thelaziesthufflepuff · 3 months
Regarding some of the terminology posts people have been reblogging, I want to share my experience growing up as an older millenial.
My entire school career, from K-12, saying the word "gay" was formally banned.
As a younger kid, this was because homosexuality was considered a completely inappropriate subject for children in any form, even just acknowledging its existence in a neutral or negative way, let alone a positive one. By the time I was in high school, it was also because people were using "gay" to refer to anything they didn't like. "Ew, we have a pop quiz? That's so gay!" "Parking costs $30? That's gay!" There were absolutely still some homophobic people who wanted to ban all mentions of gay people for homophobic reasons, but by this stage there were plenty of more liberal teachers and administrators behind the ban to curtail the rampant casual homophobia.
So, did it work? Of course not. Queer kids were still bullied for being queer. But notably, it also didn't prevent people from using slurs. Kids couldn't say gay, so they used other words. The classic ones, like twink and fairy, were available, but just to cut back on pushback from adults even further, kids innovated. "Bundle of twigs" instead of "faggot." "Dam" instead of "dyke." "Happy" instead of gay.
And I stress that these euphemisms were frequently used unironically. People would be in dead serious, heated arguments, up to and including physical altercations, screaming insults like "twigs" and "happy" at each other. It was the equivalent of many modern teens automatically defaulting to "unalive" even in serious offline conversations about death. "Happy" was a slur.
Declaring certain words off limits accomplishes nothing. Ceding labels to the homophobes does nothing. All of our labels are slurs, and even if we stop using them, they'll just make more slurs. You don't have to like or use any particular label for yourself, but you accomplish nothing but censoring other members of the community and perpetuating in-fighting by trying to be the language police.
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 3 months
if i had three wishes they would all be to make web 2.0 utterly illegal and go back to normal html
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 3 months
Saying skill issue has done irreparable damage to my vocabulary
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 3 months
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kurt vonnegut, being good at things is not the point of doing them.
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 3 months
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my mew fave image reminded me of a certain duo…
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 3 months
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These are $30 for one but stitches at the hospital are more expensive so this is pretty damn great
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
one of the most important things, perhaps the most important thing I have learned in my life is that nice people can fuck each other up in monstrous ways. people can be bone deep kind and loving and self reflective and still lash out under pressure. people can be earnestly neighbourly and charitable and hospitable and generous and still find themselves in situations where they become selfish. people can be well meaning and easygoing and gregarious and hold deep seated opinions that turn them into vicious little bullies under the right conditions. nobody is just one thing, and nobody stays one way. every person is a kaleidoscope and they will surprise you. you will surprise yourself. it's not a warning and it's not a judgement and it's not an excuse, and it's certainly not a reason to stop trying or to stop trusting. it is just a fact.
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
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Congratulations! Your Tynamo evolved into an Eelektrik!
(Bonus below!)
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(The eel dog quadrupled in weight)
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
Paying 5 yuan for hot gossip
English added by me :)
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
chinese high-end business war by 双面笑笑
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
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this can't be true can it
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
Imo, christians would have an easier time with the trinity if they described it as like, “my god has three faces” or “jesus is the feet on the earth, the spirit the hands, and god the head” instead of restating polytheism verbatim
We should have a gathering in a place called Nicaea and have this discussion with the various Church leaders, cause I think you're on to something
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
this post is not gonna be well put together but i am having feelings
mean girls is trending right now because the musical movie just came out and i feel insane. idk why i do, it was stupid of me to think that most people Got It, no one ever gets it, it was always about the memes and the aesthetic.
the first mean girls movie was based on a nonfiction book called queen bees and wannabes. it interviewed and discussed the social caste system in teen girl friendships. how they hold each other to these insane standards of heternormative femininity out of sheer terror that they won't meet those standards themselves. the way they leverage their relationships for some small degree of power in a world designed to strip them of it, even if it drags other girls down.
the "you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week and on wednesdays we wear pink" speech was not an original creation for the script. it's a QUOTE from a real teenage girl. those were REAL RULES.
then the musical came, and it was one step removed from the intended messaging of the film. OG mean girls was not perfect (and was extremely racist), but it said what needed said. the musical leaned on the comedy more, but still left a heartfelt undertone, and still critiqued the systems in place. of course no piece of media is going to be perfect, but it was about the conversation.
then this new movie comes out and it is washed over in the veneer of white hollywood feminism so thick you can't see anymore. the problematic aspects of the original movie are taken out to avoid "offending" when the offense was the point. it becomes toothless, it becomes some other thing entirely. they changed karen's line "i expect to run the world in shoes i cannot walk in" to "watch me as i run the world in shoes i cannot walk in." because choice feminism is in vogue, suddenly this character whose entire point is that she doesn't think deeply about WHY she does anything is suddenly hip to the fact that the world is against her.
i think of sokka losing his misogyny arc in the new atla. i think of the Heathers remake casting the bitchy, identical heathers as queer and hollywood-fat outcasts. as if the story, the meaning, the allegory is hidden in the sets and the jokes and the music. it's a whole new thing now, and it's a thing that means nothing in particular.
the plastics should not wear jeans. they should not have curves. their queerness should be suppressed, painful. their sexuality is not a slay, it's the only thing they think they have of value. the santa dance isn't sexy, it's shocking, it's mortifying - they are children.
they're not mean because "we are all mean." they are mean because they are girls in a world that brutalizes them and crushes them into a standardized shape. they are mean because the world is mean to them. they are mean because it gives them some power back. they are mean because it's the only weapon they have.
the landscape of femininity today has shifted to camera-ready makeup at the age of 10, stringent performative hygiene standards, and avoiding being caught on film while having a genuine emotion. the consumerism, the fatphobia, the racism, the classism, the homophobia remain. We could have had a conversation about that.
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
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3 year old vs 5 month old
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
It doesn't matter if it's your OC, you shouldn't lewd a minor
Finneas is a 24 year old grown man.
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thelaziesthufflepuff · 4 months
I think we should write more straight relationships with 2010s TV queerbait tactics. Let that man and that woman's lives be horribly intertwined, let them take bullets for the other, let them be each other's meaning but NO KISSING. They are holding each other platonically. You're crazy for reading anything romantic into it at all tbh
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