thenecrotimer · 5 years
Hear, hear
This is a Message to you Tumblr
I know that @staff won’t care to read this, so I will just put it simply.
Thank you for your website, and to those who have worked hard on the website to make it as operational as possible. I know the people that work on this website do their best to work within the impossible confines of your corporate entity that has slowly destroyed your website, making it less of what it is today.
No matter what happens here, I will recollect this website with fond memories due to the structure that it once had and the people that I got to meet here. Yes there were dark days and dark people that would be involved from time to time. But the experience was mostly positive. 
I only ask and pray to anyone here that if you’re going to enforce this website as you are marketing it, you better enforce against the tyrants, the malicious, the hateful, and the destructive evil people that are on this website too. Because I get it, you lost your ability to market this site on apple’s app store due to scumbags ruining it for everyone as usual. But you better make sure the scumbags suffer too. Or else your website will not only go down in history as the website that outed a huge chunk of people in the sex industry, but inadvertently showcased support to cruel and evil people by casting a blind eye. 
You want to make this site that kind of content, you better enforce it, because you will be judged for your actions on this, and you will not be defended. 
This isn’t a threat, but a warning to those who work on this website. Not the people that own it, the people who own this site can rot in hell for all I care for. 
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thenecrotimer · 5 years
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
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Artist will_o_wisps created a new bug type eeveelution during her livestream!
Name: Hunneon
Type: Bug
Species: The Humble Pokemon
Height: 1'05" (0.4 m)
Weight: 33. lbs (15.0 kg)
Ability 1: Levitate - By floating in the air, the Pokémon receives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.
Ability 2: Bumble Burst - When the user’s HP is low, the opposing Pokemon is randomly poisoned, paralysed or falls asleep.
Evolution: Eevee evolves into Hunneon after levelling up whilst holding the item Honey*.*
Pokedex Entries:
When threatened, it will spit a powdery substance from the tip of its tail to defend itself from predators.
Sometimes it feels conscious about having extra limbs and tucks them into its chest fur to hide them.
If you step on Hunneon’s tail, you’d better watch out! It shoots a powdery substance from the tip of its tail to defend itself.
The hexagonal pieces on its head and chest emit a sweet smelling scent that attracts wild Pokemon, predators and people alike.
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
Id like to show you all something.
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Yes indeed no nudity but you can find all the discriminatory and hate speech you want!
But wait, the icing on the cake…
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…really? Do i need even say anything.
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
All, we’ve heard from a bunch of you who are concerned about Tumblr censoring NSFW/adult content. While there seems to be a lot of misinformation flying around, most of the confusion seems to stem from our complicated flagging/filtering features. Let me clear up (and fix) a few things:
1. Last year, we added “Safe Mode” which lets you filter out NSFW content from tag and search pages. This is enabled by default for new users and can be toggled in your Dashboard Settings. As some of you have pointed out, disabling Safe Mode still wasn’t allowing search results from all blogs to appear. This has been fixed.
2. Some search terms are blocked (returning no results) in some of our mobile apps. Unfortunately, different app environments have different requirements that we do our best to adhere to. The reason you see innocent tags like #gay being blocked on certain platforms is that they are still frequently returning adult content which our entire app was close to being banned for. The solution is more intelligent filtering which our team is working diligently on. We’ll get there soon. In the meantime, you can browse #lgbtq — which is moderated by our community editors — in all of Tumblr’s mobile apps. You can also see unfiltered search results on tumblr.com using your mobile web browser.
3. Earlier this year, in an effort to discourage some not-so-nice people from using Tumblr as free hosting for spammy commercial porn sites, we started delisting this tiny subset of blogs from search engines like Google. This was never intended to be an opt-in flag, but for some reason could be enabled after checking off NSFW → Adult in your blog settings. This was confusing and unnecessary, so we’ve dropped the extra option. If your blog contains anything too sexy for the average workplace, simply check “Flag this blog as NSFW” so people in Safe Mode can avoid it. Your blog will still be promoted in third-party search engines.
Aside from these fixes, there haven’t been any recent changes to Tumblr’s treatment of NSFW content, and our view on the topic hasn’t changed. Empowering your creative expression is the most important thing in the world to us. Making sure people aren’t surprised by content they find offensive is also incredibly important and we are always working to put more control in your hands.
Sorry for all of the confusion. If you have any more concerns or suggestions on how we can make these features clearer or more useful, please email us!
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
I think the real problem here is that big media corporations seem to believe that social media userbases are fungible, and persist in acting on this belief no matter how many times it’s demonstrated to be wrong.
There’s a specific pattern of events that plays out over and over (and over) again, and it looks something like this:
1. Social media platform becomes popular
2. Social media platform is purchased by big media corporation in order to gain access to it large user base
3. Big media corporation realises that social media platform’s demographics are not the demographics they want to sell things to.
4. Big media corporation institutes measures to drive away “undesirable” users, apparently in the honest belief that the outgoing users will automatically be replaced by an equal number of new, more demographically desirable users
5. This does not, in fact, occur
6. Social media platform crashes and burns
You’d think that, by the sheer law of averages, at least one person who’s capable of learning from experience would become involved in this whole process at some point.
