thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
I'm sorry, but My Chemical Romance just broke up and I'm not handling it very well. I won't be able to be the best writer at this time, so I'm not going to be on for a while.
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
"Well, if it isn't Musichetta." Jehan smiled wide. "It's lovely to see you too." 
{+ thelovelyjehan}
“It’s always lovely to see my favourite poet.” She beamed, clasping her hands together.
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
Her comment caught Jehan off guard. How could she not know? "Forgive me, Mademoiselle, but perhaps you have not seen yourself. What makes you think that you are not?" 
He took a seat at the table and listened to her. "I respect that. It is not often one finds someone who does not condemn a belief just because they do not share it. However, if the king were to fall, everyone would be affected, not just the lower classes. If there were to be a smaller gap between the rich and the poor, would you be okay with it?" He inquired. "Not all those who harm others bear them ill will." He stated. When he heard her last sentence, Jehan could feel his heart soften. "Anything sounds better than that. So this is where you go when you escape from your cage then? To hear the ferocious words of freedom from our charming leader." 
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
Jehan noticed- or at least thought he did- a slight look of sadness flicker across the girl's eyes. It was only for a split second, so he began to doubt that he had seen anything at all. He smiled at her description of his friend. 
"Oh yes, Enjolras is his name. He's a wonderful speaker isn't he? If it was possible to bring down a monarch simply by speaking, Enjolras would be the one to do it." Jehan had a lot of faith in Enjolras and the cause that he would willingly give his life for. "Do you also seek change in the way things are run around here?" He asked. His brow creased with concern. "Doesn't that make it all the more dangerous for you? This isn't exactly the best part of the city and a beautiful woman like you could get into some real danger if you're not careful." 
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
Jehan's gaze landed on the girl. He recognized her face, although he had never really spoken to her before. She seemed lovely. He smiled politely at her. "Good day to you too, Mademoiselle." He tipped his head. "Not at all. Why is a lovely lady such as yourself sitting back here all alone?" He asked her. 
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From a secluded table in the back room of the Café Musain, the young blonde looks up, her blue eyes finding the face of a stranger.  Not too strange, thankfully, as she’s seen this particular stranger many times, listening with interest to their plans of a brighter future—that of a new republic.
Ducking her head bashfully, cheeks staining pink, she keeps her gaze lowered as she speaks.  ”Good day, Monsieur.  I do hope I am not disturbing anything—?”
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
Petition to make the blood of angry men a crayon color.
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
How to RP with me:
Send me a message and go “I FUCKING WANT TO ROLEPLAY WITH YOU.”
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
// reblog if you're an indie les mis roleplay blog
new Jehan blog looking for people to follow :)
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
Jehan tilted his head. "I dunno, I'm not really acquainted with that many other people. Most of my friends aren't into that kind of thing, except for maybe Courfeyrac." He listened to her speak until he was sure he wasn't interrupting. "Debating is the worst thing for me. If it's a topic I'm passionate about, I become flustered; but if it's a topic the other person is passionate about, I become nervous and slightly afraid." Jehan pursed his lips and frowned slightly. Debating always left a sour taste in his mouth. " 'Wise and mature'? Maybe that description would fit someone who was- I don't know- eighty, but not me. I've only got a year more than you under my belt, that's hardly enough to make a difference. Besides, girls mature much faster than boys." 
Jehan laughed and shook his head. Feeling a light blush creep up onto his cheeks, he ducked his head in modesty. "Thank you, but I bet there's so much more you can teach me, because there is so much more to life than just being wise, or sensible, or intelligent, or creative. I'm not too keen on history or politics, although I know freedom is the best. I definitely cannot dance under any circumstances, nor do I have the physical stamina for such a task. I'm constantly forgetting little things like turning the stove off, or locking the doors, or closing the windows at night- which my roommate hates me for. I'm clumsy and I break things easily. I ramble throughout conversations because I don't know what to say so I end up saying everything." He took a breath when he finished, embarrassed for once again rambling on and on like an excited teenage girl. 
Afternoon Delight (anastasie-martais)
“I’m sure you’ll know other people there, maybe just not on stage,” she pointed out with a smile, though she was glad he had already seemed to warm to her as much as she warmed to him. “Math and science weren’t exactly my thing, either,” Anastasie agreed with a little frown which made her nose crinkle and her cheeks push up around the bones there. “I always got into things I could debate, critique, but which always had an answer, a solution. So history seemed the best option,” she explained with a little shrug. “And twenty is wise and mature, a lot more sensible than my nineteen, anyway,” she huffed. Turning twenty seemed old to her, like she’d have to become sensible and mature and adult overnight.
