Finishing Art Homework
Me: I'm sorry, I'm going as fast as I can!
Friend: Can't rush perfect!
Me: Trust me, this isn't going to be perfect.
Friend: ...Can't rush pretty good!
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Context: Doing Homework
Me: Hey! Phenylketonuria!
Roommate: ¿Íngles, por favor?
Me: PKU. It’s a metabolic disorder that’s related to MSUD, which is what I have.
RM: Ah.
Me, quoting homework: “If left untreated, it can result in mental disability.” See? That obviously didn’t happen to me. Well, wait. I mean, I have depression, but that’s not because of my disorder.
RM: I was gonna say...
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me: i’m gonna work on drawing complex expressions and perspectives! :))
me: *draws the same character 500 times in a 3/4th angle with literally the same expression on every single drawing*
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Morning conversation
Me [after a long explanation of my strange dream]: I don't know, it was weird.
Roommate: Well, dreams are often trying to tell us things. Though, I'm not sure what the meaning of yelling at Matt Mercer for putting me against a necromancer is...
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I'm learning something, but that being said... I kinda want to pull my eyeballs out.
A friend
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