themewsicians · 11 years
"Because..." Synth started. "...Because... I don't actually know. I just like it." Synth shrugged. "You'd be better off listening to real music, brother." Scale sighed.
RP with angela-sirknight
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themewsicians · 11 years
"Good things? You must be hearing this from bad sources, as it's utterly wretched." Scale said, shaking her head lightly.  "H-hey! Dubstep and techno is great! Maybe if you heard it more..." Synth floated forward as well, extending his tail for a handshake rather than a paw.  Scale scoffed. "I've heard it. It sounds like a wailord in a giant blender."
RP with angela-sirknight
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themewsicians · 11 years
"The name's Synth, and I'm a musician! My sis is a musician, too." Synth pointed towards Scale, smiling.  "My name is Scale. I am a singer and violinist. A true musician, unlike my brother and his obnoxious noise. Nice to meet you, Angela." She floated forwards, extending her paw to offer a handshake.  "Hey, electronic music is music too, miss 'I-only-listen-to-old-people-music'!" Synth shouted in defense.
RP with angela-sirknight
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themewsicians · 11 years
"And another thi-" Synth stopped mid-sentence after noticing the gardevoir. The two cat-like pokemon stopped to turn towards her.  "Sup." Synth casually greeted, waving a paw. "Who're you?" "Greetings, fellow psychic type." Scale gave a slight bow. She disliked humans who are strangers, but she had no problem greeting a pokemon she hadn't seen before.
RP with angela-sirknight
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themewsicians · 11 years
RP with angela-sirknight
"C'mon sis, I'm sure they won't notice us if we stay low!" Synth whined, tugging at Scale's sleeve. Scale was doing well to deny his pleas, giving him a rather annoyed look. They were just outside a city, arguing over whether or not they can enter it to look around. "Yet again, the answer is a resounding NO, as we would put ourselves in danger if a human would notice us. This could lead to us being captured, or worse, poached. Because of this..." Scale began to ramble on, Synth completely losing interest after the first few sentences.  "You talk too much," Synth interrupted. "I think we should go in and check out a music store or somethin', at least. I know you're just as curious as me to see what they got here, you're just too... Digi... Dingi..." "Dignified." "...Dignified to admit it!"
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themewsicians · 11 years
Open RP
The pair of cat-like pokemon floated about a thick forest filled with bushes and trees that grew all sorts of berries, collecting certain berries they occasionally found on a bush or tree. They placed these in a basket they each had, carrying said baskets using their psychic powers. The baskets were still rather empty, despite them having been searching for some time. Scale paused, and turned towards Synth. "I have yet to discover any chesto berries. Perhaps we are searching the incorrect area..." She said, followed by a long, drawn-out sigh. "There were definitely some here yesterday, so perhaps some insect pokemon have devoured them all. At least there's an abundance of sitrus berries." "But sitrus berries ain't going to cut it!" Synth groaned, shuffling around in a berry bush he was searching through. "I need chesto berries to make the right type of drink!" He stopped searching through said bush, giving up on it after not finding anything of interest.
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themewsicians · 11 years
Synth glanced around, seeing no signs of life around. He sighed, fiddling with some pins in his jacket pocket.  "This is getting ridiculous." Scale floated towards Synth, gently placing a paw on his head. She gave him a look that said 'Just be patient' as she began to speak, telling him what he already knew. "We need to converse with others first if we wish for them to converse with us." Synth shifted his position, now floating upside-down. He stared at Scale from this position. "How are we supposed to talk to others first if there's not even one poke around?"
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themewsicians · 11 years
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"I don't care if it's 1 PM, It's still too early for me."
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themewsicians · 11 years
Synth stretched out, yawning loudly as he lazily floated towards Scale, munching on a pecha berry. "Good morning." Scale stared at him with a look that asked if he was serious, as she floated in a sitting position in the air, turning the page in a book she was reading.  "It's twelve pm."
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themewsicians · 11 years
"I doubt we could get along long enough to do such a thing." Scale muttered in response. "Spar? As in, battle? I dunno about that, do ya think you're ready to find a powerful LEGENDARY pokemon such as myself?" Synth puffed out his chest as he spoke with a heavy amount of arrogance. Scale adjusted her glasses and began to speak. "As much as he needs his ego taken down a notch or two as he would not survive battling any 'legendary' larger than him in strength, you should be aware that we are much more powerful than the average pokemon. If you are willing to accept that sparring against us would be a difficult task, then I do not see a reason why not. You should be properly prepared, as we are both at what you humans would call the 'level cap', and we have a nearly infinite amount of possible attack combinations due to the ability to transform, and so, survival chances are slim at best assuming you have a team of pokemon strong enough t-" "She talks too much." Synth had sneaked up on Scale and covered her mouth with a paw.
Training [open rp]
Rachel awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. “Oh, I see. Have you ever tried mixing the two?” she gave a shrug. “Personally, I like Dubstep as much as Classical.”
"If you want, you can spar with any of my Pokémon here, the training will help." she stated, as she lead them back to the flatter clearing.
"If you don’t mind, I’ll continue solo-train." Dust scoffed, flapping her wings and taking off.
Rachel rolled her eyes. “First, a brief introudction. That was Dust.”
"Sybil’s the Hypno, Lyke’s the Ampharos, Josie’s the Swinub, Kyi’s the Quagsire, Tyrus is the Meganium and Jackson is the Primeape."
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themewsicians · 11 years
"It's cool to me, since the only battles I get to be in are the rare times a trainer finds me. ...Okay, maybe not so rare."  Scale snapped out of her trance, sighing in annoyance at the fact that they failed to stay hidden. She spoke up, answering the last thing said. "I sing, and play the violin. My adopted sibling here fiddles around with some machinery to make loud noises that hardly qualifies as music." "HEY," Synth blurted out. "It's called DUBSTEP, and it's real music that's just as good as your music!" "I disagree, but that does not matter at this very moment. Anyway, we'll be taking our leave no-" "SURE! We'll gladly stay!" Synth interrupted.
