thepinkdiamond · 7 months
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thepinkdiamond · 7 months
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someone is not familiar with being tended to
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thepinkdiamond · 8 months
Sir Pentious being the one redeemed instead of Angel Dust fixed a huge problem I had with the Hotel.
And that was the idea that sinners weren’t using the hotel to try and change to be better but just to try to to change so they could get into heaven and not be exterminated.
Because that is not a genuine desire to be redeemed but rather just changing so you can be rewarded.
And that’s what I think Charlie didn’t understand.
That’s what I think the lesson is.
Doing good to be rewarded is not the same as doing good just to do good. Wanting to be redeemed just to get into heaven is not the same as wanting to be redeemed because you regret your past behavior.
The push was always to show off how Angel Dust was changing and that lack of focus perfectly showcased why it was Sir Pentious that ultimately got redeemed.
Going back to ‘ It starts with sorry’ we see that Sir Pentious had genuine remorse for his behavior from the beginning and came to the hotel, not looking to get into heaven but because he regretted being the person he was and wanted to be better.
And he did change for the better.
And I think that’s the actual key to redemption.
Because Sir Pentious wasn’t thinking about being redeemed when he sacrificed himself. He wasn’t thinking that doing so would get him into Heaven.
He was thinking about saving his friends.
That act of selflessness was his ticket to paradise.
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thepinkdiamond · 8 months
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He deserves the world ;-;<3
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thepinkdiamond · 8 months
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Saint pentious!
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
There he goes again
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
I'm thinking about how Discord would translate into Equestria Girls again, but like as a human(?? this will always be questionable) this time. I see him as a drama/back up teacher just because making him a student A) just feels weird to me and B) goes against the pre-established rules set up with making Celestia and Luna (and Cadence? i don't remember her too well) adults. (so no shipping him with the main girls, as Sonic the hedgehog would say," Pedophilia is no good!")
•He's the weird eccentric teacher that the school makes do a talk on drugs or PTSD or something that always gets sidetracked but ramped up to 1000.
•He's "bffs with Ms. Frizzel and his uncle works at Nintendo , this is 100% true horse god themself told me so"
•He's on the FBI and Interpol's most wanted list.
•He is genuinely a great teacher but is also the worst. Every school year he gets voted as the most loved/hated teacher.
• He's banned from helping out with the yearbook but somehow finds a way to fiddle with it in the end.
•Twilight (sci twi) both dreads and is infinitely facinated by him (as is natural)
•He is completely in the know about the magic and is probably a big source of it (what with being discord) but acts like he's completely ignorant because it makes the mane 7 confused and upset.
•He has 17 PhDs but never graduated highschool. Occasionally he'll steal Celestia's for funsies.
•He does not legally exist, instead he "illegally exists, except for on Thursdays and every Flag Day that lands on a odd number" as he is so proud of proclaiming.
•He has a stomach of steel and once ate rocks in front of Luna just to prove a point, his teeth were completely ruined but claims they would grow back tomorrow (they did not, seeing as it wasn't a business day).
•There would be a EQG movie about someone trying to steal his magic and the way the villain is beaten is Discord pulling out a taser.
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
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You only call something magic when you don’t understand its logic. But those who truly understand magic, everything in the world is truly scientific!🧙🏻‍♀️🧝🏻‍♀️🧑🏻‍🎄Terrifique!✨🦢
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🎊Manifesting a magical 2023 for all who find this post🎉Your year is already decided to be miraculous!🍱🥘🧁🍾🍸🍶
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
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Beetlejuice’s head turn thing <3
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
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I find the GG chess videos hella wholesome~ ♟🌸
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
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Whelp! Good time to share more of these. Growing up I was a big fan of Alice in Wonderland stuff and been getting back into it recently so I decided to just put that into fairy’s lil trainer self. 
Theyre from Ballonlea initially. They study pokemon emotions and dreams (much like in gen 5) and have extremely tacky fashion.
I gotta think of their full team now.
