theothershirogane · 4 months
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They are already selling data to midjourney, and it's very likely your work is already being used to train their models because you have to OPT OUT of this, not opt in. Very scummy of them to roll this out unannounced.
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theothershirogane · 9 months
Y'all I've been listening to this song on repeat for the past 24 hours
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theothershirogane · 10 months
Unmute !
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theothershirogane · 11 months
Posting this because I have officially titled 3 fics using lyrics from this song now lol
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theothershirogane · 11 months
Writer Nonnie and since space is space and Alteans and Galra and who knows what else have fancy tech and there's literally a whole pocket of the universe with new resources, Ryou either DOES find something mithril-like or MAKES it, all while cackling. Jason as he's getting fitted: "the mad man actually did it." Damian also getting measurements because smol and baby: "I blame you for this."
LOL definitely. Bonus if he makes it:
“Tony Stark WHO! I’M the greatest engineer in all the multiverse!!!”
“Shhhhh...that’s just our universe.”
(Meanwhile Shiro’s face is twitching because who introduced Ryou to Slav.)
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theothershirogane · 1 year
hard same. You NEVER have my permission to help a computer program steal from me
It’s you friendly neighbor fanfic author here. In the light of this apparent new trend of people feeding unfinished fics to AI to get an “ending,” and some people even talking about “blanket permissions,” let me just say this:
That is my anti-permission.
Thank you for your attention.
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theothershirogane · 1 year
“General! What did I tell you about giving a bored human a screwdriver?” sigh “Not unless you want a pile of scrap where your spaceship used to be, with a proud-looking human sitting nearby.” “And what did you do?” “I gave the bored human Corporal a screwdriver.”
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theothershirogane · 1 year
It’s 2023 and I still believe Shiro’s the goofy one, Jiro’s the more serious one. Shiro learns that he can be himself around the other paladins without anyone thinking he’s less than capable. Jiro learns how to loosen up and relax a bit (but it’s okay that he’s less silly than Shiro, his friends still like him, too.)
…and then there’s absolute raccoon-in-a-dumpster energy Ryou.
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theothershirogane · 1 year
pro fucking tip, writers:
Are some of your OCs twins??
don't fucking force them to share everything, unless that's specifically going to be a problem.
This post inspired by: How to Train Your Dragon, where Ruffnut and Tuffnut are literally forced to share a dragon because gods fucking forbid they get to be their own people?
Twins are not two halves of a whole fucking person. Don't treat us like we are.
Magical universe where people have magic? You want the twins to share their pool of magic?
Okay then, they both have access to twice the ammount of magic as other people, because they each get a full fucking share. Triplets have access to 3x, ect. ect. ect.
I've literally had people tell me to my face that because I'm a twin that means I'm not a full fucking person on my own.
Don't fucking do this shit in your writing.
Unless their parents are supposed to be shitty or specifically poor, your twins should be getting each their own separate birthday cake, their own presents, ect.
Dragonrider AU?? they each get their own fucking dragon! Familiar/daemon AU??? They each have their own fucking familiar!
Magical element AU? If multiple elements are possible in each family, let each twin have a different element!
Treat twins like the fully fucking realized people we are. Do not fucking act like we're half a gods damned person.
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theothershirogane · 1 year
This deserves an Oscar
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theothershirogane · 1 year
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Here’s some edits of both Shiro’s actually meeting each other and being in the same scenes as requested
From our Instagram @/bravepaladins
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theothershirogane · 1 year
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This is days late because I’m silly but Here’s my White Day piece! Looks like everything worked out! 💜 Continuation of this piece!
Please do not repost
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theothershirogane · 1 year
Idea for Trigane/Twinganes AU. Jiro/Kuron often likes to joke that Shiro is the 'prototype', Ryou is the 'test type' and he's the 'production model'.
ahahaha they would TOTALLY do this too xD
Usually it’s Shiro calling Ryou his “biological clone” and Jiro his “artificial twin” to harass both his brothers—
(and to make Jiro feel better—New Timestream, Old Angst. Timetravel’s Weird so all Jiro’s old relationships are kinda gone and will This Shiro be okay with him??)
—buuuut once Jiro’s comfortable in his own skin again? YOU BET he’d become insufferable with his own brand of clone humor xD
...also Ryou just belts out Protoman’s Theme whenever Jiro does it. Mostly to beat Shiro to the punch.
Ryou: “Shiro, you may be the older twin but out of the two of us, you’re totally the Megaman.”
Shiro: “...hEY—!!! ...actually? I’ve got nuthin’.”