Training [open rp]
"C-cool stuff?" Rachel blurted out, and then it dawned on her. "Oh! We weren’t doing anything.. cool. We was just.. training.”
Carefully, Tyrus removed the support vine off of the Trainer. She wobbled a bit, before steadying, patting where her heart would be and sighing deeply.
Now more calm, Rachel regarded the Mews. “W-Well! in any case, it’s nice to meet you, Synth, Scale.” she winced, yet still grinned rather silly at the pun. “My name is Rachel. You’re uh, welcome to stay and watch us train if you find it so cool.”
A small idea dawned on her
"Travelling musicians, you say?" she tilted her head. "What do you play?"
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themewsicians · 11 years
They both stopped their fighting, turning towards the trainer and her pokemon. The blue-colored mew had a very similar near-heart-attack in response, staring at the trainer in horror. The pink mew, however, wasn't nearly as terrified. He floated a bit closer, waving. He smiled, and responded happily. "Oh yeah, me an' my sis were traveling through here when I saw some... cool stuff happening, so I made her stay and let me watch for a few minutes." He glanced towards her, and saw that she was still staring in horror.  "The name's Synth, and my sis over there is named Scale. We're traveling musicians! Or MEWsicians, if you will." He chuckled at his own joke.
Training [open rp]
The training momentarily halted, and Rachel jogged up to them now that they were more audiable and she was able to pinpoint where they were.
And subsequentially nearly had a heart attack.
She stumbled back, a flabberghasted look. Not only one Mew. Not only two Mew. But a Shiny and a Normal Mew.
"S-Sweet mother of Arceus.." she whispered. She would fell onto her backside, had Tyrus helpfully used a vine to support her.
"M-Mew!" Rachel stated. "T-This is.. oh my-" Her hand patted her Pokébelt. Wait.
All of her Pokéballs were designated to the present Team.
She had no spare Pokéball left.
As Rachel continued to try and get over the shock and horror, Sybil cleared her throat.
"You’ll have to excuse my Trainer for a moment." she filled in. "She is.. not particularly used to seeing a Mew, let alone two. May I inquire what you are doing here? We appreciate you wanting to visit us - but.. I am curious."
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themewsicians · 11 years
"See, this is why I don't let you get this close to humans!" The blue-colored mew whispered in an angry tone. She sighed as she had realized they've basically been discovered. "Well, EXCUUUUUSE me!" The pink one shouted in response. The blue-colored mew dove to quickly cover his mouth. "I told you to not make any noise, you fool!" She hissed, now very much audible. Had they not started fighting, they could have slipped away, as that's how their species is considered so 'rare'. This however, was not the case this time.
Training [open rp]
It wasn’t Rachel that had heard them, she was overseeing the match against the Meganium and Primeape.
No, it was Sybil, the Hypno. She halted, turning her head - just as Kyi summoned up a Surf that headed her way. By the time the sound of crashing waves drowned out the hushed voices, it was too late.
She was swept up in the wave, and was sent spiraling to the ground, landing with an thump as her pendulum flew out of her hand, landing a couple feet away. The Hypno groaned loudly. “Kyi, we AGREED! No Surfs!”
"That isn’t the point of a fight, missy Sybil."
Still, throwing in her towl, so to speak, the Hypno raised herself up and looked over to where she heard the voices. “Hello?” she called out. “Is anyone out there?”
The Trainer too, glanced over, noticing the commotion, then looked over, squinting. “You see someone, Sybil?” She waved frantically, trying to get whomever was there’s attention.
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themewsicians · 11 years
The two catlike pokemon watched from a distance, discussing something. They had made sure to be a good enough distance so they wouldn't be easily noticed. "I am telling you, humans are rather dangerous to be around, especially considering our species is considered one of the rarest by them." The blue colored mew said to the other mew in a hushed tone. "B-but they're doing something really cool over there! I don't think they'll even bother to catch us!" The pink-colored one argued in response. Perhaps a bit too loudly. "Quiet down, you fool. you'll endanger us both if you do not lower your tone."
Training [open rp]
Preparing oneself for the Elite Four was hard work, and it certianly shouldn’t be a one (wo)man job.
"Alright, Dust, I want to see those divebombs, hop to it- Air slash, go, go!"
The Noctowl snorted, but did as she was told, her speed was nigh immeasurable as she gained altitude, looped, and then dived down, only inches away from the ground as she spread her wings and finished with a swift Air Slash. “I’d be careful, Trainer. I might Air Slash you, accidently.”
Ignoring the comment, Rachel marched on further. Some were sparring, such as Tyrus and Jackson, and Sybil with Kyi.
Josie on the other hand, Everstone tied to her, was careful with her training.
"It’d helped if I had some expertise." she grumbled. "Someone who knows them, or could help me train you guys.."
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themewsicians · 11 years
"Well, looks like there's nobody around. What a drag." Synth said to Scale with a sigh. He was rather bored, floating upside down, his tail occasionally twitching. He stared at Scale with a very blank expression.  "Obviously. It may be because of the simple fact that we haven't socialized with any other pokemon yet." Scale explained, adjusting her glasses. "Perhaps if we engage in some friendly conversation with some other pokemon we can change this predicament." "Sounds like a plan, sis." Synth replied with a smile.
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themewsicians · 11 years
"My glasses." Scale calmly replied, eyeing the strange mechanical being."My hat! Oh, oh, and my pins! Wait, that's more than one thing... In that case, my hat!" Synth pointed to the hat he was wearing. 
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