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Due to inactivity without prior notice, the following roles have been reopened. Please unfollow:
Erica Banks (FC: Sarah Rafferty)
George McAllister (FC: Sophia Bush)
Hank Lanford (FC: Shiloh Fernandez)
Jamie Walters (FC: Nico Tortorella)
Jeremy Thorne (FC: Fran Kranz)
Mike Spektor (FC: Dave Franco)
Patricia Killan (FC: Melinda Clarke)
Tara Bateman (FC: Serinda Swan)
Violet Hearste (FC: Britt Robertson)
If you are on this list, you will have 48 hours to reclaim your role. Otherwise you will have to reapply.
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Messages have been sent to the following accounts:
Erica Banks
George McAllister
Hank Lanford
Isabel Manella
Jamie Walters
Jeremy Thorne
Mark Henley
Mike Spektor
Patricia Killan
Tara Bateman
Violet Hearste
If your name is in this list, please send in a message to the main within the next 48 hours or we will sadly have to reopen your role.
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I will be doing activity checks tomorrow, so be sure to start posting again or send a message in if you need a hiatus. I don't want to lose any of our wonderful characters, so I'm here to help you out if you're having any issues!
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Hello Til Death Do Us Part Players and Lurkers! There's been a change of management, so to speak. My name's Jordan and I'll be stepping up as the main admin of this RP. Carlo has been busy with real life things recently and feels that he isn't able to keep the full responsibilities of admin. So, Carlo has decided to pass on the role to me! If you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask! And don't forget that co-admins would still be appreciated, so drop in an app for that if you want. Also, I play the role of Oz in this RP, so you can stop by there for questions as well.
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Secret Stash
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Once the rain had died down Mark knew he needed to get back out their. Considering that Violet Hearste, one of the young actresses had gotten herself lost, and just the other night, two kids decided to roam around the forest, he figured it was only a proper precautionary measure to take. He remembered the talk earlier from Caleb, the production manager, about a missing camera man, and he wondered if maybe he too had gotten lost. Perhaps he’d find him as well. Taking with him a walkie talkie, a gun, and a flashlight, he began to search, dodging the trees and looking for any sign of life in the woods.
He knew it was probably a better idea to do it in the morning, where light would help him out, but he figured two things. One, if someone was indeed lost in the forest, then it was better that he found them as soon as he could. And two, maybe it’d be easier to find those that were lost at night. After all, the dead silence and the bright rays of light from the Maglight in his hands was probably a better way to attract attention of someone in the forest. At least he woud easily be seen. A light from the darkness. The irony was too pathetic for Mark not to let out a gentle laugh.
The deputy had been walking the forest for an uncertain amount of time now, possibly two hours and counting. And it was only then, now that he was resting his feet that he noticed something he never noticed before. There was a small hatch, where the water pipes coursed through the entire island. He didn’t know why, but he decided to check it out, his own curiosity getting the best of him.
The stench was immediately noticeable, and he let out a scowl, spitting out as soon as he was walking through the tunnels. It was odd how he had never seen this before and how no one seemed to know it existed. Or at least, no one seemed to talk about it. He made a mental note to himself to talk to the Mayor about the passage ways. It was cold and damp, the water from the rain had filled the path he was walking, not enough to flood it, but enough for splashes of water to bounce off every time his feet hit the ground. The sound of the rats scurrying off from various places were the only sounds he could here.
Turning left and right, thankful that there was really only one path to follow, Mark eventually found himself drawn to a halt. The path went on, but to his side there seemed to be a door. No knobs, but the creases and the light coming from inside was a give away. Carefully, he drew out his gun, keeping it at the ready as he pushed the door open.
What he saw inside was nothing he was expecting.
Inside was a steel railing consisting of a wide array of artillery. Guns of all kinds were hung up, rested on the shelves, from the most basic .45 calibers to the bigger guns, sniper rifles. On a lower shelf were boxes of shells for the guns in question. “What the hell…” He pulled out his walkie talkie, trying to get a signal. He knew he needed to call this in. Whoever it was trying to hide all of this was a dangerous person, and he knew they needed to find the mastermind.
