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The first person you should always try to impress is yourself!! Set your standards and Goals High!!
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Reply Alert...Dear Lady Charles
Question: How is it possible for a guy to fall in love with someone else in days of him telling you, "I love you". He even told me to have an abortion and I am 6 months pregnant.
I am sorry to hear that you are going through this while being pregnant...during the time you should be enjoying your pregnancy journey. 
Let me start out by saying, when games are being played, you have to look beyond the words and see the actions.  What is his actions displaying? What are your intuitions telling you?  If someone truly loves you and cares for you, they would not do things to hurt you.  It definitely sounds as though he has been involved with someone else during the time same time you all was involved. 
The most sad part of this is his request to abort the innocent baby.  At the end of the day, the life that was created is a gift.  If he doesn't want to be a father to HIS child, that will be his choice.  The are services out there to assist you with your child but most importantly there is CHILD SUPPORT and don't be afraid to use it if need be.
It will not be easy, as a single mother.  Now is the time to mentally prepare yourself and move forward with your life.  You need to start making smart decisions because from this day forward...every decision you make not only affects your life but your child's as well. 
Remember...You don't need to be with someone who causes you all of that pain and embarrassment.  You and your child deserves love, peace, and happiness! Best Wishes!!
~Lady Charles
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Reply Alert...Dear Lady Charles
Question: I'm having a hard time with facing reality about loosing my dad.  Help, I'm so angry and hurt...I'm mad as hell!!
First, I want to send my condolences for your loss.  Second, I want to tell you that being angry is ok.
We mourn for many reasons, and since this is the loss of a close relationship, the death of a valued being...your father, it is ok.
I think it is always good to be reassured that everyone mourns the death of a loved one differently and you can accept it as reality on your own terms...on your own time.  Some people will wear their emotions on their sleeve and be more outwardly emotional.  While others will experience their grief more internally, and may not cry...at all.  It is never our responsibility to judge how a person should react to the death of their loved one.  As said afore, each person will experience death differently.
There are five stage of death:
1. Denial - the first reaction is to deny the reality of the situation.  It's a defense mechanism that buffers the immediate shock; a temporary response that carries us through the first wave of pain.
2. Anger - as denial begins to wear off, reality of the death and the pain will often re-emerge.  This anger may be aimed at inanimate objects, complete strangers, family or friends.  Some have even been angry at the deceased loved one.  Though it's not their fault, some resent the person for causing them pain or leaving "too soon".
3. Bargaining - a normal reaction to feeling helpless and vulnerable...used as a way to regain control.
4. Depression - sadness and regret predominate.  This phase may be eased by simple clarification and reassurance.  Sometimes a BIG hug will go a long way.
5. Acceptance - reaching this stage of mourning is a gift not afforded to everyone.  Some will never accept.
REMEMBER, grieving is a personal process that has no time limit, nor one "right" way to do it.  Coping with loss is ultimately a deeply personal and singular experience - nobody can help you go through it more easily or understand all the emotions that you're going through.  But WE can be there for you and help comfort you through this process.  The best thing that you can do is ALLOW yourself to feel the grief as it comes.  Resisting it will only prolong the natural process of healing.
"As long as there is life, there is hope.  As long as there is hope, there is life"
~Lady Charles
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"LIVE Today Like You Will Die Tomorrow" ~Lady Charles
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See you there!!! www.TheLadyCharles.com
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Comfort Zone
Very often, it takes major events or a catastrophe for us to wake up and make changes in our lives.  We have signs we recognize that something isn't right.  We know it, we feel it.  But it's sometimes easier to keep living this life rather than putting in the work to change it.  Sadly to say, some of us get comfortable being miserable.  It becomes a part of us, who we are.  We know it's not fun anymore, we know it's not productive, but it's safe...Our Comfort Zone.
Everything in this world is transformable, meaning things are constantly undergoing change and adaptation.  We, as humans, are not exempted from change and growth.
We were all born into this world as infants.  We grew and developed, in stages, from infants to adults.  In each of the developmental stage we should have learned more and adapted our actions according to what we learned.  That is the essence of life. 
What have you learned and changed within the last 5 years?  Are you in a better place than you were 3 years ago...1 year ago...4 months ago...yesterday? Every lesson not learned is a missed opportunity for growth. 
If you are in the same place that you were in 5 years ago....It Is Time To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone!  Time is one of our most precious gifts and we should never waste it.
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Straight to the Top!!
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Daily Quote
Gentleman’s Essentials
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Never think you are obligated to be the same person you were 2 years ago, or even 20 minutes ago.  You have the right to grow...NO Apologies!
Lady Charles
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If you Dream You Can Achieve It
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Yes....Black Lives Do Matter!!
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