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
this is not a bootleg
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
Angsty Jiglup Pt1:
Obligatory Ping: @mmangaboi
Ok so, this is gonna get pretty long, but basically
I headcanon Jigen is head shy, he doesn't like people touching his head/face unless its absolutely necessary. But its not just because of the hat, he just uses that as an excuse. It’s mainly because due to him being a gunman he’s extremely protective about his eye’s. Even the permeant loss of one eye can drastically screw with his depth perception and when your entire life is based around looking down the scope of a gun it’s no laughing matter.
So far only lupin has been allowed to touch his head intimately or otherwise because he has the most trust in lupin.
Because of this large bond of trust, forehead presses or face touching tend to be drastic indicators of how close the pair are to one another, since it seems only lupin can get away with doing it. If its not lupin, expect jigen to be tending to his own head-wounds by himself.
Goemon has some leeway in touching Jigens face and head, but between the two, Lupin is allowed more free range and longer periods of time
As a addition to that HC I thought of something else. I always found head petting to be something that Jigen liked
But if it’s a comfort thing, or just the need to know someone’s there, Lupin forgoes petting/stroking his hair, and instead does something that only Jigen allows him to do, which is cup his face/cheeks with his hands. That is usually a big no no because that’s thumbs being way to close to his eyes, but with Lupin doing it, it doesn’t make him nervous, it’s a comforting and soothing thing
It’s kinda like a it’ll be ok or a it’s alright kind of thing
But here’s where it get’s angsty Lupin is a jackass
He would do it at the least opportune of moments
Like the bastard could be bleeding out to death after a shootout, and instead of worrying about himself like he should he randomly just cups Jigens face in his hey it’ll be alright kinda way and all Jigen can do is look at him cause he’s not the one bleeding to death currently yet Lupin still finds the need to show him it’ll be alright even tho all of Jigens finely tuned instincts are telling him No it’s not, it’s not ok
And the sad part is, Jigen would end up throwing those instincts telling him shit’s not ok out the window the moment Lupin would cup his face cause it’s like I trust him, I trust his judgement, if he says it’s alright then it’s ok, it’ll be ok even tho something is nagging at the back of his head telling him no
But Lupin hasn’t been wrong yet about these things
until the day he is
Like I said before, in situations like these Jigen would end up throwing whatever instincts telling him shit’s not ok out the window the moment Lupin would reassure him cause it’s like I trust him, I trust his judgement, if he says it’s alright then it’s ok, it’ll be ok even tho something is nagging at the back of his head telling him no
But what if it came to a end
Basically picture this
Lupin is bleeding out somewhere and Jigen is essentially just. . .being Jigen he’s trying to take care of the situation, he’s trying to keep ‘em both safe cause that’s his job that’s what he’s promised to do, he’s promised to protect Lupin and he’s never broken that promise yet unless it was completely out of his control, but in the end it all worked out
Only this time, it isn’t. Something is different something is wrong, they both feel it but they don’t know what it is
Or maybe they do and their in strict denial about it, whatever the case something is wrong and either they both know what it is, or their both in strict denial about what it is .
But Lupin is calm, he always is of course until the moments he’s not, but in this instance he’s calm but he’s not calm for himself, he’s staying calm for Jigen, cause he knows how Jigen will get when he doesn’t feel in control of the situation he’ll get high-strung, antsy, prone to making stupid decisions that in his mind are last ditch efforts.
But Lupin is calm, and if he acts calm it oozes onto Jigen seemingly by osmosis and keeps him calm.
But times ticking, something is coming, somethings gonna happen Lupin feels it. Time passes into nearly a hour, Jigen is desperate and Lupin is already struggling to keep his eyes open despite Jigens attempts to stop whatever bleeding is going on. But still he’s calm, still he’s chill, because he doesn’t want Jigen to worry himself to death.
But Lupin doesn’t feel right. Something feels off, and as time ticks he begins to remember the feeling but still he’s calm, because he knows Jigen trusts his judgement, and maybe if he keeps Jigen calm something good will happen, he’s sure of it
But times still ticking, slowly but surly time is still marching on. And sometime after Jigen decides to stay close to him, to protect him like Lupin’s always been proud of knowing Jigen would do, even if it cost him his own life.
But he see’s the look in Jigens face. He knows somethings up, and Lupin doesn’t like that look, he likes calm Jigen he doesn’t like worried desperate Jigen.
