Sweet Dream
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Inspired by this wonderful idea from Mochisprite.
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Don't mind us, we're just cleaning up and refreshing x3
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Heads up:
System name change on the horizon.
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what a beautiful wedding
the bridesmaid to the waiter (via hauntedblogger)
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pronunciation | ‘hEr-ITH (heer-EYEth, with a hard th) submitted by | harry d. submit words | here
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Hey. Followers. This is important.
Hey guys. I love y’all.
But if you have a thing against fictives, multiples, otherkin, factives, whatever the fuck, I’m gonna say you need to unfollow me right now.
Because you are actually a douchebag.
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About ‘rad as hell’ Derse
Also known as “Kingdom of Darkness”
Demonym for Derse is Dersite
Derse is always destined to beat Prospit- demanding that in which the players kill the Black King to save Skaia
Derse is a portmanteau for ‘dearth’ and ‘terse’
According to Dirk, basically, the Derse dream selves are like ‘team mascots’, and tabloids are written about the opposing team- slandering them
Derse dreamers include, Aradia, (half of) Sollux, Eridan, Feferi, Nepeta, Equius, Dirk,Dave, Rose, and Roxy.
Hierarchy includes:  Black Queen (however, overthrown by the Condesce in the Alpha session), Black King, Draconician Dignintary, Hegemonic Brute, Authority Regulator (most commonly known as the exile ‘AR’, wrapped in yellow tape) Courtyard Droll, and the only known archagent is Jack Noir
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-More-//-About Prospit-
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Good times.
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some old doodles I don’t think I posted here.
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[S] Transcend
a very very very very VERY belated present for a very wonderful person [Richie ILU platonically~] John/Dave and Dirk/Jake was requested, and I decided to give it a heavy dose of feels. I hope you all enjoy~
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I saw this crazy awesome (humanized?) Davesprite design, so naturally I had to make something of it. And naturally I butchered it. 
Fun seeing how much white I can put on a plushie before it looks like an un-colored piece of fan art. 
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A comic about the different types of attraction one might feel. I saw these floating around on tumblr. These were originally taken from a website about asexuality. Although, I think people who are not asexual feel these regularly too. There’s all kinds of attractions for all kinds of people. Enjoy.
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buy here
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Why is this so difficult to understand:
England: one country
Great Britain: 3 countries (Scotland, England & Wales)
United Kingdom: 4 countries (Scotland, England, Wales & Northern Ireland)
Republic of Ireland: its own country. Not part of the UK
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I keep seeing all this tavHATEjohn
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