zarysa-of-zorcai · 1 year
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It’s Father’s Day! So here’s a picture I drew of my Vox Machina oc Zia as a child with her Papa!
I haven’t really revealed much of her childhood/backstory yet but I freaking love this dwarf dude.
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 1 year
Zia’s story (Vox Season 1 Percyxoc fic)
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Ch 1: Tough Times at the Tavern
Ch 2: Finding Purpose
Ch 3: What’s Deserved
Ch 4: Meeting The King
Ch 5: Set Sail
Ch 6: Not Gonna Fuck This Up
Ch 7: It Flew Along The Coast
Ch 8: Left For Dead
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 1 year
Ch 8: Left For Dead
The towering pines around them became more sparsely spaced as they journeyed further after the prints, scratches, and other tracks that marked the path the creature had taken.
As the ground became more even and less treacherous Zia let her mind drift once more. Her thoughts were not on her past, or the present predicament of facing whatever large creature they were tracking, but instead on the future, if they survived.
The prospect of sharing wine with Percy was daunting. He'd told her to think about it so she was. To be on the other side of the window...among the noise and the nearby drunken cheers, did she really want to open herself up to potential ridicule by nearby drunks? The stares and the slurred jeers....her hand was shaking just thinking about being stared at. All the eyes-the feel of being trapped in someone's gaze-
Wait. That feeling...it wasn't just in her head, she realized.
There were eyes on her.
Right now.
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 1 year
Ch 7: It Flew Along The Coast
Zia roamed the Shale Steps surrounding forest, knowing in her heart she made the right decision. Her friends might've been hurt by her peeling away from them so suddenly, but it was for the best.
Really, it was.
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 1 year
Ch 6: Not Gonna Fuck This Up
Even though the council woman had sped away on the ship the moment they landed, Zia could still feel the remnants of Lady Allura's gaze. Her eyes...they were so judgemental. Like she already deemed them failures before they were even given this chance. It was clear she held disdain for them, at least it was to Zia. Unlike Scanlan she wasn't convinced the council woman would return for even their corpses let alone their living bodies once the creature was killed.
Her warning to not fuck this up had been clear enough. Zia knew it was meant for the whole group but it still felt quite pointed at her. At any rate, she'd taken it to heart.
The woman was right.
If they failed...if they fucked this up the way they fucked up literally everything else...
People would starve.
Hell, people would die.
They couldn't let such a thing happen.
Vox Machina trudged towards the hilltop which wasn't nearly as long of a trek as the stairs to Uriel's palace. The village was just on the other side of the hill. Zia almost wished it would be a longer walk. Give her more time to think, but no. She'd been debating this since the moment they'd descended the ships red carpeted stairs.
Zia stopped abruptly, just before she reached the hill's peak. The rest of Vox just a bit ahead of her. "....Lady Allura said not to fuck this up. So, I Uh, I think it's best that I stay here."
"Huh?" Keyleth was the first to pause and face her clutching her staff.
"What? No." Pike protested, multiple murmurs of discontent echoing the female gnomes exclamation by the rest of the group. "Zia, you don't have to do that."
"But I do." The statuette insisted. "Look, we're dealing with people who are already scared and frightened by god knows what. My presence...it won't help anything there."
"Come now, darling. The least of these people's worries will be your appearance." Vex denied hand rested on her hip. "It's just a small village."
"Small villages aren't the most open minded." Zia denied in reply. She rubbed the back of her gloved hand softly out of nervousness. "I don't want to scare anybody into grabbing any pitchforks."
"Even so, don't forget we represent the sovereign right now, Zia." Percy reminded her. "Nobody will look twice at you, let alone arm themselves with their farming tools."
"A single look is all it ever takes. They see someone as cursed as me walking around..." Zia sighed. "...it's just better if I stay on the outskirts. Trust me on that."
"Zia..." Percy began, but he quieted as she raised her hand signaling he be silent.
"I've made up my mind, you need to put people at ease to get them talking. If they're afraid of us they'll clam up. We shouldn't waste time. So you all poke around town, I'm going to go search the surrounding area...away from everybody."
Zia walked off - the group watching her go.
No one made any real moves to stop her. They knew better than to force her into coming with them. That would only worsen her anxieties.
"So much for progress..." Pike frowned as Zia disappeared into the brush.
"She was doing so well too." Percy agreed, staring off into the space Zia had just occupied with a forlorn expression.
"Should someone go with her?" Grog wondered. "If there's a big bad creature roaming round...being alone doesn't sound too safe."
"Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah." Scanlan waved a hand dismissively. "Do you hear yourself? It's Zia. That woman's made for monster fighting with that stone skin of hers, and her swords aren't just placed there to make her hips look sexy. Let's all just go into town. If Zia doesn't want to stay with us for that then that's her problem."
"I hate to say it, but Scanlan's right." Vex agreed. "We shouldn't waste time. Once we find out what the villagers know we can regroup with Zia on the outskirts. Let's move."
Hey guys here's another chapter! Sorry it's so short but the next one will probably get us to the end of episode one! So yay for that! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and stay tuned for more!
I love Zia so much hope you do too
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 1 year
Ch 5: Set Sail
Vox Machina boarded the Kings vessel through a door on the ships side. The interior was as lavish as one would expect a king's personal vessel to be. Ornate carvings lined the support beams that wrapped the red carpeted halls. Kerosine lamps provided a dull light meant to exude a relaxed atmosphere.
That said, Zia wasn't relaxed by the lighting.
Much like when they entered the palace,  Zia had a great urge to turn around and get the hell out of there. Preferably, before she was kicked off the vessel in mid air.
She knew the fear was irrational. Her and the others were on board by order of the sovereign. The likelihood of being thrown off mid journey was low, she knew. But it was still there thanks to her overactive imagination.
If the crew was superstitious it was likely they wouldn't appreciate having a cursed being like her on board and if they deemed her to be bad luck...but no, she shooed the thoughts away decidedly. The kings order was sufficient protection against such a thing occurring.
It had to be.
She needed to focus on anything other than the little voice in her head that told her she didn't deserve to even stand on something as nice as this ship. The voice that told her her mere presence would anger those aboard and earn her nothing but scorn from the strangers upon this vessel.
She focused her gaze down at the red carpeting and guilt gripped her as she realized how filthy her boots were. The previously spotless carpet now spattered with flecks of dark brown with every step she took.
Her cursed eye sight made the stains all the more prevalent to her in the dim lit space, but normal eyes wouldn't be as keen to the blotches marring the surface. So she hoped that no one would one else would notice them.
She'd gotten so focused on the stains she hadn't noticed the group was coming to a halt before a door. She almost tripped over Scanlan, doubling over catching herself on the wall to keep herself from totally falling on the gnome.
Zia winced, uttering a hurried "Sorry...!" to the gnome.
