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Wow! I never realized just how much I shipped booth and Brennan and Angela and hodgens in season 2
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Going from the part where Barney and Robin are in Argentina, when Robin says the line, “If I gave you an out right now, would you take it?”
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Inspired by imnotnormalimextraordinary
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AU where Robin and Barney unexpectedly become parents. Robin’s worried this pregnancy will kill her future as a foreign correspondant, but hey! a woman’s allowed to have both a career and a family, so they take the kid with them and travel anyway. It’s not easy but Barney’s there to help (he’s writing the updated version of the Bro Code anyway, it became a great hit), and their daughter ends up speaking four languages by the time she’s five. They’d spent years worrying their respective fathers had messed them up too badly to make them good parents, but when their teenage daughter hugs them in 2030, thanking them for everything they’ve done for her, they finally understand they couldn’t have been more wrong.
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[scrubs] - 01x08 - My Fifteen Minutes
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Even when you get knocked down, a good friend picks you back up, a great friend lays down with you to make everyone think you’re just chillin’. That’s what friends are for.
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Hey all! I recently created this blog for shows like How I met your mother Scrubs Bones Once upon a time And other similar shows. If you post or reblog any of these feel free to like or reblog this so I can check you out (and totally check my blog out too. Because it's new I have very few followers)
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"Because love is the best thing we do"
- Ted Evelyn Mosby (via flying-inmydreams)
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!! CONTAINS SPOILERS!! By now, the majority of people have established that the How I Met Your Mother finale was one huge disappointment of sloppy writing and the destruction of character developme…
Georgia wrote this piece on the HIMYM finale, CONTAINS SPOILERS
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I’m gonna forget that the series finale of How I Met Your Mother exists and I’m just gonna watch the second to last episode and call that the finale
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