theperkyhedgewitch · 5 years
oh my gosh your tattoos. i'm not your follower but i've been trying to sketch out a tattoo design just like yours, but not watercolor style. do you love it???
YES! I absolutely love them. Thank you so much for doing your own version of it. If you Google "sun snd moon tattoo", there are all kinds of different styles. I appreciate thst you're not directly copying it, which some people have already done. Also, send me a pic when you get yours done! I love seeing all the variations people come up with 💜
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theperkyhedgewitch · 5 years
Is it possible to get my ex girl back I love her so much.
If you and your ex broke up, it was for s reason. Please respect her decision.
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
undomestic yourself, go absolutely wild, crush the bounds of society
forget how to hold a fuking fork and tell your mama you’re not writing any more thank you notes to shitty relatives
forsake the household, eat raw sugar cubes on your own terms, and reverse God trying to tame us into anything useful, hiss at men and make scary gangs in empty places
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
Hi, I’m a new blog and I’m looking for witchcraft blogs to follow, preferably traditional witchcraft and less new age stuff. Please like or reblog if you post stuff about trad witchcraft, the occult, paganism, nature etc!
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
if you are a witchy blog…
like or reblog this!! I need more posts on witchcraft or witchy aesthetics bc I’m pretty sure most of the blogs i followed for witchy stuff are inactive.
if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, support anything that oppresses people don’t like or reblog
if you appropriate others practices and beliefs, please do not like or reblog
otherwise, i need more witchy bbs to follow love y’all!💞💞💕💓💖
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
No Substitutes...
Let’s talk about what specifically cannot use substitutes.
I’m a blood, sweat, and tears rootworker. Family-based. This isn’t something I thought would be cool or fun. My daddy would keep certain knowledge until he felt I was ready because of how real and powerful certain practices are. 
One of those things are dealing and coping with the fact that certain spells and rootwork is NOT substitute friendly. No alternatives, no magic store ready item that you knew for sure would work, you had/have to do the hard work yourself. 
Stop expecting more experienced practintioners to grant you custom formulas consisting of ideal substitutes just because it’s not pretty, animal friendly, easy to get. Chances are you might be dealing with a practice and culture that’s not open to the general public anyway.
People don’t like that. Magic seems to be seen as beneficial arts and crafts for people these days. Not everything is going to have what you want, some spells will require things that aren’t sensible, moral, and ‘light worker’ friendly.
There is a REASON certain things cannot use substitutes. Understand and respect the fact that certain things are used for a specific manner to be effective. There is a REASON these items are hard to find or put together.
Accept it and move on.  
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
I’m sure making a cup of tea has to be some form of magic.
From gathering all the things you need, to boiling the water, to taking the first few sips. The whole thing takes me from being very stressed or exhausted, to being calm and relaxed.
My favorite tea to prepare is chai. I have loose leaf chai tea, and I love measuring (or sometimes just pouring) how much of the leaves I need. I like waiting to hear the whistle of my teapot. I love letting it steep and slowly smelling the spices. Mixing in the milk and sugar calm me- the clink of my spoon against my glass. But my favorite part are those first two or three sips. It’s like I can feel my body just relaxing.
Perhaps it’s the focus, time, and ritual of tea making that calms me down and relaxes me… I like to think it’s magic though.
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
Interview: Temple of Sumer
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[Today, we sit down for a quick interview with Sam Jackson and Steffy Vonscott of the Temple of Sumer. The organization, dedicated to reviving the polytheistic traditions of ancient Mesopotamia, is in the process of putting together a guide for the curious and new practitioners. Here, they discuss their devotion to their tradition and Gods, common misconceptions about Sumer, and what they are looking for in terms of submissions.]
Read more…
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
Rebagel for TBT! Artist is Jocelyn McGregor at Old Republic Tattoo in Sacramento, CA.
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Guys, I did the thing.
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
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Bees are Bros
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
This is a decidedly unfriendly reminder that I don’t want you following me or liking/reblogging my posts if you are a Trump supporter, neo-Confederate, TERF, neo-Nazi, or a supporter of any other sort of white supremacist or fascist movement. Get the fuck out. I don’t want you here.
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
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Medusa with the Head of Perseus, Luciano Garbati, 2008
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
i think one of the most common dangers I run into in the edible and medicinal plant scene is the problem of “can you eat it” vs. “should you eat it”
a lot of websites and books these days will be like “ten wild plants you can use to make tea” without then listing the actual use for those teas because all they care about is the novelty of making your own tea from things you picked in the woods.
They tell you stuff like “A wonderfully cleansing medicine, it supports the liver, stimulates the flow of urine and the removal of waste by the kidneys.”
And people are so into the idea of cleansing their bodies of supposed toxins, that sounds great!
But what I know is that what they really mean is, this plant is a diuretic, meaning if you use it for tea, you’re going to peeing All. Day. Long. Every. Ten. Minutes.
Which isn’t fun if you’re on a hike or about to get back in your car and drive an hour home.
Some popular plants recommended for teas are used as contraceptives and morning after treatments. So here you are, trying to get pregnant, drinking your natural to rid your kidneys of impurities, being healthy as can be, and all along you’re taking birth control!
And if you’re already taking birth control and trying to not get pregnant, the plant can mess you up too.
There are plants that mess with antidepressants, and with blood pressure medicine, that make you sick to your stomach, that messes with your blood, and on and on.
And all of these sources will just list them as something you can eat, because hey, you won’t die if if you do!
Which is true, you’ll live, but at what cost!!!
Please remember herbal remedies and edible plants have always been consumed and applied with a PURPOSE, and unless you know what that purpose is, don’t consume them just because you can. It’s a bad idea.
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theperkyhedgewitch · 6 years
Before doing anything, think “What would Granny Weatherwax think about what I am about to do?” and then decide based on that if the action is actually morally right or not
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