therealbaberuthless · 1 day
i love explaining iwbft in one direction terms bc it's like what if harry was in love with zayn the whole time while larries were running the world with their fan theories but zayn didn't realize it and tbh didn't really care about harry bc he was too busy being famous and hating it but then harry kisses him and they both kinda go oh shit and then everyone goes oh shit bc everything goes to shit and then zayn gets stuck with a random fangirl who has a fanpage for him and constantly retweets stuff about him and liam being together and he goes oh shit and then runs away to his family home and then liam and harry run after him and harry gets stabbed and hospitalized while liam's girlfriend is publicly revealed and the whole world goes oh shit
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therealbaberuthless · 10 days
Princess Diana, died August 31, 1997
Leigh Whannel, born January 17, 1977
welcome back Diana
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the peoples princess
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therealbaberuthless · 15 days
actually @lobslol
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therealbaberuthless · 19 days
sometimes I become aware of when I’m slipping. It’s a slow, tiring, painful feeling. Something I can’t help. It’s a relentless cycle that doesn’t end, until it does, but if it keeps ending, does it really?
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therealbaberuthless · 1 month
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Painting study of Alexandra Trusova
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therealbaberuthless · 1 month
the way this was made for me
Hot To Go
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Song inspo!! - HOTTOGO by Chappell Roan
Tags / cw: headcanons, cheerleader!reader x dropout!ellie, fluff, Highschool au, Ellie is older by 1 year, reader is in senior year, 90s era
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Dropout!Ellie who always does her best to show up and be supportive of your cheerleading
She always makes sure to pick you up every Friday night after practice, long after the sun has set and dew had started to form on the cold grass field.
She makes sure to wait by her pickup truck in the parking lot, leaning against the drivers side door and listening to music on her walkman until you come over to meet her.
She always greets you with a kiss on the cheek and one of her jackets to keep you warm in your thin uniform - the smell of her wrapped around you makes you feel so cozy.
Dropout!Ellie who lets you hangout with her in the back of her truck after practice, eating the worst junk food known to man as you gossip about people from your school
You’re sitting in the back of her truck, cuddling her under a shared blanket as you share a greasy cheese pizza - your legs intertwined as you try to feed her a slice with her eyes closed, making you both giggle as she fails miserably.
While she dropped out a couple years ago, she was still in the grade above you, so you have some shared memories about school. There are certain people she knows about, but most of them that you gossip about are complete strangers.
“No fucking way, he still goes there? Dude’s like a super duper senior at this point!”
Dropout!Ellie who won’t let you go home without a proper goodbye, leading to giggly make out sessions in her truck as you both try to hide from the automatic nightlights in your driveway.
Dropout!Ellie who sneaks into your school to watch your routines during matches, and somehow never gets caught.
At this point, you’re 99% sure she’s bribing the office ladies not to rat her out because they still have a soft spot for her.
Ellie never fucking tells you when she’s gonna show up, so every single time it takes you by surprise when you see her hiding behind the bleachers and cheering you on as you balance at the top of the pyramid.
And every single time, you almost fall from how distracted you get.
Dropout!Ellie who tries to involve herself with your schoolwork and be helpful, but is the exact opposite of what she attempts to do.
You’re studying for finals at the park while Ellie swings upside down on some random tree branch, blasting rock so loud that you can hear it all the way on the bench.
All of a sudden you hear her run over to you, leaves crunching under her feet, and two heavy hands landing on your shoulders
“So whatcha doinggg??”
She immediately regrets asking, because now you’ve trapped her next to you and planted a massive textbook in front of her to help you study.
“Babe- I dropped out in grade ten there’s no way I can help with any of this shit-”
Secretly, she gets a little sad sometimes because she can’t connect with you about school or share classes with you since she dropped out.
Dropout!Ellie who tried doing your makeup once, and you never let her go near it again because of how bad it was.
“No- Ellie it’s meant to be sparkly on the inner corner-”
“Stop with the fucking medical terms and just let me-”
You were 27 minutes late to practice that day because of how much Ellie insisted she do your makeup even though it wasn’t necessary.
You spent those 27 minutes desperately trying to wipe off the bright blue glitter she’d spread all the way up to your eyebrows.
Sometimes you still find pieces of glitter in your carpet from the whole fiasco.