So he does what he knows is best,
He puts his hand out and he cups Jigens cheek, it’s worked before to bring the gunman back to a stable mindset maybe it’ll work now.
Lupin doesn’t even realize the thin streak of blood he’s left on Jigens cheek
But Jigen doesn’t care, instead he holds the hand close to his face, cause this motion he recognizes. It means safe. It means everything will be ok
or at least it did Jigen isn’t looking at Lupin’s eyes, he doesn’t notice the sudden but smooth shift, he doesn’t notice the sudden blank stare, he doesn’t fully realize that this wasn’t a it’s going to be a ok motion that Lupin is doing
It’s not a it’ll be ok
it’s a you’ll be alright and I’m sorry
Because Jigen think’s it’s Lupin reassuring him, telling him that everything will be fine
When in actuality, it’s Lupin saying goodbye
He doesn’t notice as he’s cradling the hand to his face, as Lupin slightly stiffens, eyes sliding away, expression blanking as some inner light, some indefinable soul, snuffs out as easily as you'd pinch the flame of a candle between your fingers. And just like that he’s gone he's gone.
It’s so quick that by the time Jigen notices something is wrong, Lupin is gone. There’s nothing he can do. All Lupin left behind was an empty shell, a corpse, knock-knock, nobody's home, and his glassy eyes are still open. And they seem sad, almost guilt ridden as if apologizing about his own death as it happened, once again always tripping over himself to make amends, especially to Jigen.
And Jigen doesn’t notice until last moment because Lupin cradled his face in a signature everything will be alright and Jigen believed him.
The shock takes hold quick, Jigen doesn’t get angry, he doesn’t cry, he doesn’t scream at the blistering sun to bring back the one thing worth living for in his life.
He doesn’t do anything cause now he’s numb, it’s hit him, the situation has hit him but not in they way that warrants any form of emotion except complete numbness. Instead he rocks himself, eyes closed, Lupin’s hand still warm from where it had braced Jigens face, and lets himself shut down, and lets himself believe that Lupin was still right as he still cradles the hand against his face
that everything would still be ok when he opened his eyes again
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
How do people fly with Grigori Souls?
Well, here’s some  canon answers. Contrary to popular belief, there’s multiple ways this is achieved.
Keep reading
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
*reappears* hm shippy you say 👀 can’t think of anything specific but maybe something fluffy instead of angsty? A nice little opposite of the usual :0
Jigen x Lupin x Goemon (well, slightly- he’s not as focused on). T, short and sweet fluff. Jigen just wants some sleep.
Sleepless nights were no stranger to the Lupin gang. But for once, at the very least, Jigen seemed like he was on the cusp of having a good night’s sleep. Laying in bed, relaxed and already halfway there. But then a sudden weight on his chest stirred him to consciousness. A heaviness that was not as one might expect, from some emotion or bad dream being pushed to the surface. Rather, it was a literal weight that had the man slowly blinking back to reality.
Jigen glanced down slowly, to see Lupin’s familiar face peering up at him from where he was resting on Jigen’s chest. Yes. On his chest, laying directly on top of the gunman, cause the cretin couldn’t just let sleeping dogs lie. Jigen let out a low grumble.
“You know better than to sneak up on me when I’m about to pass out.”
“You hadn’t yet.”
“That’s not what my gun arm would say I’d been startled. Whaddya doing here?” His voice was rough with sleep, even as he scolded Lupin for playing with fate there. He tried his best to keep such instincts in control, but he hated Lupin’s flirting with death. “Come on, you’re heavy and I’m trying to get some shut eye.”
Lupin just gave him a dopey smile, and carefully rolled off of him, so he was pressed to Jigen’s side. “Just getting into bed, saw you, realized your bed was comfier.” he yawned, snuggling closer. “I love you.”
Ah. So he was in a sentimental mood. Of course. Jigen shook his head, trying to keep the blush off his cheeks. “It’s pretty late to just be getting into bed.” No use in arguing about the fact Lupin had definitely grabbed the better bed, since it was just a flimsy excuse anyway.
“Not even gonna defend yourself on that one?”
“Nope… you’d just say I overwork myself.”
