theredbookofwestmarch · 7 months
When you got the Evangelion theme in your head but you're an inanimate object
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Going into Hobbit food mode for Gondorian New Year. Just started the FotR extended edition and will watch all three today. Happy new year to all of Middle-earth!
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Is this thing on?
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I'm already at 19% to goal, y'all! Every share helps! What a huge blessing.
Trying the fundraiser thing for this broken tooth! I found a fundraiser site that says it doesn't charge transaction fees OR take money from the fundraiser - they rely solely on donations to keep running. That means whatever I'm given actually gets to me! I am setting a goal of $500 and will continue to post updates marking its progress.
I also have PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, and Facebook Pay if you'd rather go that route!
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Just made this.
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FYI: I am automatically losing a lot of respect for people who predetermine that they’re going to hate “Batman v Superman” and therefore either aren’t bothering to go see it for themselves, or they’re going in and hating it because they’ve already decided they’re going to.
I’ve seen a few defenses, and I’m just gonna go ahead and get rid of those for you.
1) “You haven’t been a lifelong fan like me.” Listen, folks. Some of you haven’t known me very long, but you need to understand that I’ve been a BatFan since just about day one. My parents took me to the theatre to see Michael Keaton’s “Batman” when I was a baby, and they told me later that I just sat there and watched the movie (same with “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”). This photograph is from a few years later. I could share a lot of photos of myself from over the years in my various cosplays and merch and all of the Batman-related things I’ve done. But I don’t feel like that’s necessary.
2) “You love the Marvel universe more.” Overall, yes. But there are only two comic book characters EVER who beat Batman and Joker for me, and that’s Rogue and Gambit. The entire Batman universe is wonderful and incredibly deep, and has many of my favorite comic characters and storylines in it.
3) “But the critics are saying..” Excuse me? The critics loved “Batman and Robin” when it first came out. That’s the movie that killed the Batman franchise for eight years, until Christopher Nolan could reboot it. Also BatNipples. Are you seriously going to let those “critics” decide whether or not you like something? That’s like saying Donald Trump is your biggest rolemodel when it comes to judging people. How about you think for yourself and decide on your own, ONCE YOU’VE SEEN THE MOVIE and not a minute before, whether you like it?
4) “It doesn’t follow the established canon.” First of all, that’s not true. It took elements from several different storylines, most of which I noticed was from “the Dark Knight Returns”. Second, if you’re expecting an exact remake, you’re not only being unrealistic, but you’re proving your own smallmindedness. Let this be its own entity.
Listen, people. I’ve seen it three times now in three days. And even though there were things I had issues with, I liked it. Don’t go in expecting Oscar material. That’s been a major problem with DC movies. They take themselves too seriously, and the fans expect a lot more than the movies can deliver. That’s why we haven’t seen a full-fledged DC movie universe. People expect too much, and the movies can’t gain enough popularity to build a franchise, so there has to be yet another reboot. It’s a comic book movie. Treat it and the subsequent films as such and you’ll live a much happier life, believe me.
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It’s Sassy Sunday! Tune in this week to get in on some Hobbit-sass action.
#lotr #hobbit #Thorin #Bilbo #BilboBaggins #thorinoakenshield #Thranduil #Thrandy #DwarfRacistPartyDad #Elfie #Sass #sassy #SassySunday #Sunday #majesty #smajestass
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Wisdom Wednesday:
When I changed my voter address, I also finally got my party affiliation changed so I can vote for the candidates I prefer in the primaries, not just the main election.
You’ve only got a couple of days to get it done, people. Register to vote. Your voice matters. If everyone who said “my vote doesn’t mean anything” would actually vote, our elections would be quite different. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
-Hannah Solo
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It’s Sassy Sunday, everyone! Tune in this week to hear Harrison Ford tell George Lucas:
“I do what I want.”
#sass #sassy #SassySunday #Sunday #sassmaster #HarrisonFord #HanSolo #HanYolo #GeorgeLucas #StarWars
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Wisdom Wednesday:
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It’s Sassy Sunday! Don’t be afraid to sing the song.
#lotr #hobbit #Thranduil #DwarfRacistPartyDad #Elfie #Thrandy #RandyThrandy #Sass #Sassy #SassySunday #Sunday #Disney #Gaston #antlers #decor
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The real reason for the war.
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It’s Sassy Sunday! Get out there and party like the Elvenking!
#lotr #hobbit #Thranduil #DwarfRacistPartyDad #Thrandy #SassySunday #sass #sassy #Sunday #Bilbo #Frodo
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Now it’s complete. I could still work on details but I need to move on.
A council of war in Imladris, with Glorfindel, Elrond and Erestor.
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