thenewtcase · 6 years
Update! (Please Read)
Admin K and Admin L are currently wrapping up another semester at an undisclosed wizarding university. We shall keep you posted with potential updates for this summer as well as more interactive posts and such with all of you followers!
Thank you so much for 3.2k! We never thought we would make it this far. We hope to keep writing and improving to the best of our abilities. I hope you all have a wonderful (albeit magic free) summer!
Love from Admin K
PS. Check out this gaming content from this fellow Harry Potter fan! Link to twitch and YouTube!
PPS. Adventure Awaits is going to be completed this summer. Do you want a sweet ending or a bittersweet ending?
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thenewtcase · 7 years
Adventure Awaits Part Six
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A/N: I know I said that I would be posting this later...But I couldn’t help it!
Chapter Six features Eliza, the independent yeti that doesn’t need a man! She’s back! Sort of...
Still have to iron down some of part seven, but I hope to have that chapter up soon!
Thank you all for your wonderful compliments!
-Admin K
Tags: @naanbread16 @faal-dovah @jackdawsonsgrl @flyingllamasinspaceandtime @cutedictionary @basicwhiskeyprincesss @alltheamazingbeasts @eleanorjordan @angel-hunter-winchester @imperfectly-uniqu3 @allyadarth @cabdriversacerealkiller @barbarachern @agentlaufeyson13 @blahdiblahdiblah1987 @megs2853 @fangirlwithasweettooth @elizabethisadork
The compartment door slams open to reveal the man from the train station.
"It's about time that you-"
"Petrificus Totalus!" you shouted.
Newt quickly grabbed your arm and apparated to a train station.
You steady yourself and shake off the dizzy feeling from apparating from a train. The two of you are standing in an alleyway. From the street you can hear the chatter of people milling about in the afternoon.
"Where are we?" you ask.
"Our destination."
"Some train station in India?"
Newt nodded.
"How long do you think that train has before it arrives? Or how long do you think it will take that wizard to find us?"
"I think we have until sunset."
Newt looked out towards the street.
"Why can't we keep Eliza?" you asked, "Why do we have to return her? What about your wizard in Constantinople you were supposed to give her to?"
"We are keeping her. We are just supposed to make everyone else think that we are returning her, specifically that man who is the acquainted with the wizard in Constantinople. Essentially we are supposed to make him think that Eliza is set loose in the Himalayas," Newt looked you over, "Your illusion magic?"
"Let's go."
He turns to leave but you grab his coat sleeve.
"What were you about to tell me on the train?" you asked.
He bit his lip and waved it off. "It's nothing now."
He went to walk away but you still held onto his coat sleeve.
"I don't think that big speech was for nothing, Newt," you said quietly. You let go of his sleeve.
He freezes in place and for a moment you wonder if someone on the street cast a spell on him. You slid your wand out from your sleeve and peered warily out of the alleyway.
As you turn around, Newt grabs your face in his hands and kisses you. You drop your wand in surprise. It clattered to the ground and cast a transfiguration spell on a plant. The plant now hopped away as a frog.
You were speechless as Newt broke away. Still holding your face in his hands, he glanced at the ground and cleared his throat.
"Uh, I hope that got the idea acrossed."
He lowered his hands and nervously wrung them.
You bend down to pick up your wand.
"Well," you said.
Newt glanced up at you hopefully. You straightened out your posture into a more powerful and imposing one.
"I hope this gets my feelings across as well."
You pull out your old sketchbook as well and hand it to him.
"I'm here to be your protector, your companion, and your artist," you said, "What is one more added to the list?"
You can practically feel Newt's heart swell as tears grow in his eyes. Suddenly, he hands the sketchbook back to you. You tucked it safely away into your coat pocket and Newt wrapped you in a hug.
"I love you."
"Never pictured it like this," you said with a laugh.
He laughed into your shoulder and said, "We have a yeti to take care of."
When you hit the base of the Himalayas, you remembered just how cold it would be. You pulled your coat closer to you. The wind whipped snow in your face as the two of you trekked up a seemingly endless mountain. Your ears felt frozen. The only sound you could hear was the wind and the faint crunch of your footsteps in the snow. You kept your head down, trying to watch your step to avoid slipping.
"Just have to find a cave now," Newt said, "Onward."
"Can't I just...Use illusion magic?"
"Cave first, using that level of magic will exhaust you. You might have to use that energy for something else," he yelled over the wind.
"Newt, I'm already exhausted," you replied.
Like the light at the end of the tunnel, a cave appeared. You let out a relieved string of profanity. Newt set down his suitcase, cracked it open, and looked up at you through the fluffy hood of his coat. He nodded.
