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As a mother to an Autistic son, it's a constant challenge to get him to eat different foods, especially new foods that include different textures, which generally means no veggie sauces.
We have huge issues when it comes to him taking in the right nutrition and as a result, he is very small for his age.
But tonight we had a break through. I made the kids hidden veggie pasta bolognaise and garlic bread for thier tea... And all 3 of them enjoyed it.
And with the sauce containing only about 4 key ingredients and a small amount of seasoning, it couldn't be easier to make.
As you can see, we don't do perfect food pics (usually because we are all starving by tea time and just want to eat 馃槀) but the second pic says it all. This is officially a fussy kid approved recipe and one I will most definitely be making again.
Look out for the recipe on my Instagram @thenearlynaturalmum.
Now, I did make a small balls up and mixed the pasta Into the sauce before serving it.
Anyone know if pasta freezes ok? I've got loads left to freeze 馃ぃ馃檮
Kirsty @thenearlynaturalmum
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Hey hey hey you lovely people馃檵 I'm Kirsty, a mum of 3 amazing kids 馃挋鉂わ笍鉂わ笍 Layland, 8, Isabelle, 7 and Tallulah 2 (soon to be 4 amazing kids 鉂わ笍) and married to the absolute love of my life for almost 9 years.
Im a self confessed foodie, who loves a plant based diet (who doesn't love eating a rainbow everyday) but I have a secret... I hate cooking. I'm pretty rubbish at it, but I try my best. My lovely hubby, Aaron, on the other hand. Just wow, he cooks the most amazing food I've ever eaten and I've learned enough from him to keep the kids generally healthy and happy. So when you see me post meal plan ideas or recipes, please know they will be easy, cheap and (generally) healthy.
I've also recently been growing concerned at the amount of harsh chemicals that are currently lurking in my cleaning cupboard. We all know what it's like, with motherhood comes joy and happiness and lots of pride and rainbows and unicorns. But it also comes with mess, dirty fingerprints, sicky bugs and general family ickyness. So I'm in the process of moving over to more environmentally friendly products for keeping our home clean and tidy. I'll be posting tried and tested recipes for home made, all natural cleaning products, along with hints and tips for using everyday natural ingredients to keep your home looking and smelling it's best, while keeping it free from chemicals and nasties.
I would also say I'm a natural born minamalist. After struggling with depression and anxiety since the age of 14, I found a few years ago that living in clutter made me feel like I was suffocating in my own home. So after much reasoning, me, Aaron and the kids took the plunge and began a huge process of deuttering our tiny, mid terrace house and have been working on being less consumerist (is that even a word?) and more focussed on creating memories with each other. I hope to post ideas on how to ease clutter in the home (without going full on Konmarie, because let's face it, that's a bit scary), how to pass along your unwanted items in a way that is respectful to the planet we share and how to update your home in a more eco friendly, less consumerist way.
I'm sure at some point I'll find some other ways to change our lifestyle to help our planet, but for now, we are just doing our best. Which is always good enough.
I hope that you can join me in my journey to a more environmentally friendly lifestyle and I'd love to hear how you are helping our beautiful earth too.
I am also available on Instagram @thenearlynaturalmum and will always be around to chat and share ideas and hopefully a little wisdom picked up over the years.
Kirsty, The Nearly Natural Mum x
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These would be perfect for Isabelle's packed lunches at school. She loves good, healthy food and even more so if it looks like a rainbow 馃槏
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Which one is your favourite 鉂わ笍
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