Saat kau tahu ada seseorang yang sengaja mendzolimi diri mu, atau menyakiti mu, ingatlah bahwasanya kamu memiliki Allah yang tak pernah tidur.
Tetaplah menjadi baik pada setiap manusia yang bernyawa. Pasti segala sesuatu ada balasannya, entah baik atau itu buruk.
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Bumi, kau selalu menjadi tempat ternyaman untuk aku singgah, hidup, dan bernafas. Tak ada lagi tempat senyaman, sehidup, dan seindah dirimu.
Kalau ada, itu pun Syurga, tapi belum masa nya berada saat ini. Ia adalah tempat berpulang dan tempat menetap bagi setiap hati yang menginginkan nya, sungguh, termasuk aku, salah satunya, si manusia biasa nan tak sempurna ini.
Keluarga, ialah satu-satunya teman untuk aku berharap agar tinggal selamanya bersama mereka kelak di Syurga.
Dan aku selalu bertanya-tanya, apakah aku pantas masuk ke dalamnya, sedang aku lah si manusia yang tak luput dari dosa. Namun, aku jua takut sekali dan tak ingin masuk ke Neraka.
Aku hanya bisa berusaha dan memperbaiki. Aku selalu berharap semoga esok, pribadi aku lebih baik dari pribadi aku yang kemarin dan hari ini.
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Random #25
Angkasa terlihat begitu menawan saat Malam.
Sang Mentari selalu gagah menyinari Galaxy Bima Sakti setiap detik.
Batu Meteor berjatuhan sesuai keinginan Sang Perekam.
Bumi tak henti nya berputar dan beredar menurut garis edar Nya Sang Penitik.
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Random #24
Pelajaran pertama dari sakit beberapa hari ini adalah MAKAN YANG CUKUP. JANGAN NUNDA MAKAN.
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Random #23
Let's give hugs and love for Kahfi 🤍
Hopefully he will always be healthy everyday, and be protected by Allah SWT whenever and where ever he steps.
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I wanna show this song up to you, my dear unknown future husband 😆😌☺️
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Imagine that it is the love given from Allah 😇😊🥰
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"when the days at your sickness, that is the best time to remind yourself from the death."
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"Never blaming yourself overly, it is not all your faults. Just follow your heart, and no need to be a people pleasure to everyone. Do what it is best for you, regardless people's thoughts and responds."
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Random #22
Wish oneday i hear someone's voice whispering at me...
"Hi, dear, i wanna tell you the truth. you are my true love, loving you and your son is my highest miracle in this world. I'll keep you always in my mind and my heart until i live in another dimension of world. I'll listen to every single story you share. I'll face up and down of harsh life together with you. your destiny is mine, walking through in harmony from the start til finish line together with you, when your strength is my weakness, and my strength is your weakness, we complete each other until the endless time we'll have."
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Allah has set our timeline for a mate on the right time with the right person at the right place. 🤍
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Alhamdulillah really took a better sleep today..
Allah knows what i truly need..
Last night got a fever and cold, and followed by headache and fatigue in this early Morning..
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Random #21
Today, since last night alhamdulillah Allah gives me unwell condition. I am sure, Allah just wants me to take a rest for a while. Thanks to Allah for the great and endless bounty He has ever given to me.
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Finally, i found my self as an ENFJ-T! 🙌😊🥳
[Extrovert 88% and Introvert 12%]
Know your self more, the more you explore and see yourself, the more you can understand what your soul truly needs, and exactly the more you can love yourself. 🤍
I love being surrounded by people.
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Cherish every single moments with someone you love, and the people you wanna hangout with because you never know, when it will be the last time for having them.
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"Cinta itu keikhlasan, tidak ada paksaan, atau rasa pelampiasan."
-Alm. Eyang Habibie
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