You raised your wand and pointed it down at the open suitcase. You sighed and focused all of your energy on conjuring the illusion of a Yeti. Using a mix of transfiguration and weather magic, snow swirled together into a large blob above the case. You flicked your wand upward and the snow quickly compacted itself into the form of a Yeti. A small stream of snow swirled into a pink bow on its head.
Glancing down at Newt, you saw him staring up in awe at your creation. His jaw was dropped.
"I knew you were a great artist and a great wizard, but this is something different entirely."
You were surprised that your cheeks could even heat up in this weather. Turning your attention back to the Yeti, you made it slowly make its way towards the cave. With great skill, you lowered your wand to your side and breathed a sigh of relief. The spell remained in place.
"Not today," a voice said.
Your head snapped back around. You caught sight of Newt raising his wand in defense, a hand over his now closed suitcase. He slowly rose from his crouched position. You gulped as you saw the other man stood tall, despite the powerful wind. His wand was raised as well.
Despite being an Auror and being trained to handle these situations, not knowing your enemy put you on edge. You wondered if that was the reason why you remained tense around strangers and magical beasts.
"That Yeti is mine," the man said.
"Eliza belongs to no one," Newt said, "She is perfectly independent."
"She doesn't need anyone to cage her," you said.
"Eliza?" the man sneered, "That Yeti is mine. First, I'm going to skin it. Then, I'm going to-"
Your arm moved of its own accord and a crack echoed down the mountain. The man fell, stunned. The wind whooshed as the Yeti disappated.
"What Yeti?" you asked dangerously.
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thenewtcase · 7 years
May I ask how many parts will there be of Adventure Awaits? If you have a plan or a general idea? I absolutely adored the latest part and I would hate for it to end soon.
First of all, thank you so much!Second of all, back when I first started writing AA, I thought it might end up being a five chapter thing. However, I now hope to extend it to somewhere around 10~15 chapters. I have a plan for the next two chapters to be the end of an arc of the story. I have a plan in the works for a second arc, which will focus more on the relationship developing between the reader and Newt. The second arc will have way more creatures. And more action related stuff!(In case you all were wondering, the first arc is Newt and the Reader growing to understand one another and one another's abilities. The first arc also focuses on Eliza as the main creature, however I hope to add several more in the second arc). Also, if there is a demand for it, I will write a little side chapter with smut. I say side chapter because I would like to have it for the story, but it isn't integral to the plot. This way if someone is uncomfortable reading it, they do not have to in order to follow the story. Make sense?I have a third arc in mind, however I am not sure if I will make it a part of Adventure Awaits or if I will make it an entirely different story. I've said too much. I must go. -Admin K (author of Adventure Awaits)Goal: 3/20
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thenewtcase · 7 years
Thank you soooooooo much!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 Rereading it means so much to me. 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I promise there will be more Eliza, since everyone loves her so much lol. (Me too though, she's so cute)Goal Progress: 1/20-Admin K
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thenewtcase · 7 years
Another pssssst Friendly reminder that if you send in feedback (it can even be on anon!) through our ask box, the more likely the next chapter or fanfic is to come out. And I have a deal for everyone. If I get 20 asks today for Adventure Awaits, I will post the next chapter today. Says so in the Author's Note. This is also due to the lack of feedback we've received. This blog has over 3k followers (that's a lot of you!) and we hardly hear any sort of comments on our fics. Likes are great! Reblogs are amazing! Comments? Literally make our week and make us more likely to produce more fics for all of you. So please, I beg of you. Please give us feedback. Give all authors feedback. That's the only way we know what all of you like or want to see more of. -Admin K (PS Admin L, author of A Warm Morning, isn't as confident in her work as I am. Please send some love her way as well. After all, she writes all of the fluffy goodness 😊)
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thenewtcase · 7 years
Pssst. Please comment on this post if you would like to be tagged in our future stories. (I already have some of you on a list, but this is a better reference for me. The mobile app hates me.) -Admin K (PS I'm gonna talk with Admin L about some potential new features that we may do every now and again) (PPS The Newt feels hit me hard today, someone come fangirl with me)
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thenewtcase · 7 years
Adventure Awaits Part Five
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A/N: Woo, here it is!
Fun fact: I have half of part six written. I will publish it in ten days. I have a deal to make with you guys. For every person that comments about what they love (or hate) about this story in our inbox, I will reduce that time by half a day. That means if twenty people comment, I will publish it as soon as possible today. If nobody comments, I will publish part six on May 13.
Bonus: If 30 people comment, I will write a fluffy, fluff ball of a coffee shop au fanfic with Credence because he deserves the world.
And yes, you can curse me out for doing this as well. (Just curious to see what the demand is. And also for what you all think because all we get is likes and reblogs. Which are nice, but we love feedback as well! It makes our days!) You can also send in theories as to what happens next!
