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Not all women got the right to vote in 1920 (x)
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Self-defense? He’s 6 years old ffs…I can’t
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Hi I wanted to make a life update for the like 4 mutuals I have
On Wednesday, June 10, I went to the hospital to have major surgery to diagnose and remove endometriosis lessions. I had been suffering for 7 years and after 4 different gynecologists I finally found one willing to help me.
She was able to remove 8 lessions and I will now at 22 get to start living an almost normal reproductive life. The surgery was fine, recovery is awful and I didn't realize just how much I used my abs until now. Plus I was given an analgesic pain pump catheter, which was a really weird sensation. And next week I get to go on a medication called a Gn-RH which basically causes a temporary chemical menopause which combined with a copper IUD will help me maintain the condition for the 6 months of taking meds plus hopefully 2-6 years beyond.
Because I am hoping to use my masters degree to work in reproductive rights, I felt so compelled to not only demand this care for myself but that I needed to educate myself on the realities of how mistreated women are in women's health. It shouldn't have taken 7 years of debilitating pain for someone to listen to me and offer a very simple solution and I was lucky enough to be also offered strong enough pain meds, a luxury Black women rarely get.
Idk where I'm fully going with this but yeah I had major uterine/abdominal surgery this week and now I'll have some dope scars and maybe won't be living in pain anymore.
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My friend was messing with Never Gonna Give You Up on her record player and she sped it up. It beCAME A FREAKING MAGICAL GIRL THEME.
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He's right and he's also living his dream... Truly the man is an icon. 👏🏽🥺
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Update: Elmo retweeted!!! And he added something too
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“ Whenever a Trump supporter asks you to "name one time Trump was racist," feel free to link to this....
1973: The Nixon administration sued Trump for refusing to rent to black people.
1980s: Trump's casinos were accused of hiding the black staff when Trump visited.
1989: Trump took out a full-page ad, arguing for the death penalty for a group of black men (The 'Central Park Five'), effectively putting a bounty on their heads, and plaguing them with a lifetime of death threats. He was sued by the Justice Department for discrimination.
1991: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kinds of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day… I think that the [black] guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is.”
1992: Trump's casino was fined $200,000 for transferring black dealers off certain tables to appease racist patrons.
1993: Trump said Native American casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”
2000: Trump ran a series of attack ads against Native American casinos alleging (with no proof) that they were guilty of crimes.
2004: Trump fired a black contestant from 'The Apprentice' for being over-educated.
2010: Trump argued in favor of segregating Muslims in Lower Manhattan.
2011: Birtherism. Trump alleged that Obama was Kenyan based on nothing but skin color. He never apologized nor renounced that claim.
2015 (1): Trump called Mexican immigrants "rapists" who are "bringing crime and drugs" to the U.S.
2015 (2): Trump called for "a ban on all Muslims entering the U.S."
2016 (1): Trump called for a Mexican judge to recuse himself based on nothing other than his race. Paul Ryan said this was “the textbook definition of a racist comment.”
2016 (2): Trump regularly retweeted material from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his campaign.
2016 (3): Trump tweeted a picture alleging that Hillary was Jewish, or controlled by Jewish people.
2016 (4): The Trump campaign adopted Nixon's "Law and Order" rhetoric which was based in racial fearmongering.
2016 (5): Trump told black voters "What do you have to lose?"
2017 (1): Trump asked a reporter to set up a meeting with the black caucus simply because she was black.
2017 (2): "...some very fine people on both sides" said Trump of a violent Nazi rally.
2017 (3): Trump said people from Haiti "all have AIDS" and people from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts” after seeing America.
2018 (1): Trump called Haiti and African countries shitholes.
2018 (2): Trump referenced the trail of tears to mock Elizabeth Warren.
2019: Trump tweeted that four black and brown congresswomen should go back where they came from. Then attacked Elijah Cummings. Then Baltimore. Then Al Sharpton.
2020: Trump called black protesters "THUGS" just days after calling white protesters "very good people." Then he threatened to direct the military to shoot the black protestors in the street.”-Translate Trump
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i am stuck in an eternal state of yearning in which i romanticise and fantasise about all the lovers and lives i will never experience.
