theredlumas2 · 3 days
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theredlumas2 · 3 days
during my school dnd club our cleric was absent and we had to go through a gate iirc, one of our party members was a snake thing or smth iirc (i’m going to be repeating iirc a lot) and when trying to go under the gate she failed. so she broke her back to get out. she almost fucking died and we had to get her to a fucking magical hospital place thing
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theredlumas2 · 3 days
i still don’t know the definition of intersex my brain is small
Reminder for this pride month.
Here is a list of sources you SHOULDN'T listen to about intersex issues & bodies
Anyone who uses the term "DSD"
The medical establishment in general
The trans community
Trans forums
Perisex (non-intersex) people in general
Futanari porn
Here is a list of sources you SHOULD listen to about intersex issues & bodies
Intersex advocacy groups
Intersex people
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theredlumas2 · 3 days
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theredlumas2 · 3 days
i’m not sure if i want one or both
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the money skull, reblog for money and or skulls
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theredlumas2 · 4 days
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theredlumas2 · 4 days
now that i’m seeing this it’s making me want to boot up Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and Halo 3 again with voice chat turned on
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theredlumas2 · 4 days
idea: a really hot power outlet
go do whatever you want with that
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theredlumas2 · 4 days
reblogging so i can see this later
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theredlumas2 · 4 days
what the fuck is a hylics
pick one. this is your blind date
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
(assume that whoever you get is single)
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theredlumas2 · 5 days
no, you don’t understand
i WANT THESE THINGS in my country.
def not to replace trees, but just.. just look at it
these things look so fucking futuristic for some reason, hell it kinda looks like a portal to another dimension
i want to touch it. i want to touch the funny algae box
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theredlumas2 · 7 days
still waiting for ralsei to eat the moss
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warm moss would go hard in winter can't wait to eat it when summer ends
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theredlumas2 · 8 days
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i am so sorry. the autistic intrusive thoughts got me.
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Hey jsyk it’s 2018 and if you’re still drawing characters with big lips like THIS, even if they’re pale/not black, it’s fucking racist. Stop doing it.
No excuses. “It’s a stylistic choice!” It’s a RACIST stylistic choice.
“Idk how else to draw big lips!” That’s because you relied on racist caricatures and are a bad artist. Teach yourself. Learn. If you’re not willing to do that, then you are a bad, racist artist.
“But it’s part of the character design!” Yeah, and it’s racist. If it’s your OC, then change it. If it’s not your OC, make the right choice and draw them with normal looking bigger lips instead of this racist monstrosity.
And if this post makes you uncomfortable because it’s calling you out for stuff you’ve done, good. Fix it. Own up to it. Grow.
If you see this and you’re first thought is to defend this: you are racist. You are part of the problem. Congrats. Now work on yourself and unlearn that.
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theredlumas2 · 8 days
the biggest brain idea is your ID having whichever druidic circle on it
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this started as a joke but then i started actually thinking about it and now im really annoyed that IDs have this one letter that doesnt mean anything for cis people and is a huge pain in the ass for trans people when we could instead have literally lifesaving information so emergency medical services could just check ur wallet to see which blood to give you so you dont die or whatever But No
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theredlumas2 · 8 days
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Change.org - Petition To Hire 1,000,000 People To Put Their Fingers In The Shoot Hole Of Peoples’ Guns So They Can’t Shoot Them
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theredlumas2 · 8 days
you have 0 notes here have one note
How is bnha anime of the decade...... they aren’t even anime of the hour of the minute of the second
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theredlumas2 · 8 days
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Demoman: Blue and yellow Macaw/ Orange Macaw Heavy: Spruce Grouse/ Ptarmigan Engineer: Ploceidae/Pungmeis
Scout: Northern cardinal/ Blue Jay Soldier: Bald Eagle/ Golden Eagle Pyro: ???/??? Medic: Dove/ Luzon bleeding-heart Spy: Crow/ Albino Crow Sniper: Owl/ Snow Owl
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