"Don't worry, about it." Scanlan waved a hand, his eyes were decidedly not on her face for a moment. He smirked lightly as he eyed her, eyes flicking up to hold her gaze once he'd decided he'd gotten a good enough look down her dresses front. "You can step on me anytime, Treasure Chest."
"Oh my god, gross Scanlan!" Keyleth swatted his head with her staff before Zia could do so much as splutter. She helped the statuette straighten up locking arms with her.
"He can be so disgusting sometimes..!" Keyleth huffed in annoyance.
Zia said nothing, her lips pressed together.
She knew she should probably be scandalized by the comment, and even the gnomes actions, but she found herself feeling more hurt by Keyleth's admonition of the gnome. Was his insinuation really that gross? Was the idea of doing something sexual with her really so disgusting?
She had all the time in the world to ponder that while she was in the shower.
They were all allowed time to freshen up while the departure preparations were being made.
There was even a magical laundry to rid their clothes of the back alley grime.
Keyleth was most thankful, as her tunic had been covered in so many throw up stains.
Once clean and deemed presentable enough to represent the King they were allowed passage to the upper deck.
Zia enjoyed being back in the open air almost immediately. While the inside of the ship had been very nice it had made her feel very trapped in such a stuffy space.
She breathed deeply walking with Pike to the ships front. It felt good being in a more open area.
T shaped rutters swung into place, sails were unfurled on the mast, and the four crystals that hugged the ships wooden siding glowed to life.
The ship took off without delay, rising through a sea of fluffy clouds.
Zia stopped to stand adjacent to Percy with Pike at the ships bow. Her gloved hands rested feather light upon the ships banister. Zia's eyes were set back on King Uriel's castle. As the ship ventured further away from it, her view of such a pretty palace was stolen by a haze of white.  The mist of the cloud's innards was cool on Zia's stone skin as they passed through the cloud's fog. When they emerged above the cloud's fluffy edges, Grog and Keyleth came sprinting over, wondrous excitement on each of their faces.
Zia turned to take stalk of their heading at the same moment that Pike leapt up onto Grog's back. She was not disappointed by the new view, leaning slightly over the banister to see around Percy's frame.
Wispy clouds drifted far above snow capped blue-grey peaks. Pine trees littered the expansive rolling hills of green, brown trenches  mixed in between further breaking the wonderful coloring. Zia'd never been on a ship quite like this before, let alone one that flew, so she'd never seen a landscape from such an angle.
But as they sailed closer to their destination, Zia's smile dimmed. The land directly below them was burnt up.  Not even a single blade of grass remained.
"The land's so charred..." Zia murmured the words completely stunned. "....there's nothing left."
"No, there isn't." Lady Allura walked up to the group. She strode to stand beside Trinket and Keyleth. "As you can see, the creature has already razed three villages and miles of farmland."
"One creature did all this?" Zia was stunned.
"Indeed. We don't know much about what you're being sent to kill, but what we do know is that it's likely large, and has a preference for burning everything in its wake."
"Charming." Percy frowned tightly.
"I can assure you it is anything but. If this evil persists, the kingdom will starve to death." Lady Allura's tone was grim.
"Sounds like the starving people will be lucky," Zia frowned further. "Given this things penchant for ashen villages."
"Indeed they will be." Lady Allura agreed. "Which is why it is imperative that this creature be slain."
"This mission sounds kind of deadly." Keyleth chuckled nervously. "Do we really want to do this?"
"The reward'll be worth the risk, even if that risk is pretty high." Zia insisted, though she wasn't referring to the golden box's contents. She was referring to all the people they would help. The sense of accomplishment they would finally have after doing something that mattered.
"Yes, this task is dangerous, which is why only the most noble, heroic and true..."
"Yeah, yeah, nobility and heroism is fine and all, but we're in this for the money." Vax interrupted her. "Like the stone woman said."
"I see." Lady Allura seemed unimpressed. "So it's coin over character. Not surprising."
Before Zia could correct Vax or anyone else on what she really meant by her words, the ship was already setting down. It was time to get off.
Here's the new chapter 5! Sorry for the delay guys! Ch 6 will be out soon! If you have any questions or comments please feel free to let me know!
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 1 year
Ch 4: Meeting The King
The endless concerto of bird song told Zia it was morning before the rising sun could get the chance. Her and Percy were exhausted given their sleepless night, and everyone else seemed to be hungover save for Scanlan. Despite that they needed to move. Their plan depended on arriving early to the kings court. The group groggily made their way to the palace and cursed every damned stair they had to climb to get there.
Zia didn't hate the long trek even if her legs were burning from the exertion. It gave her time to think about everything, mostly about what she was going to do when they made it to the top. She couldn't get Percy's words from last night out of her head. He'd sounded so sincere. She had no doubt that he'd meant every word of it.
Percy's truths echoed inside her mind. Though it wasn't only his voice playing on loop in her brain, but the memory of the kiss as well. Had it just been the wine Percy drank? Or did he really...could it be possible he really had feelings for her? Zia never dreamed anyone would like her that way. Least of all someone like Percy. He was handsome, brilliant, walked around all dignified, and she...She let herself slip so far into her thoughts and memories that her foot missed a stair.
"Woah." Vax caught Zia by the wrist, a hand settling on her waist to ensure she remained upright. "Easy there, Gemstone. Don't take a tumble. It's a long way back down."
Zia let out a laughless sigh. "Yeah, thanks, Vax. Sorry. I'll try to pay more attention. It's uh-it's early. Guess I'm still a little tired."
It wasn't a total lie. Her limbs felt heavy due to the lack of sleep.
"Don't apologize to me. You should say sorry to the stairs. They're the ones who would have got cracked under that pretty little chin of yours." Vax's fingers ghosted under her chin, but it felt different from the gentle caress that Percy's fingertips had left. The gesture felt empty.
"Must you." Percy glared, over his shoulder at the half-elf. His glasses glinted in the rising sun.
"Just trying to wake her up a little." Vax let go of Zia's wrist and allowed his hand to drop. He smirked at Percy. "Why? Does it bother you?"
"This early in the morning?" Percy's tone was clipped. He did not look amused. "Yes."
Something told Zia it had nothing to do with the time of day and everything to do with it having been her. She wasn't sure why that gave her this twisted fuzzy feeling that had her toes scrunching in her heeled boots. But it did.
"Move it you three!" Vex snapped at them almost nearing the top of many stair sets. They were only halfway. "These stairs don't move you up them themselves!"
"Everlight have mercy on our legs, are these stairs multiplying?" Pike struggled. "Or is that just me?"
"Nope, I'm with you." Scanlan complained. "Why does this Uriel guy need so many damn stairs to his castle anyways?"
"Tiny legs gettin tired, Scanlan?" Grog snickered.
"Oh, Shut up, Grog. You could just hug us all and get us to the top in three jumps." Scanlan huffed fed up with all the stairs.
"Oh gods, Scanlan don't give him ideas." Zia pleaded. "My hair looks bad enough from sleeping outside. Do you know what the wind would do to it?"
