theodoredelacour · 3 months
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Theo James photographed by Kevin Sinclair for Essential Homme.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
Theodore listened to Apolline's explanation, even though he knew he didn't owe her a thing. If it were up to him, he would have exited the elevator immediately. He didn't do well with wounded pride; as exhibited over all the years he'd spent chasing other women. She could like it all she wanted, but he wasn't sure that he wanted it to happen again. He nodded stoically, his eyes on the wall. He knew somewhere deep down that he cared. He just wasn't sure that he wanted to show her.
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When the elevator screeched to a halt, Theodore laughed out loud. Of course this would happen to him. With her of all people. He shook his head at her question, "No. It seems as if it's broken. What a fortunate incident."
Apolline couldn't fault the way Theodore was feeling. It was justified, and twice she handled the situation poorly. It was her own insecurities that held her back and that ended with him looking a fool. It was hard to express how she was feeling, but her revelation seemed to open new doors for her.
"I liked it. I wanted more." She admitted, knowing that expressing her feelings on the matter would at least put him at ease. The blonde took a deep breath. "I panicked." It wasn't her brightest moment. She was hoping he would understand.
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Before she could continue the conversation, ask him again to accompany her to dinner, when the elevator came to a sudden stop. Her hands reaching back to grasp onto the railings. She glances from the door, then over to Theodore. "Is this supposed to happen?"
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
Theo and Rabastan had been friends for a while. Their families knew each other and they'd been in the same social circle for a long time. They saw each other every now and then for a chat but they weren't best friends by a long shot. Even so, Theodore recognized the way that Rabastan paused when he asked the usual pleasantries. It was unusual, but Theodore didn't push for an answer. He hated when people did that. He assumed that if Rabastan wanted to tell him what was going on that he would. Why should he fish for something?
"How did you know?" Theo asked with a smile similar in nature to Rabastan's. He nodded towards the exits and led the way back to the coffee cart that he had just visited. "Get whatever you'd like. It's on me."
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Rabastan had been about to make a lightly sharp remark about getting Theodore out of the Ministry every once in a while. But then his questions caused him uncharacteristic pause. It was only a fraction of hesitation, and perhaps not something that most would notice. Rabastan was feeling peculiarly unbalanced, having spent the previous night with an Apolline intent on torturing him - or perhaps seducing him. Truly, he was unclear about the whole affair, and even his afternoon spent with Val had done little to clarify it. He was exhausted.
"Well enough," he settled for saying, dismissing that topic. He gestured to the coffee cup in Theo's hand. "I could do with one of those. It's been a tiring day. Join me?" A sly smile. "You look like you could do with a break."
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
It took a second, watching his usual mischievous gaze emerge from behind what was distracting him. A few hours spent together would be best for both. "I am very much so, Mr. Delacour." Alecto leans in to kiss his lips feverishly. "Take me to your room," she murmurs against his lips. "I can't wait for you to see what I'm wearing underneath my robes." Teeth nip into his bottom lip.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
To be completely honest, Alecto was exactly what he needed to get his mind off of everything going on. Something with no strings attached. Something that he didn't have to be careful of the other person's feelings. Something in which he didn't have to think. He could just do and then not overanalyze every little thing the next waking moment. His grip on Alecto tightened, his hands wandering slightly as he met her gaze. "I'd like that. Are you in need of a distraction as well, Ms. Carrow?"
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All Alecto was interested in was a night of passion where she could slip out before anyone woke up, but satisfied each other's needs. No strings attached. That was how she liked to handle intimate situations. She was extremely picky on who she shared her time with and made mention of how she valued her privacy. Most would not know those she had relations with. Fingers toy with his hair, sliding her fingers up the back of his head. "Do you need me to distract you?" That was something they both apparently needed.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
Theodore's mind had been elsewhere since the night of the gala. He couldn't focus and he'd been forgetting simple things all week. It wasn't a surprise that he had forgotten about their date. To be honest, he hadn't even remembered scheduling it. "We do," he nodded, believing that Alecto was telling the truth. She had a great memory. He enjoyed his time with her, but he didn't see it as anything serious. Which was fine. He wasn't looking for anything serious. Sensing the annoyance in her tone, his hands rest on her hips and he met her gaze. "Cancel on you? I could never."
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Alecto had a weak spot for French wizards, especially ones that could hold her attention like Théodore did. They had been meeting like this long enough to know what a visit like this meant, considering what she was wearing under her robes. "We did have a date for tonight, no?" She easily switched to French, crawling up on his lap to straddle him, her hands resting on his shoulders, her robes riding up past her knees. Hues studied his, catching some sight of inner turmoil. "You are not cancelling on me?" A hint of annoyance in her tone. There would be hell if he was.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
After the gala, Theodore knew that he would hear remarks from his parents. Asking when he would settle down. Asking why he took a date if he planned to abandon her. It was always the same boring conversation. His mind had been all over the place since the gala and the incident with Apolline. He couldn't focus on his work. He couldn't focus on anything. Theodore found himself a bit of a mess.