“You do. You had 15 different ideas for ‘work,’ and researching how to break into at least 7 different buildings. Does none of that get muddied in your head? Or is it empty enough you can keep it organized?” Jigen felt a bit of relief when Lupin’s response was just a chuckle. He wasn’t feeling up to an extended conversation then. Jigen shifted, and wrapped an arm around Lupin’s shoulder. Lupin smiled, bright even in the dark of late evening, and leaned up to plant a kiss on Jigen’s face. He missed his mouth however, and made a noise that Jigen would call a cross between an offended cat and old man with a lung disease. “Psshrgh! Beard in my mouth beard in my mouth!”
Jigen couldn’t help but snort, laughing loudly as Lupin sat up and rubbed the taste from his mouth. Their rise in noise must have been significant, cause Goemon appeared in the doorway, rubbing his eyes as he yawned. “Are you two alright?”
“Goemon, cut Jigen’s beard off for me!”
For a moment, Jigen actually worried Goemon would, as he gripped his sword. Then, the samurai pulled it away from Lupin, as if he would bound out from bed and grab it himself- okay, not totally unbelievable. “Zantetsuken is not a razor blade!”
“Hmph!” Lupin feigned offense, laying back down against Jigen. “Can’t have one good romantic moment.”
“Like I can’t have one good sleep without you two bothering me?”
“I just came to make sure neither of you were injured, do not blame me for Lupin’s shortcomings.”
“Ouchhh, Goemon. My heart. How cruel of you. How cruel and malicious and mean.”
Oh god. Jigen knew that voice, and face palmed. “Goemon, do whatever it is he’s about to ask you for my sake- except cut my beard. It’s too late for this crap.”
“Well now that you mention it Jigen dear, Goemon-Chan, we could use a third here in bed with us.”
Goemon’s shoulders slackened ever so slightly, expression flat and unamused. Jigen could practically see a gauge over his head, going from ‘should I argue this?’ to ‘fuck it why not.’
The swordsman just shrugged, and stepped into the room.
It was night, and three thieves were trying to sleep. Jigen had it worst of all, overheated, weighed down, and stuck in one position. With one arm around Lupin, and the other ‘round Goemon, it was truly illegal to even move.
But for once, Jigen found a crime he didn’t have the heart to commit. And soon, found a sleep truly comfortable, despite- or perhaps because of- the should-be obstacles to it pressed to his sides.
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thepinkdiamond · 2 years
Turns out I really like the idea of Lupin and Jigen having met when they were kids. Thank you Anon for putting that idea into my head!
Jigen is trans in this story, and at this point, he still identifies as a girl, but for clarity’s sake I’m using he/him pronouns.
Yes, Gun Hill Houses is an actual neighborhood in the Bronx.
Reblogs are much appreciated!
The sun was setting on the Bronx and on the last day Jigen could spend with his best friend. Lupin didn’t live here, and only God knew when his father’s travels would bring him to New York again. They always made the most of the time they had together, exploring the city, robbing liquor stores, pick-pocketing tourists and getting into fights with the local gangs. These were the best parts of Jigen’s otherwise sorry existence, and they were always over too soon.
For their last few hours together, Jigen had taken his friend to a rooftop in Gun Hill, where there was a nice view on the square below and an even better one on the sunset. To anyone who didn’t know better, this might have almost looked like a date. Jigen didn’t want Lupin to know he thought that.
It was a mystery to Jigen how this strange little foreigner, with his tailored but battered suits and his mischievous grin, with his mysteriously wealthy family and his unfortunately sized ego, had managed to gain his trust so quickly. The two of them were polar opposites, but there was something in Lupin that had drawn Jigen in. Somehow, he felt like this strange boy from beyond the oceans was the only person who could truly understand him.
That didn’t make those words any easier to say, but he had to say them to someone. And the only person who could hear them was Lupin.
“Sometimes… I really wish I was a boy.”
Jigen was kicking his feet over the edge of the rooftop, trying very hard not to look at his friend. The young thief’s attention was turned to him, with an intensity that made him want to squirm. Looking away at least dulled it a bit.
“I mean, of course life would be easier,” Jigen justified himself. “But also… I don’t know. I just… don’t think I’m ever going to be happy as a girl. I wish I could just snap my fingers and change it.”