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
“lol the only people mad about the tumblr announcement just want porn lol”
Yeah, no.
Tumblr blocked the tag “chronic pain” in this mess for no reason
They’re flagging commonly used tags by queer people, sex educators, and artists who make their fucking LIVING on tumblr
They’re gonna take down genuine sex workers because they didn’t curb the problem with spamming porn bots YEARS ago when tumblr users REPORTED OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND *OVER* that it was a problem
Tumblr IGNORED the bots, IGNORED the problems, and honestly treated it like NOTHING until their app was taken off a store due to it.
They’re fucking over a shit-ton of REAL PEOPLE who rely on tumblr for community and/or income because they ignored users’ complaints about shitty porn bots for YEARS until it had financial consequences
I can no longer even talk about chronic pain without the post being blocked from searches
I have drawn one or two nude pieces on my art tumblr which is 99% safe for work but now I’m worried the blog will be taken down entirely because Tumblr won’t bother differentiating between spam and REAL PEOPLE just trying to live their goddamn lives
And god forbid I want to talk about bisexuality or sex or kink in just… MY LIFE. As a normal-ass human being who just wants to TALK ABOUT HUMAN THINGS
No, their solution to nuke a problem they’ve ignored for years is to take us all down at once
So maybe don’t laugh about “oh no not my pornz” because 1. plenty of that ~porn~ is made by actual humans making their living and 2. WAY MORE than “just porn” is being targeted
This along with Facebook continuously upholding white supremacy by letting nazi shit fly by while they ban people for speaking out against their oppressors and it’s basically like we’re running out of truly free places to just… BE
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
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Mario Kart 64 was pretty accurate!
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
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Happy birthday, five peepee man 🎂
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
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birb All Might
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
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Sasuke and Sakura ch24| 54
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
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disclaimer: i mean daddy as in actual father.
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
Failed the job at the company I really wanted to go to… Tsume Art, an anime figure makers company for those who don’t know. It seems my attitude was the big problem and that it kept looking like I was acting like the one knowing better, even though it wasn’t my intention at all…
Previously, The CEO told me he understood my personality and it should go fine, but in the end that’s now how it went at allL… damnit. One year ago, he was going all “I want you to work for us as soon as possible!”
The person in charge of me for the test was japanese and I’m guessing this fact (japanese culture of work) combined with talking through skype and not physically must have made her hate my way of talking I guess. I previously was in traineeship (one month) physically with her too but back then it went fine?  Half of the traineeship (two weeks, like this test I failed) was also on skype with another person, and it went well enough to continue back then, how come I suddenly became unbearable?
This already took me so much time to finally get this test, I had to insist with their direction for like 4-5 months until they finally made it.
One thing that happened in the work was that she called me out for using a fanart as reference at some point, saying that obviously I shouldn’t do that. Thing is, it was an official drawing of the main manga author, not a fanart.
One time she told me to NOT use manga references but anime references (because they have anime rights and even though the anime just looks like a cheap version of the manga, it shouldn’t be used), then another time she sent me as reference, a manga panel…
I couldn’t really feel any consistency, one time she tells me it needs to be exactly like the anime because it’s the rules, then another it’s “duh, this part isn’t detailed enough, the anime needs to simplify things, so of course you should use the manga as ref here”.
I could have handled this much if it worked out and I got more work after, I wasn’t that bothered by it as long as it worked out. But yeah, getting around what satisfied her was very tricky. I don’t really feel my conversations with her were so horrible to kick me out of business.
I knew the character I was modeling and as such I was trying to give suggestions to make the model as good as possible. Considering this is an artistic job, I can’t really understand how that would be such a terrible thing to do. Especially since I just said ok if she refused it, I was only trying to make their end product better, not showing off or something like that.
At the end of the day I still did it how they wanted to, was hearing little suggestions such a bad thing? I was the one having a hard time putting those inconsistent rules together. Her concept sketch for the pose particularly made no sense in 3d and I had to manage getting around that myself, since she didn’t answer me when asking about how she wanted me to fix it. Another example of contradiction demands was how I received a “main ref” for the characters but the face didn’t fit the concept sketch in the slightest nor the expression description they gave me. I tried to around that, but in the end she just told me to do exactly the main ref and forget about the concept. Uh, okay. She’s still clearly someone who knows her stuffs and I got a few useful tips, but yeah.
To summary, the initial interaction went great, it’s a company I was really interested in joining because they have the rights for manga series like OnePunch Man, the CEO was very friendly and almost acted like I was already in. Then I did the internship of a month, the employees were very friendly and tried to tried to insert myself as well as possible, and from what I heard it was positive enough to continue. After I finished my school year in june, I went back to them but that’s where it started getting complicated, had to insist months to finally get them to decide what to do with me, got a first freelance work, did it in two weeks as planned, and then oops, nevermind, fail.
Gonna need to find another job now, even then I’m still plenty interested in joining them, maybe in a few years I could try again.
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thenecrotimer · 6 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you an idea to rival Smash Ultimate
Okay, I know Isabelle is the only character here to actually be in Smash, honestly just felt like drawing a bunch of characters I liked as shortstacks while keeping in theme with franchises represented in the Smash series. Was pretty fun to do.
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