"Hello, station, do you copy?" he asked, speaking into the device when he felt something hard collide with the back of his head. He fell to the ground, greeted by the blur image of rain boots before darkness swallowed him.
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Writings on the Wall
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Hank had finally gotten what he needed. After scouring through the island in the storm, spending hours stranded in various places without power and drenched in the rain, he had finally gotten what he needed. A fresh pack of smokes. He made it a point to buy three packs, honestly wanting to buy a whole ream instead just in case another storm hit, but he knew it wasn’t the best thing to do financially. The rain had already begin to subside, thankfully, and finally, things were going to go back to normal. Or at least as normal as things could get with a movie crew around the island.
The writer pulled out the pack he had just purchased, already half empty with the way he was attacking his his vice sticks. He lit it up quickly, taking two long drags of the cigarette and puffing out a line of smoke, instantly feeling a wave of relief washing over him. He knew he should have stopped but how could he? It wasn’t like he did it because he was stressed anyway. He did it because it was soothing, almost a way for him to experience something out of body
Finally reaching his home, he fished out the keys from his pocket, keeping the Marlboro stuck in between his fingers, only to turn the knob and find that it was already open. A rush of thoughts filled his head but the first one was panic. He dropped the cigarette, killing it with his shoe before pushing the door open. It was dark, as he expected, seeing as the power was still gone. He treaded cautiously. “Hello?” he asked. No answer. Not like he expected there to be one.
Quickly fumbling through the drawer nearby, he pulled out a flashlight, scoping the darkness for any sign of another life inside. Nothing. He moved towards his room, pushing the door open as quietly as he could. Still, there was no one. He relaxed a bit, wondering if it was possible that he had just left the door open. “That’s probably it,” he reassured himself, laughing at his own paranoia.
Hank slipped down onto the bed, tucking his arms behind his head. He closed his eyes, ready to be taken by sleep. It was a long few days, especially without his fix, and now, he just wanted to rest. Though something didn’t feel right. He could have sworn he felt … off. Raising the flashlight again and scanning the room once more, he stopped, aiming the light at the wall in front of his bed. In bright red letters, the words spelled out. ‘IT’S NOT SAFE’.
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The rain has final subsided, the winds have ceased, and the sun has shown it's face to the citizens of Harper's Island once again. It's a calm new day, but we all eagerly await to see what the storm has left in it's wake.
OOC Notes:
The storm is now over, people are free to go back to their normal lives.
Power is also back on.
Those that I have messaged privately about self para posts may already post them and may choose to share the information they received with any other characters, though think carefully about what information you wish to share.
Anyone with ideas for self paras or want to use their characters as plot triggers may message me. The main ask box is always open for plotting. 
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Please unfollow due to inactivity without prior notice:
Adan Sinclair (FC: Dylan O'Brian)
Elizabeth Ryan (FC: Tatiana Maslany)
Genevieve Simmons (FC: Samantha Barks)
Natalie Ferguson (FC: Candice Accola)
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how active is this roleplay?
I’d say fairly active. It’s not as fast moving as other roleplays, that’s for sure, and there are moments when the dash is slow but people are on everyday, and plot based mutli-paras occur constantly on the dash. 
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Welcome to Harper's Island, Maria St. Claire!
Hi Freya! I thought the application was excellent and I love your interpretation of Maria!  I can't wait to see you play her! Please send in the account as soon as you can!
OOC Information
Name: Freya
Age: 17
Timezone: PHT 
Activity Level: 7/10 I can go online everyday but the number of hours depends whether I have something important to do in real life.
IC Information
Character Desired: Maria St.Claire
Your interpretation of this character: Maria grew up as this sweet girl but she realized that it’s not gonna get her anywhere if she remained that kind of person. Growing up, she started closing herself in, not letting anyone get close to the walls she built around herself. When she feels like someone is getting too close, either romantically or just platonic friendship, she’ll take a step back from this person. She has realized in a young age that people would just hurt you and say mean things about you behind your back.
