theoumatwins · 5 years
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@ anon
-Mod Huey
Why just fucking Shuichi? Why not have Himiko (a girl dealing with survivor guilt) or Maki (a girl that should realize her horrible unjustified actions)? Why does everything need to be all about Mr Perfect’s ass? Why force us to sympathize with a spoiled brat? It’s why I hate Shuishit, because his fans don’t give a flying fuck about the far more interesting characters and focused on Shuichi’s boring overrated ass.
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I have absolutely no idea what you’re mad about. However, I’ll try to work with what I understand here.
Are you mad that Shuichi is a Remnant here
 are you mad that Himiko and Maki aren’t here often
Who exactly are we forcing you to sympathize with
? Shuichi? I distinctly remember a plethora of asks that all unanimously agreed that this blog’s version Shuichi is a horrible human being.
and most importantly, dear old sweet anon,
Don’t tell us who we should or should not make a priority here, Not only that, but we mentioned Himiko and Maki’s a long time ago. We didn’t want to make them Remnants because we saw no reason in our minds for why they’d even BE REMNANTS. 
And if you want to see Himiko and Maki more often, then maybe you should ASK ABOUT THEM. Then we’d have more stuff involving them. But no, people ask about Shuichi, Kaede, Leon, Kokichi and his brother and Tsumugi so we answer the asks that we get.
We used Shuichi to be the bad guy because it was interesting to us to have the generic male protagonist be the mole/mastermind, just like Tsumugi was.
We aren’t fans of Shuichi. The only people we’re fans of in DRV3, is Kirumi, Gonta, Kokichi and Kaede. 
-Mod Michiko
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Why just fucking Shuichi? Why not have Himiko (a girl dealing with survivor guilt) or Maki (a girl that should realize her horrible unjustified actions)? Why does everything need to be all about Mr Perfect’s ass? Why force us to sympathize with a spoiled brat? It’s why I hate Shuishit, because his fans don’t give a flying fuck about the far more interesting characters and focused on Shuichi’s boring overrated ass.
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I have absolutely no idea what you’re mad about. However, I’ll try to work with what I understand here.
Are you mad that Shuichi is a Remnant here... or... are you mad that Himiko and Maki aren’t here often...? 
Who exactly are we forcing you to sympathize with...? Shuichi? I distinctly remember a plethora of asks that all unanimously agreed that this blog’s version Shuichi is a horrible human being.
and most importantly, dear old sweet anon,
Don’t tell us who we should or should not make a priority here, Not only that, but we mentioned Himiko and Maki’s a long time ago. We didn’t want to make them Remnants because we saw no reason in our minds for why they’d even BE REMNANTS. 
And if you want to see Himiko and Maki more often, then maybe you should ASK ABOUT THEM. Then we’d have more stuff involving them. But no, people ask about Shuichi, Kaede, Leon, Kokichi and his brother and Tsumugi so we answer the asks that we get.
We used Shuichi to be the bad guy because it was interesting to us to have the generic male protagonist be the mole/mastermind, just like Tsumugi was.
We aren’t fans of Shuichi. The only people we’re fans of in DRV3, is Kirumi, Gonta, Kokichi and Kaede. 
-Mod Michiko
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theoumatwins · 5 years
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“And yet still, even this version of Shuichi is better than the one we have now.” 
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AU: So basically in this AU for chapter 6, Shuichi commits an accidental murder. The problem with this is that the victim was Tsumugi so Shuichi becomes the mastermind but when Monokuma tries to tell him, Shuichi yells at the bear and walks off. The trial happens and because the murderer is unaware of their kill and there is little evidence, no one figures out who did it which leads everyone but Shuichi being executed. This event makes Shuichi snap and he proceeds to gather everyone’s corpses (Yes, even the ones from every other chapter no matter how mangled their bodies are.) and pretends that these corpses are alive and makes them talk. He acts like they’re at a normal school and goes as far as to put uniforms on them which feeds into the fake world he has created. It’s hard for me to explain, sorry and sorry that this was so long! 
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Aoi are you doing well?
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Aoi: I’m doing fantastic! I got my daily dose of doughnuts from my favourite gal!
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Kirumi: Favourite... gal? 
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Kirumi: I am quite pleased to be your ‘favourite gal’... However I’m just merely doing my job... 
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Kirumi: Though... i wouldn’t mind bringing you doughnuts every morning...
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Aoi: !! Really??? That would be amazing! Thanks so much Roo! You’re the best! 
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Kirumi: Thank you for your compliments Ms. Asahina... I was having quite the difficult morning today and... they really did help.
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Gonta who are you marrying?
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Gonta: ? Gonta marry? 
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Gonta: No no no! Kaede and Leon are marrying! Not Gonta!
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Gonta: Gonta happy for them! Been waiting for this to happen since forever! 
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theoumatwins · 5 years
(I forgot to mention for you got me into shipping Leon x Kaede! I think they’d click well together.)
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-Mod Michiko
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Sakura would you like a hug?
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Sakura: I would prefer not to be hugged. Your gesture is still appreciated regardless. 
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Sakura: Thank you. I think I am beautiful too. 
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Gonta is there anything new for You?
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Gonta: Well... Gonta have new butterfly to talk to. Gonta buy new black clothes. And Gonta save best for last.
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Gonta: As Ibuki put it, Gonta ship sail! Gonta ship getting married soon! Gonta very happy. 
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Mondo, do you personally know Shuichi?
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Mondo: No. But my motorcycle and his skull are gonna be fuckin besties when they meet. 
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Shuichi what's your real backstory?
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Shuichi: My back is currently in pain from holding this worthless group up.
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Kokichi is true that you have a crush on Hajimeme?
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Chīkoto: Answer the question, Grape head.
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Kokichi: Ha! Unlike you, I’m not afraid of admitting how I feel to random strangers! 
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Chīkoto: I caught you trying to delete this question 5 times. 
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Kokichi: Shhhhhh! I-I mean-- Nooooo! I wasn’t! I was just... stalling for time so I could create the best answer! 
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Kokichi: The answer is 25,519.
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Kaede looks like a potato.
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Kaede: I... 
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Imai: What a mean thing to say to someone before their wedding.
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Kaede are you feeling better?
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Kaede: I am much better actually... These couple months preparing for the wedding were actually therapeutic...
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Kaede: Hm? Oh that would be Imai. She asked me once she found out.
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Imai: You guys better go down the aisle. I didn’t practice using Mr. Gonta’s flower petals for nothing.
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theoumatwins · 5 years
More Shuichi sprites
Many Thanks dude! 
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theoumatwins · 5 years
Yo! Who's it hangin'? Hope y'all are doing well. -Admin Weirdness
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Thanks man! We hope the same for you too. We missed you.
-Mod Michiko
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theoumatwins · 5 years
(How are you mods?)
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We cool. We trifling and got jobs in shit now but... we cool.
-Mod Huey
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theoumatwins · 5 years
I hope we get closure with Shuichi and Tsumugi!
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Of course you will. As of right now, we’re wondering if to skip a lil bit into a future but not so far... probably... Leon and Kaede’s wedding? 
-Mod Michiko (feels good to be back)
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