-Admin K
P.S. Sorry for any time tense inconsistencies, I wrote the whole story in past tense but for whatever reason I kept writing in present tense. Gah.
P.S.S. (Or is it P.P.S. I forget) I have a lot to say today, sorry lol.
Tagged: @naanbread16, @faal-dovah, @jackdawsonsgrl, @flyingllamasinspaceandtime, @cutedictionary
The train ride to Constantinople was a quiet one for the two of you, as it always was. You struggled to maintain a steady hand while drawing as the train rocked back and forth. While you drew, your mind couldn't help but wander to the men you saw speaking with Newt. He looked a bit flustered at the time and now a feeling in your gut told you not to believe what he said about Eliza. You glanced up. He was staring out the window, his eyes growing heavy with sleep despite the noon sun shining almost directly in his eyes.
You pulled the shade down partially and he mumbled his thanks as he drifted off. His hands clutched the suitcase, as they always did. But instead of the usual tension that resided in his arms, his muscles went slack.
For once, he trusted you.
You only wished you could trust his words.
Constantinople was a beautiful city. Newt wandered around the streets to the beat of his own drum, garnering strange looks from the townsfolk. You wondered how many years it took for him to get used to that. For whatever reason, you still failed to relieve the tension held in your shoulders and back every time.
Perhaps that's what made you a good Auror.
Newt stopped at a small shop, and stared down at the wares. He's hunched over, as usual, but his expression was bright. You suppose his posture was to make him appear less intimidating to creatures, he simply adopted it as a habit.
He purchased something, though you can't see it from your position. He tucked it into his coat.
Despite how tense already were, you stiffened when you catch a familiar face out of the corner of your eye. Taking a quick glance, you caught the fleeing sight of one of the men Newt spoke with at the train station.
You spun back around and into Newt's chest. He steadied you and looked at you with a concerned expression.
"Train station man," you whispered.
His face steeled and he nodded, taking your hand.
"We have to leave."
It isn't until after you are both away from the market that you break into a run and immediately catch a train heading deeper into Asia. The two of you slide into your compartment, panting heavily.
"What the hell?" you asked.
"He's on to me," Newt murmured.
"For your suitcase?"
Newt nodded.
You stared out the window, your lips pressed into a thin line. The two of you were never chased like this. Perhaps Newt only chose you because you were an Auror and could protect him, from both his enemies and the law. The fact that you felt used created a bitter taste in your mouth. You felt like you had been punched in the gut.
"Is that why you wanted me along?" you murmured, focusing your attention on the bottom edge of the window. Its edge was a bronze color and the various dings and dents in it gave it a certain character. You thought it would be wonderful to capture in a painting.
You glanced up at him and said, "Is that why you wanted me along? To protect you?"
Newt's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
"No, absolutely not. I wanted you along because you're a wonderful person, a bit reserved yes, but still wonderful. I wanted to be the one to help you open up your heart to something, and I just so happened to learn that you were terrified of magical creatures-"
"Newt," you said.
He stopped in the middle of his sentence.
"I realize that there is that layer of reasoning, but I can't help to feel like there is another side to your story."
Newt sighed and glanced down at the table.
"You also wanted me along to protect you. Whether it's from people like that man or the law or both. You wanted me to grow close to your creatures and to help educate the wizarding world."
"I still feel terrible for it," he whispered, his voice cracking.
"I would not mind helping educate the wizarding world," you said as you stood up. You paused for a moment, and a thought crossed your mind.
You sat back down and murmured, "I'm such an ass." You stared at the table, your eyes watering.
Burying your face in your hands, you said, "You're already a powerful and skilled wizard. You're not lonely, because I know how much you love your creatures and their personalities."
Newt was at a loss for words, but you heard him folding down the table that sat between the two of you. He reached over and awkwardly held you in his arms. You sobbed into his shoulder.
"I'm such a terrible person," you choked out.
"Hush, no you're not." He kissed the side of your head.
"I'm so sorry for saying all of that."
"I know you are, you didn't have to tell me that much."
He cradled the back of your head while you tried, and failed, to not get snot all over Newt's coat. You don't know how long he holds you for, but he is warm and calming and smells a little too much for your taste. You probably smell too.
"Newt," you finally ask when you get your voice back, "Why?"
He stiffens before relaxing and saying, "What you said had crossed my mind, but I never truely intended for that to be my reasoning. I did want to help you open up your suspicious and wary heart."
You pulled away from his embrace and stared at him.
"Just what do you mean?" you asked.
You spy a blush creeping through his freckles.
