themasterssong · 1 year
Did you consider that maybe the hospital food is just so bad that your patients prefer to eat insects, doctor Seward?
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themasterssong · 1 year
they told me to get rid of my spiders now, or atleast most of them. all my progress, and i shall have to erase it. apprently one of the nurses is afraid of them and refuses to go into my room. tried telling the doctor that she neednt worry, theyre not venomous, but he wont listen. idiots.
the look on his face when i ate one of my dear flies infront of him was priceless.
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themasterssong · 1 year
they took my notebook hes lookingthrough it give it back
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themasterssong · 1 year
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themasterssong · 1 year
but i know there’s no demand whatsoever for the characters and nobody knows shit about them lmao
ooc // i’m tempted to make a blog like this for either bunny manders or aj raffles. hrgh
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themasterssong · 1 year
ooc // i’m tempted to make a blog like this for either bunny manders or aj raffles. hrgh
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themasterssong · 1 year
What kind of spider is she? Has she bitten you?
She’s a cardinal spider, and a beautiful one at that. She doesn’t bite — I feed her well and let her be when she’s not feeling terribly sociable. She’s lovely when you treat her with care. Spiders are a bit like humans in that respect, I suppose.
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themasterssong · 1 year
the best part of living in a basement is all the free spiders
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themasterssong · 1 year
caught,my first spider today. i asked an attendant for a box, to put her in. she's beautiful. fed her 6 of my flies already, and she's plumping up nicely.
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themasterssong · 1 year
..no. i dont have to get rid of them. i know what i'll do.
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themasterssong · 1 year
seward asked me to get rid of my flies because theyr,e "escaping and bothering the other patients" ,and a "health risk". its not a risk for my health -- i need them for my health! though of coursse i didn't have much of a choice in the matter. i'll clean them up if i bloody well have to.
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themasterssong · 1 year
have been using my sugar rations for my tea to attract flies instead. i dont much like tea without sugar, but it's a small price to pay for salvation, yes?
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themasterssong · 1 year
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12-31-2022, 7 AM
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themasterssong · 1 year
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Gothic Chapel by Charles Marie Bouton (French, 1781–1853)
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themasterssong · 1 year
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themasterssong · 1 year
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Antlion By: Edwin Way Teale From: Natural History Magazine 1950
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themasterssong · 1 year
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