You help her feel better, though, by letting her pick out which bows to put in your hair and which colours you can use for eyeshadow during games.
Dropout!Ellie who makes sure she’s always there with you during games, even when she can’t make it herself.
While you were busy getting dressed into your uniform, she was fiddling around with you pom-poms, eyeing all the pretty colours and sparkles.
She wanted to stay as long as she could until you had to leave for the game, because this time she couldn’t go with you.
But a sharpie on your desk caught her eye, and she suddenly had a small idea on what she could do.
And hours later, after the game, when you went to grab your stuff to leave, you noticed a tiny little black smudge on the handle of your pom-poms. And upon taking a closer look, a small smile made its way to your face after you saw your girlfriend’s faded initials hidden behind all the ribbons and plastic.
Dropout!Ellie who cannot wait for summer, when she can finally have you all to herself without school or practice or homework getting in the way.
Half of the summer you aren’t even sleeping at home. Instead, Ellie sneaks you out of the house and drives three hours into the middle of nowhere to look at the stars.
She puts up some blankets and pillows in the back of her truck, brings out a radio softly playing nirvana, and a Tupperware box of cookies she made to share as you lay in the back of her truck to stargaze.
She points out the bigger ones, and the ones making constellations to you as you wrap your arms around her and listen to her nerdy mumbling, slowly lulling you to sleep.
“See? That one there’s called Ursa Major. I uh, read it somewhere a while back in one of those astronomy books you got me.”
She giggles at your quiet chirps to her explanations as your slowly fall asleep, before pulling a blanket over you and lets you drift off under the stars.
And when you wake up - still outside in the back of her truck - resting on her now sleeping chest, you glance at Ellie and her resting expression. You watch how it becomes blanketed by the early morning sunrise, and you listen to how the radio is playing some indie country artist you couldn’t name.
And after a while, you decide that, despite the fact she’s a dropout and your a straight A cheerleader, and despair the fact that it is the most random pairing ever, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Taglist: @happysparklingshadows @irelandzo @r3starttt @iamaboringrattat @genderfluidlesbain999 @slut4mascss @rxreaqia @kylorey25 @massivepeacefemme @elliewilliamsfavborderhopper @ratdungeon @elxarw @mariasabanahabanabana @vvynia @abbyshands @littlegingerperson5 @flowersforvi
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therealbaberuthless · 1 month
the Winchester brothers đŸ€ twin moments
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brothers + synchronize
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therealbaberuthless · 1 month
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therealbaberuthless · 2 months
Literally it’s tragic
why the fuck is adam stanheight exactly the adam in blink-182's adam's song
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therealbaberuthless · 2 months
the year is 2025. the LONG anticipated saw XI has just hit theaters worldwide. you’re sitting in the theatre and “Hello Zep” begins to play. tensions are high. suddenly, he appears. Adam Stanheight, in the flesh. he’s alive. he’s been alive the whole time. the scene quickly cuts to a 1.5 second clip of Adam and Lawrence fucking on the bathroom floor. the credits roll.
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therealbaberuthless · 2 months
hiii, i just discovered your blog recently and i adore it, your writtings are very amazing😭, i was just wondering if you could possible write about daryl with a brazilian reader? like she has a big curly hair and is very optimistic and happy most of the time? i am from brazil and i never really found any writtings about my country, but i would apreciate if you write something about itđŸ™ŒđŸœ, sorry for my bad english
Feel The Rhythm In Your Soul | Daryl Dixon x Fem! Brazilian!Reader
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Summary: Of all the things you thought would happen at Deanna Monroe's party, being asked to dance by your quiet, shy partner wasn't what you expected. And you certainly didn't expect to have to teach him how to dance.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Alexandria, pre Saviour arc.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 830.
A/n: Finally finished this request. Sorry for the long wait :'). This was really fun to write, though! Also, I'm sorry if any Portuguese translations are incorrect. I used Google translate for this. If anything is wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it! (Translations will be at the bottom.)
“Daryl, acalme-se. You won't be able to move right if you're so tense.”
Daryl huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, giving you a frustrated look. “M'not tense. Dancin' s'jus' fuckin' impossible.”
You shook your head and gave him a huge smile. You stepped behind him and readjusted his body, before stepping in front of him again. “It's not impossible. You just got to become one with the music. Feel the rhythm in your soul, and let your body do the rest. Don't overthink it too much.”