"Not just with animals," he said, "But with people as well. As an Auror, you can't be suspicious of everyone. You have to learn to trust certain people as well. You have to learn to read a person's intentions. I initially thought that you would not harm any innocent creature, but when you harmed Eliza I felt both betrayed and like a failure. I felt betrayed that you would do such a thing. And I felt like a failure because I had failed to get through to you. But..."
"But..." you said, hoping that he had more to say.
"But when I saw you with Eliza, my heart stopped."
"I hope you mean the good kind?" you asked.
Newt threw a quick glance out of the window and you feel like your puking your heart out of your chest to get it to stop beating so fast.
"And in return," he said, "Not only did you open your heart up to creatures, but I too, opened up my heart."
He said your name and your heart stops in its tracks.
He is cut off by the compartment door slamming open.
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thenewtcase · 7 years
End Hiatus?
A/N: With love, Admin K
Hedwig's Theme plays as a camera pans through a the Goldstein sister's apartment. Admin K is sitting at a table, sipping coffee. Queenie skips around the room, baking some sort of creation. Jacob is still fascinated by all of the ingredients flying around his head. Admin K is not phased and staring off into space. Tina arrives at the apartment at the same moment Newt appears from the bedroom.
Simultaneously, they yell at Admin K.
"Don't you have writing to do?"
"What about all of those old requests?"
"Yes, I do have to write. And crap, I forgot about all of those." Admin K's eyes widen.
"Don't you think you owe those three thousand followers an update on Adventure Awaits?"
"Uh...the one with the train?" Admin K asks, "What even happened last?"
Tina turns around and slams her head on the door.
Newt sighes and puts his face in his hands.
As the wheels in Admin K's head turn, a grin grows on her face.
"I have an idea for a plot monster," she says, "A fantastic one, if I say so myself."
Credits roll.
The End?
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thenewtcase · 8 years
Edit: Hiatus!
Forgot to add that we will be back in business in May! -Admin K PS please feel free to message us any questions or theories regarding our stories etc etc PPS Fantastic Beasts is now available on DVD and bluray in the US! If you wish to, please support its release!
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thenewtcase · 8 years
Hi lovely. Do you have a master list? I can't seem to find it anywhere :)
Hello! So sorry about that, I have recently created a master list and I put a link in the drop down menu and the side bar! However if neither of those show up, here is a link!
Thank you so much for your support!
-Admin K
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thenewtcase · 8 years
So sorry again about the hiatus! We should be back with more stories once summer rolls around. Thank you all for your patience! -Admin K
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thenewtcase · 8 years
Adventure Awaits Part Four
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Newt x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Tags: @naanbread16 @faal-dovah
If you would like to be tagged in future fics by Admin K, please send me a message here!
A/N: Sorry for any inconsistencies, I wrote this a few days ago and just remembered it now. Not as fond of this chapter as I am the first two. 
-Admin K
By the time dawn rolled around, you had already made your rounds to the various creatures and fed them. Newt was trying to convince Pickett to stay with the other Bowtruckles as the light of day magically crept into the suitcase. Eliza was happily chewing a hunk of meat alongside Frank.
Meanwhile you packed up a small bag to take with you on the train ride to Constantinople. After carefully wrapping your jars of ink in a thick layer of paper to protect them. Unlike Newt, your bag wasn’t magical at all. You only had your scarce art supplies and a change of clothes. The only things you didn’t keep in your bag were your wand, your identification papers, a sketchbook, and a pencil.
You held your wand, spinning it around in your fingers and staring at the intricate carvings that decorated its surface. It had served you well when you were an Auror. You weren’t one of those witches that used magic for everything. Because you grew up a Muggleborn, you hid your magic from anyone outside of your immediate family. The habit stuck with you. Smiling fondly at it, you tucked it away and looked up to meet Newt’s eyes.
He blushed and said, “It’s time we head back up before the innkeeper comes looking for us.”
You rolled your eyes and asked, “Just how again are we getting to the train station?”
“A little magic trick I call…” He glanced at you for the answer.
The officer at the train station thankfully spoke English as he looked over the passengers luggage.
“How are you today, Miss?”
“Fine, thank you,” you replied. Your eyes were on Newt who was speaking with several people up ahead and out of earshot in the bustling train station. One man’s expression was a cross between suspicious and irritated.
The officer spoke to you again.
“Oh, sorry. Could you repeat that?” you asked.
“Have a good day.”
“Thank you. You too.”
You walked off and met up with Newt as the people he was with walked away.
“What was that about?” you asked.
“They thought I had creatures in my case.”
“Imagine that. Come on, let’s board the train.”
The two of you tucked yourselves away in a small cabin, not much different from the previous one. You closed the curtains to the window on the compartment door. Plopping yourself down across from Newt, you opened up your sketchbook to a fresh page and smoothed it down. The cork to your ink jar popped off in your hand and you began doodling the landscape in blots of ink as it whizzed by you.
