theliberalshill · 6 years
Have u thought about updating obsidian anytime soon? Because it the best dark/twisted fanfic I’ve ever read
Firstly thank you so much for the compliment!! Umm I’ll update Obsidian but idk when exactly. But I’ve definitely been re-writing the outline so stay tuned!
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theliberalshill · 6 years
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Jessica Jones Icons
se pegar dê like, pls
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theliberalshill · 6 years
So you gonna finish obsidian or what ?
I will definitely finish Obsidian. I have written the entire outline for the next chapter. I'm just a bit busy lol. Glad to know that there are people who are still reading :)
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theliberalshill · 7 years
But can we talk about those flashbacks Oliver has? 
that first meeting
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(he’s been in the dark for so long it’s all he even knows anymore… he’s been living in this dull, focused work of black and white, knowing colors from afar but never really seeing them… and suddenly, there’s color everywhere, splashes, strokes, streaks of them… there’s something that just glows and he’s like a moth, stunned by the life in that flame… it’s the first time he remembers someone knowing he’s lying and calling him out on it in a manner that genuinely moves something inside him, makes his lips curve and before he knows it, he’s surprised himself by smiling back at this glowing life of color… the reason he’ll always remember it was red…)
that first date
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(where he finally picked up the courage to ask her out. he’s never had trouble asking anyone for a date but with her it’s different, he’s different. and he remembers being such a nervous wreck, because he’s taking that first step towards happiness with the woman he knows he loves… and then he sees her and everything blanks for a moment. he’s never seen her look more beautiful than she does right in that moment, waiting for him with a nervous smile and soft eyes and just… waiting for him… and he just falls more in love with her, right there…)
that first kiss
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(the first time he held her face in the palm of his hands, his lips against hers, breathing her in, knowing deep into his bones that there would never be another woman for him, not as long as he lived… he memorizes this moment, so completely that he can recall it as he feels himself dying on a cold mountain, or see it in a place of everything strange. this kiss became his homing beacon, in his own mind…)
that first time
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(after he knew he had to stay behind and here was no changing anything, after she’d given him the greatest gift a woman could give a man - her heart, her body, her soul, after telling him he was beautiful and she was so proud of him in so many million ways, after months and months of loving her from afar, from knowing he would die and kill for her happiness, after months of being a man committed to a woman in his heart, his body, his soul, she opened her arms to him, she accepted him. he’ll never forget that night for as long as he’ll live, not only because they made love for hours, culminating the desire that had been simmering between them for years, but also because it had been a dying wish for him, a memory of beauty in a future of dark, a memory that would give him strength in the time to come, sustain him, inspire him, and make him go back to her…. for that night, he was just Oliver and she was just Felicity and they loved each other with everything inside them)
that first proposal to the woman he loved and almost truly losing her
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(he’s held so many limp bodies in his life, more than any one man should, seen blood flow out of loved ones mouths as they’d taken that last breath in his embrace… he’s held her body so many times, in so many ways, in so many moments in his arms, with love and laughter and passion and intensity… he’s held her even when she’d been limp, when her head had lolled and he’d carried her to safety, feeling her breathe in his arms… but this was different… because they’d just been kissing, just been looking at the ring he’d finally placed on her finger after harboring it for months, just asked her for the commitment of a lifetime - body, heart, and soul - and she’d smiled and cried and clung to him and said yes… she’d just made him the happiest man on the face of the earth, the happiest he’d ever been in his life, the happiest he’d never thought he’d be… and it was gone… and he could feel it in his bones… this was bad… he was losing her, in perhaps more ways than one… she wasn’t waking up and she was hit and he knew what a straight bullet to the back could do and he was panicking because no, god no, not her… not like this… not with blood coating the ring on her finger…)
that first time he married her
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(he’s married her in his heart a hundred times already - with his eyes, his hands, his mouth, every part of his flesh and every part of his being… he’s married her in every way a man can marry a woman in his heart, his everything hers, he hers, for better or worse, for life… he’s been working on his vows for months now, and the moment he has her here, he knows he screwed up, and he knows she still loves him, and he knows this won’t forgive or win her back but he needs her to know, he needs to do this for himself, because baring his soul to her had always been simple, baring his heart to her, telling her she’s his always and he just wishes to be hers, sliding that ring on her finger, even for a few moments, in his heart they’re married right then - even if she’s hurt, even if he’s messed up, even if it’s all fake… for him, it’s never been more real, in the same venue he couldn’t bring himself to cancel and the same dress she was going to wear… in this moment, he’s married her… for the first time…) 
Nothing screams ENDGAME like a man who’s forgotten everything, lost in his own mind, and finds himself guided back home by the sheer memories of the woman he loves. He leaves his perfect life behind to go back, in part, to be with her, where he knows he can speak her name the way he does and her eyes would soften in the way they do.
Felicity Smoak is Oliver Queen’s always. 
And this episode proved than a million times.
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theliberalshill · 7 years
Why do you love Oliver so much?
Because of who he is, anon. 
Can we take a second to just appreciate Oliver Queen? 
People are destroyed by single events in their lives, they become the villains in their own stories. Just look at Malcolm Merlyn or Slade Wilson- how they gave up on their light and on their life because of losing one person in their lives, and not even witnessing that loss.
