superslimearena · 4 years
We are No Longer Working with Dangen Entertainment
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日本語は下です。 After much internal discussion we have made the decision to end our console publishing agreement with Dangen Entertainment of Osaka and are now officially separated. For various reasons we decided that it was in the best interest of both parties to part ways and were able to do so amicably. As for Super Slime Arena, we will continue development ourselves. We plan to focus on the console versions, improving online functionality, and new single-player gameplay modes and features. We're not seeking another publishing partner at this time, but will continue devoting our personal resources to making Super Slime Arena ever better. Thank you for your support! 議論の末、Dangen Entertainmentとのパブリッシング契約を終了することを決定しました。様々な理由から、分離する方がいいです。 スーパースライムアリーナについて、 まだ 我々はゲーム開発をしています。 TVゲーム版、オンライン機能、シングルプレイに取り組みます。 後、別のゲームパブリッシャーを探すかもし​​れませんが、今回は僕たちのゲームを頑張りたいです。 サポートしてくれてありがとうございます!
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superslimearena · 5 years
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我々は東京ゲームショウに行きます!インディーゲームコーナーの9-A38です! スライムをお楽しみください!様々な90年代のテレビゲームと現代のパーティーゲームにインスパイアされた「スーパースライムアリーナ」。年齢やスキルに関わらず、誰でも「みんなで遊ぶ」楽しさを体験できます! 情報:https://expo.nikkeibp.co.jp/tgs/2019/ Steam:https://store.steampowered.com/app/706960/Super_Slime_Arena/
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superslimearena · 5 years
In case you missed it, we released a new trailer for Super Slime Arena on our publisher DANGEN Entertainment’s YouTube channel! Featuring music from the illustrious KAIRI (aka Harry Lodes) and Mark Sparling (a little!)!! We're releasing the game later this year on Switch/PS4/XB1!
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superslimearena · 5 years
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A new story mode!
We're incredibly excited to announce that we're working on Lunar Lament -Slime Me to the Moon- a new gameplay mode set in a mysterious temple featuring new mechanics and a story that explores the origin of Planet Blorb and slimes themselves! We'll be sharing more details soon! Stay slimy!             
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superslimearena · 5 years
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SSA @ PAX East!
Super Slime Arena was part of the DANGEN booth this year at PAX East, along with a bunch of other rad games! Thank you for your support at the event, we got a lot of positive feedback from attendees and other developers alike which will continue to inspire our efforts going forward! We're focusing on the new features and the console ports so we likely won't be at too many more events this year, but keep your eyes out for announcements!                        
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superslimearena · 5 years
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We found a publisher!  Super Slime Arena is coming to consoles!
When we showcased Super Slime Arena at BitSummit in Kyoto last summer we also met with Japanese publisher DANGEN Entertainment who will be helping us bring the game to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One later this year across all major regions! We've been hard at work on both the console porting and creating new content to make the game a more robust experience!
DANGEN is the a publisher behind many amazing games such as Devil Engine, Momodora, Renaine, CrossCode, Iconoclasts, Astalon: Tears of the Earth and more. We plan to use their expertise and connections to bring Super Slime Arena to even greater heights on the latest game consoles!
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superslimearena · 6 years
Slime Update 1.0.4
Heyo! So, uh, it's been a bit. Hope y'all have been well. JellyTeam is still kicking, despite what the lack of game updates may have led you to believe; we've just all been pretty busy with life stuff. You know how it is. Busy people with many important things to do. We're still working hard on our major content updates, which you'll hopefully be hearing more about pretty soon, and in the meantime we've got this hotfix patch for you!
Online: Our old hosting provider for server listing decided they were no longer in the business of inexpensive server hosting, so we had to take online down for a little bit while we got the new one set up.  The new server has actually been up and running for a week or so, but it took us a little longer to get this patch out because we also wanted to include....
