therionizcd · 4 years
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( rly quick bday sketch for the z man @zelotae !! )
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therionizcd · 4 years
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(breaking from comm work...drawin vel as always...)
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therionizcd · 4 years
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( I came up with the idea of a faefolk!magilou yesterday and its taken over my brain ever since. thankfully she’s got a big strong werewolf to get her out of trouble )
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therionizcd · 4 years
free doodles of your muse! *quality not guaranteed.
for @therionizcd​!
you can probably tell where i just gave up but OH WELL
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therionizcd · 4 years
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i just got back from AseliaCon and decided to jump into Berseria to see how it was and it’s yanked me right back into Tales hell so hello again
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therionizcd · 4 years
That’s the spirit! The very same spirit that probably got them into this mess in the first place but it’s still the spirit! There was even an odd sense of glee rising in his gut at seeing the knight get walloped so badly. A slight hint of sadism maybe, but they weren’t exactly on good terms now were they? Should have just stayed home today, huh mister knight?
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“What- oh. Yeah, probably.” Less time admiring the handiwork, more time moving those legs. “How about you lead, since you’re the one who is going to be doing the punching and all. I got your back, don’t worry!” And being at the back usually means less fighting for him so win-win!
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"Sure, I'll hold you to that." He can’t see the half-assed smirk Velvet makes while she swings open the formerly guarded door. "Otherwise don't be surprised if you end up like that guy in your future."
Likely went without saying but hey, nothing wrong with reinforcing the point. With a common enemy at both of their heels she certainly wasn't going to tolerate being ditched if the other turned tail. The doors led outside and into an empty alleyway. A cautious glance around the corner is greeted by knights toting around lanterns as they patrol the streets.
"Out in full force--" Approaching light forces her back into the alley. While waiting for the patrolman to back off, Velvet ponders their options. Once the lantern's glow recedes, she addresses her companion with folded arms. 
"Well I can't really tell an exit point from here...if there's any, but it's either we rush through the streets or stick to the shadows." Personally she'd much prefer the latter unless Zelos had other ideas..
@therionizcd​ asked: “   under   the   circumstances ,   i’ve   been   shockingly   nice  .   ”
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“Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go apeshit?”
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therionizcd · 4 years
(I changed my icon to my redraw thing I did on twitter...)
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therionizcd · 4 years
( This is the sort of thing that’s going to sit like a rock in my chest unless I speak up so here I go.
Of course as a black person myself I support Black Lives Matter and ACAB by extension. These last few days haven’t been kind but I’ve been pushing through to keep myself informed and supportive.
I implore you guys to do the same, to the capacity that you can handle, but not let yourself become so disconnected to the point of ignorance.
If our beliefs happen to clash, then block me. I’ll leave it at that. 
Thank you. )
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therionizcd · 4 years
send me a "✎" and ill draw your muse
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therionizcd · 4 years
✎ bc ur art is lovely BUT ONLY IF U WANT
(I’d never pass up a chance to draw the Z Man!!)
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therionizcd · 4 years
The woman had paused but Isaac kept the pistol trained on the daemon. When it lunched itself at the woman Isaac fired again, but the bullet sailed clean overhead as a massive red and black arm  grabbed the daemon. Even though Isaac could see the arm was extended from the woman Isaac didn’t believe his eyes. In a second it was all over. The lizard daemon was held by the neck, presumably dead, and had changed back into a human while the woman looked down at Isaac.
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“I…” His body tensed in horror as the body was tossed aside like an unwanted rag doll. The request to put away his weapon reminded Isaac his left arm was still out, pointing the gun at her. “Sorry.” He murmured and slid it back into its holster under his jacket and out of sight. There was a lot of that woman to look at and Isaac felt more comfortable having his eyes on anything but her.
She’s said it didn’t matter, but… “I’m here because a third party was worried that the daemon still was at large, but it looks like you have it under control.” Isaac wanted to run to the bandit and check on them, but Aeon had ordered them to be killed. Ah, he should ensure they were dead at least, even if he wasn’t allowed to heal them.
Isaac pushed through the foliage to bandit’s side and started checking for a pulse. If they were still alive he’d have to stab them through the heart. “Did you break the neck?” He asked the woman.
Velvet holds back the urge to strike when they rush towards the corpse. Sheesh, they could have said something before rushing past. With a click of her tongue she clenches her claws into a fist and her arm returns to its bound form. With a careful eye on the other she casually paces to the other side of the body.
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"Yeah. Among other things." She shrugs dismissively, not caring to elaborate on specifics. They could see for themselves if they were intent on examining the body in the first place. This must have been the first time they've seen a daemon turn back into a human, so the wounds sustained probably didn't translate well when reverting back… Prominent darkened bruises and a myriad of scars confirms the notion.