Anastasie’s eyes widened considerably when he spoke about his courses; he was wise, sensible and creative all rolled into one, and he was such a lovely mix it made her smile non-stop. “You say you’re not wise, Jehan, but you definitely seem sensible and intelligent to me. And wonderfully creative. I’m worried there’s nothing I can teach you.”
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
"I have heard of it, seen flyers everywhere. I've made plans to go." Jehan told her. "I'm sure the performance will be very inspiring and if any poems come from it, you'll be the first to know. It makes it all worthwhile knowing that someone I know will be there as well." He said, smiling again. Jehan lowered his eyes modestly and shrugged. "Poetry is the only skill I've honed. I barely pass my math classes with a C, and don't even get me started on science." He chuckled lightly. "I'm only twenty, it's not like I'm a wise, old wizard." Jehan was, however, grateful for her kindness. 
"French is the easiest thing in the world. Certainly easier than any other class I've taken, ever. I just figured that since I speak French, I should be passing French with flying colors. But you are correct, it is my major, but I'm minoring in Latin. I'm also taking creative writing courses, which, despite the name, aren't all that creative."
Afternoon Delight (anastasie-martais)
Anastasie laughed a little at the story of his friend, tucking one of her legs underneath her and giving up all pretence of reading her textbook. “Then your friend was a very good ballerina, and I hope she still dances. The dance department is hosting a big recital next Friday, it’s been all over campus so you probably know but if you’re looking for inspiration maybe you should try it,” she shrugged lightly. It might do him good on the inspiration front and since he enjoyed it, it was a no brainer. “As long as I get to read whatever poems we inspire, if any” she added with a grin. “But it can’t be the only thing you’re good at, Jehan. You’re a student after all, and I’ll take a bet you’re older than me so you’ve clearly passed your first years. Therefore, you have to be smart,” Anastasie reasoned with a smirk, though it was out of kindness rather than laughing at him. He was kind, and easy to talk to, and Anastasie could not imagine anyone not being able to warm to the little poet instantly. “And since you write poetry, I presume your major has to be something to do with literature and english language, and that’s not the easiest degree to pass, not at all.”
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
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I’m going to leave this here, because….
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
Jehan, Eponine, Enjolras and Cosette sit in a circle, braiding eachothers hair
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
Jehan nodded and smiled. "Whenever I think of dancing in general, I think of ballet. It's honestly the most elegant form of dancing and it is truly beautiful to watch. One of my childhood friends was a ballerina; she had calves of steel and I'm not exaggerating at all in the tiniest bit. Not to mention she could never hang out because she was constantly in her dance lessons." He shrugged. He hadn't spoken to his friend in a while and he thought that maybe he should write her a letter. 
"Poetry is probably the only thing I'm good at. It is a bit frustrating when people don't understand what my poems mean when they read them, especially since they make complete sense to me." Jehan raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure you're plenty inspiring, the hard part is putting that inspiring quality into words, which is difficult for everyone. I know if I ever tried to make an inspiring speech, it wouldn't happen. It would end up becoming a poem and no one would know what I was talking about." He said, chuckling at himself. "Most people think it would be, but if there are more distractions than inspirations, there's a problem. I usually write in my dorm or the library. However, a window is never far away." 
Afternoon Delight (anastasie-martais)
Anastasie listened to him talk, never bored, and with a genuine warm smile which seemed to tug at her lips naturally. Jehan was animated in his words, but his body was calm, and he seemed full of odd little quirks and charms which captivated her mind. “Jehan sounds more like a poet than Jean,” she smiled once he had finished. “But yes, I can dance. Believe it or not, it is kind of a prerequisite for someone on a dance scholarship. It’s ballet though so I’m afraid I’m not quite one of those ‘cool’ dancers you see on television looking all beautiful and.. hip,” she laughed, and rolled her eyes gently. Everyone seemed to want to dance, and yet few really understood the amount of effort and hard work that went into classical training.
