Peace After a Narcissist... Continued
So I pulled into my driveway and all the lights were off, I came in and found him, asleep. I slowly backed out of the room and he jumped up yelling, and started pushing me. Dumped out my purse. Hitting me. I ran outside with my keys and my phone when he went to the bathroom. Locked myself in while I tried to start it, he punched the glass on the door, it shattered and in that moment I knew I had to disappear if I wanted peace. So as I start backing out of the driveway he jumps on the car, and thats when i saw the blood from his had going through the front door. He jumped of grabbing the door handle telling me to come back inside and talk to him. I drove away and went back to my friends to wipe the blood off and calm down so i could go to my parents. That night, we made a plan. I took a job in another state that was for a company I had previously worked for and been discussing off and on for about a month. My friend and her mom let me stay in one of their airbnbs. And I stayed hidden, reached out to the friends I had disappeared on because out of anything, they deserved a friend that could acknowledge that I messed up. Some of them forgave me and the others never responded. On June 17th, I loaded up what was left of my stuff, he had stolen all of the electronics, torn up furniture. And we drove 13 hours, my friend who had stayed by me, her cousin and her cousins boyfriend. They stayed 2 days with me in the new place that my friend had helped me secure while I found a permanent place in my new town. I had changed my number, taken down my social media, and decided it was time to heal. That was 2 months ago, I miss my family and my friends but, I found peace. Ive started making new friends, but now, I can acknowledge that I loved him, but I needed to love myself enough to know I didnt deserve what I was getting.... Find your peace. Turns out mine was exactly 896 miles from home.
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Peace After A Narcissist...
I guess to say I found peace is an understatement, I found myself. In December 2020,I met a guy who we will call T. In the beginning everything was great, he moved in to my place in April 2021, looking back now that shouldve been my first red flag, he was all the sudden homeless, but right before that he had told me he wanted to marry me and have a good life with me. So after some conversation he moved in. Things were great, outside of him not having a job, after 1 month of not having one he got a new job, that was close to the house- he was telling me he was excited he could have his lunch breaks with me as we both worked close by. Then he started staying at his cousins house 4 nights a week and stopped talking to me as much. We argued over the changes that were happening, around this time I found out I may have ovarian cancer. The drs were running the tests. I told him I couldnt handle the stress of the bs fights he was starting anymore. Then he came home. At the end of June he was arrested riding a bike to some girls house after I had went to bed, I didnt know at the time that was where he was headed, he said then that he was going to work on music with his cousins. I believed it at stupidly bailed him out of jail on 5 year old warrants. Things were good for a while, but i caught him cheating. He told me he would never do it again and it was a mistake. I believed him. In November we moved to a different place, started planning for what was next. I had a surgery scheduled for January to remove the ovaries. Christmas was when things escalated, I went to christmas with my family and he didnt want to go. I came home to him drunk, the next 2 days he stayed drunk started physically abusing me, claiming that instead of going to my grandparents I was with another man. Once again, I fell for the im sorry i wont do it again routine that i had grown to know well. Then my surgery, I was supposed to be off work for 2 weeks, he wasnt working again so he was saying he would help me while i heal. His version of helping me heal was to have his cousin and 2 females at my house while i was asleep from all the medications. At this point I was so in love with him I didnt see what was happening and I was scared to question things as he had hit my before. Then things were quiet for about 5 weeks, then it was my birthday, he beat me that day, most peoples 30th birthday is spent with friends, mine was trying to figure out how to cover the inevitable bruises coming up. I called the cops that day, running out of my house with no shoes on and going down the street to meet the cops. They didnt arrest him, the original officer said it couldve been worse. He got a ticket. In April, I had another surgery, this time it was a hysterectomy, I would be down for almost 6 weeks. 5 days post op he grabbed me by my hair and pushed me into the car because he had to go to court and didnt want to go alone. During the next 5 weeks, it became a regular thing of this happening. I had begun sleeping on the couch as I didnt want to sleep with him and he had already shown me he wasnt going to listen to the drs orders of no s*x. I went to sit up while he was yelling at me for sleeping on the couch and pulled a stitch I said ow, and he told me i deserved the pain i was in. and I still didnt leave... until May, He got my car stolen, while i was at home waiting for the guy he had sold me to for an hour. At this point I hit my rock bottom, I had a good job, made decent money yet here I was broke because all my money went to him, I hadnt seen my friends or family in months because they didnt like him, and he told me i couldnt go without him. On May 27th, 2022, I got fed up and went to a friends house, she had stuck by me despite me being a bad friend, We had fun, just talked and played a video game, what she didnt know was, I was finally listening to her, I had told him to leave, the house was mine and in my name, the utilities, everything. He sent me a message saying he was gone, and around 11pm I went home, ready to sleep in my own bed without having to worry.
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