themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
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Why is she saying “the Dark Lord?” Is the Inner Eye a Death Eater?
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
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if the marauders were brilliant enough to discuss their fullmoon trips in front of snape, then there’s no way they’d be able to conceal themselves from mcgonagall. unless of course some things would just be too much for her to handle.
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
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miss rowling i WILL pay you to shut up at this point
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
reasons why draco malfoy should’ve had a redemption arc
not wanting to kill dumbledore
lowering his wand and about to join the order
took care of luna lovegood while she in his house
not turning harry in when he was captured
gutted by the death of his friend
throwing harry his wand
was literally a fucking CHILD
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
So apparently the reason why Aunt Marge blew up in PoA was because Harry was trying to shut her up using non-verbal magic which disastrously failed and led to the side-effect of her blowing up like a balloon.
Now we all know how many times Voldemort has wasted his fucking time trying to talk to Harry; what if, during the cemetery scene in the Goblet of Fire, when he is giving his boring ass speech and doing basically ANYTHING but killing Harry, Harry’s mind must’ve gone like, “will this motherfucker just shut up already,” and suddenly Voldemort starts blowing up like a balloon and goes like, “wHAT SORCERY IS THIS!? HELP ME! I’M THE DARK LORD,” and Harry just fucking loses his shit.
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
jkr’s next series: what the hell everyone was doing for 19 years
Hermione Granger and Fuck You, Equality For Everyone Bitches
Ron Weasley and the Only Person Who Noticed How Goddamn Ineffective And Strategically Useless The Aurors Are 
Draco Malfoy and A Lot Of Awkward Apologies
Minerva McGonagall and Getting Rid Of The Murder Tree And Moving STAIRCASES, SCREW YOU ALBUS
Luna Lovegood and Dr.Dolittle But With Dragon-Trolls
Arthur Weasley and Finally Someone Let Us Use Pens Instead Of Quills! (And Other Technological Shenanigans)
Harry Potter and Giving Hogwarts A Decent DADA Professor 
Recovering From PTSD: The Musical
Fantastic Therapists and Where To Find Them
Potter Puppet Pretending Everything’s Okay
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
Not Harry Potter related but I figured I'd repost this from my main blog anyway :D
Hey guys
I just started a Redbubble for my art! If you have a minute, you should check it out! :)
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
neville: I just realized that “never” is the contraction of “not ever”
harry: and “blush” is a contraction of “blood rush”
ron: also “studying” is a contraction of “student dying”

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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
The most magical thing about Harry Potter is that there were stable careers for 17 year olds right out of school.
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
I think I meant bitter? Not guilty? Cause I agree that he didn't feel guilty so much as resentful about his family and childhood. I was trying to get at how much of Sirius's character/motivations/back story were cut out of the movies. He's not nearly as interesting or three dimensional as in the books. Just poor word choice on my part lol
6. Sirius felt incredibly bitter about leaving his brother and family. (He never found out that Regulus defected).
(mostly because the movie left it out or screwed it up)
First off, a DISCLAIMER: I do like the movies, I actually like them a lot, but you have to admit that they leave out a lot of the best stuff from the books, namely:
Harry is a sassy little shit with an amazing sense of humour.
Ron is not nearly as big a douche bag in the books.
All of Ginny’s personality. (Where did if go? Nobody knows.)
Percy is a character. He is a jackass, but he is still a character.
So is Charlie.
Sirius felt incredibly guilty for leaving his brother.
Regulus was Sirius’ brother and he actually exists and is very important.
SPEW and everything relating to House Elves other than Dobby.
Dobby and his crazily eccentric clothes and mismatched socks.
All of Ginny and Harry’s relationship. (They were so awesome in the book! Remember the tattoo scene? Perfect!)
All of the Ghosts.
All the Hogwarts characters who weren’t Gryffindors or Draco Malfoy.
Dumbledore not being so dark, depressing and creepy.
The awesome Harry/Ginny kiss in bookHBP instead of that lame one in movieHBP.
AGAIN ALL OF GINNY’S CHARACTER (in the books just you know that Ginny and Harry are meant to be by how much sass they both throw around).
Ginny surviving being possessed by Voldemort on and off for an entire school year and turning out healthy and happy. 
Ginny’s  possession by Voldemort being mentioned again and not completely forgotten. (Although, this was seriously lacking from the book as well, it’s only slightly better than the movie.)
Draco Malfoy taking the time to compose the lyrics to “Weasley is Our King”. (He may be a bully but you do have to admire his dedication, like does he honestly have nothing better to do?)
Oliver Wood was actually Quidditch Crazy not just Mildly Interested and I’m pretty sure he cried in PoA when Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup.
Pigwidgeon existed and yes, Ginny is truly gifted at naming things.
Snape was a huge jerk. I’m sorry, but he was. Whether or not he was in love with Lily makes no difference in his treatment of other people and even her. 
Sirius kept Buckbeak in his mother’s old room at Grimmould Place when he first moved back. 
James and Lily Potter were only 21 when they were killed. 
Non of the Marauders made it to their fortieth birthdays. Neither did Lily, Snape or Regulus. 
Draco Malfoy was just trying to protect his mother and Narcissa was just trying to protect her son. 
Ginny came up with the name Dumbledore’s Army. (See? Isn’t she good at naming things?)
Feel free to add to this. I know I missed things, this list is just off the top of my head.
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
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themaraudersandcompany · 5 years
best unloved characters from the harry potter universe: those bulgarians who tricked fudge into thinking they couldnt speak english for months
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themaraudersandcompany · 6 years
i am begging everyone to watch this video right now
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themaraudersandcompany · 6 years
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themaraudersandcompany · 6 years
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August 19, 2018
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themaraudersandcompany · 6 years
the older i get the more i realize what it meant for lily and james potter to die at 21. when you’re 11 and you’re reading the books, watching the films, 21 feels ancient. it did to me. even the actors they picked looked like they were in their thirties, because actual 21 year olds standing next to harry in the mirror would have been an excruciating sight i think. actual 21 year olds lined up in the photo sirius shows harry would have been horrible to see. they weren’t adults. i look at 21 year olds now and most of them are still teenagers. and i’m so sad because you know harry turns 21 and then 22 and then 28 and 29 and realizes how terribly young his parents were, how brave they were, how exceptional they were, GOD I’M SAD IM GETTING A BEER
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