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"Should I do the same to get a moment of your time?" Theodore asked, his tone softer than his words. He didn't mean anything by it. They were both busy nowadays. She was right. At the mention of the gala, Theo stiffened slightly but nodded. "I did attend, yes. With a date. Although I can't say that I spent a lot of the night with her," he chuckled, knowing it wouldn't be long before he received a nasty letter on his desk. Wouldn't be the first time. "Did you have a nice time?"
who: @theodoredelacour where: delacour residence when: early afternoon thread counter: 001
The same house, the same department and family and yet somehow there were times when sitting together and simply chatting seemed so far out of this world that the chance would come and go less frequently than the changing of the moon. Or so it felt at times. Every now and then it was simply nice to catch up, nice to talk with the other. There was a time when Estelle had looked up to her brother without ever daring to think of him as anything but the valiant hero. And then she’d grown up. That same brother had become something else, something more human in the eyes of the blonde. Of course, he wasn’t any less important. He meant the world, but the world had become bigger.
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“Lately it feels as though I am more likely to schedule a work meeting with you than see you at home.” Estelle had to admit that she had been busy, equally so. There was no blame to cast and yet she very much had the need to air her thoughts. “I didn’t even get to see you at the gala. You did attend, did you not?” Curiosity left her eyes shining brightly with a need to know, to hear about his night in case he had in fact, as she suspected, attended the event. If so, there was much to share and surely an equal amount to hear.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
Theodore didn't like to be made a fool of. His pride had been wounded by this woman not once but twice. He should have known better. He did know better and yet - he still followed her to the office during the gala. Maybe all of this was his fault. Maybe he was just reading her wrong. He couldn't figure out what it was, but he wasn't particularly keen on finding out any longer.
The lift was going far too slow for his liking. He didn't need to be in an enclosed space with her again. Tapping his foot against the ground in impatience, he listened to what she was saying, still not turning towards her. "What about it?" He repeated himself, knowing that he would look like an asshole if he completely pretended like it hadn't happened.
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He listened to her proposition, trying to take a breath before he denied. Part of him wanted to hear her out and the other didn't want to hear anything at all. "I don't know. I'm not particularly keen on being made a fool for a third time, Ms. Beausejour."
Apolline couldn't fault him for the way he was looking at her or the tone of his voice. She had done it herself and when she should have found him the next day, instead she ran back to France at her parents request. That didn't mean she didn't think about him. He was the only one that truly made her smile.
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They had a few floors where she could try to get out what she needed. "About the kiss." The blonde took a deep breath, turning to face him, wishing he would look at her - maybe it was best he didn't.
"I shouldn't have left the way I did." She admits. "Can I take you to dinner? I'll explain everything." Apolline would understand if he turned her down.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
It had only been a few days since the gala and Theodore still felt off kilter. He wasn't sure exactly what it was but he knew the cause of it. It was Apolline. There was something about her that allowed her to get under his skin. She had done it when they were in school and rejected him. And now - he'd allowed her to do it again at the gala. He knew better. He knew that it was best if he remained polite and kept his distance and yet - he was the one who had followed her.
His work was irritating when his mind was elsewhere. He was sure that he'd been staring at the same case file for an hour before deciding to put it down and take a break. He walked to grab a coffee in one of the small stands and to clear his mind. When he was on his way back to his office, it was when he ran into Rabastan.
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"Rabastan," Theodore greeted his old friend with a grin, also stepping to the side. "Me? This is usually where I hide out. In my office." He could ask the same of Rabastan. He couldn't recall how long it had been since they had last seen each other. "What about you? How have you been?
Starter for: Theodore Delacour @theodoredelacour Where: The Ministry of Magic When: after the Apolline incident
The less time Rabastan spent in the Ministry, the better. The institution riled him. It was run inefficiently and unreliably, and by those who were unworthy. Yet it remained important to ingratiate oneself with people who mattered, and to have eyes in the place that ran the wizarding world. Such inconveniences would not be necessary for much longer. With the way the war was progressing, Rabastan soon expected the magical walls to crumble and be rebuilt in the image of perfect purity.
Today, he'd accompanied his father to a gathering of senior officials. There had been a few from other noble houses present, the aim, as always, to vie for gold in exchange for laws and opportunities. It was entirely corrupt. But it was remarkable what could be passed over as 'charitable donations'.