Daryl grumbled something under his breath before sighing. “Alrigh'. Show me again,” he nodded, his lips twitching up at the small squeal of delight you emitted.
Sometimes he wondered how someone as pessimistic and brooding like him got lucky enough to get with someone as energetic and full of life as you. Despite everything you've endured in this cruel, unforgiving world, you remained optimistic, hopeful, full of life.
You remained his happy girl.
“Incrível,” you replied happily. “Just follow my lead, okay?”
“Alrigh',” Daryl responded. He tried his best to follow your slow movements, trying to get it perfect for you just to hear that beautiful laugh of yours again.
When he had asked you to teach him how to do one of your traditional dances, you had excitedly pulled him aside to teach him something called a Samba, even if the music wasn't exactly the best to do it to. From what you had told him, you were only teaching him the basics. Basic footwork and basic handwork.
Basic my ass, he thought to himself as he struggled to follow your lead. He had never danced before and was beginning to realise that he had two left feet when it came to this activity. However, despite having been trying to teach him for half an hour, you refused to write him up as a lost cause. You'd simply smile brightly, beautiful eyes sparkling up at him while you reassured him that he would get it right soon. You were endearing to him like that.
Surprisingly, Daryl had managed to follow your instructions without any hiccups this time around. He had actually done pretty well, considering his inability to dance. He was kind of proud of himself. And so were you.
“Bom trabalho, lindo garoto! VocĂȘ estĂĄ fazendo isso!” you exclaimed happily, throwing yourself into his arms and hugging him tightly.
Ignoring the looks the other shallow minded Alexandrians were sending his way, he smiled softly and embraced you gently. He wasn't one for public displays of affection, preferring to keep that part of your lives private. However, when you were this excited and sent him that absolutely radiant smile of yours, he couldn't be bothered. You were his perfect girl.
“Peach, ya know I love it when ya speak Portuguese, but yer strictly English speaking partner needs a translation,” he whispered into your long, curly hair, smiling at the giggle you let out.
“Sorry. I was just saying that you were doing it. You completed one basic Samba routine,” you explained, pulling back from the hug to look at him. “I'm so proud of you. You'll be doing full Samba routines with me in no time.”
Daryl gave you a small smile. “M'lookin' forward to it,” he responded, suddenly looking quite nervous. “But m'done fer tonigh'. Vamos para casa, linda.”
You gasped in surprise, before smiling widely. “Daryl, did you just—”
“Speak Portuguese?” he finished for you, nodding hesitantly. “Yeah. I found a book and have been tryna learn fer ya. Y'know, so ya can speak yer language more often and have someone understand ya.”
Happy tears started to well up in your eyes. You stepped forward and softly embraced him, resting your head against his chest.
“Muito obrigado. I love you so much,” you whispered against his chest.
A beat of silence passed. Daryl pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, feeling his heart begin to flutter uncontrollably. He closed his eyes and focused really hard, recalling one of the first things he taught himself to say in your language.
“Eu tambĂ©m te amo.”
Translations (BASED ON GOOGLE TRANSLATE! I DON'T SPEAK PORTUGUESE SO THIS IS MOST LIKELY INCORRECT. Please feel free to comment the correct translations for me and I will fix it!)
Acalme-se: Calm down.
IncrĂ­vel: Incredible.
Bom trabalho, lindo garoto! VocĂȘ estĂĄ fazendo isso!: Good job, pretty boy! You're doing it!
Vamos para casa, linda: Let's go home, beautiful.
Muito obrigado: Thank you so much.
Eu também te amo: I love you too.
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therealbaberuthless · 2 months
😞😞💔💔 @lobslol
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therealbaberuthless · 2 months
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average bisexual woman with a cold sitting in her office (the toilet) writing her next best selling novel (dirty spn au vampire smut)
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therealbaberuthless · 3 months
​i lied. i don't like sex. open heart surgery
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therealbaberuthless · 3 months
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I love it SO MUCHđŸ«¶đŸ»
Credit : @artsimmys
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therealbaberuthless · 3 months
i am a FAGGOT
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therealbaberuthless · 3 months
Reblog to tell zionists to fuck off your blog. If you say you aren't a zionist but still get offended then uhhh sorry hun but this is exactly for you <3
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