“I never realized that your sketches lacked color,” Newt said.
“Couldn’t afford any actual paints or ink so I made do with what I had,” you said as you blotted up a splotch of green with a handkerchief to lighten it.
You glanced up at Newt. He had a small smile as he stared at your artwork. His eyes were filled with fondness as he made eye contact with you. You blushed and looked back down at your sketch.
"That's incredible," he said, "You're incredible."
Your face flushed and you opened your mouth to speak only to be interupted by a knock on the compartment door. Newt opened it to reveal a waitress with a cart of food.
"Would you like something to eat?" she asked.
"Two sandwiches, two teas," you said.
She handed you the food and walked away. The two of you resumed your conversation between bites of food.
"So we're returning Eliza to the Himalayas," you said, "How do we know that she will be safe?"
"I have a close friend that is meeting us on the outskirts of Constantinople. The train makes a stop about an hour outside of the city, we will meet him there and hand over Eliza."
"I take it then that you trust this man enough," you said, lifting the tea cup to your lips.
"Certainly, he's helped me out many times with my creatures."
"What about the people you spoke with back at the station?"
"Ah...Unimportant." He took a bite of his sandwich.
"Where are we going after this?"
Newt chewed thoughtfully for a moment and swallowed.
"New York City."
"Is that where the men told you to go?"
"I'm looking for a birthday gift for a friend."
You raised an eyebrow at him and pointed an incredulous finger at yourself.
"You're more than that," Newt said in a quiet voice.
The compartment was silent except for the loud beating of your heart and the chugging of the train.
"You may not be the bravest person, but you're open minded and have a kind, forgiving heart. Eliza likes you. I think I have reason to trust her judgement."
You didn't say anything, but you did look at him in shock.
"H-How?" you asked in a hoarse whisper. Your stomach twisted itself into knots and anxiety washed over you in a wave.
"How can you like me even though I've hurt Eliza?"
Newt bit his lip and glanced out of the window. You fiddled with your pencil and looked down at your sketchbook, saddened that you brought the topic up. However much you wanted Newt's love, you felt as though you didn't deserve it after harming a creature. You knew what Newt's creatures meant to him, and even if the two of you had made peace you still felt guilty for what you did. It ate away at you even though Newt and Eliza had both forgiven you.
"I think," you whispered, "I need a bit of time yet."
Newt said nothing and only nodded, his gaze fixed on something far off in the landscape. Your focus drifted back to your sketches as you perfected the exact color of Pickett.
"There is one thing that you haven't noticed yet, however," he said eventually.
"What is that?"
Newt looked at you and smiled before saying, "You've stopped referring to them as 'creatures' and now you call them by name."
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thenewtcase · 8 years
I forgot to mention in my last post! Please notify me, Admin K, if you would like to be tagged whenever I post new fics! Please feel free to send me an ask on my main if you wished to be notified whenever I update! I do not know yet if Admin L will do this or not, but I figured that I would seeing as how it’s difficult to keep up with fics all the time. ^^
You can message me here!
Thank you all so very much for all of your love and support <3
-Admin K
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thenewtcase · 8 years
Adventure Awaits Part Three
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Newt x Reader
Part One | Part Two
A/N: I wrote this chapter in two chunks, so I hope it remains consistent with what I have already written (and with itself). More Eliza cuteness! Not as much Newt in this chapter (don’t hate me D:) but after this there will definitely be more interactions. I promise lol. Anyways, please like and comment! I enjoy hearing what you all have to say regarding our stories. I even read them on Admin L’s fics. Please enjoy the fic, Scamander Squad!
P.S. I will be creating a page or a post soon where I can link all of the parts to this fic!
P.P.S. Newt is a difficult character to write at times. I hope he isn’t too out of character here.
-Admin K
"This still doesn't solve our problem of who gets the bed," you said.
"Right," he said as he applied a salve to Eliza's arm and wrapped it in a bandage. He hopped down from his place on the boulder and patted your shoulder.
"Have fun with Eliza, it's your turn to stay down here! Be sure to change her bandages every two hours!" he shouted down to you as he skipped up the stairs.
You muttered curses under your breath for Newt forcing you to take care of a creature classified as XXXX and that could potentially kill you. But you figured that you wouldn't argue with Newt, especially given the fact tthat you caused the harm in the first place so it was your job to fix it. You sighed and reached a hand out to the Yeti. Taking a page out of Newt's book, you avoided eye contact out of respect of the creature. And to avoid being killed by appearing aggressive. You held your breath as the creature approached you.
Suddenly all you could see was a white blur before your face was buried in fur as Eliza crushed you against her with all of her might.
