thepoetproject · 2 years
We can fall into the trap of thinking we're better friends to others than they are to us. Our brains are designed to focus on what's wrong more than what's right, so when we think about our relationships, we look at them through that lens. We focus on the friend who flakes on us, more than we'll admit when we flake on others. We feel like we're there for others, but no one is there for us. We set these standards and expectations that aren't met, then we feel bad for ourselves, even though we rarely live up to those standards ourself.
The truth is, other people can only be that great to us if they could read our minds. We're not the greatest communicators and it's easier to complain that someone didnt' give us what we needed, instead of asking if we even made those needs clear.
You know who can read your mind? YOU. so go ahead and make a copy of yourself and be that best friend/partner that you seek. You know your needs, and can honour them, you know your triggers and can work around them, and the things you don't know about yourself, you can discover through paying attention to who you are (aka sitting quietly and doing nothing).
Being that amazing person to yourself allows you to also be that amazing person to others, without the need of total reciprocity. Worst case, if you find yourself in a situation where you're giving and giving, and nothing is received, then you can be that great friend that tells yourself to walk away from that unhealthy situation. Love and friendship are actions more than feelings, so focus on how you can act upon them, and less on how they make you feel. It's no one else's job to make you feel good, but you. Don't be the martyr that puts everyone else before you then complains that no one appreciates you; put yourself first, and appreciate yourself, and love because you can, and not because you want it returned to you.
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thepoetproject · 2 years
👏 Couldn't have said it better
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thepoetproject · 2 years
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thepoetproject · 2 years
Love languages made easy 🌮
If you want to learn more about how to receive love AND show others that you love them, check out my new book at HUMBLETHEPOET.COM/LOVE ❤️
Source: @dadtalktoday
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thepoetproject · 2 years
Feeling ENVY can be a GOOD THING, here's why 👇
A lot of you may feel like envy is a "negative" emotion that needs to be avoided at all costs. You may even feel guilty for feeling envious. But like all of our other emotions, there's a lot to learn from envy.
Here's how your envy can help you:
👉 Feeling envy shows you what matters to you and what you want
👉 When others have what you want, all that means is it's possible for you to get it too
👉 Envy allows you to celebrate other people authentically
My relationship with envy is something I wrote about in my new book, HOW TO BE LOVE(D), which has all sorts of counterintuitive advice that has made my life better.
It's releasing on Dec 27th, and you can find it anywhere books are sold 📚 AND at HUMBLETHEPOET.COM/LOVE ❤️
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thepoetproject · 2 years
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This is a quote from my new book, HOW TO BE LOVE(D), which is releasing in less than a week!
Order your copy now and secure your pre-order gifts while you still can 👉 HUMBLETHEPOET.COM/LOVE ❤️
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thepoetproject · 2 years
I wrote a book about LOVE and it's releasing on Dec 27. Get your copy at 👉humblethepoet.com/LOVE ❤️
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thepoetproject · 2 years
Want to win a chance to hang out with me in your city?? 🌍
Keep reading 👇
My new book HOW TO BE LOVE(D) is currently available for pre-order, and I'm giving away some dope gifts that are only available for a limited time.
If you order the book and submit your name and a copy of the receipt at HUMBLETHEPOET.COM/LOVE, you will get the following:
- A free guided meditation 🧘
- A chance to win a SIGNED copy of EACH OF MY BOOKS 📚
- A chance to have coffee with me in person ☕
Visit HumblethePoet.com/LOVE for more info ❤️
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thepoetproject · 2 years
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Happiness fueled by pleasure can only sustain you for so long. If you want to keep it going, you have to find your purpose (which can change over time).
But Humble, how do I find my purpose?
It's easier said than done, my handsome friend, but it starts with finding what you're obsessed with.
If you want to learn more about finding your purpose, it's something I wrote about in my new book, HOW TO BE LOVED, which releases at the end of the month.
This dope artwork is by @milanicreative 🙏
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thepoetproject · 2 years
3 reasons why people JUDGE 👨‍⚖️
Often, judgements people have about you have more to do with them. Instead of trying to change yourself based on what these people think, focus on finding a crowd that likes you for YOU.
And if you're one of those people who judge...reading my new book may help.
It's now available for pre-order. Get your copy at humblethepoet.com/LOVE ❤️
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thepoetproject · 2 years
Follow @humblethepoet for more good stuff like this
Settling for a life outside our truth leads to other destructive behavior and further damages our self respect.
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This is a quote from my new book on LOVE and it's now available for pre-order. Get your copy at humblethepoet.com/LOVE
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thepoetproject · 2 years
My new book 🤝 making you laugh AND cry
How to be Love(d) is releasing in less than a month! If you want your copy as soon as it releases, pre-order it now at humblethepoet.com/LOVE
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thepoetproject · 2 years
“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”
— Albert Camus, via Things No One Else Can Teach Us (Page 5)
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thepoetproject · 2 years
How often do you break your own heart? 💔
It's something we do so often that we don't even realize when we're doing it. In my new book, HOW TO BE LOVE(D), I explore how to create the best possible relationship with yourself.
It's now available for pre-order at humblethepoet.com/LOVE
#lovebook #quoteoftheday #humblethepoet
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thepoetproject · 2 years
Now who wouldn't want to read that?? 🙃
I've been through some shit.. but writing about it has allowed me to turn that shit into sugar. Luckily for you, you can absorb those lessons all by just reading my new book, HOW TO BE LOVED. It's now available for pre-order at humblethepoet.com/LOVE
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thepoetproject · 2 years
3 myths about love you may have been believing..
If you want to learn more about love, I wrote a book all about it and it's now available for pre-order. Get your copy at humblethepoet.com/LOVE
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thepoetproject · 2 years
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