After parting from his father, he made his way towards the foyer and crossed paths with Theodore as he went. "Theodore," he greeted, pausing in his tracks and stepping aside to allow others to continue moving past. "It's been a while. Where have you been hiding yourself?"
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
Unsurprisingly, Theodore had left the gala alone. He'd spent the day after replaying the moment over and over in his head. He tried to make sense of it. He wondered what had came over her. He wondered what the hell had come over him. Was it old feelings resurfacing? The ones that he had buried so many years ago? He couldn't be sure. He was a bit worried, of course, when she didn't show up to work on Monday but by Wednesday he had distracted himself. His mind had moved onto his latest case and pushed the incident to the back of his mind.
Of course, it always had a way of sneaking up on him and he found himself thrown back into his inner turmoil when he entered the lift to find Apolline. He almost took a step back and exited to get the next one but the door closed before he could.
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"What about it?" He asked, standing at her side. He couldn't look her in the eyes. That was what had got him last time. Instead, he chose to look ahead, willing the lift to go faster.
where: ministry lift who: @theodoredelacour
It had been Wednesday after the gala, and she made her return to work. She was contemplating how she was going to bring up this conversation with Rabastan, confront him with what her mother shared with him, that she stepped into the lift at the ministry lost in her own thoughts
The lift moved to the second floor, where everyone stepped out and one came in. Her hues fixated on her hands, but the sudden scent that engulfed her, she knew. Her head snaps up, leaving her standing there alone with Théodore. He had consumed her head the last four days, knowing that this moment would come and they would have to talk.
"Théodore," she gives him a smile. "About that night." Her voice trails off.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
Theodore's head was a bit of a mess since his encounter with Apolline at the gala. He wasn't sure what had happened between them and he wasn't quite keen on seeing her anytime soon to sort things out. He replayed the moment in his head a million times and it never made any sense. Why had she asked him to kiss her? Why did she run? Theo was pulled from his thoughts when he heard the sound of Alecto's voice and her heels.
"Ms. Carrow," Theodore greeted her with a sly smirk, his eyes trailing along her form slowly. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
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where: @theodoredelacour's home
She was one that made good with her promises, taking the time to change into the new lingerie attire she had acquired, slipping on her robes and finishing off with her favourite black heels. She apparated to Theodore's home, appearing in his foyer, leaving all of what she wore on.
"Monsieur Delacour, are you home?" She calls out in a seductive tone. It had been too long since they had last met like this. She sauntered towards the study, her heels clicking down the tile floor.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
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Theo James photographed by Fernando Sippel for Numéro Netherlands
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
Theodore had never considered himself a selfish man. His parents had taught him well and what they hadn't taught him, he had learned over the years by himself. He wasn't selfish but the moment when his lips touched Apolline's he felt a sense of possessiveness that he'd never felt before. He wasn't selfish but he didn't want the kiss to end and he certainly never wanted to see her kissed by anyone else. The kiss overtook his senses and he was merely senseless to anything else going on around them.
When she pulled away, Theodore rest his forehead against hers, his eyes meeting hers. He wanted more, but he hesitated; watching and waiting to see her reaction. She'd rejected him once. Was this her toying with him? He wondered if he read her correctly. Surely this was what she wanted. She wanted him to kiss her, right?
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The words died on his tongue when she apologized and then quickly left the room. Left to his own devices, Theo rubbed his forehead and gave her space. He didn't follow her. He knew she didn't want him to, plus he was confused. Pulling at his tie in frustration, Theodore muttered a few choice words in french before apparating home without a second glance back.
END !!
Everything around Apolline seemed to stand still. She could hear the pounding of her heart drumming in her ears. Her entire body felt like it was on fire and the desire only urged her to deepen the kiss. His lips were soft, much softer than she thought they would feel, her body flushing against his, and her other arm wrapping around his neck, letting her fingers comb into his hair at the back of his head.
She let him lead, this being her first kiss, and the last thing she wanted to do was to make a bad impression. This was more than she could have ever imagined it to be, especially with it being him.
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The witch pulls back, feeling the kiss come to an natural end, both her hands coming to rest on her chest, emerald hues fluttering open to look into her eyes, letting it all sink in and it was the glossy look in his gaze back at her that the reality came crushing down - she hard charmed him. That had to be the only reason he kissed her, her first kiss due to what she was.
