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pyromancers are so lucky
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hey guys i got pictures of the w101 creation screens on the web
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Redesigned the life amulet
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Using Magic.
Using Fire magic fills the users body with warmth, starting with a slow heating up of the fingertips to a sudden rush of warmth going through the arms- the feeling will spread to the stomach and start to snake it’s way around the muscles in the casters legs. Gradually the feeling spreads to ones head, becoming unbearable to test whether or not the user is ready to cast this spell; if someone fizzles, it means that they were either mentally or physically unprepared to cast the spell.
Using Ice magic has the opposite effect of Fire magic, it freezes the caster to the bone and numbs their body; due to this effect, thaumaturgy is very much a mental magic and one must be extremely focused to be able to successfully cast a spell. Ice magic causes the feeling of being so cold that ones bones and skin begins to hurt, aching and becoming stiff- if the spell is too much for the caster, ice may start to form on their bodies and they must force themselves to fizzle before they do irreversible damage.
Using Storm magic sends electricity through the users nervous system, it as if they are being struck by lightning. The users entire body becomes numb from the shock and their hair stands on end, they’re body becoming static and having the potential to shock people with just a touch of the fingertip. Divination uses the body to cast spells, meaning the wizard must overcome the numbness to cast a spell- while Storm spells haven’t really had any severe cases of damage to a wizard, there have been the rare report of it hurting someone.
Using Myth magic will fill the user with visions, they will see things they never thought they would see. Visions from the past, present and future all blurring into one spell- Myth magic is one of the less dangerous types of magic, the most it can do is give the user a migraine. Conjuring forces the user to sculpt the visions they have into a spell, they must locate the vision that correlates with the spell the most and build onto that to summon what they desire.
Using Death magic makes the caster feel sickly, nauseous and frail- as one may have guessed, Necromancy is in the top 3 most deadly of magics to use. While effects of casting a Death spell varies, they usually consist of making the caster feel drained of life; it is visible on the wizards body as they pale and begin to sweat, looking as if they have a fever. Necromancy is one of the only magics known to kill many people using it- it can feel as if the persons soul is being sucked out of them and there are rumours around the Spiral that the undead the wizards face are wizards that were not strong enough and had their souls sucked out. However, they’re just rumours, right?
Using Life magic is by far the most pleasant, it fills the user with an energy like no other and has positive effects overall. Theurgy makes the caster feel like they have energy, to make sure they do not tire easily- however, this is considered a negative effect by a wide variety of wizards as the caster is filled with a false sense of strength, not knowing if they are wounded or their body is growing tired due to the magic filling their body with energy that will only last till the end of the battle.
Using Balance magic requires the user to be at a blank state of mind, knowing nothing but Balance and tranquility. They must focus on one thing and one thing only: Balance. Every time Sorcery is used, the caster is judged- if they are not in the correct state of mind, they will fizzle and are less likely to survive the battle due to how they are judged. Sorcery makes the user feel calm, in order to be able to cast the spell and that clouds their judgement of the battle- it is in the top 3 most deadly of magics.
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my wizard: is kind of close to max gold
prospector zeke:
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Them: You can’t solo this dungeon.
Me, fully aware that they are correct and that I will regret everything in 10 seconds: Bet.
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wizard101 players after beating an enemy
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fire wizards casting meteor shower
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Merle out and about this summer like
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me showing off my spells to noobs in unicorn way when my membership ends
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☁ ⚡ easily one of my favorite spells from wizard101 ⚡ ☁
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ravenwood schools most to least likely to be filthy weeaboos
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