thepettypet · 4 years
Why Do People Buy Pet Tents
It is natural for pet lovers to treat their pets as part of their family. At times, these pet owners take their pet along with them whenever they go camping or while traveling. Though pets are animals, they should also be treated well by letting them sleep comfortably while you are camping.
You just cannot leave your dog or cat outside your tent while you are asleep. Some animals such as dogs…
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thepettypet · 4 years
Keep Your Pet Strong and Healthy From Diseases
Your pet is an important member of your family. Keeping him or her healthy will give them a longer life, and you and your family more time to enjoy their loyal companionship. Pets have health care needs that are in many ways much like that of humans. They are also vulnerable to diseases that only animals can be stricken with and preventative care is essential for helping them avoid these.
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thepettypet · 4 years
How do I deal with my pet's anxiety?
How do I deal with my pet’s anxiety?
If you’ve ever experienced anxiety, you know that feeling nervous and stressed can become overwhelming, even debilitating, at times. Unfortunately, it’s not unusual for pets to also experience anxiety, and just as with humans, there are varying degrees and manifestations of the emotion. It can be extremely difficult for any pet parent to watch their dog suffer from anxiety. You’d do anything for…
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thepettypet · 4 years
Here's What To Know about your pet's life and coronavirus
Here’s What To Know about your pet’s life and coronavirus
If you’re exhibiting mild symptoms of the coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests you should limit contact with your pets, just as you would with people. If possible, have a non-positive member of the household care for the animal.
If you must care for pets while sick, the CDC suggests you wear a face mask and wash your hands before and after interacting with them.
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thepettypet · 4 years
Dogs to be trained to detect Coronavirus
Specialist sniffer dogs are to be tested to see if they can detect coronavirus.
The charity Medical Detection Dogs has already trained dogs to spot the scent of malaria, cancer and Parkinson’s.
It plans trials on the current pandemic virus with Durham University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
Charity boss Dr Claire Guest said it had to find out how to…
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thepettypet · 4 years
Should I change my behaviour with my pet?
The World Health Organisation says: “It is always a good idea to wash your hands with soap and water after contact with pets.
“This protects you against various common bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella that can pass between pets and humans.”
To protect yourself from catching coronavirus, the WHO advises the following: 
Cover your mouth and nose while sneezing, with a tissue or your…
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thepettypet · 4 years
Can I catch coronavirus from my pet?
In February a pet dog in Hong Kong tested positive for covid-19 and was placed into quarantine. 
The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) in Hong Kong confirmed that repeated tests suggested the dog had a “low-level” of the virus and that it was likely to be the case of human-to-animal transmission.
The dog, a Pomeranian, had not shown any symptoms for the illness but…
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thepettypet · 4 years
The WHO position on covid-19 and pets
Dogs taking protection measures from Covid-19
Earlier, the WHO’s coronavirus official page  said there was no evidence that animals such as dogs or cats could be infected with virus. Today, that section is gone.
The WHO said, “currently, there is no evidence that pets such as dogs and cats have infected humans with Covid-19.”
The revised stance comes in the wake of an infected dog being…
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thepettypet · 5 years
Symptoms of Pain and Illness in Dogs
Symptoms of Pain and Illness in Dogs
Dog owners, who recognize the early signs and symptoms of illness or pain in their dogs, will not only relieve their loved one’s suffering but may also be able to save themselves an expensive trip to the veterinarian. Not only is it important to recognize these signs early to relieve pain and suffering, but it is much more effective to treat an illness when it is detected early.
The dog…
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thepettypet · 5 years
Heartworm Treatment for Cats and Dogs
Heartworm Treatment for Cats and Dogs
The treatment for heartworms is different for cats and dogs. Do not ever give medicine intended for a cat to your dog or vice versa.
Once your pet has heartworms the treatment is not easy. You want to rid your pet of heartworms but many factors need to be looked at before proceeding. Your veterinarian will have to do many tests to determine how many worms your pet has, how it is affecting…
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thepettypet · 5 years
What Should You Buy As A Gift To Your Dog
What Should You Buy As A Gift To Your Dog
Whoever coined the phrase, “It’s a Dog’s Life” wasn’t familiar with 21st century dogs. Time was when the average canine slept outside, ate whatever scraps of food were tossed his way, and if he was lucky, was thrown the occasional bone. He was even expected to earn his keep!
Times have changed. As the world has grown more affluent, so have our pets. We’re obsessed with keeping our canine…
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thepettypet · 5 years
My Dog Died !
My Dog Died !
Pets provide an unconditional love that requires very little on the part of the human.
Animals are so special to those of us who love them. We miss them when they are no longer with us. We grieve for them in ways which are just the same as grieving for a human loved one.
Whether the end comes through old age, illness, sudden death, or euthanasia, the death of a pet can cause enormous…
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thepettypet · 5 years
This Is How Prevent Dog Bites Case
This Is How Prevent Dog Bites Case
Of all the aggressive behavior in dogs dog bites is the most serious. owever no matter how serious it may be you can contain it if you are able to diagnose the cause of this aggressive dog behavior.
In the following 8 tips
1. Before you treat any illness you have to be able to recognize
the type of aggression your dog is exhibiting. Bellow are few aggressive dog behavior you have to…
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thepettypet · 5 years
Tips For Detecting Distemper In Dogs
Tips For Detecting Distemper In Dogs
Distemper: Spotting This Dog Killer Before it’s Too Late
Canine distemper is a devastating disease. It often crops up in seemingly healthy pets without any warning. What’s more, distemper often mimics benign problems, like the common cold. This is truly the most insidious aspect of this illness. Sadly, many cases progress to the point where they are no longer treatable before the owner even…
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thepettypet · 5 years
This Is How You Should Train Your Dog 1O1
This Is How You Should Train Your Dog 1O1
Training a dog is a fairly difficult task. Some find it to be very frustrating and simply send there dog or puppy to a professional trainer. Now if you have a dog that is completely wrecking or disrupting your life this may be a good idea. Before you take a look at a professional dog trainer you may want to try out some of these tips.
Make training fun for your dog. This means in order to get…
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thepettypet · 5 years
Tips For Finding The Perfect Family Dog
Tips For Finding The Perfect Family Dog
If your kids have been begging you to get a family dog then this article is for you. Having a family dog can offer your family a great amount of fun and enjoyment. Having a dog can also help your kids learn about responsibilities. Of course you need to find a dog that is family friendly. The following tips will help you find the right breed to suit your needs.
You need to ask yourself…
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thepettypet · 5 years
Dog's Lyme Disease
Dog’s Lyme Disease
It is hard to get an early diagnosis of lyme disease in animals including your own dog . The first sign of lyme disease in humans is a rash , well; animals do not develop this rash . Lyme disease is also not one of the first illnesses that the veterinarian looks for when you take your dog in for a visit . Many other common illnesses can produce some of the same symptoms , so it can be hard to…
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