"Your hair is fine, Zia." Percy assured her. "A bit frizzy perhaps but other than-"
"Enough talk. All of you." Vex admonished hand on her hip pausing on the upper stair. "If you can move your mouth then you can move your legs faster if you'd shut up. Let's go."
"Yeesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the trashcans." Scanlan muttered.
"I heard that." Vex warned.
The sky was a rosey pink by the time Vox Machina made it to the top of the palace steps.
"We're really gonna see the sovereign looking like this?" Keyleth worried, she looked the worst out of everyone. She had remnants of throw up on the front of her dress.
"Keyleth's right. Maybe we should all take a moment, find a fountain...freshen up?" Zia tried, getting nervous now that they were before the giant door. She ran her fingers through her hair in a feeble attempt to rid her purple shimmering curls of knots and snarls.
"And climb down all those stairs again just to have to come back up?" Vex glared at the stone skinned woman. "Absolutely not. We go in as we are."
Vex took a step forwards only to be halted by the guards. They crossed their spears. Everyone frowned at them. Various are you kidding me looks across their faces. Vex'ahlia unfurled the wanted ad with a smile.
"Okay, we'll take you in, but the bear waits outside." The guards uncrossed their spears.
Trinket hung his head in dejected disappointment.
"It's okay, buddy. We'll be back soon." Vex promised the bear as the group ventured towards the doors. He looked awfully sad to be left outside. "But Zia, will keep you company! Won't you, Zia?"
"Oh, Uh, actually..." Zia straightened out her dress. "...I think I'm going to go in with you guys this time."
Keyleth almost dropped her staff in shock. "Oh my god your going in!? But you never go in!"
"I know, I just...I thought with how bad our jobs have been going...maybe I would- It would," She amended, eyes flicking to Percy for just a moment as she almost echoed his words. "help...us all being together."
"Seriously?" Vex looked at her incredulously.
"Mhmm." Zia laced her fingers together. "Who knows, maybe I'll distract them from how run down the rest of you look. Given my um...interesting complexion."
"Wow, uh that's real considerate of you, Zia." Pike smiled. "Thanks."
Grog sniffled, and Zia only had time to widen her eyes before she was being scooped up by the Goliath.
"I'm so proud of you, Zizi!" Grog hugged Zia to his chest, and spun her around like she was a rag doll. If her skin was not harder than the average humans then he most certainly would have crushed her bones.
"Yes, yes, this is a big moment for her conquering her weird little social fear." Vex waggled her fingers. "Whatever." Vex's hands rested on her hips. "We have a king to see. Some decorum please. Percy, would you tell them?"
"Vex is right." Percy's agreed but there was a certain mirth to his voice as he spoke. "We shouldn't delay."
Percy was careful with his words aware the guards were listening.
Grog set Zia down and she smoothed out her dress once more. They all ventured inside leaving trinket on the other side of the giant doors.
"See you in a bit Trinkie.." Zia waved at the bear before the doors closed behind them. Zia felt a bit guilty leaving trinket out by himself, and the closer she got to the throne room the more she felt the urge to sprint back down the large hall they were walking down.
This was such a nice castle. She shouldn't be here. Cursed as she was. This was a bad idea. Why did she think meeting the king was a good idea? Her friends were going to pay for her being here. No king or council ever reacted well to a cursed person like her. What if Percy was wrong? What if she was ridiculed? What if the king ordered the guards to get her out of his sight? She-
-felt a hand at the small of her back. She didn't need to look to know who it was. The hand was gentle, meant to guide rather than force. It did not push, it's owner merely applied a light pressure. An assurance of presence more than anything else.
She looked at Percy. He'd almost fallen into step with her. He walked just a bit behind.
"You're doing well." These words were only meant for her.  His voice kept low and barely audible. There was no chance of anyone else hearing him. "Whatever happens in there I'm with you. I promise. I won't leave your side."
Zia wasn't exactly sure what she did to deserve such a statement. From Percy no less, but it eased her worried mind and made her heart swell all the same.
When they arrived in the throne room the king was already having a discussion with his council. Keyleth attempted to be polite in getting his attention, twice, but they were persistently ignored. A small part of Zia hoped that they never would notice them.
Of course right when she wished that, Grog let out an echoing belch that gained the attention of everyone in the room.
Zia was immediately uncomfortable. Their stares held copious amounts of judgement and disdain. Especially when their gazes roamed over her. She wanted to slide over and hide behind Grog, but that meant removing herself from Percy's hidden tender touch. So she refrained. She endured their disapproving eyes.
The blonde man in the armor had a different look than the rest of those surrounding the king. His electric blue eyes, Zia could feel them on her and unlike the rest of the council whose eyes roamed over them all-his eyes remained glued to her. Zia did not know why. Only that she did not like the feel of his gaze. He was staring at her like Grog would the finest tankard of ale. It was a stare she was drastically unprepared for and not one she welcomed.
How she wished she could just whip out her swords and slash the tension from the air. Wait- Maybe she could though not with her swords but with words. Maybe if she was quick enough she could ease their foul tempers. She just had to get them on the right foot. First step, apologizing for Grog's deplorable manners.
"Uh, excuse him your majesty," Zia spoke up hoping that she didn't sound as nervous as she felt. "He had a bit too much ale last night."
"I didn't have too much." Grog protested. "I'd say I didn't have enough."
"Sure you didn't buddy." Pike tapped Grogs leg.
"I'm sorry," Lady Kima glared down at them. "Who the hell are you?"
"Vox Machina." Percy stepped forwards, his right arm lifting from behind Zia's back so he could point his finger. His other hand adjusting his glasses. "You see, it's actually a somewhat clever play on words..."
"Honestly, we don't care." Sir Fince was immediately dismissive. He turned to face the king. "Sire, I warned you the notices would attract the scum of Emon." His hand gestures towards the groups left where Zia was standing. "Just look at the accursed wretch they've brought."
The council pointedly stepped apart so the king could set eyes on them. Zia did her best not to flinch, but it was hard when the dark elf's words were so pointed at her. Fuck. She told Percy this would happen.
"Excuse you?" Vex demanded, an eyebrow raised as she glared.
"Oh, you did not just-!" Pike was ready to storm up there and break that dark elf's finger.
"Pike.." Zia's voice was barely above a whisper, any higher and hurt would be leaking into her tone. "It's fine."
"Like hell it is!" Pike denied, glare only deepening.
"I think Sir Fince means a foe this deadly requires more seasoned..."
"Krieg, don't bother with these drunken buffoons." Sir Fince denied. "Guards?"
The guards swarmed around them in an instant. Percy pushed Zia behind him, glaring at the guard with his arm raised in front to strike if he tried anything. Grog growled menacingly to scare him off.
Zia was back to back with Keyleth. The women exchanged nervous looks. This had been what Zia had been afraid of, well sort of. At least she was getting thrown out for being a drunk instead of a cursed wretch as the elf called her. That was better...right?
