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✩Buddie in Season 7✩
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the fandom needs to take a hiatus. everyone can come back when they’ve gone outside and interacted with the real world this summer.
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HERCULES (1997) + SOUNDTRACK ♪ Composer Alan Menken | Lyricist David Zippel spotify template credit ♡
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When I say Happy Pride I don't just mean happy Pride to people who are out of the closet and comfortable in their skin. I don't just mean the people who go to parades and fly Pride flags. I don't just mean people who "look" and "act" queer.
When I say Happy Pride I mean the Catholic kid who has to sit through their priest saying being gay is a sin. I mean the kid whose parents would disown them if they came out. I mean the person in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, who is just figuring out their sexuality and gender because they never had the vocabulary for it before.
I mean ace people and aro people. I mean anyone under the queer umbrella because Pride is for you too.
When I say happy Pride I mean every single queer person. I mean people in the closet, I mean people who have been out for years, I mean bi and pan people in 'straight passing' relationships.
The only people who don't fall under my Happy Pride umbrella are TERFS, queer people who support genocide, queer people who devalue closeted queer folks, queer people who tell other queer people they're wrong for the way they're queer, etc.
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Happy Pride to folks who identify with characters who are not queer in canon, but queer people see themselves in anyway.
Happy Pride to repressed people who identify with repressed characters and find themselves in the way a character deals with repression.
Happy Pride to people who identified with a character a character who was straight in canon and later came out.
Happy Pride to people who identify with a character who may never been queer in canon, but queer people see themselves in regardless of canon.
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Succulent garden
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Going to try one of these
Spin this wheel to get a tumblr sexyman!
Reblog for a bigger sample size! And tell me who you got in the tags!
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"It makes my stomach churn!"+ Buddie
"It makes my stomach churn," Buck whines as he and Eddie wait in line for Space Mountain.
It's their first time at Disney together, and Buck had been a ball of excitement all day. They'd started off the day with some of the smaller rides, easing their way into it. Buck's never been particularly great with motion sickness - part of the reason why Eddie was skeptical about bringing him in the first place - but he'd sworn up and down that he would be fine.
Clearly, he was not fine.
Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose as he sighs.
"If it makes you feel sick then maybe we shouldn't ride it?" he suggests, perfectly aware of the answer that awaits him.
"But look how fun it looks!" Buck exclaims. The line shuffles forwards, bringing the two closer to the front and further away from the relative safety of the sidewalk.
Eddie runs a hand soothingly over the back of Buck's neck.
"Cleaning up your puke isn't fun, though," he points out. "And it's going to be even less fun if you throw up on me."
"Then I shall aim somewhere else,"
Eddie rolls his eyes but he can't hide the smile that is quirking at his lips. Buck's survived thus far, and there's a reason they've been hitting the rides before eating, but he's not exactly sure he wants to chance it.
"Alternatively, we could just call time of death on this one and go to It's a Small World instead?"
Buck quirks an eyebrow. Eddie has expressed his distaste for that song on a number of occasions, and had even banned it from the house when Buck taught Christopher all the words and terrorised the poor man with never-ending renditions. For him to suggest that as a plan of action, he must be desperate.
"Eddie, baby, I promise I'll be fine," he reassures, turning so they're facing one another and rubbing his hands over Eddie's lower arms. "Just this one ride, and then we can go do some tamer things,"
Eddie searches Buck's face for any sign that the other man is lying. He seems earnest enough, and while the nauseous look is still prominent, there is a certain determination in his eyes.
"Please," Buck adds. He leans in close to Eddie, their noses brushing, and lowers his voice to a whisper. "I'll let you fuck me in the shower when we get home,"
A thrill goes through Eddie at the thought, and he pulls Buck in for a brief, chaste kiss.
"Well why didn't you lead with that?"
Buck insists on sitting up the front, because of course he does, and Eddie's very glad he bought some of those plastic ponchos. The benches are wet, so they're going to have to change their pants as it is, but they're saved from being affected by the constant tidal waves of water that spill over the front of the log.
It's actually quite a nice ride, and Buck seems to be enjoying himself well enough. His knuckles aren't white as he holds onto the bar in front of them, and he's even got a smile on his face as he points out all the vaguely creepy animatrons on the side.
Unfortunately, it's the final big drop that proves to be his undoing.
Buck hates freefalls. Any kind of stomach drop and he's gone. It's part of the reason Eddie's never manged to convince him to go skydiving.
Buck is pale faced and tight lipped as they get off the ride, and he makes a fast beeline for the exit, Eddie losing sight of him for a moment.
He finds his boyfriend sitting on a bench not too far from the ride, lips pressed firmly together and breathing heavily through his nose.
"You good there, pal?" Eddie asks with probably a bit too much glee as he settles himself next to Buck.
Buck's jaw clenches as he swallows, and his face is so pinched and tight that it's a wonder the blood is still getting through to his cheeks.
"Just peachy,"
Eddie rubs his back in what he hopes is a soothing manner.
"You want some water or something?"
"No," Buck's answer is short and clipped. "I want to sit here and not move for a minute,"
Eddie's happy to wait, really. The sun's out, it's warm and pleasant, and the park is full of interesting characters milling about. It's a good opportunity for people watching. He fishes a container of mint's out of the front of their backpack and hands it to Buck, who quickly opens it and shoves his whole nose in, deeply breathing in the minty smell.
"You know, most people eat them, rather than sniff them," Eddie comments with amusement.
"Shut up or I'll throw up on you," comes Buck's muffled response.
Eddie holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Sniff away."
It takes another couple of minutes for Buck's stomach to calm down, during which time Eddie counts 5 annoyed looking husbands in matching tracksuits, 7 harried mothers with large broods of unruly children, and an endless stream of excited children running around like madmen.
"Feeling better?" Eddie asks as Buck stretches out, popping a mint in his mouth.
"Much. Shall we continue?"
Eddie looks at his watch. It's getting late and honestly, both his and Buck's energy is waning. He imagines Buck will only be able to stomach one more ride before things actually go pear shaped.
He rests his hand on Buck's arm, thumb moving back and forth in soothing motions. "How about we go pick up some dinner and go home. We've still got a few more hours until Christopher gets back from Pepa's, we could watch a movie or play a game or something,."
Buck visibly relaxes at the suggestion. "That sounds like a great idea," he agrees, resting his head on Eddie's shoulder. The relief is palpable in his voice, but Eddie knows Buck would never have been the one to say enough is enough. He wouldn't want to feel as though he was subtracting from Eddie's fun.
"Come on," Eddie says as he stands, offering his hand out to Buck. "Let's go find ourselves some dinner and go home."
Buck takes the offered hand and hauls himself to his feet, leaning against Eddie's side.
"Sounds like a plan."
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Putting this behind a Read More so no one can get mad at me.
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What do you crave while you're on your period? I always crave yogurt
a hysterectomy
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have you ever watched 911?
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wait ok now i’m curious how old were you when you joined tumblr and how old are you now
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Can I offer you a Derek in this trying time?
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