Gasping when she let you go, you wheezed out, "I'll take that my apology is accepted."
You patted her hand before disappearing to find her some sort of food in Newt's shed. You flipped through his notes on Yetis, trying to find something that she would like to eat. Hearing a loud grunt, you glanced up into the eyes of the terrifying creature and fell over on your butt in shock. However when you fed Eliza some meat, she patted you on the head in return before disappearing into a cave in her habitat.
Deciding that you would sleep on the way to Tibet, you sat down at a stool in Newt's workshop. You cleared the space in front of you and opened up your worn sketchbook. It was filling up quicker than you wished. You made a mental note to ask Newt if he had any spares or if you could borrow some money to buy a new one. Constant traveling with minimal Ministry funds was difficult, but Newt was an excellent wizard. He alone could take on an entire team of Aurors and win. Filled with dread, you thought that you had insulted him, but thinking back on the situation made you realize that he was more concerned about the state of Eliza at the time.
As you doodled, your anxiety subsided and you found yourself drawing Eliza. She was growing on you, she really didn't mean you any harm and she was completely happy when you would change her bandages. However you really wished that Newt hadn't patted her on the head, because now she does it to you. Your spine felt like snapping every time she did so and it still ached from the last time you had changed her bandages.
As you drew the bow on her head, you got an idea. You practically knocked over the stool as you ran to gather some berries from Newt's plants and collect them in jars. Staining your fingers as you mashed them, you carefully strained the inks into separate jars. You corked a bottle of red ink and held it up to the light, grinning.
Suddenly the top of the suitcase flew open, startling you. The jar shattered on the floor and you sighed, waving your wand to fix it. The shards and stains on the floor flew back up into your hand, fastening themselves back into your jar of ink.
"Oh, sorry about that," Newt said, his voice rough from sleeping.
"No worries," you muttered, ignoring the feeling of butterflies in your stomach.
"Sorry, I couldn't help but come back down and check on the state of Eliza. I know the two of you aren't exactly fond of one another, but I really can't blame her..." His sentence trailed off.
"I realized that I should have never have harmed her in the first place," you began, "I also realized that you are an incredibly powerful wizard."
"I wouldn't say that..." he muttered, picking up and examining one of your ink jars.
"Newt," you said, "Look at me."
He made eye contact with you from across the table and your heart fluttered. The dim, golden light of the shed made his eyes appear a bright green, like that of the leaves you picked the berries from. You nervously fidgeted with your stained hands before you spoke.
"I'm sorry. You are perfectly capable of handling creatures of immense power on your own. I never meant to insult you with my actions," you whispered.
"You didn't," he quickly murmured.
You continued, "And you were correct in the sense that I do need to spend more time down here with the creatures. I know that’s why you took the bed. I'm not so keen on hanging around the Nundu and the Erumpent yet, however..."
You gestured to your sketchbook and Newt turned it around and smiled fondly at your artwork of Eliza.
"She's growing on me," you said.
Newt looked up at you and grinned. His eyes glistened and he quickly hid his face under his messy hair. But you could see him grin in the reflection of several jars.
"However," you began.
He slowly turned to look at you, his expression full of terror of what you would say next. You didn't give him long to worry, however.
"She pats me on my head and I can feel my spine wanting to snap when she does it."
Newt laughed so hard he fell off of his chair.
“That’s adorable,” he said from the floor, “Glad to hear that you’re getting along well.”
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thenewtcase · 8 years
Happy New Year~!
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However, we have some bad news. We are deleting this blog. Just kidding! Admin K is a complete (this portion has been censored due to Admin L’s vulgar language). 
But the two of us have come to the decision that we are going to delete the requests currently in our inbox in order to focus both on our own stories and life in general. 
No worries, you will be seeing more of Adventure Awaits and the story Admin L has up her sleeve ;) -Admin K
I plan to write some great things for you guys! I just need to get in the zone to write for you, Scamander Squad! o(^∀^*)o -Admin L 
Until then Happy New Year! Enjoy the rest of your holidays! :D
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thenewtcase · 8 years
Adventure Awaits Part Two
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Newt x Reader
A/N: Inspiration for this comes a little too easily considering that I spend most of my time daydreaming that I’m traveling with Newt lol. Anyways, enjoy another chapter from me while Admin L and I are busy trying to knock out requests. Requests are currently closed but will be re-opened when we finish what we have in our inbox. Thank you all so much for your support and love! And Happy New Year to all of you!
-Admin K
You shivered as you trudged through the blizzarding snow in the Alps, murmuring charms to prevent you from falling and trying to keep up with Newt. Snow was hurled at your face and you could hardly see ten meters in front of you. All you knew was to keep following Newt.