“Though if you find dance cool, I have to admit poetry kinda fascinates me. Well, sort of. I mean, I don’t always get in and stuff but I would love to be able to write. More than just essays and dissertations, but something that captivated people and meant something to then. You read about these politicians and the power of their words and I’m just sort of… uninspiring,” she shrugged. “Surely it is easier to write outside, non? There is more inspiration among the people and the scenery.”
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
Jehan grinned. "You think so? My given name is actually Jean, but I decided to put a little 'h' there because I felt that 'Jean' didn't have as much zest as 'Jehan'." He explained. He tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table. "A few friends of mine are majoring hardcore in politics and government." He paused and looked at her. "You didn't strike me as someone who was into politics when I first saw you, but now I can see the resemblance. If you meet enough people, you find that they kind of look like what they major in." 
"You can dance? Wait- you got a scholarship for dance so of course you can dance. That's insanely rad." Jehan had always loved dancers. He couldn't bring himself to take dance lessons, but even so, he admired the art of dance. He quirked a smile when he heard his words repeated to him. "My group of friends all have classes during this time in the afternoon. I'm actually writing a poem and since it's such a beautiful day, I decided to write it outside for a change. It's harder to focus on what to say out here because there are so many distractions, but at the same time, it gives me more options to explore my thoughts because there's more going on in front of me."
Afternoon Delight (anastasie-martais)
She blushed a little at his words - it wasn’t often she was complimented by a guy, much less than a complete stranger, but it wasn’t too often that she was outside studying be herself, either. “It’s nothing really amazing,” she grinned at her textbook, not meeting his eyes. “I think Jehan is nicer, anyway.” Anastasie gave a nod and grinned at him now, how he seemed to babble on without paying too much attention to his words. It was adorable, in a word. “My minor is politics so I kinda had to go for the tough classes to get the credits,” she shrugged. “Plus, I enjoy it so I get into it easily.”
She watched him ramble on with a little smile for a moment more, not feeling the need to interrupt him. “Most of my friends are dance and theatre majors, where I’m not, dance is just my scholarship. So they often spend all day in a theatre whereas I can come outside to study. It’s not so bad. So why are you out here, by yourself? I mean, its cool you’re by yourself,” she smirked, repeating his words to him.
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
"Anastasie? That's a remarkable name; it's beautiful." Jehan told her sincerely. " Of course, if you don't mind." He replied before sitting on the other side of the table. He noticed the textbook and attempted to read it upside down. "Modern politics, huh? I've been told it's a difficult class, so I opted out of taking it." He said, feeling as if he was rambling. Jehan didn't normally approach people, and whenever he did, he became nervous. He may be good with words on paper, but using them in conversation was something he wasn't used to.
"What're you doing out here by yourself? I mean, it's totally cool that you're by yourself if that's how you like it, it's just that usually the people who study over here are in a large group." He rambled on some more. 
Afternoon Delight (anastasie-martais)
Anastasie had feared the warmth of the afternoon was force most of the students outside, so she was pretty surprised when she had come to the courtyard and found it quieter than usual, the table in the centre abandoned. She headed over to it almost at a run, the one beneath the tree which everyone wanted to study under, free for her to use. It made the task of her modern politics reading slightly more pleasurable  before tomorrow afternoon’s seminar. She had opened her textbook, located the right page, and then, lo and behold, a distraction!
A distraction in the form of a taller, slim boy, who was smiling down at her with a kind eyes and a hand held out to her. She took it lightly, not bothering to shake it, but rather a soft squeeze of affection. “Well hello, Jehan, I’m Anastasie,” she smiled in reply, gesturing to the space opposite her. “Would you like to sit down with me?”
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thelovelyjehan-blog · 12 years
Afternoon Delight (anastasie-martais)
It was a lovely afternoon- the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Jehan was peacefully pairing words together to create yet another poem. He had just bought a new moleskin notebook and was extremely excited to have the words pour out onto the first clean page. He looked for his next stanza's inspiration in the environment around him. He noticed the other students of the college walking about, socializing, some were riding bicycles. However, there was one student in particular that stood out to him. For whatever reason, Jehan felt his gaze linger on her for a second longer than it did with the other people around him. He felt compelled to speak with her and, seeing as no one else was with her, he figured he could do no harm. 
Jehan closed his notebook and placed it inside his messenger bag before walking up to her. "Hello, my name's Jehan." He held out his hand to her with a friendly smile on his face. 
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