Percy stepped out of Zia's space so she wasn't as squished with Keyleth, but he had a glare on his face now. He was not pleased by the dark elf's order. Not at all. On the contrary, Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo the third was quite pissed.
"Buffoons?" Scanlan had been particularly insulted by the word as well, and it seemed he had a plan to charm the king into giving them a chance. "Clearly you've never heard of the Legend of Vox Machina. Allow me to give you a proper introduction."
"Oh, gods, here we go." Vax groaned, as Scanlan pulled out his lute. He was much to hungover for this.
♪ Your Excellence tried the best fighters ♪ ♪ Who've adventured far and wide ♪ ♪ But I promise ♪ ♪ That you've never met a troop so qualified ♪
"Are we really gonna let him do this?" Zia whispered, wondering if they should shut him up before they really got tossed out on their asses. "
"I don't think we have a choice." Keyleth groaned feeling woozy.
Zia bit her lip, and rested a hand on her swords hilt as Scanlan's magic swirled around them in a purple cloud. When it disappeared it showed them all looking quite badass with their weapons of choice. Zia stood next to keyleth in the illusion. One of her twin swords raised high in the air, glinting in a lightning flash. The other tilted behind in a backwards grip.
♪ There's Grog our mighty giant. He's a simpleminded hulk, ♪
♪ And Percy's pepperbox can blow apart -Your fսck¡ng skull ♪
♪Zia's a cursed statuette with swords of fallen stars. ♪♪You'll never see her coming til she's already littered you with scars. ♪
♪Nature hath no fury ♪ ♪ Quite like Keyleth the Ashari ♪ ♪ Controlling plants and animals ♪ ♪ She's a magical safari ♪
♪ The twins Vex and Vax ♪ ♪ She shoots, he hides in the pitch ♪ ♪ They're stealthy and quite deadly ♪ ♪ But I forget which one is which ♪
"He's Vax." Vex tilted her head in annoyance.
"She's Vex." Vax's eyes flicked to the left completely done with Scanlan.
♪ Pike's divinity is pure ♪ ♪ Her hands can always heal ♪
♪ Oh, and did I mention we have a bear? ♪ ♪ Trinket, no big deal ♪
♪ And as for myself? My name is Scanlan ♪ ♪ The man with the phat purple hand ♪ ♪ My music's the jam, going ham, you can't stand it ♪ ♪ Get some water, hide your daughters ♪
King Uriel cleared his throat.
"Scanlan!" Zia hissed, kicking his leg lightly.
"Oh. Uh, sorry."he apologized getting back on track.
♪ Brave warriors are we and far more clever than a fox ♪ ♪ They'll tell tale of our exploits ♪ ♪ In the Legend ♪ ♪ Of Vox ♪
♪ Machina ♪♪
The illusions cloud disappeared. Scanlan knelt down doing Jazz hands as Keyleth retched behind him. Zia moved to rub the druids back and hold her hair. It was the most she could do.
"Uh, thank you very much." Scanlan smirked.
"Oh. Mm, okay. Uh... Uh..." the Council was unsure about what they just witnessed.
"Give the council a moment to discuss your curious group." The king spoke up and his advisors all circled around him.
They couldn't hear their conversation that well from down the stairs but the king looked quite contemplative. Scanlan waved as they looked down at them.
"Yeah, doubt it." Their circle broke because of Lady Kima. "Let's just call in Agar's Assassins again."
"Uh, Agar apparently had his hand chopped off in a barroom brawl." One of the guards informed.
"Oh, shit." Scanlan coughed into his hand.
"Doesn't gossip huh?" Zia hissed at him.
"How was I supposed to know he had chatty guards?" Scanlan hissed back.
"Urgh!" She would have kicked him again if not for the fact that keyleth was so unsteady.
"Come now. What's the harm in letting them give it a go?" The general leaned on the kings throne. "At least they've all got hands."
"Oh! Yes! Yes it's true! We do have hands! Spare ones even!" Scanlan made his purple hand appear.
"Very well." The King conceded. "You're hired, Vox Machina. Mainly because I like the bear. Lady Allura will accompany you to the Shale Steps, the village closest to the last attack."
"So, what exactly are we killing, and how much are we making?" Vax asked the question weighing on their minds.
"We don't know what you're killing, but once you kill it, all this is yours." The general pulled out a chest.
Vox Machina's faces lit up. That was a big box.
"Uh, one more question." Scanlan spoke up. "Yeah, how are we supposed to get there?"
"You will be taking my finest sky ship. The town is a mere jaunt in the vessel. You are to leave immediately." The king ordered. "There could be another attack at any time."
"Yes sire." Lady Allura bowed before she walked towards the doors. "Vox Machina if the members of your group would all follow me,"
The woman kept a straight a straight face as she passed.
"The ship will be equipped with showers." Lady Allura side eyed them. "Do use them."
And Here's Chapter 3!!!! Ahh this was so fun to write I love Zia so much! Next chapter will be out soon!!!!!! While you wait I'd appreciate it if you took a stab at these questions and gave me some feedback!
1. Thoughts on this chapter? What did you think of it? Are you liking this story so far? How's my writing? Any favorite moments? Be honest.
2. How are you feeling about Zia? Do you find her likeable or not really? Is she annoying, endearing like what are your thoughts on my oc so far? Again be honest.
3. Any guesses as to why Krieg was staring at Zia like he was?
4. Whose your favorite member of Vox?
5. What Characters would you like to see Zia interact with more?
6. What would you like to learn most about Zia?
7. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant, and or tell me!
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 1 year
Ch 3: What’s Deserved
Vox Machina hunkered down for the night in a secluded alleyway. The drunkest of them- Keyleth, Grog, and Vax all passed out straight away. Pike and Vex didn't have problems dozing off a few minutes after either. Nor did Scanlan or even the ever so fluffy Trinket.
The same could not be said for the soberest set of the bunch.
Zia and Percy were both wide awake. They didn't even try to shut their eyes. They knew how useless it would be with the adrenaline of the tavern fight still buzzing through their bones. Instead, they each sat upright on opposite sides of the alleyway, backs against the cold bricks, legs outstretched for comfort, and worked on cleaning their respective weapons.
Not that Percy's focus was really on his pepperbox.
It was not thoughts of Whitestone and the horrors he suffered at the hands of the briarwood's that plagued his tactful mind this night. But rather, the observation that the woman across from him appeared to be rather worried. He couldn't help but notice it. It was written all over her face. The down turn of her lips, the unfocusedness of her eyes, the telltale crinkle between her brows. It was obvious.
At least, it was to Percy.
He knew Zia. All of her little signs and tells that she tried to hide he could read like a good book. It wasn't that her expression was easily readable, per say, it was just easy for Percy himself to read it.
That said, He didn't know what was weighing on her mind exactly. Whether it was the recent events or the upcoming meeting with the king. But Percy had known Zia long enough now that he could wager a guess.