"How are we going to find it with this weather?" you shouted into the wind.
"Just keep your eyes peeled."
You chose to roll them instead and kept plowing forward. That is, until you ran right into Newt and knocked the two of you into the snow. He steadied you and shushed you, pointing at a furry creature heading into a nearby cave. Your jaw dropped and Newt immediately crept towards the cave. He placed his case on the ground and opened it up. Standing up, he brushed his hands together to warm them and motioned his head for you to enter the cave. Your eyes widened and you shook your head vigorously. He rolled his eyes at you and stealthily made his way into the cave.
"Oh this is a terrible idea," you whispered. The Yeti in the cave let out a growl and you cursed Newt under your breath as you ran into the cave. The stench nauseated you and you quickly cast a spell to dull the smell.
He narrowly dodged the Yeti's fist. You managed to drop and roll behind the Yeti. The tip of your wand sparked and you smacked it against your hand several times. Suddenly, a jet of flames shot out from your wand. You created a border that had you backed into a corner of the cave. The flames wouldn't extinguish until you stuck the tip of your wand into some snow.
"Hey, Yeti!" you shouted, separated from the large, smelly creature by a line of flames.
Newt glanced up at you in shock, awe, and minor terror. The Yeti turned its attention away from Newt and looked down at you. It reached down in an attempt to pick you up and you flinched, accidentally causing the flames to jump up and catch its fur on fire. It let out a terrible screech, causing both you and Newt to quickly cover your ears, before it stumbled out into the snow. Newt glanced at you before quickly apparating behind his suitcase.
After extinguishing its fur, the creature bellowed in rage at Newt and ran towards him only to fall into the suitcase. Newt quickly closed it and sat on top of it while you extinguished the flames in the cave.
"I would prefer if you did not harm my creatures, Auror _____," Newt said. He was staring down at the snow and you knew that if his glare possessed the power to, it would melt.
"My apologies," you whispered, "I'm not the best with fire charms or creatures.”
"However," he said, "Wounds can be healed...and I commend you for your excellent work. I've been in situations with more casualties than this."
He glanced up at you with icy blue eyes and your heart skipped a beat.
"I know you are capable of more than you think," he said, standing up, "You're quick on your feet and your line of thinking combines that of wizards and muggles."
You stared down at the snow in silence, your face flushed from what you hoped was the snow. Even though you were an Auror, Newt was still an amazing wizard. You defaulted to defending yourself out of habit, a habit that was incredibly difficult to break. 
The two of you trekked back down the Alps to a small village and to an inn. You sat down in a chair by the fireplace while Newt struggled to get a room in Swiss German. You pulled the chair forward in an attempt to warm yourself up, a small smile on your face as you thought about Newt's compliment. Soon you found yourself doodling the Yeti in your sketchbook.
"How did you manage to keep that dry?" Newt asked.
You jumped and muttered something about protection charms as Newt led you up to the room. He opened the door to reveal only one bed and a chair pushed up to a small table.
"Slight miscommunication error, but it'll work," he said.
"Um," you said, standing in the doorway and staring at the bed, "Who gets the bed here and who sleeps in the suitcase?"
Newt set the suitcase down on the floor, opened it up, and gestured for you to enter first.
"We have a Yeti to patch up first," he said.
You carefully descended the ladder into the case, Newt closing up the case and following behind you. The sight you were met with was an incredibly familiar one and an incredibly awe-inspiring one. You doubted that you would ever get used to the sight of Newt's shed filled with various plants and work tables or to the sight of the magnificent habits and all of the creatures that they held. Newt has been incredibly patient with you, understanding that many wizards have little to no knowledge on magical creatures and that this lack of knowledge was what caused many deaths of humans and beasts alike.
Another thing that you loved about the suitcase was how comfortable Newt was in it, he moved about it with such grace and ease that caused you to melt. While Newt was busy staring at Frank, you stared at his profile. When you weren't caught up with that hobby, you usually spent your time sketching the animals and looking over writing drafts for Newt's book.
Newt swiftly ditched his jacket over a stool in his workshop and practically skipped to a snow filled habitat.
"Where are you? Mummy's here, let me help you heal your wounds," he called out.
You followed behind him and stuffed your wand into your pocket, careful not to accidentally cast any more sparks.
He introduced himself and you to the Yeti, perched on top of a boulder and cautiously patting its head.
Taking a tentative step forward, you tried to gradually place yourself in line of sight of the Yeti. You gulped and took another. The Yeti made eye contact with you and you held your breath, both out of nervousness and from the stench that hit your nose once more.
"You need a bath," you murmured.
Newt rolled his eyes and was able to quickly sedate the creature as it was looking at you. He dashed around the creature and cast various charms in order to clean the creature. When he finished, he perched on top of the rock and placed a pale pink bow in its hair.