Oliver Queen did not have that fortune. He witnessed it all. He witnessed his father pulling the trigger at his head to save Oliver 
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(the kind of survivor’s guilt of that young boy just…). He witnessed the death of his first mentor, a man who saved him and taught him to survive in dire circumstances, and he witnessed the death of a woman he deeply felt for, because of a choice he couldn’t make. And SO MANY deaths.
And it didn’t end.
His best friend since birth took his last breath in his hands and he could not save him. 
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His mother was brutally murdered in front of his eyes by a man who was HIS enemy while he was tied up and could not save her.
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Sara’s dead body lay in the foundry while he’d just met her a night before and he could not save her. 
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His sister almost died, barely survived death, and it was because of his enemies. 
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Felicity, the love of his life and the woman he was going to marry was shot and paralyzed on the night he proposed to her.
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And Laurel died, right in front of him, with HIS arrow.
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He came back to Starling City, he couldn’t run a nightclub, he worked alone as an outlawed vigilante, and his relationships were not the best with anyone. He was alone. Completely alone. 
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He’d been vilified by the very people he wanted to protect, condemned by the city he spent every night trying to save, never finding the acceptance he so, so badly needed.
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And he lost the best relationship of his life with an amazing woman he loved down to his bones, 
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a woman who’d made him TRULY happy because of his own lies.
Oliver Queen, after years and years of loss and pain and death and blood and sheer agony that never stopped, has every right in the world to be angry, to be bitter, to be disappointed and become the villain of his own story.
He can be the biggest of ALL bad guys, the most deadly, the most irredeemable and given his whole story, it’s understandable how.
But he isn’t.
Instead, he’s still fighting. 
Can we take a minute to appreciate the fact that this man not only gets up every morning, but walks out into the city he calls home and puts his life on the line to save it? Can we talk about how anyone else in his situation could have chosen a path opposite of what he chose? Oliver Queen, by all rights, could have become the worst villain of his own story. He could have become so many terrible things, he had walked the darkness after all.
But he didn’t. Even now, despite everything, that path is unfathomable to him. Can we take a minute to appreciate that?
Because this man gets up and saves people.
This man inspires heroes and leads an army of hope.
This man stands strong in the face of storms and stays strong for those who need it.
He’s got fractures that never healed properly, burns on his being, scars on every nook and cranny. He’s got memories he would never speak of, pain and fear and loss we have barely scratched the surface of. He feels so much, so completely. Living through one day with the emotions he feels would cripple anyone.
And yet, he falls, gets up. And falls again. And gets up again. Rinse and repeat.
That strength, to keep getting up after every shove, every hit, every slap. That strength to keep walking, alone or not. That’s what makes him a hero.
He’s still going on to protect the city just as he always did, still going on. 
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Except now, the people who once crucified him have opened their arms to him and given him with acceptance. The city which had once looked at him with suspicion looks at him with hope. 
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He’s inspired a whole new generation of heroes to fight for what is right and to keep fighting even when all the hell breaks loose and your body gives up. 
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He’s become the Mayor of the city, by the CHOICE of the people (and just imagine how that kind of acceptance must feel to a man like him). 
And he has a group of people he KNOWS will be his rock, his certainty, if he ever needs. He’s not alone, and he’s slowly accepting it. 
He has the most amazing, honest relationship with his sister
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He has a solid brother and partner in Digg; 
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and he has the faith of the most amazing woman he’s had the fortune of falling in love with, 
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one who chooses to stand with him despite all his flaws and because of them.
He’s got a long way to go, no doubt. But he’s come so, so very far, farther than he ever imagined he could go. And that is the beauty of Oliver Queen- he walks down paths that he never thought he would without fear, even knowing it might not turn out well.
Oliver Queen is such a beautiful, strong, immensely flawed character who is all the more real for it, his struggles all the more heroic for it, his imperfections all the more endearing for it.
He’s a fighter, a survivor, a hero.
He’s proof that darkness can exist without monstrosity. 
So yes, I love Oliver Queen. I’m in awe of Oliver Queen.  
And my heart fucking bursts for him, breaks for him, beats for him.
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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olicity + kisses
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theliberalshill · 7 years
Arrow and Black Lives Matter
I am fucking furious.
I never come on here anymore because, to be frank, Tumblr tends to be a cesspool on the best of days, and makes me want to light myself and possibly others on fire on the worst of days. 
I’ve already been told by two separate white women to sit down and shut up, but I won’t.
Today, an interview with @marcguggenheim was posted on Collider in which he claims that the “topical” episode for Season 6 of Arrow will be Black Lives Matter. (skip ahead to 8:56)
I’ve now listened to it twice. In no way, shape, or form does it appear that Mr. Guggenheim is joking. He seems reasonably calm and very straightforward.
Now, I’m not sure if any of you follow Guggs on here or Twitter, but the idea that an ALL WHITE WRITER’S ROOM is going to tackle Black Lives Matter on ARROW of all places is absurd. It’s unconscionable, it’s far afield, it’s every other adjective you can think of here.
Keep reading
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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“We never really did talk about anything…”
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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#leading ladies #and the superheroes who cook for them
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theliberalshill · 7 years
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