"Worried about tomorrow?" Percy's voice cut through their friends symphony of snores.
Zia startled at the question. Though she reacted to his voice she hadn't really heard what he asked.
"Sorry?" Zia's head lifted, amethyst eyes settling on the man across from her.
"Your brows are crinkled." He gestured to the spot on his own face. "That only happens when you're worried about something."
"Oh." Zia mumbled fingertips lifting to rub against the very spot. As if she could thwart the action that way.
"So, is it tomorrow..." Percy pressed, head tilted as he studied her. "...that you're worrying yourself over?"
Zia pressed her lips together. Her hand lowered, gloved fingertips gliding against the flat slide of her sword as she thought about her answer.
Percy waited patiently, he knew one would be given after some deliberation. His questioning had been sudden. Her answer didn't need to be.
"I just..."Zia was hesitant as she began. "I don't know if it's a good idea for me to go in with you guys when you meet the king."
"Zia..." Her name fell gently from his lips. His brows drew together in concern.
"I'm cursed, Percy." Zia frowned further. The words hung heavy in the air. "What if the king takes one look at me and sends us away?"
"That isn't going to happen." Percy insisted.
"You don't know that."
"I do." Percy denied. "The king would be a blinded fool to turn us away because of you."
Zia remained silent. Her eyes downcast on her sword in her lap. It was clear she disagreed.
Percy placed his pepperbox on the ground. He ignored the small puff of black smoke that angrily swirled around the weapon at the action. Percy crossed over to Zia's side of the alley.
He knelt down in front of her. Fingertips feather light under her chin to guide her gaze upwards onto him. Though the touch lingered he drew his hand back to his knee when their eyes met.
"Now, I can't speak for everyone, only for myself," Percy's voice was low. "but you would be sorely missed if you didn't come inside with us tomorrow. I..." Percy's hand curled into a fist. "Zia, whenever you're next to me, you give me this...this sense that nothing could possibly go wrong and even when it does go wrong everything is still right because you're there. Your presence it helps. You provide this steadiness, this immovable surety of safety just by being there. It's hard to describe, and it sounds rather silly saying it aloud, but it's the truth, believe it or not."
He studied her face. Her expression. She looked surprised not that Percy understood why. Didn't she know how integral she was to the group? Hell, to him? Perhaps he needed to make it more clear to her.
"You may not be proud to be a part of Vox Machina, but I'm proud that this group has you, Zia. Even cursed as you are you deserve to stand with us in that throne room whatever the outcome. That's what I think."
He reached up a hand and rested his gloved palm to her cheek. Her skin was stone, so it was certainly hard, but it wasn't rough or jagged, it was smooth like a skipping stone found at the bottom of a riverbed. There was the slightest shimmer to it as well if you looked close enough. He admired it for a moment. Admired her. She was a treasure.
"And I also think..."
Perhaps he'd had too many glasses of wine back at the tavern. Getting in close like this could prove to be an impossible mistake, but he couldn't help himself. He couldn't not kiss her. As he was speaking he got lost in her amethyst eyes and then-
Percy had closed the distance between them before he could think about any repercussions. His lips met hers in a gentle touch. The smallest of gasps escaped her, but she didn't turn her head or pull back from him.
It was a bit awkward with his glasses, and it didn't last very long on the account that he was about to lose his balance and fall onto the sword lying in her lap, but it was quite easily the best kiss Percy had ever shared with anyone, because it was with Zia.
He pulled away, retreating from her space despite his want to linger there. Not that he got very far. Zia's hand latched onto the lapel of his coat to stop him. "Percy..." It seemed like she wanted to question him but none escaped her. Zia's grip loosened after a moment. The only thing she settled on saying was that they should probably get some sleep.
Percy agreed with a nod of his head and a light clear of his throat. He could still see the surprise in her eyes, at his words and now his actions. They would talk later...when she was ready.
He promptly returned to his side of the alley and laid down. They didn't say anything more to each other that night. Neither slept for shit. All they could think about was the kiss they shared and wondered what would happen tomorrow.
Okay here's chapter 3!!!! Percy and Zia had their first kisss ahhhh!!! I really need to make a ship name for these lovely's. I love them so much together. Percy's so patient with her and Zia just ahhh-next chapter will be out before New Years! I hope you enjoy'd this one! Let me know what you thought of it in the comments!
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 1 year
Ch 2: Finding Purpose
"Well, this is...great." Zia broke the somber silence that had fallen over the dejected group. She sat on the outer edge of the makeshift circle between Pike and Keyleth.
"Greats not the word I would use." Percy denied with a sigh of his own adjusting his glasses that he just finished cleaning.
"Does this mean we're officially banned from every tavern in Emon?" Keyleth asked looking as sickened as they all felt.
"Only the ones who remember us." Zia answered, smoothing out her skirt freeing it from dust.
"Everyone remembers us, Zia." Vex waved a dismissive hand her way. The elf hugged onto Trinkets neck.  "We're Vox Machina!"
"You say that like it's something to be proud of." Zia ran her gloved hands over her hair in an attempt to get out any remaining debris that lingered in her purple locks.
"You don't think it is?" Vex challenged, the look she gave Zia as pointed as her half-elven ears.
"Well..." Zia started carefully, "...no."
Everyone looked at her, even Scanlan who'd just finished getting his clothes back on. 
"Oh don't look at me like that you guys. It's really not." Zia sighed. "Our reputation...it's starting to precede us."
"So?" Vex challenged. "What's wrong with becoming well known?"
"Nothing," Zia denied tilting her head. "Except for the fact that we're becoming well known for the wrong reasons."
"Surely it can't be that bad." Percy protested.
"There's a saying that's been going round after the last job. A catchy little jingle a couple of two bit cronies started..." Zia played with a tassel on her skirt. "Cmon...we've all heard it. Hire Vox and you'll pray to get done in by the pox."
"Okay, that is pretty bad." Keyleth frowned clutching her staff. "But the one I heard goes a little more like hire Vox Machina to get the job done and you'll wish you hired a fox or a hyena to eat your son."
"Wonderful. We've got no money, no place to live, and fuck all for prospects." Vax rested his chin in his hand. "Not to mention those awful rhymes to contend with." Vax groaned. "By the gods."
"Well perhaps if someone didn't accidentally decapitate the last fellow who hired us." Percy glared pointedly at Grog. "Such sayings wouldn't have spread faster than a rat carrying scurvy."
"I apologized, didn't I?" Grog asked as he played with his stolen hand. The big guy didn't seem all that down or even sorry for what he'd done. "And those tunes didn't have nothing to do with me."
"An apology doesn't fix the fact that we're running out of options now." Zia frowned.
"I'll admit you're right about that." Vex sighed. "We have a mountain of debts and," She shook the small sack in her hand. "Oh good. Three silver to our name. We need a job. Anything at this point."