"I'm so sorry," Apolline glances down at her feet, inwardly berating herself for letting this happen. She so desperately wanted him to like her, she had for such a long time. "I didn't mean to charm you." Space is added between them, starting to feel herself begin to panic. "Forgive me," a sadness in her tone, she turns to cross the room, slipping out of the office, ready to go home.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
Theodore didn't care about the date that he'd brought. He didn't remember her name. It was one of the birds from the office that he often found standing near his office. There were always a line of them. He usually had endless options when it came to a date. Didn't mean he cared for any of them. He glanced up at the redhead and then back to Alecto, a smirk on his lips. "Might be? I think her face is as red as her hair." He didn't care.
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"As you wish," Theo replied, taking her arm in his and following her lead. He was surprised that his date hadn't ran off yet in embarrassment. He was sure he'd hear about this later from his parents. They had a way of finding out everything. It was annoying. His attention fell back to Alecto and he shook his head slowly. "Nothing of note just yet. What about you?"
"Much better," her words more in a purr. Her hand rests on his forearm, glancing over to where his date was and her eyes glued on them. She brings her other hand up to wiggle her fingers at the redhead, a sweet innocent smile turned at the corners of her mouth. Another night of crushing a soul, it did make her heart swell. "Seems she might be jealous." Her name held a reputation, and most were wise not to cross a line there was no coming back from.
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"Walk with me, Théodore." It was more of a demand than a request. "I could use some fresh air and privacy." She may have also relished in the notion of making his date more tomato faced. Alecto knew he didn't care, and slipped her arm through his, leading them right past the redhead, intentionally ignoring her, stepping into a small balcony covered in darkness. "Tell me about your night. Anything interesting happen?" She was curious by nature.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
A lot of time had passed since he had been rejected by her. Hell, they'd still been in school when he'd tried to shoot his shot. It felt like an eternity ago. Yet at the same time - sometimes it felt like just yesterday. Over the years, he had been friendly but kept his distance. He was a gentleman, of course, but he didn't go out of his way to seek her out. The thought of another rejection wasn't something he could bear. So, he kept a friendly distance and distracted himself.
The rejection was long forgotten the moment they touched. The only thing he could think about was her. The smell of her perfume. The way she looked at him. It was almost as if he was under her spell again. The dance was over too quickly for his liking. He didn't want to step away from her. Meeting her gaze at the sound of his name, Theodore knew he was fucked.
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He didn't think about what he was doing. If he thought properly, he wouldn't have leaned in to close the distance between them. He would have been more gentlemanly and stepped away. He would have excused himself from the room. He would have rejected her nicely and made up some sort of excuse.
But he didn't do any of that.
Instead, he did close the distance between them. Theodore leaned in and brushed his lips against Apolline's in a kiss; unable to resist her any longer.
This felt different to Apolline. She had danced with many, she excelled in the programs in school, but with him as her partner, tucked away in a small nook, having a moment together, it felt different. It felt right.
Every orifice of her body screamed for her to pull away. That self-doubt invading and the alarm bells blasting in her brain, but she stayed, unable to pull herself away from him. There was no harm in giving in to what she craved.
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"You as well," she whispered, the song coming to an end, and they halted their steps in the middle of the space. Her hand at his shoulder came to rest on his chest, emerald hues opening to look up at him, the swirls of emotions glistening in them, the same ones she saw all those years ago. What if she had it wrong then? Her gaze flickered from his to his lips, the back up, this sudden urge pulled at her for more, but this was outside anything she knew.
"Théodore," she whispers, finding herself start to rise on her toes, her heart pounding against her chest whilst adrenaline surged through her veins, letting herself focus entirely on his mouth. "Please." The only word that escaped her mouth, all others leaving her mind, left with the need to kiss him.
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theodoredelacour · 4 months
He had a feeling he'd get a letter to his office tomorrow. A note from his date detailing all of the reasons that he was a terrible date. The gossip would spread about the office but it never mattered. There were always a line of witches willing to be his date. The dates didn't matter to him. There were others who mattered more. Such as Athena. She could hold his attention. He rose a curious brow at the witch, leaning back in his chair as he did so. Swirling the scotch in his drink, he teased her lowly, "So long as you don't mind an audience, Ms. Greengrass."
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If there was one thing that annoyed her mother the most was that Athena did only as she pleased. Untamable and disruptive, she never once asked for permission nor apologized afterwards. It was her way of getting through the world and so far it'd worked wonders for her. Obviously that meant she hadn't much figured out regarding the future, but she couldn't care less. The man in front of her seemed to share her belief in not always doing what they were told. "Plenty." The witch replied cryptically, one corner of her mouth pulling upwards as she swirled the wine around her glass. "We could order a bottle of firewhiskey and if you wish I could sit on your lap and tell you more, Mr. Delcaour ." The brunette added, a flirty smile settling on her lips as she gave him that one look he'd certainly understand, that suggested they did what they always did.
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