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i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because: 
i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live 
most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person 
im not a pissbaby
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Hi okay so for everyone talking about specifically the birth control part, in the United States prior to a Supreme Court ruling in 1972 is was against the law to provide an unmarried person with birth control of ANY form. The man who got the case taken that high up, Bill Baird, was repeatedly arrested for giving condoms out at colleges because condoms were ILLEGAL.
So this was legitimately a true actual thing people did, having to seek a family planning medical expert as a married person and beg for pills or condoms and prove they couldn't have a kid right then. So it's not a far reach to think if sexism was shifted squarely on men rather than women that this could still be the scenario for protective measures in safe sex.
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If the Government Treated Men Like It Treats Women
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Desperate Diatribes of the Deplorables: An Analysis of Criticism Against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
A lot of people were perplexed by criticism of AOC using her free time and “government wages” to play video games. 
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It’s her money. They know that. 
But conservative logic is never very logical.
“Robert” later tried to justify his comment. 
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And James felt the need to tack this on to Robert’s justification.
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These two seem very concerned about how congresspeople manage their finances. If $400 to play a video game is a big deal I wonder how they reacted to this… 
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This idea of AOC “wasting taxpayer money” is an extension of a much more common criticism she gets. They think earning money is antithetical to her ideals–constantly telling her that because she is a “socialist” she should be giving her salary away. 
It’s a constant theme in her Twitter replies. 
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And it is a continuing frustration of mine that conservatives don’t know what the hell socialism is. I mean, one of the goals of Democratic Socialism is that charity shouldn’t be necessary because everyone’s needs are met. So I’m not sure where they got this “GIVE YOUR MONEY AWAY!” schtick.
They see all socialism as akin to authoritarian Soviet Union style “communism” or authoritarian Cuban style “communism” or corrupt Venezuelan “socialism” or the authoritarian “Communist” Party of China. 
None of those examples are particularly socialist. More rebrands and bastardizations. Conservatives always ignore the “corrupt” and “authoritarian” qualifiers and then also refuse to acknowledge that people can call things whatever they want–even if it is inaccurate. Hence the oft debunked “Nazis were socialists” trope.  
I mean, I’m a chubby hairy human that wears a bear hat and I call myself “The Frogman.” 
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(When I send unsolicited duck pics, people are very confused.)
In their minds, socialism is just bread lines and empty shelves.
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Note: Picture taken in an American CVS during a pandemic where capitalism almost immediately collapsed into a hellscape with nothing to wipe our bums.
Well, almost nothing…
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Then you’ll hear them bring up “wealth redistribution.” 
I’m pretty sure this is how they imagine that concept…
Everyone lines up and puts all of their money into a giant pot. 
The money is counted.
The people are counted.
The total amount of money is divided by the number of people. 
Everyone lines up again and each person is given the same amount.
Societal collapse.
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Yadda yadda yadda… “And that’s how you get vEneZuELa!” 
Except… no one is proposing anything like that. That was nowhere on Bernie’s presidential to-do list. 
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(Some might think that is a “Bernie is old” joke but, like me, he believes regular bowel movements are important at any age. Get that fiber, kids.) 
Even with universal basic income, you can still earn beyond what you are given. But the right can’t resist a sad simplification of progressive policies. Personally, I think a more accurate term would be “wealth equity”–meaning peoples’ labor is valued appropriately and all wages are enough to live on.
AOC makes about $175K per year. She is constantly reminded of this and told she has come into great wealth. And, yes, it sounds pretty decent, but she has to maintain two living spaces with high security (she gets constant death threats) and she must travel back and forth from DC to New York quite a bit. 
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Her salary is above average, but I think her labor is valued appropriately. And I don’t think she takes that for granted. 
She takes her role as “representative” very literally. 
She doesn’t do the typical 9 to 5 and clock out. She works as much as she can fit into her day without burning out. You’ll often see Instagram stories at 10pm where she is just finishing her day. She travels back to her district much more than many of her fellow representatives. She actually cares for her constituents and communicates with them regularly via community outreach and town halls and… visiting their bitchin’ Animal Crossing islands. 