"I mean, if protecting carts from swindlers and killing goblins for gold isn't getting us anywhere, I don't know, maybe... maybe we could try doing some good this time?" Pike made the suggestion hesitantly, a part of her knowing it was about to be ill received.
"Nah..." Vex, Vax, Percy, Scanlan and Keyleth all chorused.
"Boring." Came Grog's subsequent denial.
"Like what?" Zia tilted her head in curiosity actually entertaining the idea much to Pike's surprise.
"Oh." Pike tapped her fingers together. "Uh...I don't know. I actually hadn't gotten that far...maybe a holy mission or some volunteer-"
"Pike, ethics are a luxury we currently can't afford." Percy denied, he shifted his attention to Zia. "And you, don't encourage that kind of thinking, Zia. You're smarter than that."
"You think volunteering is stupid?"
"Yes, considering volunteer work will do nothing to help us. No church, is going to pay us in anything, but gratitude. It would be a waste of time."
"They'd give us food, maybe shelter..." Zia leaned on her hand. "...for a bit anyways."
"How long is a bit, Hm?" Percy challenged her. "Until we tested their patience like we did the tavern keepers? We wouldn't last an hour on something like that. It won't work out. We need something else."
A silence settled over the group. It stretched on for a good amount of time.
"Have you guys ever thought maybe we're not really meant to do this?" Keyleth hugged her staff.
"How do you mean?" Zia's eyebrows furrowed.
"I mean, Vex and Vax only care about themselves." Keyleth began.
"Well, fսck you." The twins chorused with matching glares.
"Grog just wants to murder everyone." Keyleth continued.
"Yeah, pretty much." The barbarian agreed.
"Percy barely wants to be seen with us in public, and Scanlan wants...
"To bed everyone in the realm. Yes, you can say it, Keyleth. I'm not ashamed."
Zia's nose scrunched in distaste.
Keyleth sighed. "Honestly, why are we even together?
"Because...Because..." Zia should have just let the question hang instead of trying to answer it. She didn't want to say the truth. That it was because none of them had anyone else. She trailed off into a sigh giving up on keyleth's question. She couldn't say it and silence echoed around the group.
"Well, while you're all moping around, I have to drain the proverbial basilisk." Scanlan announced. Yet another bit of information Zia could have gone her whole life without hearing. She didn't pay attention to how long the gnome was gone but she noticed the weighing silence Keyleths question had forced on them. The one she'd succumbed to when she failed to answer her question. Just when she was beginning to think the question would never be answered Scanlan returned holding a rolled up piece of parchment.
"This!" He held it up for all to see. "This is our purpose."
"Our purpose is a piece of parchment?" Zia raised a brow at him. "Did you hit your head on the stairs when we got kicked out?"
"What? No! It's not the parchment Zia. It's what's on the parchment! Just look at what it says. Your eyes see best in the dark. Read it!"
"Mercenaries for hire?" Zia squinted as she focused on the writing. "Lemme see it."
"Just think about it! The king doesn't go to shit taverns like this. I bet he'd have no idea we trashed any of them or f'd up our jobs. No way the big guy gossips when he's got a kingdom to run." Scanlan passed her the paper as he raved about how perfect it was for them all. "Cmon, you know this perfect! Fighting for justice, for glory, protecting the kingdom and stuff."
"We would be helping people by doing this." Zia looked to Pike who smiled at her. "We'd get a sense of accomplishment for once."
"And most importantly..." Scanlan's pants dropped. ".. Lots of money!"
"Welp, there's a sight I could've gone my whole life without seeing." Keyleth remarked.
"Damnit Scanlan, pull up your trousers." Percy had his hand over his eyes. "I've seen your dick far too many times tonight."
"Oh please Percy," Scanlan stubbornly stuck up his nose. "You're just jealous cause mine's better than yours."
Zia didn't say it. But as her gaze discreetly flicked to Percy's clothed crotch over the edge of the parchment she thought that that was beyond doubtful.
"We should find somewhere to sleep for the night." Vex's voice jostled Zia from her thoughts. She quickly took her eyes off Percy before anyone could notice her stare and rolled up the parchment in her grip. "We can't just stay in front of here. We'll go see the king at dawn. Pounce on this before any competition has the chance."
"I like how you think, sister." Vax nodded. "Let's try to find an alley closer to the castle."
"Did you say dawn?" Keyleth looked horrified by the prospect. "That's so early!"
"True but it's imperative we be the first ones before the king." Percy insisted. "If anyone who knows of us gets there first we'll lose our chance."
"Alright," Vex stood up. "Quickly then everyone. Follow me if you want a good nights sleep."
Oof I am horrible at cross posting haha. Anyways hope you like the story guys!
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 2 years
Percy de Rolo Fanfic Recs
I was introduced to Critical Role through the show Vox Machina. After getting into it all, I have come to like Percy's character and story a lot. While reading fanfiction from the fandom I've come across a number of fics about him that I have enjoyed too. They are listed below->
first night by lostsometime: G, no pairings
Percy has pneumonia when they first break him out of that jail cell. It's a rough night.
Until you’re ready to confess by wtgw: T, no pairings
“Your hair was brown?” “‘Course my hair was brown! What other color should it be?” “Well, white!” Vax laughed and, taking a whiskey-brave risk, mussed Percy’s bright white hair with his fingers. Percy seemed to be fine with it, judging by the way his eyes closed and he got that tiny half-smile, but then it fell. “No. Shouldn’t be, actually.”
Shadows by besselfcn: M, Percy/Vex’ahlia
“What about you, Percival?” she asks. “First person you ever shagged?” For a split-second he can feel his mind reaching back, searching for the memory, and hitting a wall; and even though he knows what’s behind it, knows he could leave it closed, in that second he pushes it aside.
Old Injuries by Shuvuuia: T, no pairings
Vox Machina finds a perfect camping site after a long travel and try to heal some old injuries. "- - the chipper talk, jokes about finally getting Grog properly cleaned and the bickering about whether Trinket was allowed to join them suddenly fell silent when Percival joined the rest of the group. At first he didn’t realize why, and squinted his eyes expecting some dirty joke from Scanlan or Grog, but then it dawned on him that the others had never before seen him without a shirt."
ridged scars bandaged with butterfly kisses by Ford_Ye_Fiji: G, no pairings
Gwendolyn’s father is the best father in the world. Sometimes he goes away though, and sometimes she has to bring him back down again. - Gwendolyn has some questions that Percy doesn’t quite know how to answer.
Five Unlikely Funerals by ThatHCWriter: M, Percy/Vex’ahlia, Pike/Scanlan
It was never supposed to end like this. Percy was always supposed to go first, go peacefully, slip into a permanent sleep with his wife and children by his side. But life was never kind to Percival de Rolo. He just never imagined it could get this cruel. Or, after several horrible twists of fate, Percival de Rolo becomes the last living member of Vox Machina.
