Weekly Update Bracket Week 1 Results
Day 1: 2003 Holiday Special (9.5%) vs Krogslist (90.5%)
Day 2: The Mirror (13.7%) vs The Gatekeeper (86.3%)
Day 3: Bay Centre Takeover (35.7%) vs The New Old Thing (64.3%)
Day 4: A Brief History of Lame (33.3%) vs The Dark (66.7%)
Day 5: Who Watches Movies? (9.4%) vs Live on Location (90.6)
to the surprise of almost nobody, all 5 of out season 11 contenders, and none of the season 1 contenders, will be moving on to the second round
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 15
It’s time for another voting today, with “The New Chess” versus “The Professor’s Funhouse” There’s not much to say about today’s videos, however I noticed that one of the old videos that was skipped over today due to lack of availability was “Suspend your Disbelief” which was for years a fan favorite and a potential contender for this list... if it was on youtube. If LRR wants to upload it (wink wink nudge nudge) I will definitely add it in later. In the meantime here’s the poll: 
#78 The Professor’s Funhouse
#536 The New Chess
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 14
Some of you have been wondering where this has been, and honestly I just forgot about putting an update out last thursday. And then desert bus happened and I couldn’t bring myself to do one but here I am, in a world where Desert Bus for Hope has raised over Five Million Dollars, lifetime! Congratulations! Also we have some sketches to look at, but compared to Desert Bus these are unimportant. Nonetheless: Go Vote!
#70 How to Impress Women
#537 CommodreHustle: Laughter
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Weekly Update bracket Day 13
In this corner, we have the most perfectly timed sketch to ever be perfectly timed, as the United States elections were last night (congratulations to PUT NAME OF WINNING PARTY HERE btw) and now we’re already gearing up for the next one in 2 years.... and in that corner we have the sex number I guess. I can’t commentate anymore I need to go cry about the neverending state of American politics today.
#69 Mental Battle
#538 Flat Out
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 12
Here we have a showtune starring the recurring actor so popular that there was an entire crapshot made out of the idea that we’ll watch and enjoy anything with him in it. But is that... the whole story? Paul is on the case in today’s bracket. PS: if you liked this song and want to hear Andy do a reprise of it or any other, he’ll be at Desert bus for Hope this coming weekend and you can pay him to sing songs to your heart’s content. So get out there and donate money for the children.
#67 At Least You’re Not Dead
#539 The Whole Story: The Winter Olympics
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 11
Back before all relevant browsers stopped using quicktime I tried to watch all of the lrr sketches, starting at the beginning. I didn’t get very far but until now I had seen them. Now however? We reach sketches that I have never see, so these are even more fun than they have been previously. So which is better? Rock Paper Scissors versus the Devil Himself? Or a training montage? Who will win? Fight!
#66 Extreme Battle Challenge
#540 Math of the Montage
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 10
Well the second week of the bracket is almost complete. And voting only runs 2 weeks, so day 1's poll will be taken offline on Monday. Next saturday the results for polls 1-5 will all be released at the same time.
#63 Digital Love
#541 A Fortunate Teller
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 9
*Put Esports commentary joke that only half of my audience will actually get here*
As my update schedule becomes more erratic over this week and real life tries to squeeze out all of my free time for these, I’m starting to look into tumblr’s queue feature. But since I have not used tumblr before this bracket it might have a few kinks in the system. In which case please let me know immediately if something seems wrong. 
As for the vote: Season 2 has almost as many unavailable sketches as Season 1 did, so we’ll be zooming right through this one as well. Which means, speaking of things that may not work well, finding sketches inside longer videos. The 2004 holiday special was featured in the same retrospective as 2003 was last week, and this time timecodes for the video have been provided in the likely event that google forms screws with my attempts to link the video.