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Recently she set up a food bank and organized a team to help her personally deliver necessities to people affected by COVID-19. 
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Her NY office has also been calling everyone to check up on them and ask if they need anything. 
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Can you imagine Mitch McConnell doing that?
The other reason they think she should give all her money away is because they don’t think she earns it. They say she hasn’t passed a single piece of legislation. This shows a deep ignorance of how Congress works. For one thing, freshman reps rarely have the cachet to create and pass their own legislation. That said, she is a sponsor or co-sponsor of 13 bills currently. 
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Unfortunately, any progressive legislation created in the House goes directly under Mitch McConnell’s ass where he proudly sits on it.
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It’s hard to create legislation when a surly turtle man refuses to even put it up for consideration. 
Maybe we should see how she compares with another legislator and their lawmaking achievements. How about everyone’s favorite Canadian Texan… Ted Cruz! A man only his daughter could love. 
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Or not.
Ted has had 4 terms and sponsored 180 bills. That’s a lot more than 13. However, a grand total of 2 have become law. Though I am sad to see this one did not get any traction. 
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So Ted’s had more time and more chances but his batting average is about the same. Also, AOC is trying to save the planet and Ted can’t get balloon pilots to shape up and fly right. 
Beyond that, creating new laws is not all that representatives do. Another important job is oversight and investigation. That whole “checks & balances” thing we are struggling to hold on to. 
AOC was put on the Financial Services Committee which is super rare for a first-term representative. And I think this is where she really “earns” her pay. Her questioning of capitalist scumbags is something to behold. She doesn’t waste her time. She is extremely prepared. And she is able to draw useful information out of just about anyone she questions. 
One of my favorite exchanges was when she questioned Michael Cohen. While others were wasting their time trying to get him to bad mouth the president or catch him in lies, she got him to point directly at where the bodies are buried and at the people who covered them up. 
If we are ever able to hold Trump accountable, I have no doubt these answers will be very useful and damning. 
And if you want to watch an hour of her grilling more scumbags and making them look like giant tools (among other things), this compilation is pretty great. 
I don’t believe in stanning politicians. I want to remain objective and not find myself in a position where I defend their every action and statement. I want to be able to criticize and influence them to work for the best interests of me and those I care about. 
We the people are their boss.  
That said… it is really hard for me not to break that rule for AOC. Because she always seems to be fighting for the dignity of the downtrodden. 
Conservatives are right to fear her. She has a chance to inspire a new generation that will destroy their backwards 1950s values and create a more equitable society.   
They try to call her stupid, but that falls apart under any amount of scrutiny. 
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They try to call her a child of privilege, an elite, and a fraud…
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Wow, look at that palatial estate!
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But then they also try to say she is just a lowly bartender not worthy of the Congress of the United States. 
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They can’t make up their minds.
And then there is the most common attack they all fall back on when they can’t find anything else to criticize. 
She magically, and all on her own, swatted Amazon away from New York and lost like… a zillion jobs. 
Even though she really only amplified a movement led by many of her constituents. (Ya know, those people she represents.) You can find this great sin mentioned in many of her Twitter threads–whether it is relevant or not. 
Some folks even bought a billboard in New York. 
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(By “some folks” I mean small business owner and billionaire founder of Home Depot, Bernie Marcus.)
All of those numbers are misleading and it doesn’t mention the billions of dollars in subsidies New York was planning to give for the privilege of having an Amazon headquarters. 
But… Amazon came anyway… without the incentives. 
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No, it wasn’t quite the 25,000 jobs that Amazon promised they’d deliver. But having Amazon around hasn’t exactly worked out for everyone and she was probably right about it being a bad idea. 
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The attempts to quash her spirit have been unsuccessful. She continues to thrive and gain momentum in her career. They seem to be running out of ways to criticize her so they have become desperate to find things that will tear her down. She seems to have inherited Obama’s “Grey Poupon” attacks on the daily now. 
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With everything she does, they must find some way to criticize. This Animal Crossing thing is only the latest ridiculous attempt. And it wasn’t just “Robert” saying that–the GOP candidate running against her tried the very same thing. 