Oh dear, I don’t know if we know why we’re here by Eure: M, no pairings
“What about you?” Keyleth asks, turning her attention Percy’s way. “What were you doing before all this?” Something dark and deep whispers into his ear. Creating. Planning. Killing them again and again, over and over in your mind. “Being tossed in jail,” he says into his mug. Or, Percy’s trauma slips to the surface, and his friends just want to help.
Deprivation by SETI_fan: G, no pairings
When only one member of your party doesn't have Darkvision, it's easy to forget to provide a light source. When that party member has a traumatic history...well, that can be more than a mere inconvenience to them.
the first sight of the sun by percahlia: T, Percy/Vex’halia
Over the next year, he comes to realize that "okay" exists on a sliding scale.
you might make it boy (by the skin of your teeth) by QueenWithABeeThrone: T, Percy/Vex’ahlia
They’ve had to split from the rest of the party in this castle dungeon, clearing out ghosts for some new family to move in. Vex and Vax obviously went together, with Pike tagging along with them. Grog and Scanlan, last Keyleth checked, have trooped down another path, in search of a rumored crypt of some famed bard belonging to the family who used to own this castle, now long since died out. That just leaves Percy, so Keyleth comes with him. And a good thing she did, because now he is very badly hurt, eyes glowing dimly in the darkness. She knows humans shouldn’t be able to do that, shouldn’t have eyes that can see in the dark, but Percy is—strange, for a human. She sometimes wonders what happened to him, before Vex found him in that prison cell, because whatever it was, it did something to his body and to his mind. Broke, she thinks, the word you’re looking for is broke.
Safety by eponymous_rose: T, no pairings
In the early days of their adventures, the members of Vox Machina get to know their gunslinger.
The Things We Sacrifice by Ciwu: T, no pairings
AU: During their attempted escape from Whitestone, Cassandra de Rolo was shot down by arrows. In this world, her brother stopped and went back for her, resulting in both of them being recaptured by the Briarwoods. You know. Because what Percy's backstory really needed was more angst and trauma.
Like Blood In The Mouth by jettiebettie: T, Percy/Vax’ildan
“Oh well of-fucking-course,” Grog says. “We send the bookworm to scout out first and he gets all the fun!” Vax barely hears him though. He’s too focused on the splattering of bright red that stands out against the streaks of congealed brown on stone near the entrance of their keep.
For The Tree Of Life Is Growing by steelneena: T, Percy/Vex’halia
The last time they’d been woken like this, it was Hotis, running amok wearing Gilmore’s face. And the time before that, at least from Percy’s perspective, had been the end of the only normal life he’d ever known. Guests, Percival. They arrived early this morning. You’ll be expected for all the meals today, is that understood?  And now this.
Aurum Horizontale by azhdarchidaen: M, no pairings
When no rescue comes for Percy in Whitestone's dungeons, he is given a choice: Take the dubious salvation of becoming Dr. Anna Ripley's assistant and aiding his family's murderers, or die. When Orthax appears to Percy, he is given another: Plot his retribution under his targets' noses, risky as it may be, or never see his family avenged. When his other choices backfire disastrously, the demon gives him one more: Accept his fate, or make contact with a party of complete strangers, who call themselves Vox Machina, and cling to the foolish hope that there are still people in this world he can trust.
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 2 years
Ch 1: Tough Times at the Tavern
It was a nice night in the kingdom of Tal'Dorei. Wispy clouds glided along the star laden sky, casting shadows that danced along the cobblestone streets below. There were merry sounds echoing from behind closed doors. Drunken dares and devious delights being prompted and accepted all around. Chattering people filled the rooms inside the bustling inns and taverns. Outside one such tavern sat a woman with eyes so beautiful that they could be mistaken for a set of amethysts. She had skin made of stone, and would have blended into the shadows of the wall if not for the tavern window bathing her in its box of light.
"...It sounds real fun in there huh, Trink?" The woman pet the head of the armored bear who laid at her side. Her gloves soft as a flowers petals against the large creatures fur.
He rested his large head upon the woman's outstretched legs, getting a bit of slober on the lilac cloth of her dress. He made a growling grunt and rubbed his snout against the upper edge of the thigh high boot she wore.
"Yeah, you're right." The woman smiled, brushing a hand up his warm furry shoulder. Her gaze cast upwards to the stars above. "This has to be better..."
Her gloved hand wandered up behind the bears ear and she scratched lightly there. The bear all but crooned shutting its eyes in bliss.
A sudden light creak cut through the sound of the bears obvious delight.
"Zia," A level voice called from the window above. She twisted to face who had spoken. Amethyst eyes settling upon the man with white hair and round glasses. He did not lean on the sill, he actually wasn't even fully facing her, preferring to watch whatever chug fest was happening inside, but it was definitely her he was speaking to. "Are you certain you wouldn't like a drink? Even Keyleth is being a bit heavy handed tonight. She's practically drunk her whole tankard."
"Ale's...not my thing." Zia denied, with a small shake of her head. She looked down at Trinkets head in her lap. She resumed her petting. "Really, I'm okay."
"Hm," Percy angled his head, "If you're sure, but..." He lightly swirled the wine in his glass. "I could always get you a glass of this instead. It's quite smooth. Not too strong. In truth, I don't really like the hard stuff either.You'd enjoy it...I think..."
Zia's momentary silence spoke to her hesitance. The man's attention shifted to her fully as he turned his head to look down at her. With her head tilted down he could only see her purple hair shimmering in the warmth of the inn's projected light.
"...You won't even have to come inside."
Zia's hand stilled. "Percy..."
Her head lifted. Their eyes met. She hesitated.
"It's alright. You don't have to say anything. I can understand wanting some distance after how the last job panned out."
"It's not that I want to stay away from you guys. I just...I don't know." Zia struggled to find the right words. "I'm just not in the mood to be in that rowdy atmosphere or to get drunk or anything like that." She gripped Trinkets fur. "Besides, the sky's rather pretty tonight."
"And so you'd prefer to watch the stars." Percy surmised. "Still hoping for a shooting one to grant your wish?"
"Always." Zia admitted, casting her eyes back to the sky. It was unheard of for a wish to be stronger than a curse, or even of one truly breaking a curse like the one she was born with, but Zia could hope. She could hope that one night she'd make a wish and then the next morning she would wake up with normal skin, soft hair and eyes that wouldn't blind her companions if they caught the sunlight just right. Yes, she could hope.
"I'll leave you to your gazing then. But If you change your mind about wanting anything just tap on the window and let me know."
"Will do...thanks." She murmured.
As she heard the window click shut again Zia sighed deeply. She carded her fingers through trinkets fur once more. "Why am I like this, Trinket? Hm? Do you know?" The bear didn't give much of a reply. "Yeah..." Zia sighed. "...I don't know either."
She watched the stars for a great while and pet Trinket some more. The noise inside the tavern grew louder overtime. A ruckus broke out inside, and the window above her head was blown out without warning. Small sharp shards spraying down from above.