#542 The IMAX Experience
#62 2004 Holiday Special
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 8
Hello everybody! To those of you who celebrate Halloween: Happy Halloween. To those of you that don’t: happy.... normal... day I guess? Today I have for you  2 spooky sketches* to vote between. On the one hand, the overwhelming sense of dread that everything is absolutely totally fine and there is nothing whatsoever to worry about. What could be scarier than that? White people rapping, obviously. (it’s actually very good music)
*the WUB does not guarantee any particular level of spookiness from these sketches, which were chosen by a predetermined pattern. the WUB is not responsible for any fear, laughter, or candy you may receive as a result of watching or voting on these sketches.
#53 The LoadingReadyRap
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 7
Fun fact for those who were not previously aware: Commodore Hustle used to be part of the weekly updates before the cancellation of the latter. Which means we single episodes of a serialized sitcom competing opposite single videos. Try to keep your appreciation in voting confined to just the 1 video and not the series please. But anyways:
#544 Commodore Hustle: the File
#51 Jangles and Jones
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 6
the first week of the bracket has gone absolutely swimmingly, the reaction from the community has been fantastic, thank you all so much for participating. But now it’s monday so I have a conundrum for you. Which one is better? Door to Door
Dirty Money
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 5
This is some text. Words. Go Vote!!!
#46 Who Watches Movies
#546 Live on Location
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Weekly Update Bracket day 4
"I thought you got rid of that!" -Paul
"I lied!" -Graham
Weekly update bracket: crisis on infinite brackets! Yesterday the 15th anniversary lrr stream was uploaded to YouTube, bringing with it 3 previously unavailable sketches that can be retconned into the bracket. The first of those is also the very first overall sketch: the lrr timeline. As additional sketches hopefully get uploaded throughtout round 1 of the bracket they will retroactively be added to the bracket until we reach 512 or the round is over. Anyways, today's vote:
#1 A Brief History of Lame
#550 The Dark
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 3
Not much to say here, except that we’re already halfway through with season 1. A lot of it is actually very good, and I’m disappointed in not being able to show off more of it. Be that as it may, we;re already up to “sketch” number 39. Which seems to have actually been one of my first, somehow... Anyways, without further ado:
#39 Bay Centre [sic] Takeover
#547 The New Old Thing
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 2
Some quick math has shown me that trying to run only 3 matches a week is entirely unsustainable and I’ll probably burn out long before it finishes. So while the first post said it would only be monday wednesday and friday, we’re officially doing 5 days a week. 
Today’s Poll? #22 The Mirror vs  #548 The Gatekeeper Vote Here
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Weekly Update Bracket Day 1
First is a pair of clarifications. There was a miscount of the number of Weekly Updates, bringing our running total to 585 videos. And of those 110 videos not in the running, yes I am aware that many of them are still technically available. However they are, generally, the worst the weekly updates have to offer (and also Canadaman which is actually pretty good) but I’m not going to force you or I to use internet explorer to get access to quicktime. As for last week’s poll: in a 63-63 tie, I’ve deigned inaction and we will not be using any videos other than the updates. With that out of the way however, it’s time for round 1: #539 Krogslist vs #13 The 2003 Holiday Special VOTE HERE
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The 15th Anniversary LoadingReadyrun Weekly Updates Bracket!
Following the recent success of the crapshots bracket, I’ve decided to do the very same thing, but instead using the weekly updates that LRR published from 2003-2014. All 579 of them. Except not really, since much of season 1 and various other videos are no longer available from the original source. In total 110 of the videos are no longer available, leaving the bracket with only 469 competitors. As such the most recent 43 updates are going to be getting automatic byes so that the bracket works squarely for all future rounds. 
Given that the weekly videos are generally much longer than the crapshots, rather than putting up new polls 5 days a week new polls will go up Monday, Wednesday, and Friday generally before noon Moonbase Time (aka pacific time) and will stay up for 2 weeks. The first poll should go up on Monday October 22.
However I do have 1 poll for you today. Does the above methodology sound ok? Or should I try to fill in those 43 gaps with other videos that aren’t necessarily weekly updates? All of the Commodore Hustles that exist on youtube are approximately the correct number to a round number (or at least much closer to a round number). 
Vote Here
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