Ryou: “tOLD yA sO, Taka!!”
Jiro: “...why are you both like this.”
Shiro&Ryou: “It’s genetic.”
Jiro: “...lovely. (also never do that again.)”
S&R: “cOMe pLAY wITH uS, Jiro!!”
Jiro: “...NO.”
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theothershirogane · 1 year
day three: family
Shiro has a family.
He has a twin brother that’s only a few minutes younger than he is, who loves to tinker and build and take things apart.  Shiro can’t imagine going through life without Ryou’s wry humor, his indomitable need to fight for what he thinks is right, his belief that any problem can be fixed if they only can find the right tools for it.  Ryou’s immovable, unshakeable faith in his twin’s ability to snatch victory from the crashing darkness of defeat - and his unwavering determination to help him do it.  Shiro thinks of his brother when he’s knocked down and how nothing in the world can keep Ryou from crawling back to his feet and he does too because anything less would be a betrayal of his brother’s support.
Shiro has a mother.  She’s small and soft spoken and when she laughs it sounds like a small dog sneezing and fills up her eyes with stars.  Her love is quiet, shown in warm wrapping hugs and finger combed hair before their presentations no matter their age.  She’s a school teacher and something of the way she cherishes her little charges never really leaves the way she interacts with everyone else, treating them as important and precious and delicate and full of potential.  She tends to rest her hands over her heart when she talks about her twins, just lifting one hand to the position when she’s only talking about one of them.  Shiro is her right hand and he thinks of that when he pilots Voltron and needs Keith.  But he thinks of Ryou when its Green’s turn to shield and save the entire team.
Shiro’s father is a tall, lean man, reserved and warm.  He’s also a teacher but he teaches at the local university and comes home smelling like printer ink.  He’s an only child and his affection isn’t given to physical touch.  Instead his father shows his love by providing.  Mother is good for comfort when one of the twins is sick - but its their father that brings them a new game to play to distract them, who remembers exactly how to make the honey and orange tea that takes the pain from their sore throats, who sits up with them all night not because he has to or because he’s sparing his wife but because his staying awake with them is his way of standing with them and giving them his strength to fight through to the winning end.  Shiro draws on his father’s wisdom when he has a team of his own, trying hard to look beyond what he thinks they should need and instead to see what it is they really do.
Shiro grew up with his paternal grandparents living in the same house and he thinks of his grandmother, a retired geisha of some fame, and her cheerfully gentle way of making everyone that visited, or lived there, feel as if they were home.  She taught Shiro and Ryou about art and drama and dance and music, about all the lovely things that are really just human thoughts given form.  She is an artist but its the human souls around her that she works, bringing out hidden talents and joys and pains in them the way a painter brings out a hidden color in a picture.  She is vibrant and a bubbling aliveness, polite to the point where she can get away with anything in society because she knows all the rules and how to dance with them until they sway to her music.  From her Shiro learns to laugh loudly and launch himself after the stars without reserve.  From her he leans that love is only good if it feeds you life.  He thinks of her the first time he sees the Black Lion and that echo of impression never quite leaves him in all the time afterward as Black’s paladin.
Shiro’s paternal grandfather is a poet.  A strong, traditional man, strict in the way he holds himself, the way he lives his life and the way he expects his children and their children to live theirs.  At first an intimidating figure, it wasn’t until Shiro and his twin were old enough to match minds that the ‘grandfather’ figure began to open up and reveal all the rich depths of the personality carefully hidden behind the presentation.  Shiro’s grandfather taught them history and strategy and self-discipline.  And he also taught them the power of words.  How a single perfectly found word could fill an entire emotion, how three good words could convey an idea better than an entire paper.  He taught the twins the importance of getting to the heart of a matter and then building upward from there, to cut down to find the core of a thing before they tried to understand or communicate it.  Their grandfather taught the the power, and danger, of putting a sound to an idea and sharing it with others.  Shiro thinks of his grandfather when he tells his team that they can do the impossible - and they believe him and do.
Shirogane Takashi may be far from home and his family.  Often, he thinks he’s never going to see them again and he misses them.  Misses them the way a man too long in space misses the rain in the trees or the wind on his face.  But they’re not ghosts to him.  And each time he reaches out to his new family, this rag-tag motley crew of teenagers and ancient aliens (and mice) he can feel his family back on Earth moving with him as well.  One day, he promises himself when he’s feeling Ryou strongest inside his heart, he is going to bring his team back to Earth.  He’s going to find both of his families and they’re all going to go home.  Together.
read the other days/prompts on AO3
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theothershirogane · 1 year
Your campfire reblog made me wonder about Twinganes and camping? Are they the type to rough it with tents or get an rv/cabin? I’m thinking tents that way they can just slide out and stargaze.
