Anonymously tell me what you think of my character portrayal.
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theknightwholived · 10 years
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"I want nothing to do with your sorcery."
"Does that hurt?"
Leon stared at the sorceress wearily. “Yes.” He said reluctantly through gritted teeth.
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theknightwholived · 10 years
"He can hardly blame me if you want your property back, now can he?" Please take the dress back.
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Open Starter
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theknightwholived · 10 years
"So it would seem." Leon started to say something else, then hesitated. "May I ask what your nightmares were about? I understand if you'd rather not say."
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                                            {Morgana’s eyes widened a bit at the sound of his stomach, the noise making her giggle. A wide grin made it’s way onto her face as they walked down the hall leading to the kitchen.}
"So does your stomach."
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theknightwholived · 10 years
[Hey, I'm at 99 followers. Thanks, folks. Also, thank you for your patience with the semi-hiatus.]
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theknightwholived · 10 years
goldeneyedxpendragon proudgascon child-of-the-road jadelewisthebarista kingcenred thejabberfly sovereignofcamelot mahiaemerga kiaraoakly-druid therightfulqueenofcamelot enchantress-morgause
[Here are all of the people in my drafts. Hopefully I'll get these done in the near future. If it's my turn to reply and you're not on the list please let me know.]
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theknightwholived · 10 years
Send a ♒ and I will generate a number for what my muse will say to yours!
A mix of nsfw, crack, fluff, angst, etc.
Read More
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theknightwholived · 10 years
Send me a + for my muse's reaction to learning that they've been put into an arranged marriage with yours.
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theknightwholived · 10 years
Send me a [≈] and my muse will kiss yours. On the lips.
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