XInput: For those of you gaming on Windows using Xinput controllers who have been stymied by the hard 4-controller limit, fear not!  This patch also completely removes XInput from our controller code, which should mean we can detect additional controllers via DInput.
That's all for now! We know updates have been scarce, but we're doing our best to switch up our approach this year, so you'll probably be hearing from us again soon enough!  If you're planning on visiting Boston for PAX East in a few weeks, feel free to stop by the [REDACTED] booth to say hello!  Oh, yeah I guess that's not public yet, uh... just keep an eye on our twitter, we'll keep you posted.
Stay Slimy!
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superslimearena · 6 years
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Slimes are heading south next weekend for DreamHack Atlanta! Come and play with ALL your friends in this chaotically fun, one-hit-KO fighting game! Tickets and Information Nov 16-18 at GWCC in Atlanta in booth I-33! We will also be making an announcement soon about updates and plans for the game in the near future. Stay slimy friends!
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superslimearena · 6 years
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「スーパースライムアリーナ」がBitSummitに登場!日本最大級のインディーゲームの祭典! Super Slime Arena is coming to BitSummit! The biggest indie games festival in Japan! ✨https://bitsummit.jp/✨ See you in Kyoto!
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superslimearena · 7 years
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Super Slime Arena comes to the Indie Megabooth  at PAX EAST 2018 - Boston MA East April 5-8! Super SLIMY, 2-50+ Player, use ANY Controller, Super Famicom-style party-fighter! Slimes💙Boston   Check out all the games: http://indiemegabooth.com/indie-megabooth-pax-east-2018-lineup-revealed/
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superslimearena · 7 years
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Super Slime Arena is released! 「スーパースライムアリーナ」リリース! itch: https://tinyurl.com/itchyslime Humble: https://tinyurl.com/humbleslime Steam: https://tinyurl.com/steamedslime
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superslimearena · 7 years
Wahoo! Here's a big #screenshotsaturday showing off the opening sequence of Super Slime Arena! We release January 23, 2018!! Music by Robert Karpay! Wishlist on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/706960/Super_Slime_Arena/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuperSlimeArena Stay slimy!
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superslimearena · 7 years
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As part of our launch we're giving away some awesome prizes! Win your choice of a NES or SNES Classic along with copies of Super Slime Arena! Official rules and entry here:
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superslimearena · 7 years
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Interested in the music of Super Slime Arena? We are hosting a listening party livestream with the devs & composers on January 16th at 9:00 PM EST! We'll be giving you an early preview of each piece with short introductions with opportunities for Q&A! Please stay tuned for more details!
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superslimearena · 7 years
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It is our absolute pleasure to announce that Super Slime Arena will be splatting onto screens January 23rd, 2018!! Please reblog this post to get the word out and wishlist us on Steam! http://store.steampowered.com/app/706960/Super_Slime_Arena/ Stay slimy!
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superslimearena · 7 years
Did you see our new trailer? Check out our new stages in action and get a sneak peak at some of the awesome work our musicians have been doing for us! Stay slimy!
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superslimearena · 7 years
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Slimes invade D.C. at Otakon 2017! Last weekend JellyTeam was part of the first ever Indie Row at Otakon! We had an amazing time sharing our game with lots of new players and building up momentum towards the fall release (date TBA). We were especially excited to show off our work on our new and updated stages, which are nearly fully completed, as well as showcase the awesome music our team of musicians have been working on (we'll probably have a message or video dedicated to that coming up soon!) We had a special opportunity to be the game used for the secret midnight tournament on Saturday night which drew a big crowd and got us excited about the possibility of our game in that environment. We think it could be a good palette-cleanser between the more hardcore fighters out there. We also won the Fan's Choice Award for best indie developer which was an amazing and unexpected surprise for us and signal that we're on the right track. In addition to the fame and recognition we also will be able to have a booth free of charge at Otakon 2018 so please look forward to that! We're heading to Play NYC this weekend for further slimy adventures! See you there? Sign up for our newsletter here: http://superslimearena.net/newslettersignup
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