"_____, meet Eliza."
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thenewtcase · 8 years
Adventure Awaits Part One
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Newt x Reader
A/N: A little fic that I’ve had stuck in my head for ages. There most likely will be more to this, especially given the fact that this is already a bit longer than our usual fics. I’m also trying a bit of a different characterization of Newt, please tell me what you think! Please enjoy~!
-Admin K
You severely underestimated your ability to keep a steady hand as the train rocked back and forth. Tucked away in a compartment with Newt, you were attempting to perfect sketches of magical creatures for his book. The two of you had traveled all across the globe together researching magical creatures. Newt was watching carefully out the window, lost in his thoughts as the setting sun cast golden light on him. His suitcase was settled on the table that separated you. His hands holding it close to him and simultaneously pinning it shut to avoid any mishaps on the train. The silence was comforting to both of you.
Turning back to your sketches, you kept trying to perfect the third head on Runespoor. The first two would come out fine, but the third one always gave you trouble. After the eyes came out wonky for the seventh time, you flipped a page and started doodling your new subject.
As the train rocked, Newt had slowly fallen into slumber. He snored softly and his head rested on top of his suitcase. You found it adorable that he even protected his creatures in his sleep. His untouched cup of tea was gradually being rocked towards the edge of the table, so you tugged it back.
For whatever unknown reason, whenever you drew Newt the drawing was always perfect. Although you did wonder if that was a side effect of being in love with him. You found yourself smiling at your portrait of him as you dotted the many freckles on his face. Despite having drawn him hundreds of times, you still struggled to memorize the patterns of freckles strewn across his face. There were simply too many. But it was calming to draw all of them, drawing spots over and over again was one of the few peaceful routines of your schedule. Tracking down monsters and almost getting killed was not your cup of tea.
But it made Newt happy, and that was all that mattered to you. Most of the time the two of you were dealing with creatures that could easily be handled even by Muggles. Occasionally, however, you had to convince Newt to not adopt a Basilisk because not only did it have the potential to kill him, but it also had the potential to kill all of his other creatures. He changed his mind after you told him that he couldn't even keep his least mischievous creatures successfully locked up.
The sunset made your train cabin glow and you wished that you had colored pencils or paints to capture all of the colors before you. Fading sunlight glittered off of the snow, morphing from yellows and oranges to purples and finally the dark blue of dusk. Stars appeared in the sky of the European countryside as the two of you raced off towards Switzerland. You sketched the constellations and decided that Newt definitely had similar patterns of freckles on his face. You made a note to purchase an astronomy book eventually.
Deciding to follow Newt's lead, you tucked away your sketchbook and rested your head on the wall. The steady swaying of the train rocking you to sleep.
Strolling through a Swiss market place, you decided that the Alps weren't all that bad. You cradled a cup of coffee in your hands while Newt peered over a detailed map of the local area, marking places to check for a Yeti.
"It's essentially a hairy troll that lives in the mountains," he said.
"Newt, just because I'm a Muggleborn doesn't mean that I don't know what a Yeti is," you replied, "You didn't keep quiet about them for half of the French countryside."
"Right, sorry. I forget that you've been drawing my creatures for almost a year now." He glances back down at the map, his cheeks flushed slightly.
"You can't keep the Yeti."
"I know, I just want to at least transfer it to a safer habitat so no harm comes to it. And technically I'm not keeping any of my creatures."
"Newt." Your voice took on a warning tone, like a mother scolding a child.
"Okay the Bowtruckles are an exception. Besides, it isn't going to harm anyone where I'm taking it," he said.
You took a sip of your coffee and gave him a questioning look.
"Okay, more than the Bowtruckles are an exception."
You cleared your throat and asked, "Where are we transferring it too?"
Newt bit his lip.
"Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. We are not taking it with us across a continent. It attacks and eats anything that it sees."
"It won't harm anyone in its native habitat in the Himalayas. And if it does attack people, then how did I hear about it?"
He folded up his map and tucked it into his coat, giving you an annoyed look. You stood up and sighed. You had just wanted to get across that the Yeti was dangerous and that you didn't want any harm to come to Newt. This happened every time the two of you encountered a magical beast with a classification higher than XX.
"Come on, let's go take this scared, poor baby back to its home," you said.
"Sorry," Newt muttered, taking your hand in his, "I know you mean well for me. I just wish that you would trust me more."
"I suppose I will have to learn to," you said, "After all, we haven't been killed yet."
Newt peered at you and grinned. He adjusted his coat and stood up a little taller.
"Grab your coat, we've got a Yeti to take home."
"I'll grab my notes on fire and heat charms," you said, "And medicine."
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