I wonder how that went for her. 
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I think one of my favorite failed attempts at criticism was when the news broke that AOC was using her own campaign contributions to feed her district during this pandemic. 
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This is the money she needs to get reelected. You’d think this selfless act that risks her campaign’s resources would be seen as positive… even by the coldest right wing hearts. Seems like a safe, criticism-free activity. 
But as Dr. Ian Malcolm said…  
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Suddenly they all became campaign finance experts. 
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“You are feeding the poor incorrectly!” –Jesus probably
It would seem they didn’t google the FEC regulations before making this accusation.
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And if they are truly that concerned about campaign finance laws, then I’ve got a doozy for them. 
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Remember kids, never leave a paper trail when paying off adult film stars.
In conclusion, my personal politician-stanning rules be damned… 
AOC has twirled into my heart and given me hope that things can change. 
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I think she’s neato and I want to have a puppy playdate with Otis and Deco. 
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Hi umm this is a life update!
So I just graduated with a BS in mathematics and was accepted into an incredible Graduate school for Multicultural Women's and Gender Studies!!!
I quit my job after a year of hating the work I was doing so I'm taking some time to figure out how to be productive again and really working on getting my first apartment to feel like the home I want it to be.
I started seeing a guy that's really great and we get along perfectly which is a nice change.
Edit: he dumped me after 2 dates lmao
My seven rats is now just three after a lot of sickness in the mischief, and one of my newer rescues has taken to biting as hard as she can every time she sees a fresh piece of skin so I'm not loving that but I'm working on fixing that with her.
And uh yeah I think I'm a full fledged adult now? Idk
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Peaceful video
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Imagine for a moment if we were a society that really, really did value life at any cost over bodily autonomy. Not just as an abortion issue- but in every legal arena.
Imagine if the government mandated that every healthy adult had to donate blood once every 3 months, or face a fine or jail time. Imagine if the government mandated every qualifying adult on an organ donation list- that you could be called in to donate a kidney or bone marrow by law with no notice. Imagine if the government could mandate that everyone is an organ donor upon death. No one would ever die waiting on a transplant list again. No one would ever die for lack of a blood transfusion. 
 Imagine if the government could mandate your participation in medical trails, regardless of risks or side effects. Think how much faster, how much more affordable those trails would be, how much quicker we would have life saving treatments approved for widespread use.
We would save so many innocent lives. 
But that’s not a system anyone is fighting for, and I think that we all fundamentally feel uncomfortable with it even if we can’t articulate why. But here is the crux of it- such a system would mean that in this state the physical BODIES of the citizenry, their organs, their blood, would effectively be a resource for the government to control. Our bodies would be government property, to use for the benefit of the state. 
Imagine then a society where the government, OUR government, with all its demons and past prejudices and history, can harvest certain populations for the benefit of others. Who would benefit from that? Who would suffer?
And is it not fundamentally dehumanizing to have the very pieces of yourself under the jurisdiction of the government? That the physical organs and skin and blood that make up you can be used against your will? Is that not inherently a threat to our very concept of personhood? 
This is generally NOT where the conversation goes when we discuss abortion. Firstly, because the population that would benefit here are, well, fetuses- babies. Secondly, the population that would suffer? That would be exploited? That would have their bodies treated as a resource by the state? Are those people who are pregnant, are the mothers of the those fetuses. And there is a very strong cultural belief that mothers should sacrifice anything for their children. That women should give up their dreams and aspirations, their comfort, their safety, their well being, even their lives for their children. And whatever your opinion about that is- we should all be very very nervous about a government mandating that under law. 
We know what happens when human beings are treated like property. When people’s bodies can be bought and sold, when their exploitation and suffering and dehumanization is justified for the benefit of others. We know and it’s always really, really bad. 
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Rating peoples rooms thru their video conference calls
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paint me like one of your studio ghibli background sceneries
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American Hedgehog Warrior: Course 3 Watch as Pepper takes on course 3 of American Hedgehog Warrior: Quarantine Edition 🦔
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