Why you want this character: Probably because of the strong persona she has. I’m kind of drawn to those characters.
Any additional information (e.g. headcanons) you want to add in for this character: None yet but I have a few ideas if ever I get accepted.
Para Sample: (at least 2-3 paragraphs; in character; in third person; past tense)
It was one of the rare days where Maria actually got a day off meaning she could sleep as much as she wanted without being interrupted. Lazy days like this were the kind of days she’s always waiting for. Being a famous actress was tiring but it was her passion and she enjoyed it so that’s something she could never give up. In fact, this is all she got right now. Having a busy schedule on almost everyday made her distant from her family; the girl has no real friends either. Acting is the only thing she has and that is something she would never let anyone take away from her.
When the clock struck eight, Maria climbed out of her bed to start preparing for the night. Surely, a day all to herself seems tempting but the company of another person would always be more enticing. After taking a quick shower, she let her hair dry naturally while putting makeup on her face; a foundation here, a blush on there, blue eyeshadow for her eyes, mascara for her lashes until she was all done. Satisfied on how she looked like, she walked into her closet and grabbed a black v-neck dress. Sliding the dress over her head, she zipped it up before adjusting it. Staring on her reflection, a coy smile played at the corner of her lips. After putting on her black stilettos, she grabbed her coat and walked out of her room. With only one thing on her mind, she strutted along the hallway of the hotel she was staying in. This night wouldn’t end up with her being alone.
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The following characters need to post within 24 hours or their roles will be re-opened:
Tony Yu (FC: Harry Shum Jr)
Elizabeth Ryan (FC: Tatiana Maslany)
Natalie Ferguson (FC: Candice Accola)
Genevieve Simmons (FC: Samantha Barks)
Adam Sinclair (FC: Dylan O'Brian)
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The storm will end on Sunday, October 13. A post will be made as a reminder. 
Thank you! 
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I plan on applying for Maria St. Claire =)
That's perfect! Cannot wait to see your app! :)
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Welcome to Harper's Island, Mackenzie Bauer!
Hi Kelly! It was a lovely application and I'm so excited to see Mack on the dash again! I like your interpretation of her and it's definitely something I want to see developed! Please send in the account as soon as possible! :)
OOC Information
Name: Kelly
Age: 14
Timezone: EST
Activity Level: 5-7 (weekends = usually active)
IC Information
Character Desired: Mack Bauer
Your interpretation of this character: She thinks that she should be the one to be responsible with friends and such, when she too is hurting (like with Penelope). Her job is one of the joys of being in Harper's island, even if there are drunks and such.
Why you want this character: I want to be Mack because I can relate to her in the way that I beat myself up about friends dying, but help my friends through it. Plus I kind of want to be a bartender when I grow up.
Any additional information (e.g. headcanons) you want to add in for this character: Mack loves to get to know some of the regulars at the bar, so she talks to them whenever she can. She walks to work, and home.
Para Sample: 
It was another day in Harper's Island, and Mack woke up at the usual time. She knew every single nook and cranny of the island, meaning she knew every singe way out of being in the shots of the camera crews. No, she didn't mind them, not at all. What she did mind was that it did take up her time if she went down the wrong path on her way to work, which resulted in a lecture about being late. Which meant she would have to work more than usual, which she didn't actually mind.
This day, she decided to go a different way, which was most likely because her mind was somewhere else. Her legs were taking her somewhere her mind told her not to, which was where the actors and actresses were most likely filming. Once she finally realized what she was doing, she speed-walked past the crew and everyone else. Meaning that she rushed past everyone, covering her face from being seen by anyone.
The sun did block her view a bit, but she went on without caring about it. When she finally recognized the familiar smell of alcohol, she knew that she was at the bar. Her body was already moving towards the door as she checked the time to see if she was late. Not a second late, which made her glad. “‘m here for duty.” Brushing off some of her hair over her shoulder, she made her way to behind the counter, grabbing a glass and pouring herself a shot to drink. 
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