"Ah...!" Zia raised her arms and curled her torso over trinkets great big head as the shards of glass fell upon her. The bear made a concerned disgruntled sort of sound. The glass shards dusting over her hair. A few larger pieces cracking against her stone skin before they shattered completely on the street.
"Oh gods, not again. Stay down, Trinkie." Zia ordered straightening up. She got to her feet and she peered in through the broken window. She caught sight of Percy holding his pepperbox to someone's chin. "Another brawl? Seriously?"
"Hm, seems that way." Percy didn't so much as spare her a glance. His eyes kept trained on the barbaric man in front of him.
"I'm coming Percy!" Grog's heroic cry could be heard as the giant leapt into the air. Clearly misjudging that his friend needed his help.
"Oh no." Percy paled, not having time to move as grog tackled their foe. The result of which landed the one on the receiving end of his gun directly on top of the poor de rolo.
Zia winced. That had to have seriously hurt.
"Oops." Grog looked bored with what he'd done. A wolf guy broke a chair over his head. Zia ducked with a yelp as more wood pieces flew her way. Just because her skin was durable didn't mean that it didn't hurt to get hit with things.
Grog's head swiveled at the high pitched sound and grinned broadly as he caught sight of Zia.  He clamored over to the window momentarily forgetting the animal man behind him. "Oh hey Zizi, where you been hiding? Come join the party!"
"Huh, oh no Grog don't-no oh shit!"Zia cursed as the drunken giant grabbed her and pulled her through the window like she didn't weigh a thing. He set her down just as quick. His large hands were gentle as he brushed the debris of glass and wood splinters from her shoulders.
"There we go." Grog grinned proudly. "Now you can have some fun too!"
Zia's eyes widened as the dog man growled.
"Uh...Grog...?" Zia pointed at the snarling dog man. She took a nervous step back. He did not look happy.
"Oh right. Don't worry your pretty little head about that overgrown pooch. I've got this." He then proceeded to scream in the creature's face and tackled it to the ground. The dog escaped from Grog's deadly hug and went to find a new target. Zia lost track of it in the commotion. There was too much going on. She did not want to be in here. They'd just gotten out of a big fight before coming to this damned tavern.
"Zia," Percy's voice sounded somewhat strained as it sounded from the floor. "Would you mind helping me? This behemoth smells like he hasn't bathed in weeks."
"Oh, right, sorry Perc." Zia apologized. She bent down and pushed the guy up so that Percy could shimmy his way out. "Better?"
"Much." He sighed in relief once he was free. He adjusted his glasses turning his attention to her. "Thank you."
Zia smiled at him, possibly for a bit too long- and they were attacked again. Right. Zia remembered. Tavern Brawl. Well, she was here, might as well help.
She pulled out her twin obsidian swords with great care. Though they were deadly weapons they were also gifts which she greatly cherished. Handcrafted from the ore of fallen stars they could cut through almost anything with ease.
The arced handles were laden with spikes. A feature that Zia utilized to keep her gloves guarded.
She took up a fighting stance, eyes flicking around to find a mark. Before she could someone else chose her as theirs. That of course turned out to be a mistake for them.
Her attacker was already wounded twice over with two gaping holes in his chest but those wounds didn't seem to be slowing him down much. They must not have been deep enough to do real damage.
She twirled out of the raging wounded cat man's angered slash and flipped up onto a cluttered table top. She danced upon the table, keeping out of his short swords reach. She kicked an empty cask at him and the cat man yowled at her as she nailed him in the eye with the ale mug. Now even more furious the wounded cat man charged at her intent on flipping the table and her right along with it, but he didn't get the chance. In one swift move she knelt and spun round on the table top, her arms out stretched, one in front and just behind her. The cat man's throat was slashed in an instant. He dropped to the ground in a puddle of blood.
Zia twirled her swords in her grip a single time. The blood flew off and splattered against the walls as she rose to her full height. She startled momentarily as Trinket crashed into the room, but she calmed as the bear had merely arrived to drag a guy out on Vex'ahlia order. Zia smirked at the bears retreating back. Good. Trink deserved a treat for being such a good boy.
"Grog step aside!" Percy's voice caught her attention. Zia's eyes widened as a pitiful puff of smoke escaped his pepperbox. Her smile fell away. Percy was out of bullets. Before she, or even poor Percy could react, A muscular blonde woman grabbed Percy by the coat and flung him as harshly as one would a bag of shit.
"Percy!" Zia yelled his name as she watched him sail through the air and crash into a back room. She glared at the muscled woman who'd thrown him. Her grip on her swords tightened.
That bitch threw the wrong fucking person.
She sprinted across the table tops, and pounced upon the muscular woman with an untamable ferocity. She jammed the spiked handles of her sword into her back as she slid down her tall frame ripping not only the back of her dress but her skin as well. Two bright red streaks marked Zia's descent.
The woman cried out and reached directly behind her blindly searching for her attacker, but Zia was already crouched low and she slashed at back of the muscled woman's knees with her swords. Blood gushed from the wounds and the woman cried out. Zia didn't stop there. She pushed harder, cut further, until she was slicing through the muscled woman's bones as if she was doing nothing more than severing a dangling branch from a tree. Zia was right about to wound the woman further, sword raised to finish the job when-
"Stop!" A violent roar tore through the air as the tavern owner let their more boorish side show. Everyone froze stopping to stare at them.
"First you people drink me dry. Then you destroy my tavern." The tavern keeper relaxed to a more normal appearance. "And-and-and what is that gnome doing to my daughter!?"
Zia's eyes flicked over to the room Percy had been flung into. He'd created a nice hole in the wall upon impact. There Scanlon was pleasuring a pink skinned woman under the sheets.
Zia looked away from the sight feeling uncomfortable at the display. Sex wasn't something she participated in. No one was really interested in having sex with the equivalence of a walking, talking, statue like her. That woman's skin was soft, supple-hers was not. Hers couldn't be touched and even if it could not even the likes of Scanlan would want to fuck her she was sure. It was best not to dwell on any sort of love making when she herself would likely never get to experience such pleasures.
Speaking of not experiencing pleasure Vox Machina was promptly kicked out of the tavern when the tavern keeper realized they couldn't pay for anything which put quite the damper on each of their nights to say the least.
Zia sighed. What were they going to do?
Okay guys! This was chapter 1!!! I am so excited for this I cannot even begin to tell you ahhh! I love Zia so freaking much and I'm so happy I can share her with you all! I haven't loved an oc this much since Clarity. But anyways, here are some questions for you guys! Cause I'm both indecisive and insecure in my writing and I value your guys thoughts and opinions! Be honest!
1.So what did you guys think of chapter 1? Any favorite moments thus far?
2. What member of Vox should Zia end up with? Who would be a good match for her? Probably a bit early to ask but hey I like talking ships with people. It's fun.
3. Thoughts on Zia's fight scene?
4. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant and or tell me!
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 2 years
The Fic’s Cover!
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