He was still looking away from his friend. Lupin may be the only person he could open up to, that didn’t mean he didn’t fear his judgement. At least the thief could understand that. Being a girl in the streets of the Bronx wasn’t fun.
“What’s your name?”
Jigen almost fell off the roof in surprise when his friend’s voice rose, candid and enthusiastic. Lupin was looking at him, with a smile on his face – not that lopsided grin that announced trouble to everyone around, but a soft, genuine smile that he reserved for those rare moments when he really meant what he said.
“It’s Suki,” Jigen retorted, “you know that.”
“That’s a girl’s name,” Lupin replied as if that wasn’t obvious. “If you were a boy, what would be your name?”
Jigen stared at the young thief in utter bafflement. He was serious, he realised. Perfectly honest in his enquiry, as if this was a normal thing to ask. A normal reaction to the confession Jigen had just given him.
That was probably why he liked Lupin so much.
“I don’t know…” he muttered after a few seconds of reflection. “Daisuke sounds nice.”
“Japanese,” Lupin nodded. “Like your grandparents. A good name.”
He extended a hand to his bewildered friend.
“Nice to meet you, Daisuke. I’m Arsène.”
Jigen had no other choice but to gingerly take the thief’s hand and shake it, acting on autopilot as his mind tried to make sense of what was happening. Lupin wasn’t berating him, he was even… accepting him? Playing along? That name in Lupin’s voice felt so right, like a puzzle piece fitting itself into the hole in his heart he had been ignoring all these years.
“I’m glad to be friends with a boy as incredible as you.”
And the idea of that feeling right, felt painfully wrong.
Jigen shoved his misplaced euphoria back down his throat and abruptly stood up. Lupin followed suit, but he stayed standing there as his friend took a few steps back.
“You’re crazy,” he spat out. “I’m not a boy, Arsène.”
“You can be. If you want to.”
“That’s not how this works!”
“But what if it is?” the thief insisted. “You could just dress like one, act like one, and people will believe you.”
Jigen angrily gestured at his dirty and patched up skirt.
“I’m not gonna fool anyone. Least of all myself.”
“You might. I mean, look at me. You’d never guess I’m supposed to be a girl.”
Jigen stopped dead in his pacing to turn towards him. Lupin was staring at him with defiance in his eyes, as if daring his friend to prove him wrong.
“You what?”
The thief’s expression softened somewhat, and he sat back down on the roof. He didn’t let go of Jigen’s gaze.
“My real name’s Amélie. But I didn’t like it, and I didn’t like being a girl, so I just…” he snapped his fingers, “changed it.”
“Your father let you do that?”
Lupin shrugged.
“As long as I carry the family legacy, my dad doesn’t care if he has a son or a daughter. So I decided to be his son.” A sharp glint shone in his eye, and his grin was back. “I took Grand-Père’s name. I want to be like him when I grow up. I’m gonna be the best damn thief my family has ever seen, and no one’s going to stop me.” He smiled. “And no one can stop you either.”
Jigen stayed silent for a long time. Lupin didn’t push him, simply looked at him with that soft expression that made Jigen’s heart curl up in shame inside his chest. He didn’t deserve this compassion. But he craved it, and Lupin was too good at tempting him. And Jigen decided he was too weak to resist.
He sat down next to his friend, head bowed down.
“They can, though,” he finally replied. “I already get beat up for being a tomboy. Your dad seems like a cool guy, but mine would kill me if he found out.”
Lupin leaned towards him and put his hand on Jigen’s, sending his heart racing.
“Then it will be our secret. You can be yourself when you’re with me, Daisuke.”
Jigen tried to hide his smile behind a disgusted rictus, but it probably didn’t fool his friend.
“Only call me that when we’re alone, understood?”
The thief grinned.
“When we’re alone, and with people who don’t know you.”
“With people who don’t know me, only when I do look like a boy.”
Lupin punched his friend’s shoulder, and Jigen punched him in the stomach in retaliation.
“You have a terrible influence on me, you know that?”
“Says the guy who’s training to be a mobster.”
“Shut up.”
That was why he liked Lupin so much, Jigen thought as they sat there and watched the sunset. With him, he didn’t have to hide.
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