Who voted for Doug Jones?
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Welcome to our latest Youth Discussion post! In today’s post, we’re discussing how Doug Jones won the Alabama senate race earlier this week becoming Alabama’s first Democratic senator in 25 years. In this post we’ll be discussing  who Doug Jones is, the impacts of Doug Jones’ victory, who voted for Doug Jones and his opponent, Roy Moore. (more…)
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Is compulsory voting worth it?
Countries such as the United Kingdom have a low turn out which lowers the legitimatcy of the UK governmen. Would a compulsory voting system work in the UK or even the US? Carry on reading to find out what compulsory voting is, the disadvantages and advantages of it.  (more…)
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[US] Is Trump any closer to getting his wall?
One of Trump’s main points during the election campaign was that he would crack down on illegal immigrants from Mexico. He promised to his supporters that if he became president that he would force Mexico to pay for a wall that would be built on the Mexican border.  But is Trump any closer to getting his wall than he was on the 20th January?  Funding For the majority of Trump’s election campaign…
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North Korea fires missiles over Japan
North Korea fires missiles over Japan
Early on today, North Korea fired a missile over Japan that landed in the Pacific Ocean 1,180 kilometers from the Japanese coast. This triggered alarms in North Japan for people to take shelter as the missile passed over North Japan before landing in the Pacific ocean. What was the US’ response? (more…)
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[UK] Boris admits that the UK will pay divorce bill Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, has said that the UK will pay some money towards the Brexit divorce bill after David Davis saying a few months ago that the UK will not be paying any money at all for the divorce bill.
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How different voting systems work: Alternative Vote Welcome to the second post in our series "How different voting systems work" for our last post we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of…
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The UK's stance on Afghanistan
The UK’s stance on Afghanistan
Following President Trump’s decision to increase the amount of US troops in Afghanistan Sir Micheal Fallon, the secretary of state for defence for the UK has announced that there are no immediate plans to increase the amount of UK troops in Afghanistan.  Carry on reading to find out Fallon’s reaction and stance on Afghanistan. (more…)
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[UK] The Irish Border, what happens next?
[UK] The Irish Border, what happens next?
Free movement in the European Union has allowed for only a little hassle when it comes to the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, but with Brexit, what will the Irish border become? (more…)
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i just realized that i have a roommate and its april fools im going to turn a bunch of things in the house upside down and hide dinosaurs everywhere goodnight
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By HappyMonsters
This blog is Dedicated to anyone suffering from Anxiety! Please Follow Us if You Can Relate: ANXIETYPROBLEMS
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I’ll kill you. Thank you! Let’s play. Like we did back then.
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Grapes >>>
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Hello August, and hello back to school time! I am absolutely radiating with excitement about the commence of the new school year, feeling like this year, I will achieve everything I set my mind to and become undoubtedly unstoppable. As I move stuff into my new house, organize my schedule, read ahead in past textbooks, and apply for on campus jobs, the thrill of going back to university and learning about what I love is driving me euphoric.
But with schoolwork, part time jobs, bills to pay, and an effervescent social life, I myself expect to repeat bad habits I had last year — a big one including pulling all nighters, freaking myself out and running on energy drinks and McDonalds to get me through the tireless process of catching up on missed assignments or neglected studying.
While my first piece of advice would be not to allow yourself to pull an all nighter to begin with by staying on top of your work, I understand that it happens, and it has happened to me quite a bit first semester of university! If you would like to learn how to pull an all nighter the right way, read on for some tips and tricks I learned through sleepy eyes and an exhausted brain.
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What’s the Alternative Right and the Alternative Left? In the news recently, there has been a lot of talking about the "Alt right" and the "Alt left" but what do these terms really mean?
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Do you've to vote to be politically active in a democracy?
Do you’ve to vote to be politically active in a democracy?
A lot of young people reading this may not be old enough to vote but does this mean young people can’t discuss politics or become politically active in their society? No! There are various ways that young people can become politically involved in society other than voting. Carry on reading to find out how you can get involved in politics! (more…)
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