theratfromthesewer · 2 years
You make me feel safe Sirius Black x Y/n
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! This is my first fanfic ever, so please be nice. And also English is not my first Language so I'm sorry if there are mistakes !!
Sumary: Sirius has just ran away from the grimmauld place, but the Potters are not at home Pairings: Sirius B. x Reader + a little bit of James x Lily
Readers pronouns are not mentioned
! The characters in this FANFIC are NOT mine, and neighter is the gif :) !
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It was about a month since the summer holidays started.
Your parents left last week for vacation so you were left home alone.
However it wasnt much of a summer. For the past week it had been raining nonstop..
This night wasnt much different…the wind only got stronger and the sky darker.
There was a storm coming and you could feel it.
You often experience headaches whn theres a storm so you made yourself some tea.
As you were putting some honey in it you suddenly heard…barking?
It wasn't uncommon to hear barking in your neighborhood, since a lot of your neighbors had dogs..
You were just suprised someone left their dog out during a storm.
Perhaps it was just a stray dog?..
You decided to ignore the barking.
…That was until you heard scratches on your front door..
You quickly put everything down and rushed to the door.
When you opened it a big black dog bursted into your house.
It didnt go very far in tho..only a few steps in..
You could only stare at the drenched dog, as he was laying on your floor..
And then he turned into…a human? And on top of that none other than your almost a year long crush... Sirius Black..
What was going on?...
Now.. you and the Marauders were pretty close. After your bestfriend Lily started hanging out with them, because of her very obvious crush on none other than James Potter, and she dragged you along.
You mostly talked with Remus, since he seemed like the only one to have some common sense (not like he wasn't a prankster, but he was smart enough to not get caught..most of the time)
You also knew about his little “furry problem” and about what his friends did for him..
Along with Siriuss problems at home, and that he would often just go to Potter's house…so that was what surprised you.
Why wasn't he at Potters?
Why was he here?
The sudden movement of him sitting up made you stop what you were thinking..
You could only stare at him as he was shivering on your floor..he looked pretty beat up…
He was definitely hit with some dark curse...You were sure..
As your eyes made its way from his drenched blouse that was exposing his naked torso.. you made eye contact
“..Y/n…” He muttered quietly, his chocolate brown eyes starting to water. 
You didn't respond. 
You didn't know what to say.
You didn't even know what was going on (But you had a pretty good guess)  
The only thing you actually knew... was that he needed comfort...From you.
You quickly bent down, bringing him in for a hug.
His hands were gripping onto your back..like you were gonna disappear any second..as he loudly sobbed into your shoulder.
After a while, his grip on your back loosened.
His hands weakly fell to rest on your hips, as the sobbing got only more and more quiet..
“I'm sorry...” He mumbled while bringing his head up to look at you.
“Its okay..” You said, your hand moving up to cup his cheek as you stared into his now red and puffy eyes lovingly.
He completely melted into your touch, his eyes starting to water again. He moved one of his hand from your hips to cup your hand on his cheek. You both stared at each other lovingly..
“Do you want to take a hot bath, so you don't get cold?” You asked with a little smile. He just gave you a simple nod and weakly returned little smile.
You turned on the hot water in your bathroom, meanwhile Sirius only quietly stood there and stared at you
“I'm going to get you some clothes from my dads closet okay?”
You said and he just nod his head.
When you returned with the clothes in a new shirt yourself, since it got wet downstairs. Sirius was already naked in the bathtub, staring at the wall.
“I'm going to make us some hot tea alright?” You've put the clothes down and  made your way to the door.
“Please stay..”  He said quietly. You would hate yourself if you just left, so you sat down on the floor next to him.
He closed his eyes and rested his head on the wall next to him.
Your eyes drifted from his face to his hair. The hair that he would always give extra hair to, always keeping it clean and untangled now looked like a wet mess.
“Do you want me to wash your hair?” You softly asked without thinking. When you realized what you just asked him, you turned into a red mess, cursing yourself for asking such a weird question.
He turned to look at you, a little blush also creeping onto his cheeks. “Yes please” He smiled at you, closing his eyes.
So you began to work. 
Your slim hands massaging his scalp slowly with shampoo.
And soon enough, his hair wasn't a mess anymore. Congrats!!
After that he got out of the bathtub, you only turning around so he could put on some clothes.
You've made your ways to the kitchen and finished making tea, pouring both of you a cup. Meanwhile he was sitting on a chair quietly observing you.
Then you moved to the living room on the sofa, which was the warmest place in the house currently since you were facing the fireplace.
You sat down and wrapped yourselves with some blankets
He put his legs up on the sofa so he could lay down and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Thank you Y/n..” He mumbled sleepily. ”It's not a problem, i'm here for you.” You said as your eyes started to feel heavy.
“I love you” was the last thing you heard from him asi you were falling asleep.
…And there you were both fell asleep on the sofa in each others arms.
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theratfromthesewer · 2 years
When you arrive to some family gathering as a kid and have to greet everyone
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came home drunk last night and got way too excited to see my cat
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