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Handmade custom furniture
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Tropical Mango Yogurt Smoothie
Green Ginger Peach Smoothie
Hearty Fruit and Oat Smoothie
Tropical Blueberry Smoothie
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You get black or white.
The problem with our thought is that we believe them. They don’t come with varying opinions. You get black or white.
Make sure you’re trying to understand both sides of a situation before you lash out and look like a complete fool.
A little reasoning might get you out of more jams than one.
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Bake it.
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She said she was making cake.
For whom I don’t know. I can’t make too big of a deal about what she’s doing when she’s so far away. Shed be with me if she could be.
No doubt.
But I swear if that guy got cake and some special attention, I’ll have to feel violated.
That’s my baker girl. She bakes my cakes and makes me feel good.
That girls got the magical.
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What boat?
Who would have thought your life would come down to ten dollars. I mean have a pizza on way that cost that. I couldn’t give him the help he wanted this time, so instead I just said, “I’m in the same boat as you right now”
I mean my life has yet to come to a point where ten dollars makes or breaks me, but his has. Over and over again he finds himself in situations that are worse than a rock and a hard place.
He’s blamed everyone but himself. He’s done everything but take responsibility.
But you can only repeat a situation so many times before you lose credibility, and people start to question your motives. The truth is, you weren’t ever going anywhere.
Just a stagnant being taking up valuable real-estate and hoping that everyone comes to rescue you from yourself.
What boat? This time I let you drown.
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And nothing is as it seems.
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Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.
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