You know, I am LOVING the idea of the twins going camping.  And, weirdly, I see them picking it up once they’re older.  They’ve always known about camping of course and maybe even did a few short family trips but I tend to headcanon their parents being more intellectual.  So while they do physical activities with their family - I think going to the beach was probably a popular one - the hobbies their parents encouraged tended to be more mental based.  Even the twins physical activities are as much centered around mental as physical, like Shiro with his kyudo and Ryou with his kendo.  (I like to think the boys discovered taiko via their grandmother - and baseball via their grandfather)
But once they get on their own - or at least end up away from home at the Garrison there’s just
So Much Sky!
And Shiro being Shiro needs to be out there at night looking up at it.  Ryou goes along because 1. he gets to spend time with his brother 2. he’s got a bit of night owl in him 3. he really does love the stars too just not with the heart depth Taka does and 4. any excuse to sneak out and do something he shouldn’t do is a good one.  So ‘camping’ probably started with them just finding somewhere they could watch the stars at night that no one would bother them….. and then one of them thought to bring blankets (Ryou, it was Ryou) because one of them kept falling asleep….. and then someone else (Taka, it was Taka) thought to bring food….. and then it rained that one time so they brought a tarp the next time…..and the next thing you knew the twins had just kind of fallen into practically camping anyway so when one of them came up with the ‘got a weekend off/wanna try?’ idea of camping seriously, the other twin jumped at the chance and off they went.  Turned out that they really enjoyed it too, for a lot more reasons than just the star gazing.  Neither of them have any problem with solitude (at least Taka didn’t at this point in time) - or with being each other’s only company - and ‘roughing’ it was a challenge they both enjoyed figuring out how to do.  I agree with you too.  They probably ended up paring it down to the basics, lots of hamock tents and stuff badly cooked over a wood fire and packing light so they can really cover a lot of distance with those long legs of theirs when they hike.  They probably both love hiking.  Walking just for the fun of walking and exploring and seeing what they can find.  Ryou’s always coming back with pockets full of interesting looking rocks and wind scoured wood and pine cones and stuff.  Taka doesn’t tend to take things but he might snap pictures with his phone a lot, especially when Ryou’s not paying attention - both of the scenery/wild life/plants/rock formations/etc AND of Ryou being a goof.   He probably regretted the loss of his phone when the Galra took him more than any other object he lost.  Because those pictures helped him feel better on days when his disease kicked up and tried to drag him downward. 
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theothershirogane · 1 year
Ok, so we’ve talked about twinganes and the Blades with a taiko group. How about Twinganes doing kyudo?? :D
ahhh, I see you saw @studiomugen‘s picture too.  Yes!  Isn’t that perfect for Shiro?  I never would have thought of it but now that I’ve been introduced to the idea I am completely onboard!  The necessary stillness and concentration just suit Shiro and I can see him using the sport - or the practice of it - to hone his own inner resolve and determination.  Also the strength and patience needed as well as the discipline fit him too.  Add on the issue with whatever the ‘disease the writing introduced and then forgot about that weakened his muscles and seemed to start in one of his arms and him using kyudo for strength building as well as testing himself.  I can entirely see Shiro being on the kyudo team and then practicing in private if he didn’t have time to stay on a team as his life got busier.  I don’t know that he’d care so much about the competitions though.  It seems to me that Shiro tends to pit himself against himself and not be that into group competitions.  But for all the rest I’m sure he’d really get into it whether he was ace at it or not.
As for Ryou…… lol.  I don’t know that Ryou’s got the stillness inside of him to really enjoy kyudo.  Don’t get me wrong.  He would LIVE for figuring out the mechanics of it and draw strength and torque and maximizing the arrows flight and all but once he figured those parts out I don’t know that he’d be interested enough to hang around for the rest.  Ryou’s bent tends to lean more toward picking things apart than long moments of stillness and quiet and contemplation.  He probably took it when Shiro did for starters but then dropped out and joined the shop class or something else instead.
The kicker is, Ryou’s probably better at hitting the specifics of the target than Shiro is because he gets how to make it work while Shiro’s more interested in the feeling of the whole thing.
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theothershirogane · 1 year
the languages siblings speak are absolutely incomprehensible to outsiders btw. even parents. best of luck to the amazon wiretappers who have to try to piece together what my brother and i are talking about, sorry u just had to be there.
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