theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     The young Mikaelson's lips creased into a frown when she heard his response. Of course he wouldn't remember her, the last time they saw each other was a bit more than a thousand years ago. Priscilla didn't want to scare him off nor did she want him to be wary-- she just wanted her family back. She stayed frozen in her spot and let out a heavy breath before pushing a strand of hair behind her ear and sent Elijah a sheepish smile. "Yes, but it's been quite a...long time since we've last been acquainted."
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Elijah had been roaming around trying to figure out what he was going to do next, he needed a break from his family and he didn’t have many friends he could go and ‘hang out’ with. Elijah taught he might visit some former vacation spots, Paris, Italy, New York. Those all sounded like a good place to explore while he tried to clear his mind, his eyes soon flickered over to a blonde and he rose an eyebrow when she spoke "My apologies but do I know you?" he questioned.
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     Priscilla only nodded in response. She didn't even know why she hadn't let Lydia die yet-- in fact, she was surprised that she hadn't killed her herself. The Original Hybrid hadn't fed in almost a week and that bugged her a little, but not enough for her to slaughter the whole town. She didn't want to draw attention to herself and surely draining Lydia dry would have fingers pointed at her.
                                                                          { Snap! } 
     The Mikaelson turned around sharply when she heard a twig snap. A werewolf's scent filled Priscilla's nose and she knew that they were weak, bleeding even. Must be an Omega, for a werewolf never hunted alone without their pack. Priscilla crouched into a ready stance and growled, her eyes turning bright yellow and red veins surrounding them. "Show yourself!"
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Lydia pushed her hair to the side before pulling it up into a bun and following the blonde outside. Walking slowly and biting on her lip, she hated being scared. It should have made her feel better having Priscilla there but it didn’t really. 
"I won’t be freaked out, just don’t let me die. Yeah? I can only escape death so many times ya know. "
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     "Oh Gods.." she said, annoyance itching at her head. The Mikaelson pushed herself off of Lydia's bed and stood up, one hand on her hip whilst the other beckoned the redhead up. If Lydia was that bothered by the noise outside then she might as well investigate. Because she knew that if it did kill her, then the first suspect would be Priscilla. And the blonde was actually starting to like this town.
      "Okay, come on. But don't be freaked out if I have to
                                                           snap their neck or rip their heart out."
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Lydia would go back to helping the girl study after the noise was checked out, but studying while nervous was never something that the strawberry blonde was good at. Tilting her head back over to the blonde, Lydia bit her lip slightly.
"Yes you probably could, but it could kill me first. At least come outside with me." 
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     "Good point. But do me a favor,
                         --don't tell anyone who I really am."
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     "I'm slightly on a down low right now."
                 ” —- Who hasn’t?”
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                              “I’m glad or we’d be in trouble right now.”
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     Priscilla sighed at the strawberry blonde's suspicion and rolled her eyes, going back to reading the science textbook. She would have thought that Lydia would actually teach herself something, after all, she was paying the girl to be her study buddy-- which is pretty weird since she's more than a thousand years old and is only staying for a little while in Beacon Hills-- but instead, Lydia kept on making remarks about something that she's been 'hearing'.
                "And whatever it is, I'm pretty sure that I could kill it, so calm down."
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"Seriously, I heard a noise outside. I’m not making it up, now go and look before whatever it was decides to come in and kill us."
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     "So you've heard of my family?"
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     "But yes, you are correct. Don't worry though. I don't like the taste of my own kind."
               “And I’m guessing by your surname that you’re one of The Originals?”
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     ” —— Kali.”
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
It’s Stilinski house Miss not McCall-she smile a bit to her - But I can take you there. I was just about to go to him. -she bit her lips.
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     "No, it's fine. But on the mean time, what's your name?"
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     "Trust me, I know. You must be one of the Alphas. Pleasure."
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     "I'm Priscilla, Priscilla Mikaelson."
           ” —- Let’s not pretend that we’re the things we just called ourselves…”
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                “Because I’m sure you’re not feeble and I’m definitely not vulnerable.”
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     Priscilla was quite surprised to see a small brunette standing in front of her. She had expected someone else, in fact, she thought she was in the McCall house. Looks like she had the wrong address. Again.
      "Hm? Oh, yes, I'm Priscilla Mikaelson. I know, it's just such a pleasure. Scott wouldn't happen to be here, would he?"
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H-Hi w-who are you?-she ask quiet opening the door of her room
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     { A girl who feared death against one who welcomed it. }
                                                            { Interesting, yet ironic. } 
      "Hmm.. Tell me, how'd you come back? Was it because of the Bennett witch?"
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"I’ve died already Came back. So death isn’t like a big worry to me,not anymore."
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     "Don't you know better than to threaten...--"
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      "--a poor and feeble blonde girl?"
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                  ” —- Word of warning; never visit an alpha who’s lost everything whilst alone and vulnerable.”
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     "That's kind of a shitty and reckless reason to want to tear someone apart. And it could get you seriously hurt one day if you mess with the wrong person."
                                                             "Or even worse, killed."
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"No particular reason besides the fact that I’m having a bad day,and you are here in the area,"
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     Now this time, Priscilla couldn't help it. She scoffed loudly and brought in an eye roll just to exaggerate the situation. The blonde raised an eyebrow and took her words as a challenge, pursing her lips tightly. "That's cute, really." she said blankly.
      "So, is there a reason why you'd want to tear me apart?"
                                                               "Or is that just a hobby of yours?"
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Tilting her head to the blonde she could tell she wasn’t human,but things like that never stopped Erica before so why start now?
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"I never say anything I don’t mean,so no I didn’t mean try."
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     The Mikaelson refrained herself from scoffing at Erica's threat and replaced it with a sickly sweet smile, cocking her head to the side with a forged curiosity. Oh, was she now? "Don't you mean--" she started,
                                                  "--you'll try to tear me apart?
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"You better hope someone comes and saves you before I tear you apart."
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     The Mikaelson patted the couch next to her, nodding her head. "Take a seat." She sat down on the couch across from Katherine and pursed her lips. Priscilla knew the vampire's past with her family and wasn't sure on how she'd react when she told her, well, her last name. Despite that factor, the blonde plastered on a small smile and responded smoothly.
     "My name is Priscilla, Priscilla Mikaelson."
                                                      "--you may know my family."
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                            ”Yes, I am.”
She responded. Katherine was still feeling anxious because of what happened. The vampires who attacked her were turned by her many years ago. And the worst part was that it wasn’t only them. She had many enemies and now that she was weak and dying, they’d all want to end her. She needed help but she had no one.
                       ”And who are you?”
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
3 are familiar faces
     Blood started rushing to her head as well as losing the ability to breath. Priscilla never thought she'd ever see them again and now that they were right here, standing in front of her, the Mikaelson's emotions were spinning quicker than they ever did before. Her words managed to come out but her voice was shaking, eyes avoiding the other.
               "Never thought I'd see you again."
                                                                "--I've missed you."
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theoriginalqueenbee · 11 years
     Priscilla couldn't believe it. She had found a human Petrova doppelganger, and it wasn't even on purpose! The blonde grabbed Katherine by the arm and pulled her inside, but she did so lightly. Surprisingly, Priscilla didn't want to injure the girl more than she already was. "I have a first aid kit in the back, but um.." she started, biting down on the inside of her lip.
                          "--you don't happen to be Katherine Pierce, do you?"
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Katherine coughed. She stood up carefully and looked at the blonde girl standing in front of her. 
                                                    ”Stupid, old vampires.”
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