"Though I'm rather curious about this 'third party' you mentioned." She says pointedly. Only the Abbey and the Bloodwings came to mind when dealing with such affairs, with the latter working in the shadows. "You're armed to the teeth and rogue daemon slayers aren’t very common--if at all." Who else bothered to concern themselves with this? More importantly: were they an ally or an enemy?
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therionizcd · 4 years
Lizard daemons was on the objective list for today. They’d been causing problems for long enough and Aeon had decided intervention was needed. Isaac had been briefed on how daemons worked in this world. It wasn’t like his world where they existed in another realm and sought to control his. They were apart of this world, just like every other living organism, but some daemons were birthed from negative thoughts and emotions in humans and turned the human into a daemon. Isaac wouldn’t be killing mindless monsters today, he was still murdering people. But…it had to be done.
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Isaac checked over his gear; a long sword, two flintlock pistols, a chain whip and three bottles of holy water. Holy Water usually did nothing, but this stuff was special. If a prayer was said before using it it would burst into a ‘sacred flame’ that would only burn evil and darkness. As unbelievable as it was, Isaac had been saved by it a few previous times.
The portal opened to drop Isaac off in the world his mission was in, and it wasn’t long before Isaac was on the trail of a fight. Hopefully Aeon set him on the path to find the daemons, and wasn’t letting him wander into someone else’s fight. There was splinters of wood, broken tree limbs, dirt pushed around–every sign that a fight was cutting through the forest.
Isaac reached a cliff and saw a lizard clambering up it like a gecko. A pistol was raised and aimed. When he fired Isaac saw how little accuracy it had compared to his usual equipment, hitting the shoulder of the daemon instead of it’s spine. When it flinched he spotted a woman with long, tangled back hair trying to go after it. Who was she? Why was she all the way out here? Seeing her blade drawn gave Isaac enough to guess.
The bullet pierces the hide and lodges itself within the shoulder causing it to seize up. In a futile attempt to keep its grip, it begins to drag one claw down the cliff side. Meanwhile the echoing sound of the shot catches Velvet off guard and she skids to a halt. To her knowledge the only thing that could make that particular noise was Siegfried, the weapon Zaveid carries. What was even stranger was that she hadn’t caught a scent of anyone else in the forest--at least not until this very moment. She whips around to see a complete stranger this deep in the woods, with the weapon in question. What the hell was going on? 
Seeing she is currently distracted gives the daemon an idea. They decide to use this chance to push itself off the cliff side and into a pounce. They couldn’t kill her but they could probably knock her down and then run like hell. They’d live to see another day!
--Well it would have been a good plan if their neck wasn’t caught between red and black claws. In an instant Velvet brings forth the daemonic arm, stopping any plan for ambush. “Tch..trying to get the jump on me...” Before the daemon has a chance to retaliate, a forceful twist of her wrist silences it for good. After taking in some of its power--minor as it was--the daemon's body had slowly turned into their original form: a simple human bandit. Figures. 
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"I don't recall anyone else stepping up to take this job." Velvet turns her attention to the one behind her again. With someone toting around an arsenal like that they would've been the talk of the town. Were they some kind of new exorcist? The sudden thought made her tense, tossing the corpse into the brush and brandishing her claw before her. 
"D-Doesn’t matter. I'll be taking it from here...so you can put away that weapon of yours."
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therionizcd · 4 years
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By new_englander_______
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therionizcd · 4 years
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therionizcd · 4 years
“You know what? You’re right.”
A fist collides with the helm of the guard creating a satisfying dent in the metal. Reeling from the sudden blow, she follows up with another punch square in the chest and a leg sweep to tip the balance. They could barely let out a grunt before crashing to the ground. Velvet pauses to watch the body for any retaliation. . .no movement--not even a twitch.
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“Out cold." She rubs her knuckles, giving a parting kick to the stomach. "We should probably get out of here before anyone notices.”
@therionizcd​ asked: “   under   the   circumstances ,   i’ve   been   shockingly   nice  .   ”
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“Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go apeshit?”
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therionizcd · 4 years
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(This weekend’s sleep schedule hasn’t been great so I drew these to help keep me busy while I fix it)
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therionizcd · 4 years
There’s eyes on her--though not a terribly uncommon occurrence. Usually more wary of too much unwanted attention, Velvet didn’t think some patron regular trying their luck was worth much of her energy. A quick glare typically dismisses any onlooker, but it seems that particular tactic has failed her this time. 
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“No thanks. I think I’m good remaining strangers.” Comes a mutter while idly rapping fingers against the countertop. “Besides, I don’t drink.”
He’s staring. Obviously. Though it’s not a leer but something closer to muted horror–he must be getting old, if his first thought is ‘wouldn’t you like a sweater?’ Ah, but just staring is rude, and comfortable in his own roost, he’s got to hear all about this new and very intriguing individual.
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   “Hey darlin’, you new in town? How ‘bout a drink, you an’ me, an’ get t’ know each other?”
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